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- #1393273
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- Going away? Post so here!
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Re Fated-Dualist leaving - https://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Random-Thoughts/id/11047/page/787 which I’ve only just seen, oojason leaving before that, and now me too.
I know oojason from the old days on here, and also on another nonSW site. We got talking on there and he persuaded me to come back to this place after a long time away. To take a look around, give him some feedback and ideas for improvements or for content not previously covered. To help point new members in the ‘right direction’ to threads and such (I think he asked other people too, including Fated-Dualist). And we were happy to help, to become active members on here again, and of course also post on Star Wars and hang out on here.
When Jason left and the reasons why, we were a little unnerved, but have continued on here, and even finished up some of his incomplete projects and ideas (with his permission and notes).
Yet what has gone on here is deeply troubling; seeing former members (or people who don’t post much anymore - and I don’t just mean this latest incident with Handman) come back and snipe, make accusations, and kick off at others or try to take a ‘high ground’. It appears some are more interested in point scoring or set on continuing this whole thing on and on. As Fated has said the past, contructing a narrative where they have done nothing wrong, though carry on sniping to throw shade or shit at others who are adjudged to have wronged them, at ‘the other side’ or ‘enemy’.
The hostilitiy, anger and accusations is disturbing, and given what happened to oojason - or to people speaking up for him, the mods, Jay, or the site, and this is also not for me. I don’t want to be associated with that in any way, or be on the end of what Jason has faced. So like Fated-Dualist, it is a good bye from me.
In the wider picture I hope the people taking shots at this forum, and also pop up here when there is drama to fuel, realise it is not going to achieve anything apart from fostering more hate and anger in an environment (not here) where someone seeing all this would take things too far, way way too far (such as along the lines of what happened to Jason). All this wasted energy and effort on being negative and hateful, instead of contributing something positive or working towards reconciling any issues. Or even just ignoring each other if need be. Maybe in time people will realise that, take a step back, have a look at themselves, and what the end game will be if it continues. I hope so, for everyone on here and also on the other websites where this is still an issue, where people are given platforms like this ‘to vent’ at the OT, and also pat each other on the back for telling Jay the OT founder & admin on here to go kill himself, and have ‘big problems’ with the mods here. Or continues to take veiled shots at the OT admin, accuse someone of being a sock despite knowing it cannot be who they claim it is, who shitposts all over the site, moans about the forum ‘declining’, wants ‘to make it great’ again but repeatedly makes image-only & low effort shitposts themselves. All because they they are bored, haven’t the will or courage to just leave or adapt.
A “good riddance” or pithy post, accusations, insults and anger towards me incoming, and expected. Instead of trying to actually make this forum better, or working through the issues some have elsewhere.
TLDR - “This bickering is pointless.”
and to also have a think about the effects on yourselves, others around you and your differing communities, should people are still striving to continue along this divisive and destructive path.