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❕ An Index & Help Thread for Theatrical Cuts vs. Subsequent Releases


An Index & Help Thread for Theatrical Cuts vs. Subsequent Releases

An Index of just a few of the 600+ topics that have been posted in the ‘Theatrical Cuts vs. Subsequent Releases’ section of the OriginalTrilogy•com down the years… to try help everyone find topics of interest and information a little more easily.


The Index Categories are…

• The changes made to the Original Trilogy films over the years…
• ‘Will the OOT be released?’ threads (on a modern home digital format)
• Which Editions…?
• The various Releases / Editions / Sets / Versions (and changes to them)
• The Scene Changes; the alterations of various scenes over the years…
• George Lucas / Lucasfilm
• Plot holes, inconsistencies, contradictions, disconnects, mental gymnastics, and stretches etc (the OT vs later Star Wars)
• Miscellaneous Threads


a useful ‘mini-index’ of threads on the changes made to original OT, 2006 GOUT, and the four main Special Edition releases…

The OOT : The changes to the OT films & general OOT (1977 - 1996) discussion thread

1997 SE : The changes to the OT films & general 1997 Special Edition discussion thread

2004 SE : The changes to the OT films & general 2004 Special Edition discussion thread

2006 GOUT : The changes to the OT films & general 2006 GOUT DVD discussion thread

2011 SE : The changes to the OT films & general 2011 Special Edition discussion thread

2019 SE : The changes to the OT films & general 2019 Special Edition discussion thread

2037 SE : The changes to the OT films & general future Special Edition discussion thread (“Somehow… Lucas returned!”)

^ the above threads can also be found in the ‘Which Editions…?’ category, below.





The changes made to the Original Trilogy films over the years…



Complete Comparison of Special Edition Visual Changes - OT•com thread by doubleofive - with many sources of information…

Star Wars Visual Comparisons - website by doubleofive

Star Wars Special Edition Visual Comparisons’ - twitter page by doubleofive

Disney+ Should Offer the Star Wars Original Cuts’ article at Wired, by doubleofive : a backup link to the Wired article : #ReleaseTheOriginalTrilogy : OT.com thread on doubleofive’s article : ‘What We Want And How To Make It’ - a sequel article.

'A Visual Guide to Changes, Fixes & Tweaks in the 2019 SE Version - article by doubleofive on The Digital Bits : SW : ESB : ROTJ

Star Wars Special Edition Visual Comparisons’ - blog by doubleofive; with 2011 SE Changes image gallery here : SW : ESB : ROTJ

StarWars•com Official 2004 SE Changes Preservation : SW : ESB : ROTJ - compiled by doubleofive

StarWars•com Official 1997 SE Changes Articles : SW: SE : ESB: SE : ROTJ: SE - via the Internet Archive’s WayBack Machine

A helpful overview of the changes to the OT - and surrounding issues - from zombie84’s SaveStarWars•com’s FAQ Page

Special Edition Changes’ - 2010 article on the changes made for the 2004 DVD release - from zombie84’s SaveStarWars•com

Shot List Spreadsheet - v0.6.05 - 6 films - Multiple SW Audio Mix Changes Added’ - OT•com thread, by none.

Star Wars Changes’ (Original Trilogy) - YouTube Videos by 13las : SW : ESB : ROTJ : Disney+ : The Prequels

All Changes Made To Star Wars’ (Original Trilogy) - YouTube Videos by Marcelo Zuniga : SW - Part 1 : SW - Part 2 : ESB : ROTJ

DVDActive•com’sStar Wars - The Changes’ articles (via the Internet Acrhive’s WayBack Machine) - SW : ESB : ROTJ : The Prequels

The Big List of Changes to the SW films’ OT•com thread on the FromScriptToDVD site’s comparison articles - by Gregatron

Who Shot First? The Complete List Of Star Wars Changes - an Empire film magazine article

Wookieepedia’sList of changes in Star Wars re-releases’ page (OOT, 1997SE, 2004SE, 2006 GOUT, 2011SE, 2019SE, 3D, PT)

List of changes in Star Wars re-releases’ - from the IPFS•io website

Star Wars Comparison’s YouTube video channel for comparing theatrical cuts to official blu ray and various fan projects.


and also reading through these superb OT•com threads (by doubleofive):-

‘Sources on the Special Edition’ - in the Theatrical Cuts vs. Subsequent Releases section of the site.

