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What is the project’s status?
Episode 1-4 released - Episode 5 WIP
What is this edit about?
0 | No “movie” edits
There are a lot of edits that try to make Rebels into a series of movies. I think the structure of the show does not compliment that approach at all. So this edit will clearly be structured like a TV show.
1 | Focus on character journeys
The biggest difference to other fan edits of Rebels is that this one is laser focused on the characters. Anything that is not in service of their development and that is not essential for the overall plot (of not just this show, but the canon in general), will be removed. - Even if it is technically part of a main story arc.
2 | Meant for a chronological rewatch
Firstly, I created an Intro that strongly resembles the one from Andor. This will smoothen the experience a bit when you jump between shows. (see pictures further down) This also means non-essential episodes with Cameos of well known characters will not be completely skipped. There is value in checking in with characters like Saw Gerrera, since it makes the show feel more connected to the overall canon. It also compliments the goal of this edit to focus on the characters. In rare cases, the appearance of elements in the show will be changed to resemble other instances of them appearing in canon. (see the example of Kessel in the pilot episode below)
3 | Make it feel less kiddy - but keep the goof!
This might sound contradictory at first glance, but I honestly do not think it is a bit of goof here and there that really makes this show feel kiddy. For me at least the cause of that are instances where the obvious is spelled out or information is repeated multiple times. Those things will be removed, where possible. The goof will be retained. 😃
4 | No exposition via text
EddieDean used text cards in front of each episode to great effect in “Clone Wars: Refocused”. For Clone Wars, something like it was actually neccessary, since the (often essential) opening narration of the show had to be replaced with something. With Rebels, there is no such inherent need. Introducing an element like it makes it possible to cut down the runtime even more, as Goobs “Rebels Recut” showed. But this cut is committed to give the audience all the relevant information directly onscreen. The use of cold openings allows me to skip a lot of unneccesary fluff regardless.
5 | Overall structure
Any episode will follow this structure:
- Fanedit info screen
- Cold Opening
- Intro
- Episode
- Credits
6 | Episode length
The priority of this edit is to tell a complete chapter of the story with every episode. Because of this, the runtime of a given episode will vary greatly.
Detailed Episode Infos
Season 1
First Impressions
This is the Intro to Episode 5, which sees Kanan and Ezra visit the Jedi Temple
Temple Reunion
Added a bit of a moment for Kanan and Ezra as a team when leaving the Jedi Temple.
Kessel looked substantially different in “Solo” so I added a bit of mist and lightning.