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open letter by Collipso

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hello. i’m collipso. i registered less than one year ago, when my life was the shittiest its ever been and Star Wars helped me cope with everything. this place ended up helping A LOT too, so first and foremost, thank you all.

somehow though, like many mentioned, the forum has been decreasing in enjoyment constantly (for me) ever since shortly after the TLJ debates died out, which was around march or april.

i really enjoyed off-topic at first. man it was funny as heck, and the regulars here are just really nice people, all of them. at least all i can think of right now.

but… as of right now, i feel desolated. absolutely desolated. an extremely authoritarian action has been taken by the far right claims-to-be-centrist asshole Jay.

honestly Jay, when i first found out that you weren’t exactly appreciated here, i decided to defend you. our interactions had been fun and i quite liked you. i even understood it when you banned me, even though of course the “next guy who posts something gets banned” made no sense and treated us all like children.

but… you became what everyone said you were. an asshole. an idiot. a dick. you started to get in fights where you were obviously wrong but because of how arrogant you are it you completely blind to everyone else’s point of view and to everything that was ACTUALLY going on. i see you’ve brainwashed oojason for example, who claims to deal with facts while only spilling lies, your lies, only your side of the story. half truths are lies too, man.

you refuse to listen to others. you only care about what you think and yourself. you’re no leader. you’re no administrator. you’re nothing more than a man baby who thinks he’s opressed and gets it out on us. fucking pathetic. you’re fucking pathetic sometimes. most times.

and now you banned politics. banned. politics. that was incredibly childish of you. politics is something that’s at the core of every human being. everything is politics. art is political. Star Wars is political. you don’t just get to ban it. this is censorship and a dictatorship. and i won’t take it up the ass. never.

i ask you to reconsider it. unban politics. unlock the threads. grow the fuck up. people disagreed with you, got into heated arguments. that fucking happens, man. fucking deal. but no. dahmage said cool. so he’s an ass. therefore fuck the entire subject of politics.

it just makes no sense and is extremely childish.

you couldn’t follow your own rules man. you attacked others personally and failed to admit it, to apologize. to everyone. that caused the shitstorm we’re seeing, because you’re an asshole, but an asshole with power. those are the worst types of assholes.

so congratulations jay. you didn’t nuke off-topic, but you might as well have. most regular members are gone or leaving. you managed to take away all the fun in this place. all of it. so fuck you. fuck, you.

after months and months of going after frink and some other regular members, you finally did it. you’ve ruined this place to the community that built it. you’ve banned the guy with 80k posts. you’re making decades old members leave.

so i ask you to reconsider, and write an open letter apologizing for everything and unbanning frink and politics. it’s the honorable thing for you to do. it’s actually the only honorable thing for you to do. it’d make me reconsider.

with this, i can say i am leaving the forum. i’ll finish like i started, by thanking you guys. i’ve made some really good friends, such as darthrush, ChainsawAsh (whom i almost met, damn you circumstances!) possessed, frink, dahmage, dom, warb, coffee, and duracell. i never got to tell you before duracell but you might be one of the funniest people around. you, dahmage, frink… i’m going to miss you guys.

so yeah. you’ll see it eventually, Jay. you’re being an idiot, a hypocrite, an asshole. a fucking child. the stupidiest is the one who thinks they know everything. you fit the desceiption. so fuck you, and, sadly, fuck this place. but i’m carrying with me in my heart many good moments and i’m going to be in touch with those i really like. if i don’t end up banned, know that i’m not coming back.

thanks jay. you managed to fuck everything up. please, go drive into a tree.


Other than that Mr. Collispo, how was your stay here?


Collipso my friend I think you might have gone a little overboard there.

you weren’t wrong but you weren’t exactly right either.