‘Modern SE Revisionism’ - in the Theatrical Cuts vs. Subsequent Releases section of the site.


plus these similarly related threads, pinned in the Original Trilogy Discussion section of the site…

An OriginalTrilogy.com Timeline | a history of the site | the why & how it came to be…

Some useful OT.com threads re the suppression of the unaltered cuts of the theatrical Original Trilogy films

The 'Naysayer Guide’ by people who DON’T want an unaltered theatrical release of the Original Trilogy

George Lucas: Star Wars Creator, Unreliable Narrator & Time Travelling Revisionist…

An Index Thread for Original Trilogy Discussion…


also, these four threads cover the topic of overlooked / unfixed mistakes or errors in the various Special Edition releases…

You’d think they’d clean this up - the unfixed issues of the 2004 OT SE DVD release…

What HASN’T changed on the 2011 OT SE Blu-ray release – the uncorrected mistakes…

Uncorrected mistakes or unfixed issues of the 2019 (Maclunkey) Original Trilogy release?

SE Changes that SHOULD have been made/should be made in the future (2020 thread)


and finally, some of the older OT•com threads comparing some of the changes made to the various Special Edition releases (1997, 2004, 2011, 2019); please note - some threads feature links to websites that are no longer around or function correctly…

An Index of OT•com threads on all things the Audio of the Original Trilogy… (2020 thread)

Another comparison website: Old vs. New (2004 thread, by RobinHood)

I’m doing a comparison - opinions please! (2004 thread, by Mentasm: the DVDActive•com comparison articles)

List of all OT changes? (2004 thread, by rubix)

list of changes (2004 thread, by tellan)

The changes made to the Original Trilogy films down the years… (2005 thread, by oojason)

Episode IV: What Has Changed? (2006 thread, by ESHBG)

Episode V: What Has Changed? (2006 thread, by Darth Cracker)

Episode VI: ROTJ - What Has Changed? (2006 thread, by ESHBG)

A ‘Good comparison website’ (2006 thread, by Star Wars Fanatic on the DVDActive•com’s comparison articles)

The Big List of Changes to the SW films (2007 thread, by Gregatron)

Comprehensive List of SE Differences (2007 thread, by xhonzi)

Comparison youtube vid (2008 thread, by bkev)

What Has Changed screenshots (2008 thread, by Deathsaurer) (non-working rapidshare content)

Splitscreen WookieGroomer comparision: original vs. 2004 (2008 thread, by Deathsaurer) (non-working rapidshare content)

Where can I find a COMPLETE list of video changes between 04 and Theatrical OT (2008 thread, by Octorox)

Wikipedia: List of changes in Star Wars re-releases - errors? (2011 thread, by Darth Editous)

More (Funny) Changes on Blu-ray (2011 thread, by starbucker)

All Changes Made To Star Wars - Comparison Videos (2016 thread, by Darth Muffy on Marcelo Zuniga’s youtube videos)

Shot List Spreadsheet - v0.6.02 - 6 films - Mono Mix Changes Added (2011 thread, by none)





‘Will the OOT be released?’ threads (on a modern home digital format)



Do you think Disney will release the unaltered versions for DVD and blu ray? by arctofire (2012 thread)

Will we ever see the Original Trilogy released? by wymjafett2112 (2016 thread)

With 20th century almost in Disney’s grasp what are the odds of an OUT release? by LordZerome1080 (2018 thread)

Do you think George Lucas might release the original trilogy? by Buckrodgers (2004 thread)

4K restoration on Star Wars - in General SW Discussion - info on OT restorations & rumoured release dates of 4K SW Saga films

Disney+ should release all of the theatrical versions of the Star Wars movies on their service (2021 thread)

What will be the next physical home media release of the Original Trilogy? (2021 thread)

The 'Naysayer Guide’ by people who DON’T want an unaltered theatrical release of the Original Trilogy… (2021 thread)


#ReleaseTheOriginalTrilogy | doubleofive’s ‘Disney+ Should Offer the Star Wars Original Cuts’ article on the Wired website

^ A quality and comprehensive article on why the films are important to the people who grew up with them, why they wish to have the option to experience them as they originally were released - as well as preserving important and cultural film history for everyone to view and enjoy. A reminder that the various ‘Special Edition’ versions are NOT the award-winning, iconic, landmark & ground-breaking original version of the films. And highlights just why we are here - some of us for many years, and some just taking our first steps…

WIRED’s Article “Disney+ Should Offer the Star Wars Original Cuts”, doubleofive’s Magnum Opus (OT•com thread on ^ article)

#ReleaseTheOriginalTrilogy | What We Want And How To Make It - a sequel piece by doubleofive to the above Wired article.

