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DVD clamshells...where to get them?

Now that I have all of these fan edits and archival editions, I need a place to store them.

Where do I get good quality clamshell cases? For cheap!

I want single cases (these I can find anywhere) and double disc cases (harder to find).

The double disc cases need to be the type that are the same width as the singles. Otherwise I will run into cover size issues with my printer.

i get the double disc cases at compusa for $8.00 for 10(memorex),that is what i use.
hope this helps
I ordered a bunch of cases from Meritline.com before and was extremely satisfied with my order and the price.

Here is a link for all of the dual-disc cases they have, of which there are several kinds.

I used to be very active on this forum. I’m not really anymore. Sometimes, people still want to get in touch with me about something, and that is great! If that describes you, please email me at [my username]ATgmailDOTcom.

Hi everybody. You’re all awesome. Keep up the good work.

I have extra 2 disc clamshell cases that are the same size as single DVD cases. I have almost a whole case of them, so PM or email me with an offer if you're interested. They're the same thing sold by Meritline, Rima, etc.
If you're in the UK I could probably get you a bunch of the single disc cases for free (double disc ones are possible, but I'll to hunt for them and that takes time) but you'd have to cover postage.
Boomstick - I am in the USA but thanks for the offer. I will wait until sunday and see what sales various stores will be having. Then get ahold of tr-47 or meritline. Thanks for all the help.

Excellent customer service and prices. If you sign up for their mailing list, you get a 20% coupon every month. This month's code is "ALOHA".
Man, you pay alot! I can get all the cases I want for free

You just have to ask nicely, and Blockbuster will usually let you have as many as you want.
meritline.com ... blows all prices away
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.

That's my fav. . .for discs AND cases. The best on there are the SLIM cases, SLIM DOUBLE cases, and single SIZED cases that hold SIX dvds!

yeah, those are the scanavo (or at least use the same design as scanavo) ones that ive mentioned a few times. I havent actually got any, but I def plan to get a few (prob an assortment of them) for various uses. Couldnt find any store that carried the whole line of the overlap cases. Not sure really though if i like the overlap case for 2 discs or if i prefer the one on each side. Ive also seen the 3 disc cases without the flap in the center, overlap on one side and another disc on the other side.

Have you gotten any of those in the past? If so I'd be interested to hear your opinion on them (quality and such, what do you think of the overlap design).

-Darth Simon
Why Anakin really turned to the dark side:
"Anakin, You're father I am" - Yoda
"No. No. That's not true! That's impossible!" - Anakin


*touchy people disclaimer*
some or all of the above comments are partially exaggerated to convey a point, none of the comments are meant as personal attacks on anyone mentioned or reference in the above post
Just compared Supermediastore to Meritline and Supermediastore is cheaper, looks like I will switch to Supermediastore.
What types of case inserts do you guys prefer to use, and prefer to buy them from? Also, what software do you use for them? Thanks, this thread helps a lot.
I use photoshop for my case insert and then just some photo paper to print on. A4 works well, but 8.5"x11" works great for slim cases.
If you have no money and no shame, just ask Blockbuster what day they get their DVD deliveries as you like to check out the new titles as soon as they arrive, then go round to their dumster the night before and collect about 200 cases for free.
A mate of mine does it twice a year, and supplies everyone he knows with cases. I can just picture him there, 'fight club' style jumping over the fence with the bag full of clamshells... too funny.
laserman -

That was a really good idea until a month ago. Blockbuster has now switched to including the actual covers with new rentals. So the new releases arrive from the warehouse in the locking cases. So no more free cases. At least around me.