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Shot List Spreadsheet - v0.6.05 - 6 films - Multiple SW Audio Mix Changes Added Recently


This is a thread for discussion of spreadsheets which list every shot in the Star Wars movies.  After each shot gets listed, additional information can be added.  For example: script pieces, duration/length, Special Edition changes, etc.

Currently working on: **First Pass ALL Films Complete

ShotList-StarWars-v0.6.05 :

Not sure how this public version will work out.  But feel free to save your own copy and make changes.  If you do make a change, let me know, so I can incorporate it into a backup version.  As this is public, it might get corrupted so might periodically revert it back to it’s original state.  I guess if anyone reading does make a change, maybe change the border so it <span style=“text-decoration: underline;”>STANDS OUT</span>.  This will make it easier to find when I do a review.

Current Progress :

Ver.0.6.05: Added Audio Changes for 2004, 2011 and 2019 mixes. Additional visual changes from DIF review.

Ver.0.6.04: Added Audio Changes for 77 70mm, 1985 & 1993 mixes.

Ver.0.6.03: Added Audio Changes between 77 Stereo and 1997 SE.

Ver.0.6.02: Added changes in the 35mm Mono Mix.

Ver.0.6.01: Added 2019 changes. Findings from Forums and DIF Review.

Ver.0.5.05: Completed RotJ SE analysis.

Ver.0.5.00: Completed RotS first pass and incorporated some of the 2005 and 2011 changes.

Ver.0.4.00: Completed AotC first pass and incorporated some of the 2002 and 2011 changes.

Ver.0.3.03: Completed TPM first pass and incorporated some of the 2001 and 2011 changes.

Ver.0.2.08: Completed initial ESB set up.  ESB 80 ended up around 1804 shots, which jumps to 1826 for the Special Editions.  More shots were modified for the SE but to a lesser extent.

Ver.0.2.08: First pass thru RotJ yield about 2105 shots.  Thru a Wall Street Journal Article, Star Wars is confirmed as 2,228 shots.  (Shot Spreadshit is missing two.)  Also from that article is mention that 748 shots were redone in various ways.

Ver.0.2.06: First pass thru Empire yields about 1850 shots.

Ver.0.2.05: Added the script number for the other 5 movies.  Have begun the change slog through ESB.  Added a page with just links to reference material which will hopefully get included over time.

Ver.0.2.03: Added preliminary 2011 and 35mm Mono change info.

Ver.0.2.01a: Finished doing the GOUT, 97, 2004 pass in the change category.  As this was the second pass through, the shot total increased to 2,221.  The 97 Se jumps to 2,241 and 2004 goes down to 2,238.  The 97SE change percentage is just under 11%.

Ver.0.1.01a: Finished the first pass which gives the shot total as 2,209.  With 181 Omitted or Removed script scenes.  (this can probably be reduced with a second reading/pass)

Ver.0.09a : Have completed the SW Shot List from beginning to middle of the Death Star attack.  10 minutes left to do.  Current count is 2,128 shots.  General estimate may finish at around 2,200-2,350.

Current Problems : Shot/Sub-Scene title is inconsistent, started by listing unlisted shots with a ‘Sub’ title (using a number), realized a ways in that I should just start a ‘Shot’ column count.  The ‘Added’ shot and ‘Removed’ values may reduce as I better read the script, since scenes are moved around and sequences shifted, keeping track of everything requires a re-read.

To Do: figure out mechanical way to transport frame count and shot length into the document.  May add a ‘moved’ change category, so that variations between the script and final film can be identified beyond the V9/A9 ‘removed’ material.  Example the “3po in wires” would be considered a ‘move’ from script (Tantive) to screen (Millennium Falcon).

Idea started from: http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/Complete-Comparison-of-Special-Edition-Visual-Changes/topic/11927/page/31/

Where zombie84 had created spreadsheet of Special Edition and 2004 changes.  Had always been curious of the number of shots in the movie, will incorporate this data, but also expand as i’ve introduced a category for the 2004 color timing issue and have columns for audio changes.

Hopefully can figure out a way to save as a jpg so the change colors could make an image which visually tells the SW changes over time story.  Each shot would equal one pixel.

Would hope that this spreadsheet could be converted into something fan editors could use to document their changes.  (similar to TV’s Frink’s fan edit change documents)  But as it’s a spreadsheet might be easier to convert into a database/.HTML format.