❗ #ReleaseTheOriginalTrilogy | OriginalTrilogy•com’s enduring goal | How YOU can help… ❗

^ The OT•com supporting the #ReleaseTheOriginalTrilogy campaign - the call for an official release of the unaltered theatrical version of the three classic Star Wars films - and what YOU can do to help restore them to the galaxy. MTFBWY… Always.


^ There are many more threads on the subject which can be found in the ‘Archival / Historical Discussion threads…’ section of the An Index & Help Thread for Original Trilogy Discussion…





Which Editions…?



The OOT : The changes to the OT films & general OOT (1977 - 1996) discussion thread

1997 SE : The changes to the OT films & general 1997 Special Edition discussion thread

2004 SE : The changes to the OT films & general 2004 Special Edition discussion thread

2006 GOUT : The changes to the OT films & general 2006 GOUT DVD discussion thread

2011 SE : The changes to the OT films & general 2011 Special Edition discussion thread

2019 SE : The changes to the OT films & general 2019 Special Edition discussion thread

2037 SE : The changes to the OT films & general future Special Edition discussion thread (“Somehow… Lucas returned!”)

Wookieepedia’sList of changes in Star Wars re-releases’ page

An Index of OT•com threads on all things the Audio of the Original Trilogy… (2020 thread)

Reasoning Behind Changes from Release to Release (2012 thread)

How many pre-SE versions exist? (2016 thread)

Is there a list for Pre 97 Versions and their changes both audio/visual ? (2019 thread)

Which version/release of the SW movies do you watch and why? (2011 thread)

The Definitive Theatrical Audio Mix? (2021 thread)

'97 vs. '04 (and '11) - Your preference? by JawsTDS (2016 thread)

Is the '97 Special Edition important? (2020 thread)

25 Years of the Special Edition (2022 thread)

What was the exact process of creating the special editions? (2022 thread)

Star Wars Trilogy 1997 Special Edition DVDs? (2010; there wasn’t an official release for the 1997 SE on DVD)

Highest quality version of 1997 Special Editions? Is there a DVD release? (2017 thread)

What to choose? (2019 thread)

Worst changes to OT in '97 and '04 (2005 thread)

Why was the '04 DVD set such a botched release?

GOUT vs 2019SE (D+/4k master) Dull Color, Dull Contrast, DNR, motion smearing… Ew (2021 thread)

Info Wanted: Star Wars Episode 1-6 3D Re Releases (2022 thread)

Official Lucasfilm Video Explaining Force Ghosts

Your Favorite And Least Favorite Special Edition Changes (2013 thread)

If you could make your own SE change, what would that be? (2016 thread)

If you had to keep one SE change…? (2016 thread)

If you had to make at least one SE change (2022 thread)

If you could only remove one SE change…? (2016 thread)

Special Edition guilty pleasures (2005 thread)

Okay, what did we LIKE about the Special Editions? (2004 thread)

Things you LIKED about the Special Editions? (2004 thread)

What SE changes (if any) did people like? (2006 thread)

Most pointless SE change? (2016 thread)

Nightmare Scenario Special Edition (2014 thread)

Best Of Both Worlds (2014 thread)

Anyone else think Empire Strikes Back’s Special Edition is actually better than the Theatrical Cut? (2019 thread)

I tend to watch the SE sometimes (2016 thread)

Most telling SE moment (2016 thread)

How the Special Edition Should Have Been (2014 thread)

The Special Edition wasn’t needed (2008 thread)

The quality of the CGI (2014 thread)

Are retrospective changes just fan service? (2017 thread)

Special Editions - Improvement to Film or Changing History? (2024 thread)

Is Disney Physically Allowed To Release The OUT? (2017 thread)

Star Wars film versions and best DVD sources (2006 thread, by SKot)

GOUT DVD vs VHS (2015 thread)

Gout vs faces vhs which is better? (2018 thread)

Is GOUT resented? (2011 thread)

Question about the 2006 dvds I think you call the GOUT (2008 thread)

Question about the 2006 “GOUT” DVDs (2017 thread)

9 years ago Lucasfilm announced the GOUT on DVD (2015 thread)

10th Anniversary of the “GOUT” dvd release (2016 thread)

OT bootleg DVD reviews (2004 thread)

Prillaman’s Star Wars DVD Reviews site - a quality resource for the early history of SW on DVD…

Why weren’t there DVD releases in 2000? (2020 thread)

Info Wanted: Star Wars Episode 1-6 3D Re Releases (2022 thread; re the 2012-ish 3D cuts of the 6 films)

Is the Despecialized Edition more important than an official release? (2016 thread)