Collipso said:

hello. i’m collipso. i registered less than one year ago, when my life was the shittiest its ever been and Star Wars helped me cope with everything. this place ended up helping A LOT too, so first and foremost, thank you all.

somehow though, like many mentioned, the forum has been decreasing in enjoyment constantly (for me) ever since shortly after the TLJ debates died out, which was around march or april.

i really enjoyed off-topic at first. man it was funny as heck, and the regulars here are just really nice people, all of them. at least all i can think of right now.

but… as of right now, i feel desolated. absolutely desolated. an extremely authoritarian action has been taken by the far right claims-to-be-centrist asshole Jay.

honestly Jay, when i first found out that you weren’t exactly appreciated here, i decided to defend you. our interactions had been fun and i quite liked you. i even understood it when you banned me, even though of course the “next guy who posts something gets banned” made no sense and treated us all like children.

but… you became what everyone said you were. an asshole. an idiot. a dick. you started to get in fights where you were obviously wrong but because of how arrogant you are it you completely blind to everyone else’s point of view and to everything that was ACTUALLY going on. i see you’ve brainwashed oojason for example, who claims to deal with facts while only spilling lies, your lies, only your side of the story. half truths are lies too, man.

you refuse to listen to others. you only care about what you think and yourself. you’re no leader. you’re no administrator. you’re nothing more than a man baby who thinks he’s opressed and gets it out on us. fucking pathetic. you’re fucking pathetic sometimes. most times.

and now you banned politics. banned. politics. that was incredibly childish of you. politics is something that’s at the core of every human being. everything is politics. art is political. Star Wars is political. you don’t just get to ban it. this is censorship and a dictatorship. and i won’t take it up the ass. never.

i ask you to reconsider it. unban politics. unlock the threads. grow the fuck up. people disagreed with you, got into heated arguments. that fucking happens, man. fucking deal. but no. dahmage said cool. so he’s an ass. therefore fuck the entire subject of politics.

it just makes no sense and is extremely childish.

you couldn’t follow your own rules man. you attacked others personally and failed to admit it, to apologize. to everyone. that caused the shitstorm we’re seeing, because you’re an asshole, but an asshole with power. those are the worst types of assholes.

so congratulations jay. you didn’t nuke off-topic, but you might as well have. most regular members are gone or leaving. you managed to take away all the fun in this place. all of it. so fuck you. fuck, you.

after months and months of going after frink and some other regular members, you finally did it. you’ve ruined this place to the community that built it. you’ve banned the guy with 80k posts. you’re making decades old members leave.

so i ask you to reconsider, and write an open letter apologizing for everything and unbanning frink and politics. it’s the honorable thing for you to do. it’s actually the only honorable thing for you to do. it’d make me reconsider.

with this, i can say i am leaving the forum. i’ll finish like i started, by thanking you guys. i’ve made some really good friends, such as darthrush, ChainsawAsh (whom i almost met, damn you circumstances!) possessed, frink, dahmage, dom, warb, coffee, and duracell. i never got to tell you before duracell but you might be one of the funniest people around. you, dahmage, frink… i’m going to miss you guys.

so yeah. you’ll see it eventually, Jay. you’re being an idiot, a hypocrite, an asshole. a fucking child. the stupidiest is the one who thinks they know everything. you fit the desceiption. so fuck you, and, sadly, fuck this place. but i’m carrying with me in my heart many good moments and i’m going to be in touch with those i really like. if i don’t end up banned, know that i’m not coming back.

thanks jay. you managed to fuck everything up. please, go drive into a tree.

It’s true. All of it.

Sorry to see you’ve become a casualty of Jay’s arrogance and self-righteousness, too, Collipso. In your short time here you’ve become one of my favorite members of this site I’ve ever had the pleasure of interacting with. Talk to you soon, buddy.

In, you know, a more welcoming atmosphere than what this place has become.


