- Time
- Post link
Thanks for this. I will definitely be using this thread as reference forevermore.
A polite request: That fan editors & preservationists keep their project threads (and thread titles) updated as to their status - whether their project is in the… ‘Planning’ or ‘Idea’ stages, if any ‘Help Needed’ is required, is a ‘Work In Progress (WIP)’, or hopefully ‘Finished’ & ‘Released’ - or even unfortunately ‘Unfinished’, ‘Cancelled’ or ‘On Hiatus’ etc.
The site staff also ask that fan editors & preservationists include information in the opening post of their project thread as to how they would like members to ask about obtaining their projects; whether that is by sending them a PM, or asking for link requests in the project thread itself, or by other means. To also follow our Fan Project Rules & OT.com Site Rules. Thank you.
Some information about The 2020 re-organisation of the ‘Fan Project’ sections of the site - and more…
If creating a new thread that is NOT a fan project… please give fellow members a clear idea of what the thread is about. For example, add ‘Query’, or ‘Info’, ‘Discussion’, ‘Help: looking for…’, ‘Help Wanted’, ‘Info Wanted’, ‘Has anyone done a project on X?’, or ‘Idea: for Project X’ etc to the thread title. It annoys members to see lazily titled threads that appear to be projects on here - to open them - and only to find it is some lazy git just looking for a project, or wanting a link, or more info, or wanting someone else to make a project for them etc. Please do not make new threads for which there are project threads already in existence.
Let us know if you see any errors or broken links… or if project threads / this Index requires updating. 👍
Also, if you have any suggestions for additional projects or threads to be added, please post them in here - thank you.
The Index Categories are…
• The Phantom Edit(s) | a catalyst for Star Wars fan edits
• Prequel Trilogy Edits
• Original Trilogy Edits
• Sequel Trilogy Edits
• Saga Edits
• 3-in-1 Edits (Prequel, Original or Sequel Trilogies etc)
• Single Film Edits: In the 9-film Star Wars Saga
• Single Film Edits: Beyond the 9-film SW Saga (1978 HS, Radio Dramas, the 2 Ewok films, SOTE, R1, Solo, + future GFFA releases)
• Live Action TV / Streaming Series Edits
• Animated Series Edits (including ‘Lego Star Wars’ fan edits)
• some ‘spare blank posts’ - for possible future categories / announcements; if required…
• Miscellaneous Projects (including fan edit documentary ideas, fan film projects, short stories etc)
• Book, Novel, Script, and Comic edits (including Fan Films of EU content)
• Deepfake Ideas & Projects
• Individual Scene & Deleted Scenes Projects (for / from any and all of the GFFA)
• Star Wars Gaming Projects
• Useful / Resource Tools & Info - for Fan Edits
• Ideas / Discussion Threads
• What Are The ‘Best’ Star Wars Fan Edits? (subjective discourse as to which Fan Edits are highly rated / liked / suit viewer interests)
A quick reminder that the Star Wars Preservation and Star Wars Fan Edit sections of the site are NOT the places to bash on certain eras or aspects of the films, actors, film-makers or owners - or any perceived ‘agendas’ or politics thereof.
There are far more relevant threads in the Beyond the Original Trilogy or General Star Wars Discussion to talk about this.
Critiquing a scene in the Star Wars Fan Edits section with the aim of improving it, removing it, altering it etc is perfectly fine. Statements such as ‘Disney sucks’ and ‘this film is so shit no Fan Edit can save it’ and so on, are not.
Fan Editors, Preservationists and members do not want the same sort of repeated comments and discussions in the ‘Fan Project’ areas - especially when they’ve already taken place (and continuing) in other more relevant sections of this site.
(and take the time to look around to see how this place works - and doesn’t - before posting requests for projects on here - thank you)
The OriginalTrilogy•com is a community where a ‘read first - post after’ mantra benefits everyone here - especially for the ‘Fan Project’ sections. We appreciate some may be excited to see the projects that feature on here - information on how to acquire them is readily available - yet patience is also required. If you bring impatience, entitlement, aggressive or vitriolic attitudes, personal attacks, or toxicity… then expect some choice words in return - and also expect your stay on here to be a short one.
Do NOT create a new thread asking ‘for a link to’… to Harmy’s Despecialized Editions, TN1’s 4K77/80/83, adywan’s Revisited Edits, the Hal9000 Edits, or any other project listed on this site. It is for you to take 5 minutes and go find the relevant project on here, for you to then read up on what the project is about, and then how to acquire it. Do not ask / expect others to do this simple task for you - we’ve had hundreds of such entitled requests over the years - and the patience of community members here understandably wears thin. If thousands of people have managed to find, read up on, and then acquire these projects listed on here over the years… then you can too. A little patience - and a ‘read first - post after’ mantra - goes a long way on here…
These ‘signpost’ threads, featuring useful info and links to the five most sought-after fan projects, may be of interest…
• Some info & help for Harmy’s Despecialized Editions of the Original Trilogy…
• Some info & help for Puggo’s Grande 16mm preservations of the Original Trilogy…
• Some info & help for TN1’s 4K77, 4K80 & 4K83 preservation projects of the Original Trilogy…
• Some info & help for adywan’s Revisited Editions of the Original Trilogy…
• Some info & help for the Hal 9000 Edits of the Prequel & Sequel Trilogies (+ more)
Obviously there are countless more projects in the four main Project Index threads in each of the ‘Fan Project’ sections of the site…
Star Wars Preservation : Star Wars Fan Edits and Misc. : Preservation of Other Properties : Fan Edits and Projects for Other Properties
A great deal of time, love, dedication, and effort… goes into the making of near-on all the projects that appear on here.
So if and when you do watch an Edit or Project, please remember to leave some feedback for the Editor / Preservationist - whether on a technical level, or for ideas for additional changes / edits or alternatives, some constructive criticism, any glitches or technical issues you may have noticed, how much you enjoyed it, or even just a simple ‘thank you’…
Reviews are very much appreciated and valued by the project creators - helping them improve for any future versions - or for any other prospective projects.
More information on the above can be found here:-
Please leave some feedback for the fan projects on here - or even a review… and join in with the discussions on this forum!
^ in the ‘How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + member FAQs thread - in General Assistance.
RoccondilRinon has very kindly made an OriginalTrilogy•com animated logo for use with any Preservation or Fan Edit projects:-
‘OT•com animated logo - NOW AVAILABLE for use in fan edits and other projects’ (by RoccondilRinon)
^ (if you’d like to give credit for the above animations please do so to St. Kilda Design - RoccondilRinon’s art and design brand; thanks)
Bluto’s comprehensive and quality Guide to Downloading Projects from Usenet thread, in the How-To’s and Technical Discussions section of the site, may be of interest for those members looking to acquire any available Projects this way.
ReverendBeastly’s STAR WARS: the alt.binaries.starwars thread may also be of interest.
StarkillerAG’s The Star Wars Fan Edits Request Thread: Request the links to Star Wars fan edits here - a useful thread.
Star Wars Fan Films / Shorts - a general discussion thread - a 2020 Wannabe Scholar thread (in ‘The Expanded Universe’ forum)
^ it also contains a ‘Mini-Index’ of Star Wars fan films / shorts that have their own dedicated threads on the OriginalTrilogy•com
The Phantom Edit(s) | a catalyst for Star Wars fan edits…
The Phantom Edit - a general discussion thread… - a 2004 thread
Episode II by the Phantom Editor - a 2005 thread
The Phantom Editor and Ep. III Question! - a 2006 thread
My HUNT for The Phantom Re-Edit (AKA The New York Version) - a 2016 thread
Phantom Edit Question - a 2012 thread
HD restoration of the phantom edits - a 2013 thread
The Phantom Edit and Attack of the Phantom HD version - a 2018 thread
Info: McCallum on TPM Edit in Empire Mag - 6/2005 - a 2005 thread
Lawrence Lessig (Copyright Lawyer) on the “Phantom Edit” - a 2005 thread
Why go BLU - Fanedit Lover’s Obligation??? - a 2011 thread
Wikipedia page for The Phantom Edit - link : Star Wars Fanpedia page - link : FanLore Page - link
A few articles from around the time of release on ‘The Phantom Edit’ - including quotes from George Lucas and Lucasfilm:-
‘Mystery of Star Wars Phantom Edit’ - from the BBC - June 2001 (with quotes from George & Lucasfilm)
‘Phantom Edit Deletes Jar Jar Binks’ - from the Zap2It website - June 2001 (via the Internet Archive’s WayBack machine)
‘Review - The Phantom Edit’ - from the Zap2It website - June 2001 (via the Internet Archive’s WayBack machine)
‘Star Wars: The Phantom Edit - Many say version is the way film should’ve been’ - from the Deseret website - June 2001
‘Mystery editor takes scissors to Phantom Menace’ - from The Guardian website - June 2001
‘The Phantom Edit’ - from the Salon website - November 2001
‘Fan edits and the legacy of The Phantom Edit’ - by Joshua Wille, from the Journal of Transformative Works website - 2014
A Three-part article on The Phantom Edit - by Kathy Bugajsky, in the Futurism section of the Vocal website - 2018:-
• ‘What Is ‘The Phantom Edit’? Part 1: A Brief Backstory’
• ‘What Is ‘The Phantom Edit’? Part 2: Controversy and Clones’
• ‘What Is ‘The Phantom Edit’? Part 3: The Editor Unmasked’
‘The Phantom Editor – The re-editor of Star Wars Episode 1 The Phantom Menace’ - audio interview at Steele Wars website
‘The Phantom Editor Responds To Ahmed Best – with Mike J Nichols’ - audio interview at Steele Wars website
‘George Lucas Predicts Fanediting Back in 1995’ - 2023 OT•com discussion thread, by SWOTFAN25
Fan Edit Legal Status - a 2020 thread, by Alderaan94
Legality, fan-edits, and more. Legality, fan-edits, and repercussions - a 2017 thread, by Mike O
Info Wanted: The Legality of Fan Projects - 2006 thread, by tlbauerle
^ also with a mention of MagnoliaFan being invited to Skywalker Ranch after George saw his Episode I fan edit. More on that in here.
OT•com’s Fan Edit / Preservation Forum Rules and FAQ & Dealing with People Selling Fan Projects threads.
In the July 2001 ‘Mystery of Star Wars Phantom Edit’ article on the BBC, Jeanne Cole - spokesperson for Lucasfilm, stated:-
“At the end of the day, this is about everyone just having fun with Star Wars.” She said the company did not pursue fans “as long as nobody crosses that line - either in bad taste or in profiting from the use of our characters [and IP]”.
^ an abridged screenshot of Jay’s announcement the OT•com site now had it’s won ‘Star Wars Fan Edits (and Other Projects)’ forum
Prequel Trilogy Edits
Bingowings’ The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread - a Prequel Trilogy Ideas Thread
DominicCobb’s OT Edits to Fit the PT (A Resource Thread, Hopefully) - info & resource thread
coconuts86’s Info Wanted: Should ADYWAN re-edit the prequels? - 2009 discussion thread
Hal 9000’s Prequel Trilogy Edits…
• Episode 1 : Cloak Of Deception (Released)
• Episode 2 : The Approaching Storm (Released)
• Episode 3 : Labyrinth Of Evil (Released)
MagnoliaFan’s MagnoliaFan Edits: Ep I “Balance Of The Force”, and Ep II “The Clone War” (Released)
• MagnoliaFan Edition Episode III-VI Titles (2004 discussion thread)
Q2’s (aka Thunderclap) The Fall of the Jedi Prequel Trilogy (Released)
JasonN’s Prequel Trilogy FanEdits (Released)
(Episode I: ‘Attack of the Federation’, Episode II: ‘Twilight of the Republic’, Episode III: ‘The Black Knight Rises’)
L8wrtr’s Prequel Trilogy Edits…
• Ep 1: Shadow of the Sith (Released)
• Ep 2: The Republic Divided (Released)
• Ep 3: Dawn of the Empire (Released) (links to FanEdit•org)
Octorox’s Prequel Trilogy Edits…
• Ep 1: TPM - Faster, More Intense! (Released) : Ep 1: TPM - ‘Faster, More Intense’ (Released) (links to FanEdit•org)
• Ep 2: Attack of the Clones, Sanded Down (Released) : Ep 2: AOTC - ‘Sanded Down’ (Released) (links to FanEdit•org)
• Ep 3: Revenge of the Sith, Another Happy Sanding (Released) : Ep 3: ROTS - ‘Extended Edition’ (Released)
Eyepainter’s Prequel Trilogy Edits…
• Episode I: The Eyepainter Fan Edit (Released)
• Episode II: The Eyepainter Fanedit (Released)
• Episode III: The Eyepainter Fanedit (Released)
Secior’s Prequel Edits; Episodes 1 & 2…
• Ep 1: Return of the Sith (Released) (links to FanEdit•org)
• Ep 2: Army of the Republic (Released) (links to FanEdit•org)
TM2YC (Ryan’s) 'Star Wars: Reborn’ PT fan edits (Released) : I’ve just finished Re-editing Episodes I-III thread
JeremyMWest-Esquire’s Star Wars Prequel Trilogy (Anti-Cheese Edit) (Released) - thread by bromeo.