Past Versions :

ShotList-StarWars-v0.6.02 :


ShotList-StarWars-v0.5.05 :


ShotList-StarWars-v0.5.00 :


**ShotList-StarWars-v0.5.00_public : **


ShotList-StarWars-v0.4.00 :


ShotList-StarWars-v0.3.03 :


ShotList-StarWars-v0.3.00 :


ShotList-StarWars-v0.2.08 :


ShotList-StarWars-v0.2.06 :


ShotList-StarWars-v0.2.05 :


ShotList-StarWars-v0.2.04 :


ShotList-StarWars-v0.2.03 :


ShotList-StarWars-v0.2.01a :


ShotList-StarWars-v0.1.01a :



Visual representation of the change log:




Star Wars ................... Empire Strikes Back ......... Return of the Jedi


Old Versions:


Here's the first half with entered data for visual changes of 77, GOUT, 97 and 2004.



noobie question here...

Is a shot consist of any length of film, starting at one edit and ending at another?


Sluggo wrote: Is a shot consist of any length of film, starting at one edit and ending at another?

Yup, that's the definition i'm going with.  There are examples of certain shots going to great lengths to be one continuous camera take.  'Timecode' (2000) being a craziest example, 4 camera, one take, the whole movie is one continuous shot/take.  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0220100/

The reason i'm approaching this in this matter is to eventually start pulling in other lists.  Maybe at some point setting up a blog where every shot gets a page and people can add their notation/trivia for every shot.  There just seem to be many lists all over the place and having them in a database/spreadsheet might be a way to pull things together and keep track of everything. 


As an observer of the Gonk Wars, that is indeed some of the best dialog.  (and it's not in any of the scripts!)


New version released : ShotList-StarWars-v0.2.01a :



Completed the updating of the GOUT, 97 and 2004 visual changes.  Added what I know of the 2011 changes.  On the shot change totals, in 97SE it's just under 11% of the shots have some form of modification. 

This does not include color changes, which there is a category for, but it's a little vaguer, so i've done the math with and without these color judgements.  (My estimates are at least 50% of the shots got color adjusted in 97)  Another caveat how this total varies from the previous zombie spreadsheet, as each shot is given a field, wipes count twice (intro and exit wipes happen to different shots) and some categories previously mentioned had multiple occurances not listed.

Right now don't have a good way to get the cumulative totals of changes for the 2004 and later versions.  Have taken the 97SE and added to the 2004, but it's not a great value as it might include a repeat shot.  Need to work out a new ARRAYFORMULA(COUNT(IFERROR(FIND formula which compares one column to the next then adds if true.  Until then the 2004 change total takes the total 2004 and adds it to the 1997, and that jumps to 17%.  True from a certain point of view.  So total changes identified through 2011 is 414, little over 19%.  (this includes repeats)

Working on figuring out the total number of 1977 model shots in the DS attack, and working through how many of those were modified for the SE.


If you've got a link to a website/thread/forum/post/something which has an interesting list.  Change lists, bloopers, audio changes, random trivia, anything of this sort which could be directly linked to a specific shot.


Anyone familiar with Script Writing, specifically scene numbering rules or guidelines?  Although the Script is more or less flushed out, there are scenes where i've got to go in and add some sub-scene values and i'm expanding with  shot numbers which i've never heard of being done.

In this 4th SW draft, typically most location changes are given a new scene number.  But there are cases, like the end of the trash compactor sequence, where two locations (scene numbers) are intercut.  I'm leaning towards reusing the scene and sub-scene number but grouping them in the new shot number values.

Not sure how to handle the DS attack yet.  So many things are moved around or changed somewhat from the script.  How to group sequences into continuous shot values, i'm not sure of yet.

Have begun to add some and looking around for more resources/lists on the audio changes.


Looking for any place which might have a list or discuss changes to these movies, here's what i've got so far:  (will sort though to corroborate)  There's now a tab for these links in the spreadsheet. (see first post for most recent)