ChainsawAsh said:

Collipso said:

hello. i’m collipso. i registered less than one year ago, when my life was the shittiest its ever been and Star Wars helped me cope with everything. this place ended up helping A LOT too, so first and foremost, thank you all.

somehow though, like many mentioned, the forum has been decreasing in enjoyment constantly (for me) ever since shortly after the TLJ debates died out, which was around march or april.

i really enjoyed off-topic at first. man it was funny as heck, and the regulars here are just really nice people, all of them. at least all i can think of right now.

but… as of right now, i feel desolated. absolutely desolated. an extremely authoritarian action has been taken by the far right claims-to-be-centrist asshole Jay.

honestly Jay, when i first found out that you weren’t exactly appreciated here, i decided to defend you. our interactions had been fun and i quite liked you. i even understood it when you banned me, even though of course the “next guy who posts something gets banned” made no sense and treated us all like children.

but… you became what everyone said you were. an asshole. an idiot. a dick. you started to get in fights where you were obviously wrong but because of how arrogant you are it you completely blind to everyone else’s point of view and to everything that was ACTUALLY going on. i see you’ve brainwashed oojason for example, who claims to deal with facts while only spilling lies, your lies, only your side of the story. half truths are lies too, man.

you refuse to listen to others. you only care about what you think and yourself. you’re no leader. you’re no administrator. you’re nothing more than a man baby who thinks he’s opressed and gets it out on us. fucking pathetic. you’re fucking pathetic sometimes. most times.

and now you banned politics. banned. politics. that was incredibly childish of you. politics is something that’s at the core of every human being. everything is politics. art is political. Star Wars is political. you don’t just get to ban it. this is censorship and a dictatorship. and i won’t take it up the ass. never.

i ask you to reconsider it. unban politics. unlock the threads. grow the fuck up. people disagreed with you, got into heated arguments. that fucking happens, man. fucking deal. but no. dahmage said cool. so he’s an ass. therefore fuck the entire subject of politics.

it just makes no sense and is extremely childish.

you couldn’t follow your own rules man. you attacked others personally and failed to admit it, to apologize. to everyone. that caused the shitstorm we’re seeing, because you’re an asshole, but an asshole with power. those are the worst types of assholes.

so congratulations jay. you didn’t nuke off-topic, but you might as well have. most regular members are gone or leaving. you managed to take away all the fun in this place. all of it. so fuck you. fuck, you.

after months and months of going after frink and some other regular members, you finally did it. you’ve ruined this place to the community that built it. you’ve banned the guy with 80k posts. you’re making decades old members leave.

so i ask you to reconsider, and write an open letter apologizing for everything and unbanning frink and politics. it’s the honorable thing for you to do. it’s actually the only honorable thing for you to do. it’d make me reconsider.

with this, i can say i am leaving the forum. i’ll finish like i started, by thanking you guys. i’ve made some really good friends, such as darthrush, ChainsawAsh (whom i almost met, damn you circumstances!) possessed, frink, dahmage, dom, warb, coffee, and duracell. i never got to tell you before duracell but you might be one of the funniest people around. you, dahmage, frink… i’m going to miss you guys.

so yeah. you’ll see it eventually, Jay. you’re being an idiot, a hypocrite, an asshole. a fucking child. the stupidiest is the one who thinks they know everything. you fit the desceiption. so fuck you, and, sadly, fuck this place. but i’m carrying with me in my heart many good moments and i’m going to be in touch with those i really like. if i don’t end up banned, know that i’m not coming back.

thanks jay. you managed to fuck everything up. please, go drive into a tree.

It’s true. All of it.

Sorry to see you’ve become a casualty of Jay’s arrogance and self-righteousness, too, Collipso. In your short time here you’ve become one of my favorite members of this site I’ve ever had the pleasure of interacting with. Talk to you soon, buddy.

In, you know, a more welcoming atmosphere than what this place has become.

I’m sorry to read this since I respect your opinion, but if you really feel this way, you can leave. Everyone who feels this way can.

You’ll forgive me if I don’t drive into a tree over all this.

Forum Administrator



The closing line was especially uncalled for as were some of the other things Calypso said.