• -=XyRx=-‘s -= Anti Cheese Edits =- thread
• SheevShotFirst’s Info: The TRUE Anti-Cheese Edits - This time in 5.1 Surround Sound, true 1080p, and .srt file! thread
• pd1ds’ Help: looking for… Anti-Cheese Edits Subtitle Files? thread
20th Century Mark’s The Prequel Trilogy - The 20th Century Mark Edits (Released) - thread by andy_k_250
Darth_Zounds’ SW Prequel Trilogy: Darth Zounds’ Cut (Released)
Crossvader’s My Prequel Trilogy edits (Released)
jedi_jra’s Recovered Episodes - A radical Prequel Edit (Workprint Released)
mredthefed’s Heavy Star Wars Prequel Trilogy - Heavy Metal Style Fan edit (Released)
Pagz’ Star Wars - The Vader Confidential Edits - Episode I, Completed and Available! (Released)
Tropperman’s The Hayden Christiansen-less alternate audio mixes: Episodes 2 and 3 (Released)
Smithers’ Smithers’ Star Wars 2-part Prequel Fanedits - a TPM Edit, + AOTC & ROTS into-1 film Edit : a Work In Progress
• Smithers’ Smithers needs your help!! - A Radical Collaborative Project
Vladius’ Star Wars: Vader (Released) (a 4-part Prequel era Edit)
jrs81’s Prelude to War (TPM & AOTC Combined) [NOW AVAILABLE WP 1.1]
jrs81’s The Prequels as Mando style episodes; PM for Links
Remedial Chaos’ Star Wars: Clone Wars - 10 Episode Live-Action Series (Prequel+ Edit) (Released)
Swazzy’s The Prequels: Show, Don’t Tell (A short film) (Workprint available)
PoeSkywalkee’s VADER A STAR WARS STORY (a WIP) : a 2024 Work In Progress
SpenceEdits’ Spence’s PT Edits Round 3 (AOTC is first up) (In Progress) : a 2023 Work In Progress
arabian’s Prequel Trilogy + Obi-Wan Kenobi = Prequel Trilogy : a 2023 Ideas / Work In Progress
DominicCobb’s Dom’s Useless Prequel Edits (WIP) : a 2017 Work In Progress
Mrebo’s Max’s Prequel Edits (a WIP) : a 2021 Work In Progress
TheAlaskanSandman’s The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP) : a 2019 Work In Progress
#BringOTBack’s The Star Wars Prequel Trilogy: The Reincarnated Edition - Suggestions Welcome : 2018 project - on hiatus
• #BringOTBack’s Idea: a ‘Prequel Trilogy Edit: The Reincarnated Edition’ - a Wishlist thread
Nicholas J. Michalak’s Star Wars Prequels: The NJM Edits (* part finished project *) : 2007 part-finished project
Aalenfae’s PREQUEL TRILOGY (Heavily delayed - computer exploded) discussion thread : 2011 part-finished project
TheTome’s Prequel Trilogy - Sagafied : 2010 unfinished project
LILIAN02230’s Star Wars Rise Of The Darkside (TPM/AOTC Mix) Fan Edit : a 2018 unfinished project
emanswfan’s Star Wars Prequels 35mm 4K Filmized Editions (a WIP) : a 2012 Work In Progress
BbqChkn’s My Very First Prequel Edits (and edits in general) (WIP) - : a 2024 Work In Progress
DominicCobb’s OT Edits to Fit the PT (A Resource Thread, Hopefully) - a 2019 discussion, info & resource thread
Original Trilogy Edits
Anakin Starkiller’s The Original Radical Redux Ideas Thread
Adywan’s Revisited Editions
• ANH:R (Released) … a HD version is being worked on…
• ESB:R (Released)
• ROTJ:R - a Work In Progress
• unofficial Revisited Saga discussion thread - thread by nightstalkerpoet
• ESB and ROTJ Wishlist - thread by teharri
• Adywan’s Star Wars Revisited in other languages - thread by Handzzz
• Adywan - ESB:R HD (French dub) available - thread by LILIAN02230
• Some info & help for adywan’s Revisited Editions of the Original Trilogy… - thread by oojason
Asteroid-Man’s Star Wars: Renascent - NOW AVAILABLE!!!
OmegaMattman’s Star Wars Trilogy: Hyperspace Collection - 720p AVCHD Project Complete & Available
xxtelecine 7xx’s Star Wars Continuity project (ALL 3 Films) (Released)
TMBTM’s “The War of the Stars”; a Star Wars “grindhouse” cut (Released) - thread by Ripplin
TMBTM’s The War of the Stars Part II - The Future in Motion (Released) (an ESB & ROTJ Edit)
mredthefed’s Heavy Star Wars - previews for The Rockin’ Fan edits! (Released)
Hal 9000’s The ‘Custom Special Edition’ That Almost Wasn’t, But Then Was (Released)
none’s AARRSSTW - WTSSRRAA: The Star Wars 1997 Special Edition made Specialier (Released)
Hal 9000’s 1997 Special Edition Audio Mixes, GOUT-Synced (Released)
PJ’s George’s Alternate Altered Trilogy (AKA, The GAAT) (ANH V1 Released)
dixonchase’s Star Wars 4-6 The Condensed Cut (Released)
BetaMedia’s Star Wars - Remaster Edition Fan-edit (released!) (Original Trilogy edit)
BetaMedia’s Star Wars - Remaster Edition V2.0 (released!)
IlFanEditor’s KILL SHEEV - A Tarantino-ish Original Trilogy Edit (WIP) : a 2018 Work In Progress
That guy with no name’s Star Wars ANH (Devastator edition) (Released)
That guy with no name’s Star Wars ESB (Devastator edition) (BRAINSTORMING PHASE) : a 2021 Work In Progress
That guy with no name’s Star Wars ROTJ (Devastator edition) (BRAINSTORMING PHASE) : a 2021 Work In Progress
Ahmesi’s Star War Trilogy / AM Respecialized Edition (WIP) : a 2022 Work In Progress
Possessed’s Possessed Star Wars Trilogy custom edition (* part-finished project *) : 2017 part-finished project
marduk666’s OT Saga - Extended Edition (* unfinished project *) : 2018 unfinished project
Anyone looking for 1997 SE ‘ReSpecialized’ / 1997 Special Edition Reconstruction projects can find them in the…
1997 Special Edition OT Preservation Projects (+ some discussion threads)… Index Thread - in Star Wars Preservations.
Sequel Trilogy Edits
paja’s Unusual Sequel Trilogy Radical Redux Ideas Thread
Jake Skywalker’s Idea: ‘The Sequel Trilogy - complete redux’ (an idea and discussion thread)
Cadavra’s Idea: ‘STAR WARS: SENATE EDITION’ – a Theoretical Plan for Salvaging the Sequel Trilogy Ideas thread
Hal 9000’s Sequel Trilogy Edits:-
• Episode 7 - The Force Awakens: A Gentle Restructure (Released)
• Episode 8 - The Last Jedi: Legendary (Released)
• Episode 9 - The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)
NeverarGreat’s ‘The Starlight Project’ Edits:-
• Episode 7 - The Force Awakens - Starlight (Released)
• Episode 8 - The Last Jedi - The Starlight Project Part 2 (WIP) - a Work In Progress
• Episode 9 - The Rise of Skywalker - The Starlight Project Part 3 (Vestigial Ideas) - a 2020 ideas thread
acbagel’s ‘The Legacy Of… - A Legends Cut’ Sequel Edits:-
• (The Force Awakens) The Legacy of Captain Han Solo | A Legends Cut (Workprint Released)
• (The Last Jedi) The Legacy of Grand Master Luke Skywalker | A Legends Cut (Workprint Released)
• The Rise of Skywalker: The Legacy of General Leia Organa | A Legends Cut (Workprint Released)
Anjohan’s STAR WARS: Episode 7 & 8 - Trilogy enhancement (Released)
JakeRyan17’s Sequel Trilogy (Special Edition + StormPilot) (Released)
MichelePavani’s Star Wars - Sequel Trilogy Fanedit (“Episode VII + VIII” Completed)
Bisonfan95’s Complete Sequel Trilogy: Fan Cut Project (Released)
subjectzero’s Star Wars Abridged III: The Resistance — A complete 3-in-1 reimagining of the sequel trilogy (Released)
IlFanEditore’s Dyad in the Force - “Snokeless” edition (a Sequel Trilogy spinoff)(Released)
Eyepainter’s ‘The Eyepainter’ Sequel Edits:-
• Star Wars Episode VII: The Eyepainter Fanedit (Released)
• Star Wars Episode VIII: The Eyepainter Fanedit (Released)
• Star Wars Episode VII: The Eyepainter Fanedit (Released)
WhillsConsortium’s Journal of the Whills - The Sequel Trilogy Completely Reimagined (Released)
21C Peasant’s Star Wars: The Legend of the Solo Twins - Released!
Martinkaworu’s Episode VII: The Convergence of the Force (4+ hour extended edition of The Force Awakens) (RELEASED)
DevDog’s Star Wars Sequel Duology: The First Order = Imperial Remanent, Resistance = New Republic, New Jedi Order still intact (a WIP) : a 2023 Work In Progress
SpenceEdit’s Spence’s ST Preferred Versions (WIP) : a 2023 Work In Progress
Hoop28’s The Sequel Trilogy: Enhanced Edition (WIP) : a 2020 Work In Progress
Shadester9’s The Sequel Trilogy: Trilogized (a Work In Progress) : a 2019 Work In Progress
Tantive3+1’s Disneys Sequel Trilogy (WIP) : a 2021 Work In Progress
LILIAN02230’s The Sequel Trilogy (“Never Seen Before” Cut) - WORK IN PROGRESS : a 2020 Work In Progress
Prism’s Sequel Trilogy - info & discussion thread, by FVDnz
Saga Edits
marsthgodofwar’s The Star Wars Saga Conservative Re-editing Ideas Thread - a 2020 thread.
SWOTFAN25’s Idea & Info: Episodes 1-9 into ONE cohesive Fanedit : 2019 Idea & Discussion thread
InfoDroid’s Idea: The legendary “Starkiller Ranch” Thread : 2005 Ideas & Discussion thread: ‘The Skywalker Saga’ - OT & PT Edit)
OutboundFlight’s Vader - a 7 in 1 edit of the Star Wars Saga (Released) (Prequel & Original Trilogy + Rogue One Edit)
ADigitalMan Edits (Episodes 1-6 & Ep 2.5) (Released)
(Episode I: ‘A Vergence In The Force’, Episode II: ‘Path To The Darkside’, Episode III: ‘Revenge Of The Sith’)
The “Darth Editous / ADigitalMan Hybrid Edition” (Star Wars '77) (Released)
‘Wookie Groomer Presents: Addicted To Star Wars’ project - by Wookie Groomer (Released) (PT & OT movies at the same time)
Rec1aimer’s Complete Trilogy Edits (Released) (Prequel & Original Trilogy)
Darth_Zounds’ Blue Harvest Hexology (Released) (Prequel & Original Trilogy)
TMBTM’s Star Wars Saga: Silent Film Edition (Released) (Prequel & Original Trilogy)
mrredthefed’s HEAVY STAR WARS SAGA - TRAILER!!! Star Wars with a Rockin’ Soundtrack! (Released)
GoodMusician’s My Symphonic Forces Series (Released) (Prequel & Original Trilogy)
kk650’s Star Wars Saga: Regraded and Semi-Specialized (Released) - by The Aluminum Falcon (Prequel & Original Trilogy)
ArcherEdits’ The “Star Wars” trilogies I grew up on (Released) (Prequel & Original Trilogy)
IlFanEditore’s Saga Edits…
• Episode I: Shadow Of The Past (A Phantom Menace edit) (Released)
• Episode II: Keepers Of The Peace (An Attack of the Clones edit) (Released)
• Episode III: Rise Of The Dark Side (Revenge of the Sith edit) : a Work In Progress
• Episode IV: The Son of Skywalker (A new hope edit) (Released)
• Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (My Saga Edit) (Released)
• Episode IX: A New Order (Released)
mredthefed’s Heavy Star Wars 1-9 are ALL DONE for your viewing pleasure! - heavy music edit
mikebailey15’s Star Wars - The Series (Released) (Complete Saga + Rogue One, Solo, & Kenobi)
DominicCobb’s Vader: A Saga Edit (rough cut complete) (Prequel & Original Trilogy)
Catferoze’s Star Wars Edits (Prequels and Sequels) (Released) - thread by StarkillerAG (Prequel & Sequel Trilogy)
ArcherEdits’ Reconstructing the ‘Star Wars’ trilogies I grew up on (Released)
hinventon’s Preferred Saga Edits (a WIP) : a 2024 Work In Progress
Director’s SW: Enhanced Edition | WIP : a 2024 Work In Progress
madmanasunder’s Star Wars Saga Redux (A non linear Machete style edit : WIP : 2/5 released) : a 2020 Work In Progress
RogueLeader’s A Collaborative Star Wars Saga Edit (WIP) : a 2018 Work In Progress
arabian’s Star Wars Comprehensive Saga - WIP (suggestions welcome) (Complete 9-film Saga, R1, Rebels, Mandalorian) : a 2021 Work In Progress
GMatias’ Star Wars: Serialized (WiP) (Complete 9-film Saga, R1, Solo, Andor) : a 2020 Work In Progress
JakeRyan17’s Star Wars Saga - Without John Williams (WIP) (Complete 9-film Saga) : a 2020 Work In Progress
G&G-Fan’s My Star Wars Saga - Episodes 1 to 6 Edits (WIP - 2/6 Released) (Prequel & Original Trilogy) : a 2020 Work In Progress
• The Phantom Menace - Vader Edition (WIP) : a 2023 Work In Progress
• Attack of the Clones - Vader Edition (WIP) : a 2023 Work In Progress
• Revenge of the Sith - Vader Edition (WIP) : a 2023 Work In Progress
Anakin Starkiller’s Star Wars - The Purple Planet Saga (a WIP) (Complete 9-film Saga) : a 2021 Work In Progress
DevDog’s Star Wars Saga Fan Edit: Prequels Simple Edition & Original Trilogy Prequel Edition (WIP) : a 2023 Work In Progress
VaderJr316’s Star Wars: The Complete Chronological Series: Fan-Edit Edition (WiP) : a 2023 Work In Progress
Porkula’s A Game of Clones (WIP) : a 2024 Work In Progress
InfoDroid’s Star Wars: REBORN - The Complete Saga (* unfinished *) (Prequel & Original Trilogy) : a 2006 unfinished project
spoRv’s Star Wars Saga - Extra Extended Edition (1080p) (unfinished) (Prequel & Original Trilogy) : 2016 unfinished project / WIP
Hal 9000 Saga Series (Outdated thread) - (more an Archive of older discussions on an abandoned Saga Series Edit - PT & OT)
Codeman’s — Star Wars Redone — (* unfinished project *) (Prequel & Original Trilogy) : 2015 unfinished project
markuk666’s Return of the Sith – Revenge of the Jedi : Episodes 1-3 & ROTJ (* unfinished project *) : 2015 unfinished project
ImperialFighter’s THE STAR WARS ‘SAGA’ RETOLD, some visual ideas from a certain point of view… (Complete Saga)
Imhotep’s Imhotep’s Star Wars Saga (Episodes 1-7 + R1 are complete) (Released) (Complete Saga)
The Ritty’s ROUND 4 - now 22 movies!!! Ritty’s Star Wars Saga (Released) (Complete Saga)
subjectzero’s Star Wars Abridged (9 films cut down to 3) (a WIP) : a 2021 Work In Progress
GMatias’ Star Wars: Serialized (WiP) : a 2020 Work In Progress
TV’s Frink’s Star Wars Ridiculousness Edits… (a Work In Progress)
• Ep I: The Ridiculous Menace
• Ep II: Attack of the Ridiculousness
• Ep III: Revenge of the Ridiculousness
• Ep IV: A Ridiculous Hope
• Ep V: The Ridiculousness Strikes Back
• Ep VI: Return of the Ridiculousness
• Ep VII: The Ridiculousness Awakens
• Ep VIII: The Ridiculest Jedi
• Ridiculous One: A Star Wars Story
• RidiculouSolo: A Star Wars Story
Gothamknight’s Re-edit “Super Series” (* unfinished project *) (Complete Saga) : 2018 unfinished project
Star Wars ‘3-in-1’ Fan Edits (Prequel, Original or Sequel Trilogies)
idir_hh’s The General 3 in 1 Redux Ideas thread
IlFanEditore’s THE CHOSEN ONE: A STAR WARS STORY (Released!!!) (mainly ROTS - with some Ep I & II content)
swagbeditor’s Star Wars: A Galaxy Betrayed – A 3-in-1 edit of the Prequels (Released)
Darth Lunar’s The Blackened Mantle - a 3-in-1 Prequel Trilogy Fan Edit…
• EvanRevan322’s Has anyone watched ‘The Blackened Mantle’? (a 3-in-1 Prequel Edit by Darth Lunar) (Released) thread
• Windows7Guy100’s The Blackened Mantle (3-in-1 Prequel Trilogy Fan Edit) is finally back on YouTube! (Released) thread
JasonN’s SW: SHADOWS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC (3-in-1 Prequel Film) (Released)
Only Yoda Forgives’ Star Wars: Neon Noir (3-in-1 Prequel Edit) (Released)
mattskuta’s “Duel of the Fates”- The Prequel Trilogy Recut into a single 2h33m film (Released)
Ptaaffe2000’s Rise of the Empire: Star Wars Prequel edit (Released)
GhostAlpha26’s The Prequel Trilogy ‘as one movie’ Edit (Released)
Anti-Matter’s Star Wars Prologue - Epic Prequel Edit (Released)
ACH1229’s Skywalker: A Star Wars Story (Prequels Fan Edit) (Released)
chromesteel’s The STAR WARS Prequels (Released)
Shadester9’s Star Wars: The Fall of Skywalker (PT 3-in-1 edit) (Released)
apocryphon’s Star Wars: Apocryphon (HD) (Released) (Prequel Trilogy)
boon23’s Star Wars: Rise of the Empire - a fan edit of the Prequel Trilogy (Released)
TriggeredPuppy’s A Machete Order Prequel edit - (parts of) all 3 movies down to 1 (Released)
Brianclark8’s Star Wars: THE FALLEN JEDI 3-in-1 prequel cut (Released)
Dantha Fodder’s Before the Dark Times (my PT edit) (Released)
musiced921’s The Dark Side Rises (A PT 3-in-1 Edit from a certain point of view) (WIP) : a 2020 Work In Progress
act on instinct’s Knights of the Old Republic - Duel of the Fates (aka the 1.37 3 in 1) (WIP) : a 2019 Work In Progress
SpenceEdit’s Duel of the Fates (* unfinished project *) : 2011 unfinished project
snooker’s DESTROY ALL JEDI: The unfinished Tarantino-inspired Prequel Edit : 2018 unfinished project
Rec1aimer’s Complete Trilogy Edits (Released) : Two 3-in-1 Edits; for both the Prequel & Original Trilogies
subjectzero’s Star Wars: Abridged II - The Rebellion — A 3.5 hour 3-in-1 of the Original Trilogy (Released)
SparkySywer’s Star Wars: A 3-in-1 fan edit of the Original Trilogy : 2017 unfinished project
Darth Lucas’ The Star Wars Mono-logy (a 3-in-1 OT Edit: hard drive failure ended the project) : 2014 unfinished project
wakeupkeo’s Just another Sequel Trilogy 3-in-1 Edit (Released)
TriggeredPuppy’s ‘First Order, Last Jedi’ - A Star Wars 3-in-1 Sequel Story (Released)
bbghost’s Star Wars: The Last Skywalker Awakens - a sequel trilogy 3-in-1 edit (Released)
Peregrine’s The End of the Jedi (Ep. 8 and 9) (Released))
IlFanEditore’s Dyad in the Force - A ST 3-into-1 spinoff (Released)
IlFanEditore’s Dyad in the Force - “Snokeless” edition (a Sequel Trilogy spinoff: Released!)