Despecialized or the Special Editions? (2020 thread)

How did you prefer to watch SW before the fan edits came along? (2022 thread)

Your favorite VHS / Laserdisc /DVD / Blu-Ray covers? (2020 thread)

Star Wars vs. A New Hope - Which do you say and why? (2015 thread)





The various Releases / Editions / Sets / Versions (and the changes to them)



Original Theatrical Versions (pre-1997 Special Edition)…

SW: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_changes_in_Star_Wars_re-releases#A_New_Hope
ESB: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_changes_in_Star_Wars_re-releases#The_Empire_Strikes_Back
ROTJ: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_changes_in_Star_Wars_re-releases#Return_of_the_Jedi

TV, VHS/Beta/CED: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_changes_in_Star_Wars_re-releases#TV_broadcasts_and_VHS/Betamax/CED_editions
Laserdisc: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_changes_in_Star_Wars_re-releases#LaserDisc_editions

Print variations in '77 Star Wars

70mm Print info (a little info & history of the 70mm showings, for SW & ESB)

70 mm print of the Empire Strikes Back Differences (2005 thread)

The Empire Strikes Back - May 70 mm vs June 35 mm

Empire Strikes Back - Two 1980 Theatrical Cuts? (2020 thread)

Star Wars Negatives and Interpositives

What happened to all the original SW prints?

Film cells from a Technicolor print on ebay

The Theatrical Differences (2005 thread)

1977 70mm Soundtrack Recording

70mm 6-Track Dolby Stereo mix differences

OT Audio Changes

A kindred spirit from 1995 (2024 thread; re mono & stereo audio versions of SW77, CEDs, + a look at fandom at the time)

Concerning the Millennium Falcon’s Targeting Computer (2020 thread)

Hopefully the last 70mm vs. 35mm ESB audio differences thread

ESB 70mm Soundtrack - 1980 in-theatre recording

70 mm print of the Empire Strikes Back Differences

Star Wars vs. A New Hope - a ‘what do you call the 1977 Star Wars film?’ thread)

How many pre-SE versions exist? (2016 thread)

Is there a list for Pre 97 Versions and their changes both audio/visual ? (2019 thread)

Difference between the theatrical versions and the first VHS home releases?

Accidental 1985 change

DVD Version of 1990 VHS Box Set

1992 vs 1995 video releases

1992 Full Screen versions are the best way to watch Star Wars

Star Wars Colortiming & Cinematography (was What changes was done to STAR WARS in '93?)

What was changed for 1995 THX version?

What was done for the 1995 THX mastering?

1995 VHS

Star Wars screening with Q&A with Lucas tonight (2007 thread; with discussion of pre-SE changes and tweaks)

Quick question about 1982/4 and 1995 “faces” editions on VHS

Question about the 1995 VHS and when the Special Edition was going to be the only version

Are the JSC LD’s the TRUE Releases of the Theatrical Version(s)?

I thought this was interesting - sound differences in OT releases

An Index of OT•com threads on all things the Audio of the Original Trilogy (2020 thread)

The many ‘Home Releases & Formats of the differing OT Cuts’ section of An Index for Original Trilogy Discussion may be of interest.

I thought the goal of this site was to get the original versions of The Star Wars Trilogy Episodes 4, 5, & 6 on DVD & blu-ray (2008)

The 'Naysayer Guide’ by people who DON’T want an unaltered theatrical release of the Original Trilogy… (2021 thread)

1997 Special Edition

List of changes in Star Wars re-releases: 1997 Special Editions - on Wookieepedia

Star Wars Negatives and Interpositives (2017 thread; with talk about how the 1997 Special Edition was assembled)

1997 Special Edition Restoration thoughts… (2009 thread)

97SE… how were the negatives assembled? (2018 thread)

What was the exact process of creating the special editions? (2022 thread)

Theory on the 1997 “restoration” (2011 thread)

1997 Special Edition Musings (2009 thread)

The 1997 SE’s - My take (2004 thread)

10 years of the Special Editions (2007 thread)

25 Years of the Special Edition (2022 thread)

Highest quality version of 1997 Special Editions? Is there a DVD release? (2017 thread)

^ There is no official DVD release for the 1997 Special Edition. There was an official VCD release. There were bootleg releases on DVD.