Jay said:

ChainsawAsh said:

Collipso said:

hello. i’m collipso. i registered less than one year ago, when my life was the shittiest its ever been and Star Wars helped me cope with everything. this place ended up helping A LOT too, so first and foremost, thank you all.

somehow though, like many mentioned, the forum has been decreasing in enjoyment constantly (for me) ever since shortly after the TLJ debates died out, which was around march or april.

i really enjoyed off-topic at first. man it was funny as heck, and the regulars here are just really nice people, all of them. at least all i can think of right now.

but… as of right now, i feel desolated. absolutely desolated. an extremely authoritarian action has been taken by the far right claims-to-be-centrist asshole Jay.

honestly Jay, when i first found out that you weren’t exactly appreciated here, i decided to defend you. our interactions had been fun and i quite liked you. i even understood it when you banned me, even though of course the “next guy who posts something gets banned” made no sense and treated us all like children.

but… you became what everyone said you were. an asshole. an idiot. a dick. you started to get in fights where you were obviously wrong but because of how arrogant you are it you completely blind to everyone else’s point of view and to everything that was ACTUALLY going on. i see you’ve brainwashed oojason for example, who claims to deal with facts while only spilling lies, your lies, only your side of the story. half truths are lies too, man.

you refuse to listen to others. you only care about what you think and yourself. you’re no leader. you’re no administrator. you’re nothing more than a man baby who thinks he’s opressed and gets it out on us. fucking pathetic. you’re fucking pathetic sometimes. most times.

and now you banned politics. banned. politics. that was incredibly childish of you. politics is something that’s at the core of every human being. everything is politics. art is political. Star Wars is political. you don’t just get to ban it. this is censorship and a dictatorship. and i won’t take it up the ass. never.

i ask you to reconsider it. unban politics. unlock the threads. grow the fuck up. people disagreed with you, got into heated arguments. that fucking happens, man. fucking deal. but no. dahmage said cool. so he’s an ass. therefore fuck the entire subject of politics.

it just makes no sense and is extremely childish.

you couldn’t follow your own rules man. you attacked others personally and failed to admit it, to apologize. to everyone. that caused the shitstorm we’re seeing, because you’re an asshole, but an asshole with power. those are the worst types of assholes.

so congratulations jay. you didn’t nuke off-topic, but you might as well have. most regular members are gone or leaving. you managed to take away all the fun in this place. all of it. so fuck you. fuck, you.

after months and months of going after frink and some other regular members, you finally did it. you’ve ruined this place to the community that built it. you’ve banned the guy with 80k posts. you’re making decades old members leave.

so i ask you to reconsider, and write an open letter apologizing for everything and unbanning frink and politics. it’s the honorable thing for you to do. it’s actually the only honorable thing for you to do. it’d make me reconsider.

with this, i can say i am leaving the forum. i’ll finish like i started, by thanking you guys. i’ve made some really good friends, such as darthrush, ChainsawAsh (whom i almost met, damn you circumstances!) possessed, frink, dahmage, dom, warb, coffee, and duracell. i never got to tell you before duracell but you might be one of the funniest people around. you, dahmage, frink… i’m going to miss you guys.

so yeah. you’ll see it eventually, Jay. you’re being an idiot, a hypocrite, an asshole. a fucking child. the stupidiest is the one who thinks they know everything. you fit the desceiption. so fuck you, and, sadly, fuck this place. but i’m carrying with me in my heart many good moments and i’m going to be in touch with those i really like. if i don’t end up banned, know that i’m not coming back.

thanks jay. you managed to fuck everything up. please, go drive into a tree.

It’s true. All of it.

Sorry to see you’ve become a casualty of Jay’s arrogance and self-righteousness, too, Collipso. In your short time here you’ve become one of my favorite members of this site I’ve ever had the pleasure of interacting with. Talk to you soon, buddy.

In, you know, a more welcoming atmosphere than what this place has become.

I’m sorry to read this since I respect your opinion, but if you really feel this way, you can leave. Everyone who feels this way can.

You’ll forgive me if I don’t drive into a tree over all this.

Again, with respect, as an administrator I would think you should be more level-headed than this. It seems very reactionary.

Certainly what many are saying is also reactionary, but it does have merit, and is not necessarily worth chucking whole threads with decades-worth of posts over.

TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


chyron8472 said:

Jay said:

ChainsawAsh said:

Collipso said:

hello. i’m collipso. i registered less than one year ago, when my life was the shittiest its ever been and Star Wars helped me cope with everything. this place ended up helping A LOT too, so first and foremost, thank you all.

somehow though, like many mentioned, the forum has been decreasing in enjoyment constantly (for me) ever since shortly after the TLJ debates died out, which was around march or april.

i really enjoyed off-topic at first. man it was funny as heck, and the regulars here are just really nice people, all of them. at least all i can think of right now.

but… as of right now, i feel desolated. absolutely desolated. an extremely authoritarian action has been taken by the far right claims-to-be-centrist asshole Jay.

honestly Jay, when i first found out that you weren’t exactly appreciated here, i decided to defend you. our interactions had been fun and i quite liked you. i even understood it when you banned me, even though of course the “next guy who posts something gets banned” made no sense and treated us all like children.

but… you became what everyone said you were. an asshole. an idiot. a dick. you started to get in fights where you were obviously wrong but because of how arrogant you are it you completely blind to everyone else’s point of view and to everything that was ACTUALLY going on. i see you’ve brainwashed oojason for example, who claims to deal with facts while only spilling lies, your lies, only your side of the story. half truths are lies too, man.

you refuse to listen to others. you only care about what you think and yourself. you’re no leader. you’re no administrator. you’re nothing more than a man baby who thinks he’s opressed and gets it out on us. fucking pathetic. you’re fucking pathetic sometimes. most times.

and now you banned politics. banned. politics. that was incredibly childish of you. politics is something that’s at the core of every human being. everything is politics. art is political. Star Wars is political. you don’t just get to ban it. this is censorship and a dictatorship. and i won’t take it up the ass. never.

i ask you to reconsider it. unban politics. unlock the threads. grow the fuck up. people disagreed with you, got into heated arguments. that fucking happens, man. fucking deal. but no. dahmage said cool. so he’s an ass. therefore fuck the entire subject of politics.

it just makes no sense and is extremely childish.

you couldn’t follow your own rules man. you attacked others personally and failed to admit it, to apologize. to everyone. that caused the shitstorm we’re seeing, because you’re an asshole, but an asshole with power. those are the worst types of assholes.

so congratulations jay. you didn’t nuke off-topic, but you might as well have. most regular members are gone or leaving. you managed to take away all the fun in this place. all of it. so fuck you. fuck, you.

after months and months of going after frink and some other regular members, you finally did it. you’ve ruined this place to the community that built it. you’ve banned the guy with 80k posts. you’re making decades old members leave.

so i ask you to reconsider, and write an open letter apologizing for everything and unbanning frink and politics. it’s the honorable thing for you to do. it’s actually the only honorable thing for you to do. it’d make me reconsider.

with this, i can say i am leaving the forum. i’ll finish like i started, by thanking you guys. i’ve made some really good friends, such as darthrush, ChainsawAsh (whom i almost met, damn you circumstances!) possessed, frink, dahmage, dom, warb, coffee, and duracell. i never got to tell you before duracell but you might be one of the funniest people around. you, dahmage, frink… i’m going to miss you guys.

so yeah. you’ll see it eventually, Jay. you’re being an idiot, a hypocrite, an asshole. a fucking child. the stupidiest is the one who thinks they know everything. you fit the desceiption. so fuck you, and, sadly, fuck this place. but i’m carrying with me in my heart many good moments and i’m going to be in touch with those i really like. if i don’t end up banned, know that i’m not coming back.

thanks jay. you managed to fuck everything up. please, go drive into a tree.

It’s true. All of it.

Sorry to see you’ve become a casualty of Jay’s arrogance and self-righteousness, too, Collipso. In your short time here you’ve become one of my favorite members of this site I’ve ever had the pleasure of interacting with. Talk to you soon, buddy.

In, you know, a more welcoming atmosphere than what this place has become.

I’m sorry to read this since I respect your opinion, but if you really feel this way, you can leave. Everyone who feels this way can.

You’ll forgive me if I don’t drive into a tree over all this.

chucking whole threads with decades-worth of posts over.