Apb123’s Rise of The Last Jedi (Sequel edit into one film) - APB123 Edit (released)
bbghost’s The Last Skywalker Awakens - The Special Edition (an ongoing WIP)
orion13’s Star Wars: Rise & Fall of Kylo Ren (a WIP) (a Sequel Trilogy Edit - a 2021 Work In Progress)
nflax11’s Episode 7, 8 & 9 - 2-hour Edit (a WIP) : a 2020 Work In Progress
Malthus’ Star Wars - Ashes of the Empire (a WIP) (a Sequel Trilogy Edit - a 2020 Work In Progress)
subjectzero’s Removing Han, Leia, Lando, Palpatine, and (most of) Luke Fixes the Sequels (3-in-1) (WIP) : a 2021 Work In Progress
JXEditor’s Kenobi - “A Star Wars Story” (Released) - links to a thread on FanEdit•org
JXEditor’s Skywalker - A Star Wars Story (Sequel to Kenobi - A Star Wars Story) (WIP) : a 2019 Work In Progress
For info: Topher Grace apparently did a decent 3-in-1 Prequel Edit too - though it seems the rumour is that he did not release his Edit - and only a few of his friends have seen it…
• Octorox’s 2012 thread for Topher Grace’s Prequel Edit
• SlashFilm article - 2012
• Colider article - 2012
• Washington Post article - 2012
A list and some details of 7 more 3-in-1 Prequel Edits over at the superb FanEdit.org website
Single Film Star Wars Edits : In the 9-film Star Wars Saga
nightstalkerpoet’s Episode 1: The Phantom Hour (Released)
daneditor’s The Phantom Menace: Radical Re-Edit (Released)
pagz’ Star Wars - The Vader Confidential Edits - Episode I (Released)
Gigawattboy’s Phantom Menace edit: Jar Jar RE-DUBBED (Released)
Octorox’s Star Wars: The Phantom Menace - Faster, More Intense! (Released)
Darth Godbold’s My Phantom Menace Edit… ‘The Uncle Fester Mix’ (Released)
Solo21’s Phantom Menace - 21st Edit (Released)
hypersonic5’s My own edit of Episode I (my ‘The Perfect Edit’) (Released)
TimpsonFilmLtd’s The Ultimate Edit Of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (Released)
Darth Madness’ Darth Madness’ Episode 1 fan edit (Released)
GoodMusician’s Battle for Naboo Re-Edit (Released) - 5 hour audio project
Darth_Zounds’ Episode 1: Attack of the Clones: Blue Harvest Cut (Released)
EditModd’s The Phantom Menace: Altered and Extended Edition (Completed and Released)
Bobson Dugnutt’s The Phantom Menace - Expanded Edition (Released)
Dazman’s The Phantom Menace - Improved Edition (10 years on the forum edit) (Released)
Anjohan’s STAR WARS - EPISODE I - The Ancient Lore [V2] [IMPROVED Version] (Released)
DazMan’s The Phantom Menace - Improved Edition (10 years on the forum edit) (Released)
Phase3’s The Phantom Menace - Streamlined (finished and released!)
Sheepish’s “Shroud of the Sith” - a radical fan edit of “The Phantom Menace” (WIP) : a 2016 Work In Progress
That guy with no name’s The Cloak of Deception: Revisited (WIP) : a 2023 Work In Progress
NotTheDri0ds’s Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (Silent Edit WIP) : a 2020 Work In Progress
NotTheDri0ds’s Star Wars Episode I: Age of the Jedi (WIP Phantom Menace Edit) : a 2020 Work In Progress
Malthus’ The Knights of the Republic - A Mandalorian-esque edit (WIP) (a TPM Edit) : a 2020 Work In Progress
SandMTV’s Star Wars Episode I: The Tremor in the Force (The Phantom Menace Extended Edition) - a WIP : a 2021 Work In Progress
NotTheDri0ds’ Guardians of Peace: A Silent, Scrambled TPM Edit (WIP) : a 2022 Work In Progress
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace HD Pan & Scan (a wip) : a 2023 Work In Progress
TK42-WAN’s The Cloak of Evil: Episode 1 and 2 as a single film. (Formerly Son of the Suns) : 2017 part-finished project
snooker’s STAR WARS EPISODE I: Dawn of War (* unfinished project *) : 2017 unfinished project
NeverarGreat’s Idea: Ecanem Motnahp Eht - The Phantom Menace Reversed Fanedit - ideas thread
Trooperman’s Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side (the TM edit) (Released)
daveytod’s “The Clones Revealed” Edit (Released)
Cathy’s THE JEDI’S APPRENTICE: AOTC Edit Video-Breakdowns (Edit Released)
Cathy’s The Jedi’s Apprentice - My AOTC Fan edit - trailer on youtube
Darth Piccolo’s Star Wars AOTC Reloaded (Released)
SweHanzon’s Star Wars: Episode II - The Clone Wars Begin (Released)
EditModd’s Attack of the Clones - Altered and Extended Edition (V.1) (Now Complete and Released)
poorandin’s Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones - The No Naboo Cut (Released)
Peter Pan’s AOTC: JEDI NO MORE (finished)
DsqrD Studio’s Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side - An Attack of the Clones fan edit (Released) (thread by StarkillerAG)
Xelaalvarez’s Star Wars Attack Of The Clones: Minimal Cut (Released)
Darth Malgus’ Episode II: The Approaching Storm - The Purist Cut (Released)
Darth_Zounds’ Star Wars: Episode 1: Army of the Republic (released) - an AOTC Edit.
Octorox’s Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, Extended Edition (WIP) : a 2024 Work In Progress
SomethingStarWarsRelated’s Attack of the Clones - Alternate Timeline Edit (WIP) : a 2019 Work In Progress
TK42-WAN’s Star Wars Episode II, The Hidden Planet (1956) (WIP) : a 2023 Work In Progress
Snooker’s “Champions of the Force”; Holly’s Attack of the Clones edit (Work In Progress) : 2020 Work In Progress
English_Beans’ The Life and Times of Anakin Skywalker; AOTC + ROTS Edit (* unfinished project *) : 2018 unfinished project
AOTC IMAX discussion, info & project threads can be found in An Index Thread (and more) for Star Wars Preservations…
Stankpac’s Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (Released) (links to FanEdit•org)
GoodMusician’s My Episode III Re-Edit (v 2007) (Released) (2007)
GoodMusician’s My Episode III Re-Edit (v 2009) (Released) (2009)
JeromeTheEditor’s STAR WARS EP3 Revenge of the Sith (The Fan Cut) (Released)
Siliconmaster482’s Revenge of the Sith: Rebalanced (Released)
Darth Chet’s ROTS - The Corgicar Cut - w/ Trailer (Released)
SparkySywer’s Revenge of the Sith - Abridged (Released)
commandercluck’s Revenge of the Sith - Ultimate Cut (Released)
Bobson Dugnutt’s Revenge of the Sith - Expanded Edition (Released)
DominicCobb’s Dom’s Useless Revenge of the Sith Edit (Released)
StankPac’s Episode III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (Released) (thread by Darth Muffy)
RioReverso’s Revenge of the Sith + The Clone Wars 4 hour Supercut 2020 (Released)
DarthYcey’s Star Wars: ROTS/TCW Edit: Shattered Victory (Released)
Brokkoli Entertainment’s Star Wars Revenge of the Sith - The Clone Wars Siege of Mandalore - Supercut (Released)
MechaSalesman’s Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith - The Siege Of Mandalore (v2.0) (Released) - in 4K or FHD
Darth_Zounds’ Revenge of the Sith: Blue Harvest Cut (Released) a Siege of Mandalore / TCW cut
Darth_Zounds’ REVENGE OF THE EDIT: A Fan Edit of ‘Revenge of the Sith’ (Released)
Darth_Zounds’ New ROTS Fan Edit (Released)
Peter Pan’s STAR WARS Episode III: A HOLLOW STRENGTH (Finished)
NFBisms’s Revenge of the Sith (The New Canon Cut) (Draft Available)
PoeSkywalkee’s ROTS fan edit: VADER A STAR WARS STORY (released)
CaptainFaraday’s Revenge of the Sith: The Faraday Nudge (Released)
Eyepainter’s Episode III: The Eyepainter Fanedit (Released)
Octorox’s Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Another Happy Sanding. (Released)
dixonchase’s Star Wars Episode 3: The MEGA Extended cut (6 and half hours of footage) (Released)
Utinni’s The Clone Wars (Revenge of the Sith - Extended Edition) (Released)
natedeug’s Ep. III Chronology Cut by natedeug (a WIP) : a 2018 Work In Progress
stickydixon’s The Fallen Temple - ROTS Edit (WIP) : a 2018 Work In Progress
SandMTV’s Star Wars Episode III: Rise of the Empire (Revenge of the Sith ULTIMATE EDITION) WIP : a 2020 Work In Progress
Darth_Zounds’ Writing a Fan Edit of the ‘ROTS’ Novelization (a WIP) : a 2021 Work In Progress
Cameron Samurai’s Star Wars Episode III-The Triumph of Skywalker (WIP) : a 2021 Work In Progress
bobgarcia74’s SW Episode III - Reign of the Dark Side (* unfinished project *) : a 2010 unfinished project
The Cutter’s Revenge Of The Cut - Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith (* unfinished project *) : 2010/18 unfinished project
Haqz’s Revenge of the Sith (Compelete voiceover/New Dub edit) (* unfinished project *) : 2017 unfinished project
‘BackStroke Of The West’ - FanPedia Page : Fandom Page : Wikipedia Post : FanLore Page : TV Tropes Page : IMDB Page.
^ ‘The full dub gained over 12 million views on YouTube before Disney took it down in September 2024.’ - IMDB article.
