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The sequels have been trashed on enough, so I’m going to try not to talk about that too much in this post. I’ve always been very annoyed at how much potential the characters in the sequels had. I find the characters of Rey, Finn, and Kylo to have really amazing concepts but for me, it was ruined by completely undoing the OT and having a lack of a plan for the trilogy. So this is my attempt at trying to keep them more in line with a legend’s story taking place much earlier in the timeline.
The Basis of these edits is the amazing Heir of the Force and Fate of the Jedi. I have changed it into a duology, as even though I like some aspects of TROS, I believe it to be unharvestable as it was completely unearned.
The main differences from those above edits:
First of all, Heres how the timeline works
Right after Return of the Jedi, Han and Leia have their first child, Ben Solo, who then goes to train with Luke in his new growing Jedi Order. The location of the Jedi Order is made secret due to the Imperial Remanents’ existence. Ben is manipulated by Snoke, (as seen in the comics) and leaves with another group of students (the Jedi order is not destroyed.) Luke is destroyed by this, and using the map to the first jedi temple found in BF2, he goes to the temple to find answers on how to help Ben. A Map to Skywalker, is put together and is hunted down by the Empire with the goal of finding Luke, and destroying the Jedi once and for all. This all takes place when the Solo twins are born, but very young. Han does not leave the New Republic and return back to smuggling, but the fall of Ben to the dark side has split Han and Leia up temporarily.
No Crawl, but blue text setting up the context, as in my opinion the crawl should only belong to the main 1-6 saga movies
Using Elevenlabs AI, all mentions of Resistance and First Order are changed to New Republic and Empire
the biggest one is that Han lives. This is made to slot into legends so Han has to survive. I like Hans’s death and what it means, but the only possible way it can stay like that is if I move this all the way down the timeline to after the YUzhon Von wafr and completely remove Chewbacca from the movie. If you don’t care about legends, there is a version of this movie with and without it.
Next is Starkiller Base. Starkiller Base’s weapon function is completely removed, as it was a stupid trope even in ROtJ.
I’ve always been bothered by the fact that there are little to no mentions of anything prequel related in TFA and TLJ, so prequel sounds, and a vision of Anakin in the Jedi temple from Kenobi, is added in Rey’s vision
Deleted scenes are also added back in.
No Crawl, but blue text setting up the context, as in my opinion the crawl shpilg only belong to the main 1-6 saga movies
First of all, even though I like the meaning of the title (as a movie NOT as a sequel) the title has to be changed.
Some shots of Han are going to have to be added since he survived (there will be a version with and without)
Using Elevenlabs AI, all mentions of Resistance and First Order are changed to New Republic and Empire
Vader vs Kylo fan film is added in, as it fits basically perfectly. It adds to Kylos very abrupt change from Vader and is also just great fan service
I’m not sure about this yet, but there is a fan film about Kylo Ren that expands on Luke’s failure (and also has Anakin in it) so I think it would be a great addition to the movie during the flashback section. it is animated, so it may take you out of the movie, but I think it’s worth it.
Deleted Scenes added
The resistance fleet is NOT the last of the resistance, and the stakes of the movie are from them being cut off from communications , + the fact that all of Reys friends are all on that fleet
I think I’m going to change Luke’s lightsaber back to being blue, as it visualizes Lukes’s arc throughout the movie, because he uses the lightsaber he refused from the beginning of the movie. The only problem with this though is that it makes Ben look like an idiot as he just saw the lightsaber being destroyed.
Lukes dialog about being the last jedi and about the war just beginning is changed
(not sure about this yet) some of the ending of TROS, including an appearance of Lando, would be the scene where all OT actors are reunited and the war is finally over after the signing of the treaty (sadly has to be off-screen)
These will take time, especially since I am also working on my main SW saga edits, but these should be released before those since they are fairly simple.