Wikipedia - SW Change List        http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_changes_in_Star_Wars_re-releases
Wikipedia - SW Change List - Pre Deletion        http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_changes_in_Star_Wars_re-releases&oldid=451698874
OT.com discussion of Wikipedia page        http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/Wikipedia-List-of-changes-in-Star-Wars-re-releases-errors/topic/12359/
Wookiepedia        http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_changes_in_Star_Wars_re-releases
SaveStarWars.com SE Change List        http://savestarwars.com/specialeditionchanges.html
OT.com Neil S. Bunk's 2004 change discussion        http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/Any-Interest-In-A-Corrected-2004-DVD/topic/1711/
Neil S. Bunk Audio Revision List        http://originaltrilogy.com/FORUM/topic.cfm/Star-Wars-coming-to-Blu-Ray-UPDATE-August-30-2011--NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO/topic/11438/page/181/
doubleofive 2011 Visual Change        https://picasaweb.google.com/102542760950977079734/StarWars2011Changes
OT.com ESB & ROTJ Audio Mixes        http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/ESB-ROTJ-Audio-Mixes/topic/10519/
Paul Ens' SW SE Annotations        http://www.theforce.net/swse/index.html
The Geek Twins 'complete' list of SW Changes        http://geektwins.blogspot.com/2011/09/want-to-see-full-list-of-changes-to.html
blam1 Star Wars VideoDisc site        http://www.blam1.com/StarWars/
OT.com 2007 list of changes        http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/The-Big-List-of-Changes-to-the-SW-films/topic/7556/
The Phantom Menace        
DVDActive.com Prequel Trilogy Changes        http://www.dvdactive.com/editorial/articles/star-wars-the-changes-part-four.html
Attack of the Clones        
Galactic Trade Federation Comparison        http://homepage.ntlworld.com/russdawson/gtf/ep2.html
Revenge of the Sith        
Star Wars        
Starkiller's Guide to the Mono Mix        http://homepage.ntlworld.com/russdawson/mono/
Michael Coate : May 25, 1977: A Day Long Remembered        http://www.fromscripttodvd.com/star_wars_a_day_long_remembered.htm
The 70mm Engagements Of The Original "Star Wars"        http://www.fromscripttodvd.com/star_wars_70mm_engagements.htm
DVDActive.com Star Wars Changes        http://www.dvdactive.com/editorial/articles/star-wars-the-changes-part-one.html
OT.com Dialog Change discussion        http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/The-Definitive-tractor-beam-Close-the-blast-doors-Blast-it-Biggs-Wedge-you-dont-taste-very-good-ooooo-Preservation-Guide/topic/13428/
doubleofive Star Wars Special Edition Changes        https://picasaweb.google.com/102542760950977079734/StarWarsSpecialEditionChangesHD
StarWars.com Official 2004 SW Change page        https://picasaweb.google.com/102542760950977079734/StarWarsComOfficial2004ChangesANH
"Treadwell Jay's SW-SE Change List
"        http://home.earthlink.net/~treadwell_jay/starwars/anhindex.htm
StarWars.com        http://www.starwars.com/episode-iv/release/video/f20060825/index.html
Empire Strikes Back        
DVDActive.com Empire Strikes Back Changes        http://www.dvdactive.com/editorial/articles/star-wars-the-changes-part-two.html
doubleofive Empire Special Edition Changes        https://picasaweb.google.com/102542760950977079734/EmpireSpecialEditionChangesHD
StarWars.com Official 2004 ESB Change page        https://picasaweb.google.com/102542760950977079734/StarWarsComOfficial2004ChangesESB
"Treadwell Jay's ESB-SE Change List
"        http://home.earthlink.net/~treadwell_jay/starwars/esbindex.htm
StarWars.com Official 2004 ESB Change page        http://www.starwars.com/episode-v/release/video/f20060901/index.html
Return of the Jedi        
DVDActive.com Return of the Jedi Changes        http://www.dvdactive.com/editorial/articles/star-wars-the-changes-part-three.html
doubleofive Jedi Special Edition Changes        https://picasaweb.google.com/102542760950977079734/JediSpecialEditionChangesHD
StarWars.com Official 2004 RotJ Change page        https://picasaweb.google.com/102542760950977079734/StarWarsComOfficial2004ChangesRotJ
"Treadwell Jay's RotJ-SE Change List
"        http://home.earthlink.net/~treadwell_jay/starwars/rojindex.htm
StarWars.com Official 2004 ESB Change page        http://www.starwars.com/episode-vi/release/video/f20060908/index.html


For those with audio expertise what's the best way of going about doing a comparison?  Would like to start comparing versions, but definitely sure I don't have the ear for it.  (listened to too much noise)  But want to give it a shot.  Is it best to put one ear as one mix and a second in the other ear.  was considering playing short spurts of 2-4 versions listening and going off the lists i've accumulated.  problem i'm having with the sources on hand is they're all different frame rate/speeds, the PAL vs NTSC thing.  Also getting more familiar with the changes and when they occurred.  Would like to compare several of the 80s versions with the 97 SE.  then do a straight 2004 / 97 comparison as that seems to be when the most changes were made.  Getting the sense that much of the changes thru the 93 are flipping between the 77 35mm stereo and 35mm mono changes.

Also considering putting them into Soundtrack pro so can visual watch the wave forms which might help spot things.


I had a theory once. Something similar to your DIF project, but with audio. I know that you can make karaoke-type tracks by splitting a stereo file, inversing one of the tracks, then merging it. I wonder if there's something similar we could do that would eliminate all of the identical sounds and leave the changes...

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


I wondering if the tracks were 99% the same if only the changes would be evident. That wouldn't help for things coming out opposite speakers, but if you nested the whole tracks into mono tracks, then set one as Inverse, wouldn't it negate all of the sounds except the ones that didn't match?