Forum Administrator



Jay said:

chyron8472 said:

Jay said:

ChainsawAsh said:

Collipso said:

hello. i’m collipso. i registered less than one year ago, when my life was the shittiest its ever been and Star Wars helped me cope with everything. this place ended up helping A LOT too, so first and foremost, thank you all.

somehow though, like many mentioned, the forum has been decreasing in enjoyment constantly (for me) ever since shortly after the TLJ debates died out, which was around march or april.

i really enjoyed off-topic at first. man it was funny as heck, and the regulars here are just really nice people, all of them. at least all i can think of right now.

but… as of right now, i feel desolated. absolutely desolated. an extremely authoritarian action has been taken by the far right claims-to-be-centrist asshole Jay.

honestly Jay, when i first found out that you weren’t exactly appreciated here, i decided to defend you. our interactions had been fun and i quite liked you. i even understood it when you banned me, even though of course the “next guy who posts something gets banned” made no sense and treated us all like children.

but… you became what everyone said you were. an asshole. an idiot. a dick. you started to get in fights where you were obviously wrong but because of how arrogant you are it you completely blind to everyone else’s point of view and to everything that was ACTUALLY going on. i see you’ve brainwashed oojason for example, who claims to deal with facts while only spilling lies, your lies, only your side of the story. half truths are lies too, man.

you refuse to listen to others. you only care about what you think and yourself. you’re no leader. you’re no administrator. you’re nothing more than a man baby who thinks he’s opressed and gets it out on us. fucking pathetic. you’re fucking pathetic sometimes. most times.

and now you banned politics. banned. politics. that was incredibly childish of you. politics is something that’s at the core of every human being. everything is politics. art is political. Star Wars is political. you don’t just get to ban it. this is censorship and a dictatorship. and i won’t take it up the ass. never.

i ask you to reconsider it. unban politics. unlock the threads. grow the fuck up. people disagreed with you, got into heated arguments. that fucking happens, man. fucking deal. but no. dahmage said cool. so he’s an ass. therefore fuck the entire subject of politics.

it just makes no sense and is extremely childish.

you couldn’t follow your own rules man. you attacked others personally and failed to admit it, to apologize. to everyone. that caused the shitstorm we’re seeing, because you’re an asshole, but an asshole with power. those are the worst types of assholes.

so congratulations jay. you didn’t nuke off-topic, but you might as well have. most regular members are gone or leaving. you managed to take away all the fun in this place. all of it. so fuck you. fuck, you.

after months and months of going after frink and some other regular members, you finally did it. you’ve ruined this place to the community that built it. you’ve banned the guy with 80k posts. you’re making decades old members leave.

so i ask you to reconsider, and write an open letter apologizing for everything and unbanning frink and politics. it’s the honorable thing for you to do. it’s actually the only honorable thing for you to do. it’d make me reconsider.

with this, i can say i am leaving the forum. i’ll finish like i started, by thanking you guys. i’ve made some really good friends, such as darthrush, ChainsawAsh (whom i almost met, damn you circumstances!) possessed, frink, dahmage, dom, warb, coffee, and duracell. i never got to tell you before duracell but you might be one of the funniest people around. you, dahmage, frink… i’m going to miss you guys.

so yeah. you’ll see it eventually, Jay. you’re being an idiot, a hypocrite, an asshole. a fucking child. the stupidiest is the one who thinks they know everything. you fit the desceiption. so fuck you, and, sadly, fuck this place. but i’m carrying with me in my heart many good moments and i’m going to be in touch with those i really like. if i don’t end up banned, know that i’m not coming back.

thanks jay. you managed to fuck everything up. please, go drive into a tree.

It’s true. All of it.

Sorry to see you’ve become a casualty of Jay’s arrogance and self-righteousness, too, Collipso. In your short time here you’ve become one of my favorite members of this site I’ve ever had the pleasure of interacting with. Talk to you soon, buddy.

In, you know, a more welcoming atmosphere than what this place has become.

I’m sorry to read this since I respect your opinion, but if you really feel this way, you can leave. Everyone who feels this way can.