Backstroke of the West Dubbed Version (Released) - info and project thread, by TheThirdGathers himself
Star War, Episode III - Backstroke Of The West (part-finished?) - info, discussion & part-finished project thread by andy_k_250
Backstroke of the West DUB (Released) - an ROTS project by LazerMasken
‘Backstroke of the West’ with retail DVD quality : FINISHED & RELEASED - an ROTS project by marioxb
‘Backstroke of the West’ with retail DVD quality : FINISHED & RELEASED - an ROTS project by Zion
Star War - The Third Gathers - Backstroke of the West - HD Remaster - Preservation Edition (Released) - an ROTS project by Porkula
Backstroke of the West dub - VHS Bootleg Edition (WIP) - an ROTS project by Space Hunter M
Idea: Backstroking the other movies - idea, info & discussion thread by Ripplin
Bingowings’ The ANH:SE Redux Ideas thread (Radical Ideas Welcome)
Darth Editous’ The “Darth Editous” Episode IV DVD Info and Feedback Thread - a partially “de-specialed” DVD (Released)
^ idea from page 12 of ADigitalMan’s Thoughts on de-SE’ing the DVD discussion thread on the 2004 OT DVDs.
ADigitalMan’s The “Darth Editous / ADigitalMan Hybrid Edition” (Star Wars '77) (Released)
Joshua_Blue’s ANH:R - Stronger Vader edit: Now Released
Bobson Dugnutt’s Star Wars: A New Hope - The Darklighter Cut (Released)
lantern51’s A New Hope: Vader edition (Released)
mrbenja0618’s Star Wars: A New Hope (Released)
MechaSalesman’s Star Wars: Episode IV - The Rogue Cut (ANH/Rogue One Mashup w/Extras) (Released) - 4K or FHD (inc. SC38 Vader/Kenobi fight)
Buzz Lightyear’s My personal edit of A New Hope (with SC38 Reimagined) (Released)
Yl3darb’s My personal edit of A New Hope: Hal 9000 + Adywan + Rogue One + sc38 reimagined (Released)
Darth Darthy’s A New Hope - With Tom Kane Clone Wars Style Opening (Released)
Tim Ireland’s #StarWars4D (A New Hope with a pop music soundtrack) (Released) (based on DE 2.5)
PJ’s ANH 1997 Inspired Regrade with SE Soundmix (Version 2 Released)
DylanB18’s A New Hope Closer to Canon Edition (Released)
Gavinworld12’s A New Hope: Retouched Edition (ANH:RTE) (Released)
ZigFried’s Paint Wars: A New Hope (Released)
BetaMedia’s Star Wars: Unaltered Cut (Fanedit) (released!)
That guy with no name’s Star Wars ANH (Devastator edition) (rough cut available)
murdav’s Star Wars: A New Hope (1997SE) - Download the Fan-Made 3D Conversion in 2160p HFR (Released)
haru KI do’s ANH: IMAX Special Edition (WIP) : a 2024 Work In Progress
Anjohan’s STAR WARS - A New Hope [Modernized] [Prequel-OT Bridge] (a WIP) : a 2022 Work In Progress
kg1977’s Star Wars ANH-X (the eXtended version) (WIP) : a 2021 Work In Progress
Dat_SW_Guy’s A NEW HOPE: ‘DSG EDITION’ (WORK IN PROGRESS) : a 2019 Work In Progress
triadne’s a new hope, adding visual effects, emotion and more character (a WIP) : a 2021 Work In Progress
Ronster’s Star Wars VHX - A Re-Cut / unused music/ sfx / deleted scenes / Unused and new Matte paintings / elements and some fun. (WIP) : a 2021 Work In Progress
beeswithchainsaws’ STAR WARS: Dewbacks Only Edition (UNRELEASED)
Malthus’ Star Wars - A New Score (* on hiatus *)
TheNerdCrusader’s A New Hope 2019 edit Edition (* unfinished project *) ideas thread project : a 2019 unfinished project
Petrovelly’s Star Wars: Remastered - A New Special Edition (unfinished project) : a 2019 unfinished project
BiggsFan44’s A New Hope: The Biggs+ edit (*unfinished project *) : a 2018 unfinished project
There is also a ‘The Lost Cut’ category in the ‘Star Wars - Miscellaneous Preservation Projects’ section of ‘An Index Of Projects & Help Thread for Star Wars Preservations…’
Chaotic Catastrophes’ STAR WARS: The Chaotic Extended Cut (Released)
TM2YC’s The Star Wars: The Lost Workprint (* unfinished project - lots of info *) : a 2013 unfinished project
Obi Benuubi’s Star Wars: The Lost Cut Reconstruction Project (* unfinished project *) : a 2014 unfinished project
darth_ender’s Star Wars: The Lost Cut (WIP) : a 2018 Work In Progress
RIJIR’s Idea: Virtual Lost Cut - Fan Edit (2012 thread) : Info Wanted: Is anyone doing a “Virtual” Lost Cut? (2007 thread)
Kennerado’s Info: The “Lost Cut” Of ANH - info & discussion thread (2004 thread)
13las’ Info: Star Wars The Lost Cut - Everything We Know About It thread (inc his quality “The Lost Cut - Explained” video)
Ronster’s Info: Star Wars - The Lost Cut is not exactly what you think it is… thread
T’bone’s The Lost Cut of Star Wars - an info article at the StarWarz website.
njvc’s Pulp Empire (Released)
Funcha’s ‘A new edit of Empire Strikes Back’ (Released) project.
PaulisDead2221’s The Empire Strikes Back - The Vintage Edit (Released)
Cameron Samurai’s Star Wars Episode V: Skywalker Strikes Back (Released)
Mojo_LA’s MECO’s rare ESB 10" record (Released)
overclock’s Episode V - The Overclock Edition (Released)
Ronster’s Empire Strikes Back Soundtrack Restored and Rescored Demo project (Finished)
PJ’s ESB 1997 Inspired Regrade with '97 Soundmix (Released)
Bobson Dugnutt’s The Empire Strikes Back - Expanded Edition (Work in Progress) : a 2022 Work In Progress
kg1977’s ESB-X (the eXtended version) (WIP) : a 2022 Work In Progress
haru KI do’s ESB Revisited: Japanese Dub (a WIP) : a 2023 Work In Progress
friedcamera’s Empire Strikes Back - The 70mm Edition (* unfinished project *) : a 2018 unfinished project
darth_ender’s Collaborative Fanediting: An ROTJ Proposition : release info (for completed work) - a bastion of info & ideas…
SpenceEdit’s Return of the Jedi - The Spence Final Cut (Released)
darthrush’s Return Of The Jedi - Remastered (Released)
ziggyonice’s Episode VI: Return of the Jedi — The ‘Ziggy’ Edit (Released)
xxtelecine 7xx’s Star Wars ROTJ - beta v2.0 (Released)
JeremyJenki’s Return of the Jedi 4K HDR Partially-Despecialized Project (Released)
Macsvoltage’s my ROTJ fan edit (Released)
kane1138’s ROTJ - The Kane Edit (Released)
daneditor’s Return of the Jedi: Dan Edit (Released)
daneditor’s Return of the Jedi: Radical Re-Edit (Released)
ltshadez’ Return of the Jedi - A Minimalist Edit (Released)
JeremyJenki’s (Audio File) Episode VI: ROTJ - Blu-ray Dolby TrueHD 7.1 Track without Vader’s scream. (Released)
IlFanEditore’s Return of the Jedi Renewed (released)
TK42-WAN’s ROTJ - Alternate Cut (released)
4th Rock’s My ROTJ fixes & changes project thread
timdiggerm’s Reconstructing the end of ROTJ with Storyboards (2022) and Finishing Return of the Jedi (2024) projects.
JeremyJenki’s My personal Star Wars: Return of the Jedi cut, a work-in-progress custom restoration. : a 2020 Work In Progress
Alderaan94’s ROTJ DE Victory Celebration Edit (WIP) : a 2020 Work In Progress
EditModd’s Return of the Jedi Edit (WIP) : a 2019 Work In Progress; WorkPrint Released
kg1977’s Star Wars ROJ-X (the eXtended version) (WIP) : a 2022 Work In Progress
PresidentDVD’s Return of the Jedi Fan edit (WIP) : a 2022 Work In Progress
Hal 9000’s Return of the Jedi: A Gentle Pruning (* unfinished project *) : a 2017 unfinished project
YodaFan67’s ROTJ “Pre-film Training” Edit (* unfinished project *) : 2017 unfinished project
Snooker’s Revenge of the Jedi (The Snooker edit) (* unfinished project *) : a 2018 unfinished project
JXEditor’s Revenge of the Jedi (RotJ Dark Edit) (* unfinished project *) : a 2018 unfinished project
timdiggerm’s Finishing Return of the Jedi storyboard project.
^ Also see timdiggerm’s superb Reconstructing the end of ROTJ with Storyboards project thread, and website.
daneditor’s The Force Awakens Fan Edit Ideas thread
DigMod’s Star Wars: Heir to the Force (TFA edit) (Released)
TK251’s Star Wars: A New Threat (TFA EDIT) (Released)
liambrazier’s The Force Awakens - The Brazen Fanedit (Released)
darthrush’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens - The Dark Cut (Released)
Cameron Samurai’s Star Wars: The Ford Awakens (Han Lives Edit) (Released)
22Popcorn86’s Force Awakens Redux Cut (Released)
kocaineking1029’s Star Wars Episode VII: The New Order (Released)
TiMartyn’s Reimagining TFA/TLJ - both films cut into a singular 48 min epilogue tribute (Released)
xxtelecine 7xx’s STAR WARS VII - XXTELECINE7XX (Released)
mredthefed’s Heavy Star Wars Episode VII - A Rock N Roll experience! (Released)
GeoMFilms’s The Force Awakens: Cops and Robbers (Humor edit/redub ideas) (Finished)
NeverarGreat’s The Force Awakens: Starlight - Released
losthead’s The Force Awakens - The Echoes Cut (Released)
Martinkaworu’s Episode VII: The Convergence of the Force (4+ hour extended edition of The Force Awakens) (RELEASED)
Sir Ridley’s The Force Awakens - Ridley’s Edit (WIP) : a 2017 Work In Progress
adobewan’s The Force Awakens - ‘The End’ Edition (WIP) : a 2020 Work In Progress
Ashdogg’s my The Force Awakens fan edit (* unfinished project *) : a 2018 unfinished project
Hal 9000’s Idea: ‘Heir To The Jedi’ Duology (A TFA / TLJ spitball ideas thread)
ErrorTISM’s Idea & Info Wanted: The Force Awakens - a PG edit? - : info & project thread
tomo’s The Last Jedi : Fan Edit Ideas thread
natedeug’s The Last Jedi Polished edit (extended and redacted) (Released)
poppasketti’s The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)
lantern51’s The Last Jedi: A Spark of Hope (Released)
Macsvoltage’s Star Wars - The Last Hope (Released)
buzzclub’s Star Wars VIII - Die letzten Jedi (The Last Jedi) (PittStone Edit) (Released)
RyanG.'s The Last Jedi - Reimagined (Released)
xxtelecine 7xx’s XXTELECINE 7XX: The Last Jedi 2.0 Minor adjustments (Released)
bagthesnoot’s The Last Jedi: An Amalgamated Edit (Released)
JamesColemanII’s The Last Jedi: Re-edited (Released)
krlozdac’s The Last Jedi: Recalibrated (PM for link! - Released)
Cameron Samurai’s The Last Jedi - Total Eclipse of the Spark (starring Harrison Ford!) (Released)
TridentBoy1998’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi - The Ultimate Skywalker Cut (Released)
TiMartyn’s “TLJ Reimagined” - A storyboard edit based on my article, “Luke killed Rey’s parents” (Released)
TiMartyn’s The Last Jedi Edit (Released)
TiMartyn’s Reimagining TFA/TLJ - both films cut into a singular 48 min epilogue tribute (Released)
adobewan’s The Last Jedi - ‘The End’ Edition (Released)
DonKamillo’s STAR WARS: Last Jedi (The Anti-Cringe-Cut) (Released)
isaac_likes_salad’s Get Good Re-Edit of The Last Jedi (Released)
BingeGuy’s fan edits – Last Jedi, Rogue One (Released)
LILIAN02230’s Star Wars - The Last Jedi (Remanied) New Cut and New VFX ! [FRENCH AUDIO] (Released)
jrs81’s The Last Jedi - WITHOUT Cantobight (Video Clips Released)
CodySolo’s The Last Jedi - WCOYJ Cut (Released)
MMP’s The Last Jedi Reforged (Released)
Bobson Dugnutt’s The Last Jedi - Expanded Edition (Released)
amobex’s Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi - Saga’s End Edition V1 (ARCHIVE)
Revan100’s Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi - Consistency Edition (V4 Released)
CaptainFaraday’s The Last Jedi: Stoic Edition (WIP) : a 2021 Work In Progress
CaptainFaraday’s Pokémon: The Last Jedi (pre-production) : a 2021 Pre-Production
mredthefed’s Heavy Star Wars Episode VIII - sneak peek! (WIP) : a 2021 Work In Progress
Lifeincontxt’s The Last Jedi: A ST One-Film Edit (WIP) : a 2020 Work In Progress
DigMod’s Legacy of the Jedi (A The Last JediT) (WIP) : a 2017 Work In Progress
Nindroid243’s Episode VIII. Sins of The Past (WIP) : a 2022 Work In Progress
TheLostJedi’s The Lost Jedi (TFA+TLJ edit) (* Part-Finished *) : a 2018 Part-Finished Project
darthrush’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi - The Dark Cut (* unfinished *) : a 2017 unfinished project
Handman’s The Last Jedi: A Light Edit (* unfinished *) : a 2017 unfinished project
EvenSteven’s 'Star Wars: Firestorm (The Last Jedi Fan Edit)’ (* unfinished *) : a 2018 unfinished project
idir_hh’s Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread
Chase Adams’ REY NOBODY - A Collaborative Thread : ideas & info community thread
joshuabri’s A Palpatine-less Edit of The Rise of Skywalker (Released)
Macsvoltage’s Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker edit : The Final Sith (Released)
krausfadr’s The Rise Of Skywalker (Epic Cut) (Released)
buzzclub’s Star Wars - Echo’s der Vergangenheit (Echo’s of the Past - a TROS Edit) (Released)
DonKamillo’s STAR WARS: The Rise of Skywalker (Anti-Cringe Cut) (Released)
Mildly-yellow’s The Rise of Skywalker The Ultimate Special Edition Release (Now Available
Jjs0531’s Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Edit (renamed The New Order) (Released)
jonh’s my new TROS ending project thread
GoodMusician’s SW - EP 9 Duel of the Fates (Audio / Visual presentation)
SpenceEdit’s The Final Order - A no Leia/Rey Nobody TROS edit by Spence (Completed)
Jjs0531’s Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Score-Only Edit) (Released)
StarWarsfan24’s Star Wars Sequel trilogy fan-edit. Announcement. Nuky92 trilogy. (A WIP)
amobex’s Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker - Saga’s End Edition (4K VERSION 2 WIP)
FVDnz’s Duel of the Fates Trevorrow/Connelly Ep. IX Script now a Motion Comic (Released)
Graz73’s Duel of the Fates: ToyBox Edition (Released)
Jar Jar Bricks’ The Rise of Skywalker: Chosen One Edition (WIP) : a 2024 Work In Progress
rik’s The Rise Of Skywalker: Ascendant - Traccia Audio Italiana (WIP) : 2020; Italian dub of Hal 9000 TROS Edit +…
Movies Remastered’s Star Wars Episode IX: The Last Hope (Help Wanted Finishing This Edit) (WIP) : a 2020 Work In Progress
Delpheas’ Legacy of the Force - Rise of Skywalker edit - WIP : a 2021 Work In Progress
dgraham414’s The Rise of Skywalker: Revived - A hypothetical edit (WIP) : a 2020 Work In Progress
jadenkorr41’s The Rise of Skywalker, my personal cut (WIP) : a 2021 Work In Progress
sherlockpotter’s The Rise of Skywalker: Untold (WIP) : a 2022 Work In Progress
Ed Slushie’s TROS Expanded - The Movie based on the Book based on the Movie (WIP) : a 2022 Work In Progress
fidodido’s The Rise Of Skywalker - The Balance Cut (early WIP) : a 2022 Work In Progress
Revan100’s Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker - Refined Edition (a WIP) : a 2023 Work In Progress
DominicCobb’s Dom’s (Possibly) Useful TROS Edit (WIP) : a 2020 Work In Progress
Single Film Star Wars Edits: Beyond the 9-film Star Wars Saga
The 1978 Holiday Special, OT Radio Drama, the 2 Ewok films: ‘COC’ & ‘BFE’, SOTE, Rogue One, Solo, + future single film GFFA releases…
Sluggo’s Idea: So how come no one has made a less-painful fan edit of the Star Wars Holiday Special? discussion thread
13las’ Christmas in the Stars: a Radical Holiday Special edit (Released)
Flanders of Iowa’s Star Wars: Rendezvous at Kazook. (SWHS meets Episode II) (Released)
TM2YC’s 'Fear and Loathing in The Star Wars Holiday Special’ - a 15 minute short (Released)
Bob’s The Star Wars Holiday Special De-Campified (Released)
LinkTGF’s The Star Wars Holiday Special: A New Hope (Released)
mredthefed’s Heavy Star Wars Holiday Special is out!