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


I can't get it to work. Tried with the "Open the blast doors" audio from DVDActive. I'm not sure if it was because their levels were different or what.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


I don't think that will work.  Inverting one of the channels will cause everything centrally panned to cancel out, not just the dialogue, so a lot of sound effects will go missing and an accurate comparison becomes impossible.  Trying to combine different mixes this way will cause a strange warbling and distortion effect since the synch, imaging, and EQ will not match up exactly, making the whole thing unlistenable.


Man, and I thought my Prequel cutlist project was crazy insane...


None has taken pieces of all of our projects, and made the most crazy/awesome thing ever.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


New version available: ShotList-StarWars-v0.2.05 :


Added the other 5 movies' scene info, and have starting working through ESB.  Added a link spreadsheet with future to include information about changes and trivia, etc.  Suggest others!


hairy_hen wrote: Inverting one of the channels will cause everything centrally panned to cancel out, not just the dialogue, so a lot of sound effects will go missing and an accurate comparison becomes impossible.

This sounds like what we'd hope to achieve.  Ideally most of the audio will become silent.  (both recordings are identical or near identical)  So the stuff which remains, the unlistenable parts, are where we go back and listen normally and those are what we write down as an audio change.  [it ain't going to be that easy, as one of the notes in a posts about the 2004 mix is that all the effects on Vader's dialog was redone...  that kind of change will need to be confirmed a different way.]  And as you mentioned, all the factors from the original recording, EQ, volume, etc. all will affect the inversion/canceling out process.  Need to do some attempts to see if it get's a satisfactory result.

This idea was done visually on the movies, and it resulted in things like this:

So in this example, the 2004 and 2011 were identical (all the black areas) except for the roof which got an upgrade.  We'd like to do this but with the audio, to spot changes.


TV's Frink wrote: Man, and I thought my Prequel cutlist project was crazy insane...

doubleofive wrote: None has taken pieces of all of our projects, and made the most crazy/awesome thing ever.

We've got all this knowledge and bits and pieces all over the place why not combine them and see where it goes from there.  As pages like the SW.com and the wikipedia SW change page disappear, we'll need something to take their place.  With the information in a spreadsheet, it will hopefully be able to be dumped into a database or a blog format. 

Once TPM is done then we'll see how to incorporate the TV's Frink fan edit lists (right you've never done TMBTM's War of the Stars?), as joining in the fan edits will allow people to compare the official changes to the fan edit ones.



(20th Century-Fox, 1977) Studio original 05/31/1977 subtitling dialogue and scene continuity script in two thick clasp-bound volumes, in printed studio wraps, as the subtitling guide specifically for the 70mm version of Star Wars: Episode IV- A New Hope. Volume I contains 171 studio-mimeo pages plus a Xerox (from the time) instruction concerning difference between 70mm and 35mm versions; volume II contains 215 pages. Director George Lucas maintained absolute secrecy and control over every aspect of his productions, so original production material of this sort is especially rare for his films.



none said:

(Shot Spreadshit is missing two.) 


Sorry, I just had to ;-)

Anyway, interesting project :-)


Harmy wrote: Anyway, interesting project

I'll hopefully be more phun when everyone can start editing.  Then we'll see what the collective wisdom of this place can achieve.  Just need to get these first passes done.


Have a first pass on all the films done, with most of the visual changes from SE to DVD and BD incorporated.  Below is this new version and a version which anyone can edit.

ShotList-StarWars-v0.5.00 :


ShotList-StarWars-v0.5.00_public : (this version can be edited by anyone)


Not sure how this public version will work out.  But feel free to save your own copy and make changes.  If you do make a change, let me know, so I can incorporate it into a backup version.  As this is public document, it might get corrupted so might periodically revert it back to it's original state.  I guess if anyone reading does make a change, maybe change the border so it STANDS OUT.  This will make it easier to find when I do a review.


Finished Special Edition Analysis of RotJ.  Starting in Ver.0.5.05 there is a Summary tab which has the accumulative SE change documentation.  Having done mostly Visual Change documentation, the 1997 SE change over the three Original Trilogy films is 14.21%.  About 886 shots out of 6,235.  (this doesn't compensate for a shot which might have both visual and audio, they are calculated separately so this percentage maybe high, but it on the other hand the percentage doesn't have a comprehensive audio change pass yet)  Then proceeding to the 2004 set the change percentage jumps to 21.41%, and the 2011 set 23.05%.  (again value is high as the calc doesn't undo redos and other repeat modifications to a shot over time.)

Also now in the spreadsheets are a column which lists the shot number.  Realized the Scene-Shot-Sub_Shot naming was faulty, so may progress more towards consequtive values for each shot.

Might do a round of random trivia next.  But need a break.