You’ll forgive me if I don’t drive into a tree over all this.

chucking whole threads with decades-worth of posts over.


The possibility of the action not being permanent doesn’t necessarily negate it being made.

Eh. I stand by what I said. It really didn’t need to end this way.

TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


What happened? What did I miss?

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


Jay banned political discussion and a lot of people got real miffed. I am grossly over simplifying this.


chyron8472 said:

Jay said:

chyron8472 said:

Jay said:

ChainsawAsh said:

Collipso said:

hello. i’m collipso. i registered less than one year ago, when my life was the shittiest its ever been and Star Wars helped me cope with everything. this place ended up helping A LOT too, so first and foremost, thank you all.

somehow though, like many mentioned, the forum has been decreasing in enjoyment constantly (for me) ever since shortly after the TLJ debates died out, which was around march or april.

i really enjoyed off-topic at first. man it was funny as heck, and the regulars here are just really nice people, all of them. at least all i can think of right now.

but… as of right now, i feel desolated. absolutely desolated. an extremely authoritarian action has been taken by the far right claims-to-be-centrist asshole Jay.

honestly Jay, when i first found out that you weren’t exactly appreciated here, i decided to defend you. our interactions had been fun and i quite liked you. i even understood it when you banned me, even though of course the “next guy who posts something gets banned” made no sense and treated us all like children.

but… you became what everyone said you were. an asshole. an idiot. a dick. you started to get in fights where you were obviously wrong but because of how arrogant you are it you completely blind to everyone else’s point of view and to everything that was ACTUALLY going on. i see you’ve brainwashed oojason for example, who claims to deal with facts while only spilling lies, your lies, only your side of the story. half truths are lies too, man.

you refuse to listen to others. you only care about what you think and yourself. you’re no leader. you’re no administrator. you’re nothing more than a man baby who thinks he’s opressed and gets it out on us. fucking pathetic. you’re fucking pathetic sometimes. most times.

and now you banned politics. banned. politics. that was incredibly childish of you. politics is something that’s at the core of every human being. everything is politics. art is political. Star Wars is political. you don’t just get to ban it. this is censorship and a dictatorship. and i won’t take it up the ass. never.

i ask you to reconsider it. unban politics. unlock the threads. grow the fuck up. people disagreed with you, got into heated arguments. that fucking happens, man. fucking deal. but no. dahmage said cool. so he’s an ass. therefore fuck the entire subject of politics.

it just makes no sense and is extremely childish.

you couldn’t follow your own rules man. you attacked others personally and failed to admit it, to apologize. to everyone. that caused the shitstorm we’re seeing, because you’re an asshole, but an asshole with power. those are the worst types of assholes.

so congratulations jay. you didn’t nuke off-topic, but you might as well have. most regular members are gone or leaving. you managed to take away all the fun in this place. all of it. so fuck you. fuck, you.

after months and months of going after frink and some other regular members, you finally did it. you’ve ruined this place to the community that built it. you’ve banned the guy with 80k posts. you’re making decades old members leave.

so i ask you to reconsider, and write an open letter apologizing for everything and unbanning frink and politics. it’s the honorable thing for you to do. it’s actually the only honorable thing for you to do. it’d make me reconsider.

with this, i can say i am leaving the forum. i’ll finish like i started, by thanking you guys. i’ve made some really good friends, such as darthrush, ChainsawAsh (whom i almost met, damn you circumstances!) possessed, frink, dahmage, dom, warb, coffee, and duracell. i never got to tell you before duracell but you might be one of the funniest people around. you, dahmage, frink… i’m going to miss you guys.

so yeah. you’ll see it eventually, Jay. you’re being an idiot, a hypocrite, an asshole. a fucking child. the stupidiest is the one who thinks they know everything. you fit the desceiption. so fuck you, and, sadly, fuck this place. but i’m carrying with me in my heart many good moments and i’m going to be in touch with those i really like. if i don’t end up banned, know that i’m not coming back.

thanks jay. you managed to fuck everything up. please, go drive into a tree.

It’s true. All of it.