Nigel’s Star Wars Radio Dramas - Nigel’s Edits : post by ZkinandBonez
Gavinworld1’s Star Wars Episode V.II: Caravan Of Courage (Released)
Gavinworld1’s Idea: Ewok Adventures REVISITED - An Attempt To Put “Caravan Of Courage” And “Battle For Endor” In The Regular Canon - ideas thread.
4thRock’s Ewoks with blasters - a test of Return of the Jedi + Battle for Endor footage
Pat-Fett’s Idea & Help Wanted: Star Wars Dark Empire: The Movie - a ‘Shadows Of The Empire’ based edit
tuckerparks’s Feedback Wanted: Shadows of The Empire - Movie Project (youtube video)
EyeShotFirst’s Help Wanted: a hi-res image for Shadows of the Empire (N64 game)
Adamwankenobi’s Help Wanted: ‘Shadows of the Empire’ N64 Game Trailer
oojason’s Shadows Of The Empire : Lucasfilm’s mid-to-late 1990’s EU multimedia project info thread
darthrush’s Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - FanEdit Ideas thread
DigMod’s Rise of the Rebellion: A Rogue One Edit (Released)
Hal 9000’s Hal’s Rogue One edit (a half-assed version of DigMod’s) (Released
krlozdac’s Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - Stardust Edition (Released)
Jackpumpkinhead’s Rogue One - The JPH Edit (Released)
eldusto84’s Rogue One: The Battle of Scarif fan edit (Released)
natedeug’s Rogue One - redacted cut (Released)
TM2YC’s Rogue One - Where Rebels Dare (Released) - thread by phildoom
MechaSalesman’s Star Wars: Episode IV ANH - The Rogue Cut (ANH/Rogue One Mashup w/Extras) - in 4K or FHD (inc. SC38 Vader/Kenobi fight)
BingeGuy’s fan edits – Last Jedi, Rogue One (Released)
liambrazier’s Rogue One - the Brazen cut (Released)
lantern51’s Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - Redux (Released)
NFBism’s ANDOR: The Rogue One Arc [LATEST VERSION V3] (Rogue One Fan Edit)
NeverarGreat’s Idea: Eadu, Jedha, Scarif: A Rogue One Edit : Ideas thread…
PresidentDVD’s Rogue One Fan Edit (WIP) : a 2022 Work In Progress
ElectricTriangle’s Rogue One without CGI Peter Cushing test footage (* unfinished *) : a 2019 unfinished project
RogueLeader’s RogueLeader’s Rogue One Edit (* unfinished *) : a 2017 unfinished project
spoRv’s Rogue One - Extra Extended Edition (* unfinished *) : a 2016 unfinished project
Mink2301’s Rogue One - Rescored (* unfinished project *) : a 2017 unfinished project
Matt.F’s Idea & Info: Rogue One - Princess Leia Deepfake Replacement - info thread
danieldubb’s Deepfake Tarkin & Leia swap (Rogue One) (up on youtube) thread
paja’s SOLO: A Star Wars Story - Fan Edit Ideas Thread
DZ-330’s Solo Fan Edits - discussion thread
DigMod’s Star Wars: The Coaxium Heist (Released)
MechaSalesman’s Solo: A Star Wars Story - Extended Edition (Released) - in 4K or FHD
CarstenJ .dk’s Solo - A Star Wars Edit (Released)
Macsvoltage’s Solo - a Star Wars Story edit (Released)
Jackpumpkinhead’s Han Solo and the Kessel Run (A Solo Edit) (Released)
LILIAN02230’s Solo: A Trimmed Story - French language edit.
bbghost’s Solo: The Shortcut (Released)
ZigZig’s Harrison Ford in “Solo: A Star Wars Story” - Amazing deepfake - info thread
NFBism’s COAXIUM BEBOP (CB-style Solo Fanedit) (WIP) : a 2020 Work In Progress
Chase Adams’ Solo - My First Full-length Colour and Lighting Remaster (WIP) : a 2020 Work In Progress
WtarSars’ Han Solo Re-edit (Less Cringe, No Enfyst Nest 2nd Act, ANH not ROTJ Han Solo) (WIP) : a 2024 Work In Progress
TheMovieMan’s Solo: A Star Wars Story - Redux (* unfinished project *) : 2018 unfinished project
Hal 9000’s Star Wars Episode X: Fate Of The Jedi (title TBD) - 2023 ideas and info project
ideas thread to be created; anyone…?
ideas thread to be created; anyone…?
ideas thread to be created; anyone…?
Live Action TV / Streaming Series Edits
Kanemedhurst’s Star Wars Live Action Series Edits thread
Anjohan’s The Expanded Universe - The Movie Structure [Because Disney Can’t Satisfy Me] (WIP) : a 2023 Work In Progress
oojason’s The Mandalorian : Radical Redux Fan Edit Ideas Thread
Darth Muffy’s Idea & Info: The Mandalorian - Film Noir Style…
smudger9’s The Mandalorian Episode 1: A Vergence in the Force (RT 2h 29mins) (V2 Released)
smudger9’s The Mandalorian Episode 2: Search for the Jedi (RT 2h 29mins) (Released)
smudger9’s The Mandalorian Episode 3: A New Path (A Book of Boba Fett Edit) (Released)
smudger9’s Mandalorian Episode 4: Return to Mandalore (WIP) : a 2023 Work In Progress…
orchidal’s The Mandalorian I (an alternative cut) (Released)
Movies Remastered’s The Mandalorian: A Star Wars Story - Chapter I by Movies Remastered (Released)
Movies Remastered’s The Mandalorian: A Star Wars Story - Chapter III by Movies Remastered (Released)
Movies Remastered’s The Mandalorian: A Star Wars Story - Chapter IV by Movies Remastered (Released)
fraunpetri’s The Mandalorian Rogue Cut (Released)
LILIAN02230’s The Mandalorian Season 2: The Movie (V.1 Released)
LILIAN02230’s Mandoverse - The Mandalorian Chapter 6: The Way Of Mandalore (Chapters 17,18,19,20) (V.1 WIP)
Acbagel’s (The Mandalorian + Boba) The Way of Mandalore | A Compilation Edit (Released)
daneditor’s Quest of the Mandalorian (Mando season 2 movie edit) (Released)
DinoChow’s Turning Book of Boba Fett into Mandalorian Season 2.5 (Released)
Crossvader’s The Mandalorian 6 movie edit (Including the Book of Boba Fett) (Released)
Dazman’s The Mandalorian - Improved Chapters (Released)
mikebailey15’s The Mandalorian - Bailey’s Version (Released)
ArcherEdits’ ‘The Mandalorian’ season 1 - “Sidequestless Edit” (Released)
ArcherEdits’ ‘The Mandalorian’ season 2 - “Sidequestless Edit” (Released)
ArcherEdits’ ‘The Mandalorian’ season 3 - “Groguless Edit” (Released)
ArcherEdits’ ‘The Mandalorian’ Season 3 - “Groguless Edit” V2 (Released)
ildiem’s The Mandalorian - Season 3: Complete Edition | A brand-new Season 3 forged from The Mandalorian and BoBF [WIP] : a 2023 Work In Progress
Chase Adams’ The Mandalorian: Episode I (Season 1 into a 2 hour film) (on hiatus) : on hiatus
poppasketti’s Mandalorian Trailer (Fan-Made) (up on youtube)
The Book Of Boba Fett - Redux Ideas Thread - to be created?
Crossvader’s The Book of Boba Fett Movie part 1 & part 2 (Released)
Crossvader’s The Book of Boba Fett Revised edit (Released)
Darth Muffy’s The Book Of Boba Fett: Rewritten - A Fanfix (Released)
Movies Remastered’s The Book of Boba Fett - Chapter I: The Chronological Cut (Released)
Movies Remastered’s The Book of Boba Fett - Chapter II: The Chronological Cut (Released)
xandethexande’s The Book of Boba Fett - New Order (Released)
ArcherEdits’ ‘The Book of Boba Fett’ - Archer Edit V2 (Released)
‘Mandalorian & Book of Boba Fett’ combined / integrated edits…
smudger9’s The Mandalorian Episode 3: A New Path (A Book of Boba Fett Edit) (Released)
DinoChow’s Turning Book of Boba Fett into Mandalorian Season 2.5 (Released)
Acbagel’s (The Mandalorian+Boba) The Way of Mandalore | A Compilation Edit (Released)
StarWarsfan24’s The Mandalorian: The Return. (Book of boba fett fan-edit) (Released)
LILIAN02230’s MANDOVERSE - A Cinematic Experience (The Mandalorian / The Book of Boba Fett = 7 x 90’ Chapters) | V.1 Released
Crossvader’s The Mandalorian 6 movie edit (Including the Book of Boba Fett) (Released)
Peter Pan’s Ahsoka - Radical Redux Ideas thread
Warhorn’s Star Wars: Ahsoka - Episode I The Fallen Jedi [RELEASED]
bbghost’s Ahsoka - Part One (an austere feature edit) [RELEASED]
daveybjones999’s Ahsoka: A Movie Edit (Released)
LILIAN02230’s AHSOKA - a two-part miniseries (released)
Crossvader’s AHSOKA 2 Movie Edit (released)
Kestrel’s Ahsoka: The Jedi, The Witch, and the Warlord (Kestrel’s Movie Edit)** - now available!
Smudger9’s Ahsoka Movie Series: EP5 Heir to the Empire [Released]
FVDnz’s Kai Patterson’s Ahsoka Cut (Released)
G00b’s Ahsoka Show Visual Rework (WIP)
BbqChkn’s Ahsoka: Heir to the Empire (WIP)
paja’s Obi-Wan Kenobi Redux Ideas Thread
Anjohan’s KENOBI: A STAR WARS STORY [RELEASED] [5.1 Surround]
krausfadr’s Kenobi: A Star Wars Story (by krausfadr) RELEASED
SpenceEdit’s Spence’s Obi-Wan Kenobi (V3 Released)
jrs81’s Child of a Jedi (A Kenobi Movie Edit) [NOW AVAILABLE WP 1.1; Two Different Cuts] (Released)
InsertCointent’s Kenobi - A Star Wars IC Fanedit (Released)
Louis J’s Obi-Wan Kenobi: Refocused [RELEASED]
CaptainFaraday’s Kenobi: Faraday Cut (WORKPRINT V3 RELEASED)
Crossvader’s Obi Wan Kenobi Movie (Released)
daneditor’s Guardian of the Force (an Obi-Wan movie edit) (Released)
darthrush’s Vader vs Kenobi (RE-ARRANGED, Kenobi Does NOT Let Vader Live) (Released)
DylanB18’s Crimson Maul’s Kenobi: A Star Wars Story (RELEASED)
Darth Muffy’s Kenobi Movie - Guardian of the Force (Released)
Movies Remastered’s Old Ben Kenobi: The Tusken Raid Edit (Released)
FVDnz’s threead for PRISM’S ‘What If Kenobi Was Awesome’ series (Released) - AI Story Project
bbghost’s Kenobi: A More Civilized Cut [WORKPRINT AVAILABLE]
Acbagel’s Star Wars: Kenobi | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit (WIP) : a 2022 Work In Progress
DominicCobb’s Obi-Wan Kenobi (WIP) : a 2022 Work In Progress
Kenobi: Trials Of The Master - Fanedit by PixelJoker95 (WIP) : info thread by DZ-330 : a 2023 Work In Progress : by PixelJoker95
Kenobi: Trials of the Master (WIP) : info thread for PixelJoker95’s TOTM Edit - by O00ll00
Kenobi - The Patterson Cut: edit info : info thread by homelyjedi : a released project, by Kai Patterson
NFBisms’ OLD BEN: An Obi-Wan Kenobi Fan Edit [ON HOLD] : a 2022 project - on hold
Andor: Redux Ideas Thread - to be created? | ‘Andor & Rogue One: Trilogy / Mixed Series : Ideas Thread’ - to be created?
