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Going away? Post so here! — Page 71


Spuffure said:

Duracell got banned? Why?

Detention Block AA-23 : The OT.com’s Banned Members…

Let’s get back on topic - thank you.



For anyone else interested in continuing on with the above topics… enough really is enough. Move on, do something positive with your lives, or go get laid and have a beer. If you don’t want to be civil on here… and instead want to snipe, attack or insult other members & the people who help run the site, or dredge up and continue years old bullshit… then go find a place which lets you do just that - this site isn’t it.

Both the ‘here and now’ and the future… are more important than what had occurred in the past. If members want a certain section of the site to thrive more, see it become more active, to be a more enjoyable place to post for all… then everyone who wants for that has to try themselves to achieve this.

Just like other sections of the OT•com it is the members who make the effort, who take the time and energy to contribute posts, ideas, humour, information and insight (as well as talking with each other and getting to know & understand our fellow members a little more) that make a quality forum what it is - yet simply wanting and wishing for something will not make it so.

Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, yet we have to strive for it to actually make it happen…

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


oojason said:

Spuffure said:

Duracell got banned? Why?

Detention Block AA-23 : The OT.com’s Banned Members…

Let’s get back on topic - thank you.



For anyone interested in continuing on with the recent discussions (and now further attacks on here since)… enough really is enough. Move on, do something positive with your lives, or go get laid and have a beer. If you don’t want to be civil on here… and instead want to snipe, attack or insult other members & the people who help run the site, or dredge up and continue years old bullshit… then go find a place which lets you do just that - this site isn’t it.

Thank you.

Sorry, I though the Banned Members thread was no longer being updated. Thanks for letting me know.

Now as Jason said, GET BACK ON TOPIC FELLAS.

Waiting for life to go by


I’m going away, to eat breakfast.


Spuffure said:

Duracell got banned?

I feel dead inside.

I’m not saying I’m going away as much as I just probably won’t be around as much. This bs is getting to me.

Army of Darkness: The Medieval Deadit | The Terminator - Color Regrade | The Wrong Trousers - Audio Preservation


Yeah, pretty much all the people I used to interact with have either been banned or left for other reasons. It’s a completely different community than the one I joined. Off Topic is dead. The fan edit that got me interested in this site to begin with is being created by a now-banned member as well.

The only thing that brought me back here recently is PMs. 😛


All the old members being banned is awful, and kinda ruins the site. With the biggest names gone, there’s not really much value left in OT .com. It’s not all gone and I’m not planning on leaving or anything, but it sucks.

It’s awful that there was absolutely no attempt at cooperation or compromise between the mods and the veteran users here.


Following the rules and not being abusive toward the staff isn’t that hard. People have been given second third, and even fourth chances in some cases, and they blew every one.

Where were you in '77?


I think a lot of us still remember TV’s Frink being permbanned years ago, not for rule breaking, but for just “being annoying” according to Jay. Have to imagine there’s still some bitterness towards the general style of moderation that has lead to some of these longtime users feeling like the site has become a different place. People seemed to like Off Topic much more when it didn’t have such strict and sometimes confusing moderation.

But it’s fine. The projects sections still live on. Not every site needs an off topic section that people care about.


DominicCobb said:

I think a lot of us still remember TV’s Frink being permbanned years ago, not for rule breaking, but for just “being annoying” according to Jay. Have to imagine there’s still some bitterness towards the general style of moderation that has lead to some of these longtime users feeling like the site has become a different place. People seemed to like Off Topic much more when it didn’t have such strict and sometimes confusing moderation.

But it’s fine. The projects sections still live on. Not every site needs an off topic section that people care about.

Collipso, I still interact with him on Fanedit.org and he’s a good guy, but he definitely crossed the line in the Off-Topic fiasco. And he admits as such.

Frink on the other hand, his ban was pretty unfair.

That whole situation is what I had in mind in my comment earlier. I completely agreed with the mods at the time, I really wouldn’t want some of those off topic threads showing up in the top results on google, but the veteran users were proposing fair and reasonable compromises, only to be struck down.

Now we have the mods editing and now removing comments that poked holes in their side of the story (and again, mine was simply proposing a simple way to get to the bottom of it all), for frankly very dubious reasons, it’s shady as hell and makes me lose a lot of sympathy for them. Kind of makes me think that Junior’s comment was onto something…

Something that always bothered me though, was that the (relatively civil) politics threads were an embarrassment to the site, but the creepy-ass Beautiful Women thread was a-okay.


Dom, Frink’s perma-ban was for ‘continued derailing threads / and spread unrelated forum drama across the site - despite multiple previous requests & warnings not to do so, and then followed by temporary bans.’

This was after a temp-ban a few weeks earlier for ‘repeated derailing of threads, flaming/baiting, personal attacks etc… despite multiple requests, PMs, and warnings not to continue’.

Before this, there were other similar issues over a considerable length of time with Frink - with him even admitting he had derailed threads on here.

I don’t believe the perma-ban was for just “being annoying” - that is IF Jay used that exact term to sum up all the above - as well as anything else that I’ve forgot to mention here.