Star Wars Trilogy 1997 Special Edition DVDs? (2010 thread)

1997 Special Edition, and how can I find it? (2016 thread)

Star Wars Special Edition Laserdisc Features (2011 thread)

'97 vs. '04 (and '11) - Your preference? (2016 thread)

2004 Special Edition

List of changes in Star Wars re-releases: 2004 Special Editions - on Wookieepedia

Interview with Marc Wielage, colorist Star Wars 2004 DVD releases

4K restoration on Star Wars

It’s official! the 2004 OT DVD release will be the Special Editions 😦

Here’s a Hint of the Public’s Reaction that the '04 DVDs would not be the OOT (re the 2004 OT SE DVD release)

2004 (and 1997) Releases - What has changed? SW : ESB : ROTJ

Changes in 2004 DVDs

MORE CHANGES!!! (for the 2004 OT DVD release)

Jim Ward on SE Changes… - "And any [further] changes that George made, they might be controversial to about 5 people.”

2004 box set changes

Star Wars Pan & Scan (a 2004 thread)

Got the DVDs Today (2004 OT SE DVD release)

I love the DVDs! (2004 OT SE DVD release)

Editing the ‘2oo4 Editions’ - which changes would you revert?

Episode I-VI: Archival Editions (a 2004 thread)


List of changes in Star Wars re-releases: 2006 ‘GOUT’ DVD bonus disc release - on Wookieepedia

Cropping the Original Trilogy : 35mm vs dvd (gout)

2006 DVD OOT

2006 OT versions

The GOUT crawl (2006 - in the main)

2006 OUT DVD to Definitive Collection LD comparison question?

GOUT DVD vs VHS (2015 thread)

Several BR/DVD players can’t access second layer on the 2006 GOUT DVDs (2024 thread; disc rot or other playback issues?)

2008 box?

2011 Special Edition

List of changes in Star Wars re-releases: 2011 Special Editions - on Wookieepedia

Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!) (2010 thread)

New Blu Ray Special Editions (2011 thread)

What does the blu-ray set have to offer? (2011 thread)

Star Wars Blu Ray Impressions (2011 thread)

What are the Special Edition changes that didn’t make it to the 2011 Blu-ray release? (2017 thread)

Star Wars theatrical versions not coming in 2015 (the steelbook release; a repackaged blu ray version)

2019 Special Edition

List of changes in Star Wars re-releases: 2019 Special Editions - on Wookieepedia

'A Visual Guide to Changes, Fixes & Tweaks in the 2019 SE Version - article by doubleofive on The Digital Bits : SW : ESB : ROTJ

2019 SE : The changes to the OT films & general 2019 SE discussion thread (2020 thread)

Changes to the Disney+ 2019 SE of the Original Trilogy (2020 thread)

Info: All Star Wars films released in 4K HDR on Disney Plus: 2019 SE with more changes (2019 thread)

Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga 4k UHD – 27 DISC Boxed Set – 3/31/2020 (2019 thread)

What will be the next physical home media release of the Original Trilogy? (2022 Trilogy boxset repacks)




The Scene Changes; the alterations of various scenes over the years…



In general…

Original Trilogy - Luke’s lightsaber color (2015 thread)

my memory isn’t that bad, is it? (in Star Wars '77 - Luke misses with the grappling hook?) (2006 thread)

Reasoning Behind Changes from Release to Release (2012 thread)

An Index of OT•com threads on all things the Audio of the Original Trilogy - has many OT•com threads re the audio changes…

Star Wars (1977)

The Krayt Dragon Call (2013 thread)

R2D2 hiding… behind moving and disappearing rocks (2018 post; scroll down to it)

Mos Eisley - a quiet town where scum & villainy lay low; not some SE bustling space port… (2018 post; scroll down to it)

The Cantina aliens being replaced in the Special Editions (2018 post; scroll down to it)

Wolfman Back In? (2004 thread)

A mini-index of dedicated OT•com threads on the subject of Han vs Greedo / Han Shoots First in Star Wars (2019 thread)

Han vs Greedo (2004 thread)

Han Shoots First - Any valid reason to not have Han shoot first? (2021 thread)

An exact quote from Lucas on Greedo shooting first (2006 thread)

What was your first reaction to Greedo shooting first? (2012 thread)

Greedo: “Han shot first.” (2016 thread)

Yes, I bet you have! (2004 thread)

Maclunkey (2019 thread)

Greedo Shot First (Lucas’ false claims debunked again; frame by frame comparisons, GIF’s, the whole nine yards) - by doubleofive

Jabba the Hutt (2010; in 1997 SE+, the redundancy of the scene reusing same dialogue from the previous Greedo scene)

Jabba scene (2009; in 1997 SE+, the redundancy of the scene reusing same dialogue from the previous Greedo scene)

Who Designed The CGI Jabba In The 1997 Special Edition? (2017 thread)