Patali’s Radical Andor S1 Single-Movie Cut; Ideas and Planning (WIP) : a 2024 Work In Progress
WitchDR’s Andor: The 7 Episode Cut (Released)
Crossvader’s Andor Movie Trilogy (Released)
Movies Remastered’s Star Wars: Andor – Chapter I, The Reckoning by Movies Remastered (Changes) (Released)
Smudger9’s Andor EP1: Spark of Rebellion (Released)
Smudger9’s Andor EP2: The Reckoning (Released)
EddieDean’s Andor: The Movie Omnibus (Four Movies; Nothing Removed) [4/4 Season One Workprints Available!]
NFBism’s ANDOR: The Rogue One Arc (Rogue One Fan Edit) (V4 Availalbe)
ArcherEdits’ ‘Andor’ Season 1 Arcs fanedit (Released)
ArcherEdits’ “Andor” Season 1 arcs - Updated Release (Released)
The Acolyte - Redux Ideas Thread - to be created?
mikebailey15’s The Acolyte - Series (Released)
MathisMando’s The Acolyte’s Corcoran Cut - Version 1.2 - Feature film (NOW AVAILABLE)
daveybjones999’s The Acolyte Reimagined (Released)
smudger9’s The Power of Two (The Acolyte as a prequel to the prequels) (RELEASED; Runtime 2h 39mns; 4K)
Movies Remastered’s The Acolyte Film by Movies Remastered (SPOILERS) (Released)
SpenceEdit’s The Acolyte - The Spence Edit (WIP)
Smudger9’s Skeleton Crew Edit (WIP)
Animated Series Edits (including ‘Lego Star Wars’ fan edits)
Trint0’s Ewoks complete project (Completed)
Idea, Info & Feedback Wanted: ‘Droids - The Lost Episodes’ - a 2008 ideas & info thread
ben_danger’s Clone Wars Movies - Tartakovsky’s 2003 series - an Ideas thread
ADigitalMan Edits - Episode 2.5; Clone Wars (Released)
liambrazier’s Clone Wars - The Brazen Fanedit (Released)
MechaSalesman’s STAR WARS 2003 Clone Wars Microseries RE-CUT (Released) - in 4K or FHD
Tackel’s Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) in 4K (Released)
Kanemedhurst’s Clone Wars 2003 Part 1 & 2 (Kane’s Edits) - Edited for Canon (Released)
EddieDean’s The Clone Wars: Refocused (v2.0 100% COMPLETE!) - a 2003 CW & 2008 TCW Edit, plus a little more…
Jibaro’s Another Fan Edit of the 2003 Clone Wars Series (Released) - thread by Darth Malgus
Johnny Ringo’s Requiem for a Clone War dream… : 2007 unfinished project
LivJackell’s Clone Wars Trilogy (tv to movie edit) : 2018 unfinished project
Darth_Zounds’ Episode 2: Labyrinth of Evil: The Blue Harvest Saga Continues (Released)
arabian’s The Mandalore Story - TCW / Rebels… any Fanedit out there?
EddieDean’s The Clone Wars: Refocused (v2.0 100% COMPLETE!) - a 2003 CW & 2008 TCW Edit, plus a little more…
smudger9’s Clone Wars Movie Series - Episodes (seasons) I to V released…
Kanemedhurst’s Star Wars: The Clone Wars I-VI (Kane’s Edits) - FINISHED!
Drdoomblyat’s Star Wars: The Clone Wars Essentials Edit (Released)
OutboundFlight’s Maul: Son of Dathomir (Released)
MechaSalesman’s Star Wars: The Clone Wars - tv cinematic film cuts project (Released)
BloodnoseThePirate’s Lethal Trackdown (The Clone Wars Fan Edit) (Released)
Tridentboy1998’s Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Siege of Mandalore Theatrical Cut (Released)
bbghost’s Another ‘Siege of Mandalore’ movie cut (Released)
a_mosmeyer’s The Siege of Mandalore - Theatrical Extended Edition (Released)
Smudger9’s Clone Wars Movie Series [Siege of Mandalore] (WIP)
szopman’s My custom edit of smudge9’s TCW Episode I (Released)
ExpandedUniverses’ THE CLONE WARS SAGA (Finished) (No Longer Available)
thunderclap’s Clone Wars: Episode I - Rise of the Separatists (Released)
ArcherEdits’ Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) arcs (Released)
Utinni’s The Clone Wars (Revenge of the Sith - Extended Edition) (Released)
Galadantien’s Star Wars Animated Film Collection (Released) : a re-edit feat. 2008 CW, Rebels, and Bad Batch series.
OutboundFlight’s Clone Wars Cinematic Universe (a WIP?) : a 2019 Work In Progress?
Kanemedhurst’s The Clone Wars Saga - OPINIONS NEEDED (a WIP) : a 2020 Work In Progress
GLC’s Ahsoka Trilogy (a WIP) : a Work In Progress (2 parts of the Trilogy finished)
RioReverso’s Revenge of the Sith + The Clone Wars 4 hour Supercut 2020 (V3) (Released)
CaptainFaraday’s Star Wars: Order 66 (ROTS + TCW + The Bad Batch + Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars) (released)
DarthYcey’s Star Wars: ROTS / The Clone Wars Edit: Shattered Victory (Released)
Brokkoli Entertainment’s Star Wars: ROTS / The Clone Wars Siege of Mandalore - Supercut (Released)
MechaSalesman’s Star Wars Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith - The Siege Of Mandalore (v2.0) (Released) - 4K or HD
Delpheas’ Fall of the Republic - The Clone Wars / Revenge of the Sith mashup (TCW Finale) (Released)
CaptainFaraday’s Star Wars: Order 66 (ROTS + TCW + The Bad Batch + Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars) (Released)
blinkHQ’s TCW: The Complete Movie Series (WIP) : a 2022 Work In Progress
nmxuci5970’s Clone Wars Stories (Canon) WIP : a 2022 Work In Progress
Anakin Starkiller’s Rebels: a fan edit Ideas thread
arabian’s The Mandalore Story - TCW / Rebels… any Fanedit out there?
Porkerrican’s Star Wars Rebels Movie Series (Released) - thread by Nigleet
RioReverso’s Star Wars Rebels: Mandalorian Civil War 3-hour Supercut (Released)
xxtelecine 7xx’s Star Wars: Rebels Season 1 - Partial Saber Re-scope (Released)
Buzz Lightyear’s Star Wars Rebels with the epilogue scene removed (for chronological viewings) (Released)
g00b’s Star Wars Rebels Recut - A Fanedit TV Series (Released)
SpenceEdit’s Twin Suns (Obi-Wan and Maul Coda) - Wrapping up their story without the Rebels connection (Released)
ArcherEdits’ ‘Star Wars: Rebels’ arcs (Released)
Galadantien’s Star Wars Animated Film Collection (Released) : a re-edit feat. 2008 CW, Rebels, and Bad Batch series.
xxtelecine 7xx’s STAR WARS Rebels Season 1: Lightsaber fix & Vader Red EYE removal (Part Finished) : a 2015 Part-Finished Project
xxtelecine 7xx’s Star Wars REBELS: Season 2 - re scoping all sabers (Part-Finished) : a 2016 Part-Finished Project
TheDimitrios’ Rebels - Concise Cut (Early Feedback Phase)
Martinkaworu’s Star Wars Resistance - 2 seasons into 2 movies (RELEASED)
Martinkaworu’s Episode VII: The Convergence of the Force (4+ hour extended edition of The Force Awakens) (RELEASED)
TheDimitrios’ Community Focus Thread: Bad Batch (with less Batch) - ideas and discussion thread
Acbagel’s (The Bad Batch) Cinematic Version | A More Mature Edit (Released)
Smudger9’s Bad Batch Movie Series [EP1: End of the War] (WIP)
ArcherEdits’ “The Bad Batch” Arcs and Episodes (Released)
ArcherEdits’ ‘The Bad Batch’ Season 2 Arcs and Episodes - V2 (Released)
ArcherEdits’ Star Wars ‘The Bad Batch’ Season 3 Arcs (Released)
Galadantien’s Star Wars Animated Film Collection (Released) : a re-edit feat. 2008 CW, Rebels, and Bad Batch series.
Star Wars: Visions - Redux Ideas Thread - to be created?
T-202’s [Post-sequels Star Wars story] “Heart of Kyber” | a SW: Visions edit (Released!)
Tales Of The Jedi - Redux Ideas Thread - to be created?
arabian’s Tales of the Jedi (Dooku episodes) + TCW (WIP) : a 2022 Work In Progress
ArcherEdits’ ‘“A New Hope” SC-38 Reimagined’ and ‘“The Phantom Menance” Tales of the Jedi’ cuts (Released)
ArcherEdits’ ‘Tales of The Jedi’ season 1 arcs (Released)
ArcherEdits’ Star Wars “Tales of The Empire” Arcs and special episodes (Released)
Y3ldarb’s Galaxy of Adventures - animated ESB shorts edited together (9 min 21 sec) (Released)
ArcherEdits’ Lego Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy - The Movie (Released)
oojason’s A thread for the Lego Star Wars films, specials, series, shorts, and curiosities… (2018 ‘info thread’)
Miscellaneous Projects
SWOTFAN25’s Ideas for a “Fanedit Documentary” - 2019 idea & discussion thread
Jambe Davdar’s The Filmumentaries Podcast - (of https://twitter.com/jamieswb and OT•com fame - and much more…)
Jambe Davdar’s Robert Watts - A Life In Film documentary.
Bobson Dugnutt’s DUELING WITH FATE - The Making of Episode I - A 13-Part Docu-Series (Released!)
Bobson Dugnutt’s Falling Into Darkness: The Making of Episode III (Released)
Ripplin’s Backstroking the other movies
doubleofive’s Making A SWVC YouTube Video on Han v Greedo (Star Wars Visual Comparisons)
Willrow-Hood’s If every Movie had a post credit scene thread
russs15’s Star Wars Read-Alongs and other exciting audio stuff…
The Bizzle’s Star Wars Radio Drama - Special Edition
Harmy’s STAR WARS TRILOGY The Very Special Edition (Feature length parody compilation)
impostor’s Idylls of the Force project - creating the Radio Dramas originally for the Clone Wars tv series
DVDGuy’s Star Wars: Rise of an Empire - Fan Edit Short Film
DuracellEnergizer’s The Star Wars Trilogy: Futuretrospective Edition (A Fanedit In Utero)
Octorox’s miscellaneous projects/tweaks of other edits
timdiggerm’s Reconstructing the end of ROTJ with Storyboards (2022) and Finishing Return of the Jedi (2024) projects.
Techtipster’s Star Wars 40th Return of the Jedi TV Spot - Fan Made
HyperDown’s Topher Grace Saga Trailer thread (2019)
Darth_Zounds’ Fan edit of Skywalker Saga trailer (released)
Commander Slurpy’s DE WANNA WANGA - A Star Wars Stop Motion Animated Short Film (FINISHED)
CaptainFaraday’s Comedy Edits Thread
GeoMFilms’s Fan Edit Humorous Shorts Series…
Brynn Elliots song ‘Might not like me’ with Star Wars footage
Rose Tico in Other Movies
Rose Tico in other movies - Star Wars Attack of the Clones - youtube video channel link
The Force Awakens: Cops and Robbers (Humor edit/redub ideas)
Jack Nicholson Hates the Last Jedi
boffy’s British Star Wars - original voices reinstated from on-set audio
LoreFreak’s Ahsoka Tano - The Journey EDIT (ALL Ahsoka Tano media merged together) (up on youtube)
LoreFreak’s Ahsoka Tano / Lord of the Rings Mashup (up on youtube)
Aleksis Pakarinen’s Links to the SW music videos, SW fake trailers, and TLJ review i made includes OT PT and ST material
The Star Wars Purist’s Custom Trailers for the Star Wars movies
Princess Leia’s Stolen Death Star Plans : Princess Leia’s Stolen Death Star Plans
^ Palette-Swap Ninja’s superb ode to The Beatles’ ‘Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band’ album - in a Star Wars style & theme…
oojason’s 📍 a few useful links for info and projects; some old, some new, some long forgotten… 📍 may also be of interest.
Book, Novel, Script, and Comic Edits - including Fan Films of EU content
paja’s The Star Wars Novel Editing Ideas Thread - 2022 thread
HeirTrilogy’s Info Wanted: Thrawn Trilogy Project – Want Your Input - 2016 thread
yub-yub’s Idea: Thrawn books turned into a movie? - 2011 thread
Darthnikos’ FIXED UNIVERSE: The Expanded Universe fan-editing - THE WHOLE THRAWN TRILOGY - 2009 thread
yoshif8tures’ Timothy Zahn’s Thrawn Supercut (NOVEL) (in the works) - 2023 thread
Pat-Fett’s Star Wars Dark Empire: The Movie - 2088 ideas & info thread
WilkinsAnimations’ Dark Empire (Fan Web Series) - 2019 project thread
darth_ender’s Splinter of the Mind’s Eye - and other fan films wishlist - 2013 thread
acbagel’s Outbound Flight | A Visual Novel/Audiobook Project (Chapter 1 Released)
Henkjehe’s Marvel StarWars Digital ComicBook DVD - 2008 thread
tangelo1023’s Fan edits of Star Wars novels : ‘Labyrinth of Evil’ edit (released) - 2020 thread
Darth_Zounds’ Revenge of the Sith: A Novel Fan Edit (released) - 2021 thread
daveytod’s Revenge Of The Sith (novel) super fanedit (finished - but not released - 2022 thread
tangelo1023’s Darth Plagueis: The Canon Edit - A novel fanedit (released) - 2021 thread
screams in the void’s The Empire Strikes Back Marvel Comics Cut - 2018 thread; ‘rough cut’ scene edit for the running order of comics adaptation.
tangelo1023’s THE HAN SOLO TRILOGY: THE CANON CUT - a novel fanedit (Released) - 2022 novel fan edit
Jar Jar Bricks’ The Last Jedi Expanded Edition by Jason Fry: The “Tragedy of Vader” Edit (WIP) - 2021 novel fan edit
Jar Jar Bricks’ The Rise of Skywalker Expanded Edition by Rae Carson: The “Tragedy of Vader” Edit (Released) - 2021 novel fan edit
CaptainFaraday’s The Rise of Skywalker Expanded Edition by Rae Carson: A Quality-of-Life Edit (WIP) - 2021 novel fan edit.