The whole thing was also something that the mods/admin had discussed with Frink over a long period of time - in repeated & concerted efforts to try and persuade him to stop… yet with no signs of abatement.

Frink was informed and warned what would happen if he continued to post in the manner he was - yet unfortunately he chose to carry on regardless.

Generally, as Wook state above… people have been given multiple chances on here - yet still blew them all.

Some other people just didn’t want to be civil with others. Those that couldn’t manage that, or couldn’t follow the rules, or are abusive towards other members or the staff… are no longer here.

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


RicOlie_2 said:

Yeah, pretty much all the people I used to interact with have either been banned or left for other reasons. It’s a completely different community than the one I joined. Off Topic is dead. The fan edit that got me interested in this site to begin with is being created by a now-banned member as well.

The only thing that brought me back here recently is PMs. 😛

Yup. I’ll be leaving soon now that I’ve pretty much stopped posting in the b*tching thread.

The only reason I’m still here is Off-Topic, and have zero interest in Star Wars and Star Wars Fanedits. So…

Waiting for life to go by


oojason said:

Dom, Frink’s perma-ban was for ‘continued derailing threads / and spread unrelated forum drama across the site - despite multiple previous requests & warnings not to do so, and then followed by temporary bans.’

This was after a temp-ban a few weeks earlier for ‘repeated derailing of threads, flaming/baiting, personal attacks etc… despite multiple requests, PMs, and warnings not to continue’.

Before this, there were other similar issues over a considerable length of time with Frink - with him even admitting he had derailed threads on here.

Haha, the constant derailing of threads was my favourite part about this place. 😃 But to each their own.


RicOlie_2 said:

oojason said:

Dom, Frink’s perma-ban was for ‘continued derailing threads / and spread unrelated forum drama across the site - despite multiple previous requests & warnings not to do so, and then followed by temporary bans.’

This was after a temp-ban a few weeks earlier for ‘repeated derailing of threads, flaming/baiting, personal attacks etc… despite multiple requests, PMs, and warnings not to continue’.

Before this, there were other similar issues over a considerable length of time with Frink - with him even admitting he had derailed threads on here.

Haha, the constant derailing of threads was my favourite part about this place. 😃 But to each their own.

I agree. Not to keep this going on much longer, but that’s exactly the sort of thing that I meant when I mentioned the change in modding style. Sometimes a discussion naturally moves onto something else for a bit, sometimes people make jokes that don’t directly contribute to the discussion. But those are the reasons that many people like forums, they’re the things that make them feel alive, like real communities. The stricter modding and excessive organization can kind of kill that energy.


SparkySywer said:

Something that always bothered me though, was that the (relatively civil) politics threads were an embarrassment to the site, but the creepy-ass Beautiful Women thread was a-okay.

To be honest I never liked that thread either. (I think it was a relic from when off topic was unmoderated.) Yet nobody complained about it to the mods?

Where were you in '77?


SparkySywer said:

DominicCobb said:

Now we have the mods editing and now removing comments that poked holes in their side of the story (and again, mine was simply proposing a simple way to get to the bottom of it all), for frankly very dubious reasons, it’s shady as hell and makes me lose a lot of sympathy for them. Kind of makes me think that Junior’s comment was onto something…

As I’ve said before, I’ve been on this forum a heck of a long time. Through thick and thin and some of the worst times in my life, this forum was often my refuge. Accepting the moderator gig was a way to give back to this crazy wonderful place. If people think I’m being shady or dishonest now, maybe I should retire? What good am I as a mod if I don’t have your trust?
I had just emerged from a lengthy personal crisis days before the pandemic started, and was stressed and worn out already. I’ve already planned to take a sabbatical when I can finally get my damned eye surgery. The pandemic and insurance shenanigans have played hell with that.

Something I’ll have to ponder for a while.

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

SparkySywer said:

Now we have the mods editing and now removing comments that poked holes in their side of the story (and again, mine was simply proposing a simple way to get to the bottom of it all), for frankly very dubious reasons, it’s shady as hell and makes me lose a lot of sympathy for them. Kind of makes me think that Junior’s comment was onto something…

As I’ve said before, I’ve been on this forum a heck of a long time. Through thick and thin and some of the worst times in my life, this forum was often my refuge. Accepting the moderator gig was a way to give back to this crazy wonderful place. If people think I’m being shady or dishonest now, maybe I should retire? What good am I as a mod if I don’t have your trust?
I had just emerged from a lengthy personal crisis days before the pandemic started, and was stressed and worn out already. I’ve already planned to take a sabbatical when I can finally get my damned eye surgery. The pandemic and insurance shenanigans have played hell with that.

Something I’ll have to ponder for a while.

I trust your intentions and I like you as a person. I don’t mean to insult you or anything like that, and I’m sorry if what I said made you feel that way.