Boba Fett in the Special Edition of Star Wars too - just standing there… staring down the camera (2018 post; scroll down to it)

Praxis-effect shockwaves added for the destruction of Alderaan and destruction of the Death Star (2018 post; scroll down to it)

ANH Space Battle aka The Battle of Yavin (2005 thread)

Empire Strikes Back

Jason Wingreen, disintegrated from history by Lucasfilm, for their new doc on Boba Fett (2021; re the voice of Boba Fett)

What’s the situation with Lucas saying he “forgot” to insert Temuerra Morrison’s voice into the OT? (2006)

The Emperor & line change in ESB SE 1997 (2006)

“Alert my Star Destroyer to prepare for my arrival.” What was the point? (2009)

“Bring my shuttle.” (2013)

Luke’s scream when falling after his fight with Vader at Cloud City in Empire Strikes Back? (2018 post; scroll down to it)

Shots of the interior for the Millennium Falcon cockpit were significantly cropped (2018 post; scroll down to it)

The Emperor change in Empire Strikes Back; and much changed conversation with Vader (2018 post; scroll down to it)

Return Of The Jedi

Max Rebo band SE (2011)

The Surprisingly Strange Story of “Lapti Nek” (2012)

The Lapti Nek Appreciation Thread (2011)

The new Sarlacc (2018 post; scroll down to it)

Blinking Ewoks (2019 posts)

What was your first reaction to Vader’s “Noooo” in ROTJ? (2016)

A mini-index of OT.com threads on the subject of Anakin Skywalker’s Force Ghost in Return Of The Jedi (2020 thread)

Your first reaction to Hayden is ROTJ (2006)

Unbearable HC (2005)

Anakin’s ghost?!?!?! (2004)

Anakin ghost - old vs young (2016)

Official Lucasfilm Video Explaining Force Ghosts (2016 thread; re why George made the ghost Hayden change)

2004 release continuity error?! (Anakin’s ghost) (2004 thread; re Jedi are restored their youth as force ghosts)

End of SE ROTJ… (2006 thread; re Anakin’s force ghost should be Shaw)

The ending of ROTJ re-edited for the Special Editions (2021 post; including video - www.youtube.com/watch?v=88Z6G9LewT8)

Am I the only one who prefers the old ewok music? (2005)

ROTJ Celebration Themes - 1983 or 1997? (2009 thread)

Jar Jar / other similar Gungan… in the Victory Celebration scene in ROTJ SE post-victory montage (2018 post; scroll down to it)

Victory Celebration (2012)

Unfixed issues and uncorrected mistakes that remain / are still overlooked in the Special Editions releases…

You’d think they’d clean this up - the unfixed issues of the 2004 OT SE DVD release…

What HASN’T changed on the 2011 OT SE Blu-ray release – the uncorrected mistakes…

Uncorrected mistakes or unfixed issues of the 2019 (Maclunkey) Original Trilogy release?

SE Changes that SHOULD have been made/should be made in the future (2020 thread)

The Prequel Trilogy

List of changes in Star Wars re-releases: The Prequel Trilogy - on Wookieepedia

List of Changes between Versions of the Prequel Trilogy (2022 thread)

Didn’t Darth Maul originally die differently? (2016 thread; re The Phantom Menace)

First new, verified change between AOTC 35mm theatrical and AOTC home versions! (2024 thread; re Attack Of The Clones)





George Lucas / Lucasfilm…



Why doesn’t Lucas just release both versions?

How George Lucas created the O-OT fanbase… (2006 thread, by CO)

Reasoning Behind Changes from Release to Release

George Lucas’ explanation why the OT is obsolete to him

Will George Lucus keep editing the movies? (2012 thread)

The Importance of Tone in Filmmaking (2015 thread)

Lucas talks about the Sept 12th Release of the O-OT (2006 thread, re the GOUT DVD release…)

Lucas talks DVD’s, Special Edition’s, OT and TV Series. (2004 thread)

May 2004 Be With You (2013 thread on George’s quote re the 2004 OT DVD release…)

Jim Ward on SE Changes… - "And any [further] changes that George made, they might be controversial to about 5 people.”

A modest proposal: Should Lucas make more OT changes? (2005 thread)

You might not believe Lucas said this…

Why all the negative comments about george lucas? (2006 thread)

When did you sense a disturbance in the Force?

Lucas to give the Oscars back to the Academy

George Lucas no longer cares

Did GL take too much credit?