Andrew Winegarner’s A fan-made comic book adaptation of Trevorrow & Connolly’s Ep IX: ‘Duel of the Fates’ (Released) - 2021 thread
FVDnz’s Duel of the Fates Trevorrow/Connelly Ep. IX Script - now a Motion Comic (Released) - 2023 thread
Graz73’s Duel of the Fates: ToyBox Edition (Released) - 2023 thread
Deepfakes - Ideas & Projects
Eddie Dean’s Deepfake Ideas - Index and Discussion - 2021 thread
cinefy’s Star Wars Edits - Deepfakes, Artificial Faces | Discussion - 2021 thread
Arking’s Editing Ethically - Resurrecting and Rewriting - 2017 info & discussion thread re Deepfakes
Dat_SW_Guy’s New AI “Deepfake” for fixing shoddy dialogue? - 2024 thread
Matt.F’s Idea & Info: Rogue One - Princess Leia Deepfake Replacement - 2020 thread
danieldubb’s Deepfake Tarkin & Leia swap (Rogue One) (up on the Shamook youtube channel) - 2020 thread
gisle’s Tarkin Deepfake (up on youtube) - 2020 thread
ZigZig’s Harrison Ford in “Solo: A Star Wars Story” - Amazing deepfake (up on youtube) - 2020 thread
^ there are also numerous conversations on deepfakes, use of CGI characters, and the quality thereof… in the various ‘Rogue One’, ‘The Rise Of Skywalker’, ‘The Mandalorian’, ‘The Book Of Boba Fett’, and ‘Kenobi’ discussion threads - and probably more films / series to come - in their respective sections of An Index & Help Thread for Beyond the Original Trilogy
Individual Scene & Deleted Scenes Projects (for any & all of the GFFA)
Arabian’s Deleted Scenes Index and Discussion - info and index thread
Fiendish Droid Leader’s Using AI Voices to Repair Deleted Scenes (RotJ Sandstorm, Yoda Communes with Qui-Gon, etc.) - a 2023 Work In Progress
bryantmh’s AI Upscaling of Deleted Scenes and other content (Released)
Sheepish’s Best HD Version(s) of Prequel Deleted Scenes? Check out Hal 9000’s package! - (Hal’s ‘Prequel FanEdit Care Package’)
JustDC’s Prequel Trilogy Deleted Scenes - AI Upscale (a WIP) - from the PT : a Work In Progress
BbqChkn’s 4K Deleted Scenes upscale - help look for…
Octorox’s Making the Obi-Wan & Anakin training session (From the Kenobi series) work in an AOTC edit - 2022 thread
bagthesnoot’s Palpatine’s Duels - my 2 edits for his Episode III duels… - from the PT
darthrush’ End of Anakin vs Obi Wan (ROTS), Re-edited
Techtipster’s The Immolation Scene without any music, regraded colors, original 35mm theatrical cut (ROTS)
Xelaalvarez’s Revenge Of The Sith: Alternate Intro
ysamjo’s New Roque One to ANH transition - Rogue One into SW '77
dpk5e7’s My Lightsaber Duels project - from Episodes 1-6 - from the PT & OT
ZeroG22’s Droids - A re-edit of a classic episode 4 shot in 3d - from SW '77
doubleofive’s Making A SWVC YouTube Video on Han v Greedo WIP - from SW '77-'19SE
JediMasterAdam’s Episode 4 (escape from Tatooine edit) Just something fun
Techtipster’s What if the Death Star destroy Tatooine during A New Hope?
Ronster’s Putting Jabba into star wars properly… discussion thread - from SW '77
Manx32’s Fanedit trailer and Jabba the Hutt CGI replacement ANH - from SW '77
Bobson Dugnutt’s Alternate Biggs Reunion Edit - from SW '77
JeromeTheEditor’s Ben vs Vader edit - from SW '77
ziggyonice’s Info: Vader vs. Kenobi Reimagined - ANH / “Scene 38 Reimagined” (Released) - from SW '77
honestabe’s SC 38 Reimagined Classic Merge (fan edit short)
act on instinct’s ESB intro - Franz Waxman redux - from ESB
schultzstudio’s The Empire Strikes Back - Wampa Attack - New Stop Motion Shots - Edit - from ESB
Tack’s Luke’s Recovery fan-edit - from ESB
Darth Editous’ Just one ESB shot fixed, but I’m pleased with it and thought you’d like to see it - from ESB
UsernameGeri’s Battle of Hoth with Lego Snowspeeder
Lonestar113’s EPISODE VI, Better Boba Fett - from ROTJ
sidshady12’s Boba Fett’s Death Remastered (Released)
JeremyJenki’s I have made something terrible and cursed (Jedi Rocks Karaoke) - from ROTJ
darkspire17’s Oola’s Sentence (extended) - from ROTJ
4throck’s My ROTJ fixes & changes thread - from ROTJ
4throck’s Ewoks with blasters - footage from the 2 Ewok theatrical films into ROTJ
drpepper687’s Producing an Endor fleet battle video for YouTube, incorporating deleted footage, questions for Adywan… - ROTJ thread
Aratus’ The Death of Han Solo synced w/ Inception Time soundtrack 720p [HD] [Remastered] - from TFA
ziggyonice’s Has anyone attempted to put Holdo in The Force Awakens so that her character doesn’t feel shoehorned into The Last Jedi? discussion thread - from TFA
Vladius’ Holdo replaced with Luke - from TLJ
leo87’s Info: TLJ - Caretaker village sequence - from TLJ
jrs81’s Idea: The Last Jedi WITHOUT Cantobight - from TLJ
ziggyonice’s thread for A Fan Editor on Reddit has added Admiral Ackbar back into TLJ after the loss of Bridge Crew - TLJ
ziggyonice’s I put “The Jedi Steps” music into The Last Jedi for Luke’s showdown with the First Order and it is amazing. - TLJ
jadenkorr41’s Battle of Exegol extended and enhanced - TROS
Master Qui-Gon’s .: The MQG Clip Thread :. (video clips from Star Wars movies with changed music) - from all the GFFA
^ It is also worth checking out the Deleted Scene Preservation & Restoration Projects (and some discussions)… section of the An Index & Help Thread for Star Wars Preservations… for deleted & individual scene projects that could be used in Fan Edits.
Star Wars Gaming Projects
ysamjo’s Jedi: Fallen Order - A game movie fanedit (Released)
twister111’s Rebel Assault II and, Jedi Knight Dark Forces II cutscenes
daveytod’s SW videogames cutscenes (esp. Rogue Squadron series)
daveytod’s Shadows Of The Empire
daveytod’s Episode III The Video Game - The Movie
daveytod’s Star Wars Battlefront - Journal of the 501st…a daveytod release
Exar Xan’s Star Wars Games Preservation
SpenceEdit’s The Force Unleashed Duology - A Spence Edit
mMathab’s Bounty Hunter - The Video Game DVD (need help please)
Galactus’ “Star Wars: Bounty Hunter - Beyond The Game 2.0” 3-DVD by Galactus + MoveAlong + ThrowgnCpr
Kaydon_Sentry’s Star Wars Dark Empire: The Movie
Kaydon_Sentry’s Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - THE MOVIE - Finally finished
ysamjo’s Jedi Fallen Order - A game movie fanedit
Martinkaworu’s Episode VII: The Convergence of the Force (4+ hour extended edition of The Force Awakens) (RELEASED)
German Thrawn Trilogy fan edit based mainly on game footage - thread by benduwan
Darth Muffy’s Request: a Vader Immortal Fan Edit Movie
Kaal-Jhyy’s Kaal’s “SW Video Games Cutscenes” Project
Kaal-Jhyy’s The Official Kaal-Jhyy Release Thread - Dark Forces II Cut Scenes
Some other useful non-SW gaming project threads…
• Old game cutscenes / FMV games
• Extracting cutscenes and gameplay action from PC game
• 24 The Game Cut Scenes Fan Edit
• Making a movie out of a videogame?
Useful / Resource Tools & Info - for Fan Edits
StarkillerAG’s The ‘Request a Star Wars Fan Edit’ thread
ZigZig’s ZigZig’s monthly ‘share a project’ offer thread (for the requesting of sharing a project thread)
TV’s Frink’s offer of 'Star Wars Fanedit Upload Request Thread In Which You Can Request That I Upload A Star Wars Fanedit And I Will Respond Yay Or Nay (CHECK FIRST POST BEFORE MAKING REQUESTS)’ - (obsolete).
Troy’s What Ever Happened To PAY IT FORWARD? (PIF) 2009 discussion thread. (also see this post here for more info on PIF)
EddieDean’s Community Focus Threads - Index and Overview
• Community Focus Thread 1: The Phantom Menace
• Community Focus Thread 2: Return of the Jedi
Gavinworld12’s “20th Century Fox” Opening Logo - Custom Enhanced - (HD Blender 2.79 Project)
Gavinworld12’s New 20th Century Fox Intro Templates For Star Wars Fan-Edits
Gavinworld12’s “Star Wars Custom Logos and Opening Crawl Creator” TEMPLATE FOR BLENDER 2.79
Jackpumpkinhead’s Custom Crawl Creator: Revisited (A Free Blender Project for Fan Editors) thread
DarthLucas’ Star Wars Crawl Redone (or, My Lame 3D Graphics Practice) (for fun)
gilou’s I made a little text editor for Jedis (jeditext.com) and thought maybe you might enjoy it
Anakin Starkiller’s The C-3PO voice emulator meme thread
fidodido’s Collection of Text-to-Speech-Tools and other line-altering resources
minermanb’s Make Qui-Gon say whatever you want, thanks to droids! (Machine Learning)
hundsdorfex’s Need special effects for your edit? Request them here!
brash_stryker’s Brash’s Star Wars Sound Effects Archive - A collection of the best Star Wars sounds for use in Fan Editing
Hal 9000’s 1997 Special Edition Audio Mixes, GOUT-Synced
ADigitalMan’s Thoughts on de-SE’ing the DVD discussion thread - re the 2004 OT DVD release
Gimpy’s Nvidia RTX Voice for Music Removal
Techtipster’s Making Luke’s Blue Saber duel against Vader’s Red Saber From Return of the Jedi
Techtipster’s Changing Luke’s Blade To Blue (from green to blue)
Sheepish’ Best HD Version(s) of Prequel Deleted Scenes? info thread; & Hal 9000’s “Prequel FanEdit Care Package”
Kurgan’s Idea: Star Wars Deleted Scenes - Reincorporated? info thread
DominicCobb’s Fixing the TFA and TLJ Deleted Scenes
paja’s Replacing or rather deepfaking TPM’s Crappy Puppet Yoda™’s face?
Mathiias’ Info: DVDHolocron.com - My tribute to all of you - repository of SW DVD Knowledge
Star Wars Comparison - youtube channel; assorted comparison videos of various releases of the Original Trilogy films
ben_danger’s Alternative Star Wars Movie Titles - Keep Checking the First Post!
Star Wars Fan Edits: Ideas / Discussion Threads
Bingowings’ The Star Wars Fan Edit Great Debate Thread (2009 discussion thread)
EddieDean’s Community Focus Threads - Index and Overview - collaborative thought and discussion on fan edits
• Community Focus Thread 1: The Phantom Menace
• Community Focus Thread 2: Return of the Jedi
jack Spencer Jr’s Fan prequels? (2006 discussion thread)
paja’s The Star Wars Novel Editing Ideas Thread
Bingowings’ The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread (a Prequel Trilogy Ideas Thread)
Darth Revan’s Episode 3: Fan Editing Ideas Discussion
Spartacus01 / Darth Malgus’ I need help with my Prequel Trilogy edits (a 2023 project thread)
darthrush’s How to make Episode 3 work as a standalone prequel?
Bobocop’s Star Wars: One Death Star to Rule Them All (6 become 1, and only 1) (2008 thread - Prequel & Original Trilogies)
darth_ender’s Integrating the two trilogies thread (2011 thread - Prequel & Original Trilogies)
RogueLeader’s A Collaborative Star Wars Saga Edit (2018 thread - all 9 main films)
DominicCobb’s OT Edits to Fit the PT (A Resource Thread, Hopefully)
Anakin Starkiller’s The Original Radical Redux Ideas Thread
Anakin Starkiller’s Can anything possibly be improved in ESB? (2017 thread)
Ice’s Tiny edit idea for ESB
nightstalkerpoet’s unofficial discussion ideas & thread for adywan’s Revisited Saga Original Trilogy edits:-
The Unofficial Complete REVISITED SAGA Ideas and Random Discussion Thread
teharri ‘ideas and wishlist’ thread for adywan’s Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi edits:-
Info & Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist
darth_ender’s Collaborative Fanediting: An ROTJ Proposition thread
paja’s The Usual Sequel Trilogy Radical Redux Ideas Thread
JakeRyan’s Sequel Trilogy Rescoring Ideas Thread
daneditor’s The Force Awakens Fan Edit Ideas thread
tomo’s The Last Jedi : Fan Edit Ideas thread
idir_hh’s Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread - SPOILERS
NeverarGreat’s The Starlight Project Addendum: The Rise of Skywalker (Vestigial Ideas)
krausfadr’s Knights of Ren Overhaul: Ideas for Fixing the KoR in TROS
axlanian’s For TRoS Edits: Dialogue for the Knights of Ren! Come help!
Cadavra’s No-Palpatine Rise of Skywalker Radical Brainstorming Thread
Chase Adams’ REY NOBODY - The ‘Official’ Fan-Editing Thread
darthrush’s Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - FanEdit Ideas thread
paja’s SOLO: Fan Edit Ideas - SPOILERS INSIDE thread
oojason’s The Mandalorian : Radical Redux Fan Edit Ideas Thread - SPOILER THREAD
Moiisty’s The Mandalorian Season 1 & 2 Mixed Edit Ideas? (Spoilers)
ben_danger’s STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS - edit ideas discussion
ben_danger’s The Clone Wars Movies - Ideas Thread
Delpheas’ Fall of the Republic - The Clone Wars/Revenge of the Sith mashup ideas (Clone Wars Finale Spoilers)
Kanemedhurst’s The Clone Wars Saga - OPINIONS NEEDED
Anakin Starkiller’s Rebels Fanedit Ideas
ben_danger’s thread for SomethingStarWarsRelated’s fan edit ideas…
Snooker’s Assorted Star Wars edit ideas
szopman’s Idea: Dark Empire audio dramas - canon edit thread
TheBoost’s Worst Edit Ideas thread
musiced921’s Editing other sci-fi movies into Star Wars stories thread
Cinefy’s Star Wars Edits - Deepfakes, Artificial Faces | Discussion thread
screams in the void’s Hypothetical Star Wars fan edit challenge thread
What are the ‘Best’ Star Wars fan edits?