SilverWook said:

SparkySywer said:

DominicCobb said:

Now we have the mods editing and now removing comments that poked holes in their side of the story (and again, mine was simply proposing a simple way to get to the bottom of it all), for frankly very dubious reasons, it’s shady as hell and makes me lose a lot of sympathy for them. Kind of makes me think that Junior’s comment was onto something…

As I’ve said before, I’ve been on this forum a heck of a long time. Through thick and thin and some of the worst times in my life, this forum was often my refuge. Accepting the moderator gig was a way to give back to this crazy wonderful place. If people think I’m being shady or dishonest now, maybe I should retire? What good am I as a mod if I don’t have your trust?
I had just emerged from a lengthy personal crisis days before the pandemic started, and was stressed and worn out already. I’ve already planned to take a sabbatical when I can finally get my damned eye surgery. The pandemic and insurance shenanigans have played hell with that.

Something I’ll have to ponder for a while.

You have my trust.

I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.

Star Wars has 3 eras: The eras are 1977-1983(pre Expanded Universe), (1983-2014) expanded universe, or (2014- now) Disney-bought version. Each are valid.

Important voice tool:

For all the assholes who keep giving me shit for my reviews, here’s your fuckin proof: https://youtube.com/shorts/7ytqBdVYoWw?si=-AIkldGZmOY-1LVP


SilverWook said:

SparkySywer said:

DominicCobb said:

Now we have the mods editing and now removing comments that poked holes in their side of the story (and again, mine was simply proposing a simple way to get to the bottom of it all), for frankly very dubious reasons, it’s shady as hell and makes me lose a lot of sympathy for them. Kind of makes me think that Junior’s comment was onto something…

As I’ve said before, I’ve been on this forum a heck of a long time. Through thick and thin and some of the worst times in my life, this forum was often my refuge. Accepting the moderator gig was a way to give back to this crazy wonderful place. If people think I’m being shady or dishonest now, maybe I should retire? What good am I as a mod if I don’t have your trust?
I had just emerged from a lengthy personal crisis days before the pandemic started, and was stressed and worn out already. I’ve already planned to take a sabbatical when I can finally get my damned eye surgery. The pandemic and insurance shenanigans have played hell with that.

Something I’ll have to ponder for a while.

Speaking for myself, you’re one of the mods I’ve appreciated the most. I don’t think any of the issues are with you.


Yeah, I want to voice my support for Silverwook too.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Me, too.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


I honestly have no idea what the argument is about, or who is on which side of what, so I’m hesitant to join any side. Not that it would matter, I haven’t made any friends here really. The only person I’ve frequently chatted with is ooJason. He’s always been extremely friendly and helpful. I’ve never had a problem with anyone here either though.

I don’t come into the cantina much, which is probably why I have no idea what’s gong on. I got curious and tried reading through some old threads, but I just see anger and more vague references to events I don’t know about, so I mainly stick to talking about Star Wars.

Sorry if people are missing some long time friends who’ve been banned, but it doesn’t sound like it was an easy decision for the mods, and SilverWook has explained the bans were due to their conduct and not a vendetta. The Star Wars discussions do seem more pleasant.

It sounds like whatever the original problem was doesn’t even matter anymore, it’s just become some longstanding feud that’s more about the feud itself than whatever started it. Sorry if I’m way off. Just what it seems like to me.

I think the main mission of this site, to preserve the original versions and how they were created, is important to our cultural history. I hope this community can move past all this and continue to enjoy Star Wars. This is an excellent time to be a Star Wars fan.


Rodney-2187 said:

I honestly have no idea what the argument is about, or who is on which side of what, so I’m hesitant to join any side. Not that it would matter, I haven’t made any friends here really. The only person I’ve frequently chatted with is ooJason. He’s always been extremely friendly and helpful. I’ve never had a problem with anyone here either though.

I don’t come into the cantina much, which is probably why I have no idea what’s gong on. I got curious and tried reading through some old threads, but I just see anger and more vague references to events I don’t know about, so I mainly stick to talking about Star Wars.

Sorry if people are missing some long time friends who’ve been banned, but it doesn’t sound like it was an easy decision for the mods, and SilverWook has explained the bans were due to their conduct and not a vendetta. The Star Wars discussions do seem more pleasant.

It sounds like whatever the original problem was doesn’t even matter anymore, it’s just become some longstanding feud that’s more about the feud itself than whatever started it. Sorry if I’m way off. Just what it seems like to me.

I think the main mission of this site, to preserve the original versions and how they were created, is important to our cultural history. I hope this community can move past all this and continue to enjoy Star Wars. This is an excellent time to be a Star Wars fan.

You hit it on the head.

I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.

Star Wars has 3 eras: The eras are 1977-1983(pre Expanded Universe), (1983-2014) expanded universe, or (2014- now) Disney-bought version. Each are valid.

Important voice tool:

For all the assholes who keep giving me shit for my reviews, here’s your fuckin proof: https://youtube.com/shorts/7ytqBdVYoWw?si=-AIkldGZmOY-1LVP


Well said Rodney! I’ve enjoyed my time on OT a lot - it’s still a great forum and we can’t let it fall apart over grudges, longstanding feuds, and disagreements that boil down to different perspectives. That’s my take on it all.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”