GL’s “Vision”

Lucas changes the OT to better suit the PT

Lazy, lazy Lucas. (2004 thread)

Jim Ward on SE Changes… (2004 thread)

Official Lucasfilm Video Explaining Force Ghosts

Kathleen Kennedy Shuts Down any Hope for Unaltered Release (not really) (2017 thread)

Evidence of OOT at Lucasfilm? (2006 thread)

What happened to all the original SW prints? (2017 thread)

George Lucas’ Technicolor print (2020 thread)

What’s the status of the Originals? (2013; the theatrical cuts of the Original Trilogy) | Evidence of the OOT at Lucasfilm? (2006)

4K restoration on Star Wars - the restoration work undertaken by Lowry Digital / Reliance Media Works. & the 2019 SE 4K release.

^ As confirmed by various sources at Lucasfilm, Fox & Disney over the years - including George Lucas himself; all the material and elements required for a modern high quality release for the unaltered theatrical version of the Original Trilogy are indeed available. ^

BFI preserving OOT!! (2006 thread; re the British Film Institute - aka the BFI)

Remember what Lucas said about the OOT not existing…? (2006 thread; the BFI preserving the theatrical cuts of all 3 OT films)

OFFICIAL: Library of Congress had original prints replaced with 1997 SE (2010 thread; read Mrebo’s informative post)

The Empire Strikes Back inducted into the Library of Congress National Film Registry (2010 thread)

Return of the Jedi joins the National Film Registry (2021; copies of the theatrical cuts of all 3 OT films are now at the NFR/LOC)

A brief ‘info post’ covering just a few of George’s gaslighting and divisive comments made to / about fans over the years

^ Hopefully someone will create a whole separate thread dedicated to George’s gaslighting and divisive comments made to fans over the years (or a youtube video, podcast, or ‘fact-checker’ type article; especially from some of the blossoming talents on here of late).

A brief overview of the OriginalTrilogy•com down the years…

The 'Naysayer Guide’ by people who DON’T want an unaltered theatrical release of the Original Trilogy… (2021 thread)

George Lucas: Star Wars Creator, Unreliable Narrator & Time Travelling Revisionist… (2019 thread on some of Lucas’ retcons)

^ There are many more discussion threads on George Lucas, Lucasfilm and many others who worked on the OT films in ‘An Index Thread for Original Trilogy Discussion…’ in the ‘Archival / Historical Discussions’ section of that thread.

More ‘general discussion’ threads on both George Lucas and Lucasfilm can be found in the ‘Lucasfilm & Disney - and also the future of Star Wars…’ section of An Index Thread for General Star Wars Discussion.






Plot Holes, Inconsistencies, Contradictions, Disconnects, Mental Gymnastics, Stretches etc - between the Original Trilogy and other Star Wars releases…

Discussion Threads which highlight and discuss plot holes, discrepancies & contradictions etc - between the OT and later GFFA content.


This category can be found in the…

Plot holes, inconsistencies, contradictions, disconnects, mental gymnastics, stretches etc (Original Trilogy vs later Star Wars)

…section of the An Index & Help Thread for General Star Wars Discussion

Original Trilogy vs The Prequels: inconsistencies, retcons, plot holes and discrepancies… ‘50+ issues’ list may also be of interest.

Obviously, everyone’s mileage may vary on what is considered a discrepancy etc - or not - and just how much of an issue each one is…

If you have any suggestions for more relevant threads to be added to the linked category above, please let us know or post them in that linked thread above. Thank you.





Miscellaneous Threads…



doubleofive’s List of Lists and Comparisons - useful thread for 005’s posts on changes made to the Original Trilogy + more…

Star Wars Negatives and Interpositives

Interesting notes on Lucas’ DVDs

Credits & Leaders Thread by none

Star Wars : ‘Tantive’s Orange Items’ Thread & other unintended objects

The Importance of Tone in Filmmaking

The Academy Award winning editing of Episode IV - 2006 thread

No explanation necessary (but we got one anyway) (The Prequels)

There was a 6 hour cut of the Phantom Menace

The Phantom Menace

How Many Versions are there of the AOTC

AOTC/ROTS VHS…are they the Theatrical releases?

How do u all like Ep I&II compare to OT? (a 2004 thread)

Which versions are best for each viewing order?

If you saw Star Wars in 1977, what do you remember?

What scene in the (O-)OT do you hate/dislike the most?