Subjective threads & conversations as to which Star Wars Fan Edits are highly rated / liked / to suit viewer interests.
what is considered by most fans to be the best edit of the Prequels - a 2016 thread, by jedimasterobiwan
Your go to versions of the PT - a 2014 thread, by Jackpumpkinhead
The Prequel Trilogy showdown - which versions to watch? - a 2017 thread, by Destinyg133
New Member/new to fan edits - Direction pleased re “Prequels” - a 2018 thread, by RaoulJuke
different prequel versions? what to watch? - a 2016 thread, by Snoopac
What are your favorite fan edits for the PT and why? - a 2021 thread, by Darth_Zounds
The best “serious” Prequel fan edits? - a 2013 thread, by fenriz
Best Prequel Fan Edits for watching in Machete Order? - a 2020 thread, by Space Medievalist
Best Phantom Menace Fan Edit - a 2006 thread, by focuspuller
What is the best ‘Attack of the Clones’ edit? - a 2020 thread, by Jaws123DRevenge
Best edits of Ep 2 and 3 - a 2009 thread, by oracle
Best Revenge of the Sith Edit as a companion to The Phantom Edit and Attack of the Phantom - a 2011 thread, by Octotorox
Best Episode III Edit? - a 2011 thread, by bouerbouer
Good extended Revenge of the Sith edit suggestions - a 2023 thread, by Patali
If you had to pick the definitive PT fan-edits - a 2009 thread, by Shadester9
The go to definitive prequel cuts? - a 2017 thread, by nismo4life
Best 3 in 1 prequel edit? - a 2016 thread, by Spoofy4567
Prequel fan edits that work with The Clone Wars? - a 2020 thread, by tatonkaman156
Best Original Trilogy/Prequel Edits for newbies? - a 2011 thread, by dgallegos2112
What are the “essential” OT fan-edits to have? - a 2014 thread, by clutchins
Looking for a “middle-ground” edit of the Original Trilogy - a 2020 thread, by Hoop28
What is the best ROTJ Fanedit so far in your opinion? - a 2017 thread, by iamweasel
What Are The Best Sequel Trilogy Edits??? - a 2019 thread, by Max Rebo
Sequal Trilogy Recommendation - a 2024 thread, by Cardboard231
Fan Edits of the Sequel Trilogy? (and which are the best edits) - a 2024 thread, by Spaz
Looking for an Extended Version of The Last Jedi - a 2024 thread, by Jedi Matt
Whats the best fan edit of Star Wars Episode 9/IX? - a 2020 thread, by Bmansweden
Best canon-friendly TROS edits? - a 2023 thread, by leftshoe18
Your Favorite Fan Edits? - a 2008 thread, by TheDoctor1987
Which Fan Edits are considered the Best? - a 2016 thread, by T34655
Best Fan Edit for Machete Order? - a 2015 thread, by StarChewyWar
Call for experts! Machete marathon. Q2/HAL? TPM? - a 2017 thread, by Hotfingers
What is Your Preferred Watch Order, and Which Versions (Fan edits/official releases)? - a 2022 thread, by Spottyfriend
best fan edits you have ever seen? - a 2018 thread, by BGum16
To those of you who have seen a lot of the fan edits… - a 2008 thread, by Janskeet
Recommended Star Wars Edits - a 2019 thread, by StarkillerAG
The Best Fan Edits Ever? - a 2023 thread, by VineSauceShamrock
The last Fan Edit you have seen thread… - a 2017 thread, by paja
Which Edits Best Fit My Head Canon? (There are so many to pick from) - a 2024 thread, by MiDKnighT
Much of the thumbnail art seen in this Index was created by the superb ‘RedHeadJedi’ of r/PlexPosters fame.
www.reddit.com/r/PlexPosters & www.reddit.com/r/PlexPosters/comments/l1g250/star_wars_complete_collection_2021
All credit and kudos to ‘RedHeadJedi’ and the amazing community over there - detailing much onscreen media and beyond…
Project Index last updated on : Sunday 1st December, 2024. (by oojason)
Updated to now include images for each category - to help break up the ‘wall of text’ - to try and make categories easier to navigate.
The site staff are not updating the ‘Project Index’ threads. So if anyone wants their project added to this Index… please post it up in this thread - and I’ll then add it to the Index itself when I am next on-site (I’m only sporadically on here since January 2022).
If you see any broken links or errors, or notice any projects incorrectly labelled etc / requiring an update (or now completed and released etc), please post them up in here or let me know… and I’ll correct them as soon as I can - thank you.
Links to the Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within, plus About & Help sections.
A link to the ‘How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com - some info & replies to members’ FAQs thread, in General Assistance.
Links to the OT.com Forum Rules and Guidelines & Fan Edit / Preservation Forum Rules and FAQ threads, in Announcements.
A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…
Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
‘How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com
A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)
… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.
Thanks for this. I will definitely be using this thread as reference forevermore.
^ cheers mate, nice one 😃
Edit: Some more information and articles have been added about ‘The Phantom Edit(s) | a catalyst for Star Wars fan edits’ - with some brief quotes from George Lucas and Lucasfilm on fan edits in the linked articles from the time…
Personally, as a member here, I’d encourage everyone to watch it and upvote that video.
A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…
Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
‘How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com
A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)
… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.
Great thread. I’d prefer if the old Hal9000 thread were labeled as “Outdated” or something rather than “Overview” since they are old and more or less unrelated to the new ones.
Octorox has done edits of Episodes I & II as well. “Faster, More Intense” and “Sanded Down,” respectively.
Not sure if this is the appropriate thread to ask this. In the same vein of what Octorox has done with Episodes I & II (taking the best ideas from other editors such as Hal9000 and L8wrtr, and essentially making a greatest hits), I’ve a personal use edit of Episode III that combines cuts from Hal9000, L8wrtr, and Q2 along with some of my own ideas. However, I didn’t keep track of what cut came from which editor, or a cut list at all for that matter. Would this be something that the community would be interested in viewing? Or does the fact that I have no documentation kind of ruin it?
^ cheers for the heads-up re Octorox’s Episode 1 & 2 Edits 😃
Re your personal ROTS Edit… go for it - as long as you give credit to the respective Editors you borrowed from, I don’t see a problem with it.
Though you may have some difficulty in getting people interested in watching it without a cut list? Perhaps an overview of some of the major changes you can remember making may help, or an explanation of what you were aiming for - may help perk interest?
(Personally, you have me intrigued in that it’s a ‘greatest hits’ from some very good Editors - and also a few ideas of your own.)
A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…
Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
‘How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com
A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)
… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.
I created a 1 in 7 SW saga edit, “Vader”. Could go in the saga or single film section:
^ cheers for the heads-up re Octorox’s Episode 1 & 2 Edits 😃
Re your personal ROTS Edit… go for it - as long as you give credit to the respective Editors you borrowed from, I don’t see a problem with it.
Though you may have some difficulty in getting people interested in watching it without a cut list? Perhaps an overview of some of the major changes you can remember making may help, or an explanation of what you were aiming for - may help perk interest?
(Personally, you have me intrigued in that it’s a ‘greatest hits’ from some very good Editors - and also a few ideas of your own.)
I think he’s saying not so much that there isn’t a cutlist but that he didn’t keep track of what footage came from what edit
Ha, I wondered why I was getting some more recent requests for my TFA edit. I can only assume this post is the cause! Thanks 😃
I also have a 2003 Clone Wars, and a season one Rebels edits near completion so I’ll be sure to mention them when they’re done if there’s any interest.
oojason, just wanted to add my appreciation for this latest extensive compilation of yours. Your efforts around here are very helpful indeed.
Just curious why it seems Sobofilms The Last Jedi re-cut has disappeared like it never existed? From reading the changes it seems by far the one must attuned to my aesthetic. It’s nowhere to be found and eliminates the saber toss, milking, most of canto bight, etc. while also adding the deleted scenes. Does anyone have any info? New member so sorry for my ignorance just want to be able to watch a good version of the movie.
Thank you!
May the Force be with you
I haven’t heard of it. Do you have any links to places (here or otherwise) where it has been talked about? It’s possible that it could have begun to go by a different name at some point; any kind of discussion online about the edit will provide some clues as to what happened with it.
RoccondilRinon has very kindly made an OriginalTrilogy•com animated logo for use with any Preservation or Fan Edit projects.
There are three animated variants of the OT•com logo available for download, along with a still image in .png format.
More info below…
‘OT•com animated logo - NOW AVAILABLE for use in fan edits and other projects’ (by RoccondilRinon):-
(if you’d like to give credit for the above animations please do so to St. Kilda Design - RoccondilRinon’s art and design brand; thanks)
A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…
Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
‘How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com
A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)
… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.
A fantastic collection of Star Wars Fan Edits! So much to choose from and there looks to be something for everyone. Thank you so much for the site and all the work that goes into it - and also these Edits! 😃
Can you include my upcoming 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi - The Ultimate Cut in this list?
Mod Reply Edit: Your project being based on a banned member’s TLJ Edit from an apparent torrent download of TLJ (to which he has strived to solicit money from and earn a living from as a ‘professional fan editor’ - despite not finishing his much delayed project)?
No, FreezingTNT2 - it won’t be added to the list. Hopefully, you’ll start afresh - and your TLJ Edit will be based from an official blu ray or digital download you have bought and own - and not on the above mentioned banned member’s edit.
The unfortunate reality of the Star Wars prequel and Disney trilogies is that they will always be around. Forever. They will never go away. It can never be undone.
I also prefer to be referred to as “TNT”, not “Freezing”.
An addendum to the above ‘Fan Edit / Preservation Forum Rules and FAQ’ - Rule 2:-
2. No profiting from any activities related to fan edits or preservation efforts. Those found selling their fan edits or preservation projects here or elsewhere will be banned… (see the post below or click here for more information as of June 1st, 2020)
June 1st, 2020
As the world of media ever evolves, so too does our ability to interact with that world. In the beginning days of film, access was only available through theaters or private screenings. Over time we’ve gained a more immediate access through the distribution of home video releases and now access-on-demand through the internet. As creatives, this has also allowed us greater opportunity to interact with media to the eventual advent of fanediting. One thing that we must remember is that even though our access and ability to manipulate media is increasing, that access and ability does not give us the right to reinterpret the established laws surrounding copyrights of intellectual properties (IP).
A recent trend in the world of digital creatives is to use subscription based revenue supports such as patreon. While this is a fantastic way for creatives to support the development and distribution of their own IPs, we stress that it cannot be used to support fanediting. Any engagement in the profiting off of another’s IP work without permission from the owner to do so is strictly prohibited and any faneditor who engages in such activity will be banned from participating in our fanediting communities.
To clarify…
In the past we have been clear that no faneditor may profit from fanediting. Under this new policy this now also includes subscription based models, monetization of content that editors do not hold the copyright for and pay-per-view/access models. If a faneditor profits in any way, they have violated this rule.
Profiting from fanediting is defined as any increase in currency that leads to a personal or collective financial gain.
Fanediting is defined as editing and presenting/sharing alternate versions of content that an editor does not hold the copyright for.
Simplified check list…
If you are profiting from fanediting…
If you are selling fanediting…
If you are monetizing fanediting…
If you are asking others to financially subscribe to support your fanediting…
…you have violated this rule.
Clearly stated…
If you don’t hold the copyright of the source material you may not profit from the content.
Again, any faneditor that is found violating these guidelines will be banned from our communities.
If you have any questions regarding these rules please contact a staff member privately.
– The Staff of Fanedit.org & OriginalTrilogy.com
A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…
Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
‘How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com
A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)
… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.
Did anyone do a version of TFA that kept Kylo Rens helmet on during the Rey interaction scene?
Did anyone come up with a different way of Rey escaping for Kylo’s ship in TFA other than using Jedi mind tricks?
Who did the best version of TLJ and using most new/fan created scenes?
Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/
Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh
Did anyone do a version of TFA that kept Kylo Rens helmet on during the Rey interaction scene?
DigMod did, in his “Heir to the Force” edit. It’s not very convincing, but it’s still an attempt.
Did anyone come up with a different way of Rey escaping for Kylo’s ship in TFA other than using Jedi mind tricks?
22Popcorn86 did, in his TFA Redux Cut. He added a voiceover from Maz telling Rey to use the Force, which then causes Rey’s restraints to be removed.
Who did the best version of TLJ and using most new/fan created scenes?
If you’re looking for the most fan-created scenes, you should probably go with Poppasketti’s TLJ Rekindled. There’s some amazing VFX work in there.
My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:
Thanks StarkillAG, I didn’t know DigMod made that version. I think it needs to be rotoscoped to pull it off properly.
I’ll have a look for the other versions. They sound cool.
I just didn’t wanna redo something anyone has already achieved.
Cheers for the info.
Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/
Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh
2 questions
Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/
Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh
Which of the films for episodes 1-6 have extended cuts?
I am looking for all of those. I know of ADM edits for the prequel trilogy, and i know of 2 recently done expanded cuts of episode III and IV by Bobson Dugnutt.
What i’m really looking for is extended cuts of Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. And i wonder if they exist even in a rough workprint form.
Is there a thread where editors can ask for suggestions for alternative sources for unique requests? It would be helpful to post a request when looking for something, i.e. a specific line of dialogue, and someone may remember seeing the word in an interview.
For example, people can ask for help in finding:
-specific dialogue from the actors in other movies or behind the scenes.
-specific SFX shots, i.e. from deleted scenes or from a game.
-spaceship shots that could be from non-movie sources, like, say, fan artwork.
People could also post things they’ve found that could be useful in edits:
-commercials that have unique footage with top qualify SFX. Phantom Menace’s commercial, for example, had more Maul than the movie.
-Audiobooks with the original actors
-Video Games with the original actors
-Behind the scenes and documentaries that could have potentially useful edits
-Or even non-Star Wars footage that could be used in an edit.
^ It’d be great to have a repository of such content - though would take an almighty effort to put together - and also maintain.
I don’t think there is such a thread that covers all of what you mention above - though am a little ‘post-blind’ after the recent re-organisation of the ‘Fan Project’ sections of the site. spoRv and none have done some great work down the years on database, archival and info threads - some could well be of use for something like this?
It may be worth asking creating a new thread to gauge interest - and commitment - from other members for such a project?
A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…
Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
‘How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com
A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)
… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.
Could you put my “The Last Jedi Reforged” edit on your list? It’s already finished.
My Fan-Edits:
The Last Jedi Reforged
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Revitalized
The Lone Ranger Essential Cut
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Mature Cut