Quit Whining (a 2006 thread - ‘You guys are all a bunch of whiners’)

BOYCOTT (the 2004 OT SE DVD release)

Boycott the 2004 OT SE DVD release - c’mon, you can do it

Who has caved? (and bought the 2004 OT SE DVD sets)

my thoughts on originals vs SE… (by Stale Elvis in 2004)

My thoughts on various changes (by Anakin Starkiller in 2017)

An OriginalTrilogy.com Timeline | a history of the site | the why & how it came to be…

The 'Naysayer Guide’ by people who DON’T want an unaltered theatrical release of the Original Trilogy - on a modern high quality digital format.

The ‘Fandom’ section of An Index & Help Thread for Original Trilogy Discussion may also be of interest / for further reading.


For information on the various home releases of Star Wars over the years, these may be of some interest…:-

Video Collector’s superb & informative ‘Star Wars on Video’ resource website (with images and info)

projectcclarke’s quality & insightful ‘Star Wars On Home Video Reference Site(with images and info)

Prillaman’s Star Wars DVD Reviews & Star Wars DVD History archival website pages (with images and info)

DavisDVD•com’s Information Pages on OT VHS & DVD releases (from 1982 to 2004) - SW : ESB : ROTJ : Misc

Nathan P Butler’s youtube channel is also a great resource for near-on all of the Star Wars releases over time (and more!)



A quick reply to a few queries: Jay, nor the mods, nor I, can alter which order the various pinned threads appear on the site - it is beyond our control. I too would prefer it to if the pinned threads here appeared something like…

  1. Complete Comparison of Special Edition Visual Changes - by doubleofive
  2. An Index of OT•com threads on all things the Audio of the Original Trilogy - by Gonk-DB94
  3. ❕ An Index & Help Thread for Theatrical Cuts vs. Subsequent Releases ❕
  4. ❗ Some useful OT.com threads re the suppression of the theatrical Original Trilogy films ❗

…but unfortunately we don’t have the ability to make this happen with the current site software. Apologies.


If you have any suggestions for specific threads to be added to this Index please post them below.

Also, if you see any broken links or errors please also post them in here - thank you.


Last Updated: Sunday 1st December, 2024. (by oojason)

Updated to now include images for each category - to help break up the ‘wall of text’ - to try and make categories easier to navigate.


Links to the Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within, plus About & Help sections.

A link to the How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com - some info & replies to members’ FAQs thread, in General Assistance.

A link to ‘Where is the site Search Bar? / How to search for projects, information, or discussion threads on OriginalTrilogy.com’.

Links to the OT.com Forum Rules and Guidelines & Fan Edit / Preservation Forum Rules and FAQ threads, in Announcements.

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.



A space for moderator comments (and maybe another category if required)…



Harmy has put up a video on youtube - just to remind everyone that Fan Edits must never be bought or sold:-

www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrwKZHv4OS0 - a 4 minute video at the Harmy Despecialized youtuhe channel.


Personally, as a member here, I’d encourage everyone to watch it and upvote that video.


A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


There are many great threads here, but can anyone point me to some of the changes made to the Prequel Trilogy films releases too. Please.

I have viewed the ‘DVDActive•com’s ‘Star Wars - The Changes’ articles (via Web•Archive•org) for the Prequels’ link from oojason’s list above, but the images do not work (load?) for me. Is there any more?



For anyone wishing to chat about specific the Special Edition releases, and changes made for them. As well as a possible (though unlikely) future SE release. And of course, a discussion thread for the changes made to the OOT films (before the 1997 Special Edition), along with a separate thread for the 2006 GOUT DVD release:

‘The Changes to the Original Trilogy films & general Special Edition discussion threads’:-

The OOT (1977-1996)

1997 Special Edition

2004 Special Edition


2011 Special Edition

2019 Special Edition

2037 Special Edition (“Somehow… Lucas has returned!”); or any possible future altered SE release.

Mods, if you feel the above are worthy or helpful threads is it possible for them to be added to ooj’s Index above?


Mod Edit: it has been added to the Index. Thank you. 👍

The FE Renegades thread; from the people who post ‘go kill yourself’, ‘fuck you’, ‘let’s throw abuse’, and more at OT staff & members. Four years on and still throwing accusations, slurs and abuse at the OT & anyone outside their Salacious Crumb filled clique. + FE Discord “to vent” more at the OT. Wook’s take.


mykyta-R4 said:

There are many great threads here, but can anyone point me to some of the changes made to the Prequel Trilogy films releases too. Please.

I would like to see more on the Prequels changes too.
Does anyone know if there is a thread on here for this ? I have looked around but cannot find much.










Be sure to look in the comments. That site doesn’t have a comparison for ATTACK OF THE CLONES regarding the differences from Theatrical to DVD, and 2011 Blu-ray disc to 2019/2020 Disney+/4K UHD.