Sorry to see you’ve become a casualty of Jay’s arrogance and self-righteousness, too, Collipso. In your short time here you’ve become one of my favorite members of this site I’ve ever had the pleasure of interacting with. Talk to you soon, buddy.

In, you know, a more welcoming atmosphere than what this place has become.

I’m sorry to read this since I respect your opinion, but if you really feel this way, you can leave. Everyone who feels this way can.

You’ll forgive me if I don’t drive into a tree over all this.

chucking whole threads with decades-worth of posts over.


The possibility of the action not being permanent doesn’t necessarily negate it being made.

Eh. I stand by what I said. It really didn’t need to end this way.

Except nothing has ended and the threads haven’t been destroyed, nor has this place fundamentally changed except within the minds of a few who think not being able to snipe at each other over politics is somehow the end of the forum. It’s not.

Someone compared today’s events to Infinity War, and I suppose from your perspective it might be, but from my perspective, it’s reminiscent of a time years ago when I was called a Nazi/censor/etc. for deleting some posts and pushing a few troublesome members toward the exit. Some of those members cooled off and came back, some didn’t. Ultimately, nothing of value was lost.

If the end result of all this is that Off Topic goes a bit quiet and the other categories continue as they have been, I don’t have a problem with it. I’ve been hearing for years that this place sucks now, it’s not like it used to be, and every other variation of “things were better when…” you can imagine. I used to allow my mood to be influenced by that and it still stings occasionally, like in this thread, but I’m mostly immune to it now.

Forum Administrator



Collipso said:

i see you’ve brainwashed oojason for example, who claims to deal with facts while only spilling lies, your lies, only your side of the story. half truths are lies too, man.

To my own detriment at times I am very much my own person, and not easily taken in by ‘sides’, ‘claims’ and ‘agendas’. Everything I posted in the Sports thread was factually correct (if somewhat of a restrained version from myself). Some people may not like it, some may disagree, some may choose to believe others - that is up to them to do so.

It certainly wasn’t Jay’s side of the story as anyone can see from that thread - plus Jay can speak for himself, as I do for me.

That Frink chose that particular thread and seemingly had a dig to try and engage me in some sort of attempt to extract a reaction from me is on him. That he didn’t like the info & suggestion given him - and his reaction to that is on him. As well as seemingly continuing his similar actions which earnt him a temp-ban a few weeks ago. I’ve seen since he has deleted his posts in other threads around the forum attempting to continue his agenda / issues / unhappiness with Jay / mods / site / me (or a combination of).

The mods have banned him since - and others too. I’ve nothing to say on the ban (as it’s not for me to do so) though will say Frink was made aware - clearly - of what would happen should he continue. Yet he (seemingly) chose to do so regardless.

thanks jay. you managed to fuck everything up. please, go drive into a tree.

Apart from the many insults in the thread to someone who decided in the best interests of the site to remove the political threads for a while (likely in a bid to try and raise the level of civility too) - as someone who has been on the wrong end of a couple of serious car accidents - with people not as fortunate as I was, that’s a shite, disgusting and crass thing to say.

I’m sorry to say maybe the site is indeed better off without people who think as you do.

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


Collipso made the mistake of thinking that this forum is a democracy. It isn’t, nor should it be.

One thing I worry about is that the toxicity once held in the politics thread could drift into other areas of the forum once somewhat immune. How often have we said ‘Take it to the politics thread’ to preserve the civility of another one? Now the only recourse is to ban members who wish to express political views, or lock any thread which becomes mired in such toxicity. For this reason, I think there’s a place for such a thread.

But bigger picture, what do we want in this forum?

I think everyone who frequents this site comes here because they find something here to enjoy, whether it’s the projects, the other members, Star Wars in general, or even some peculiar interest only served by the Off-Topic section. For me, I try to read every topic in the General and Fan Preservation/Fan Edits sections, and much of the Off-Topic section(s). I love to see people’s creativity and hear their love for movies. I think there is still a lot of this site which feels like it’s from an earlier internet time, when the camaraderie of shared interests overwhelmed any cynicism or division. Or maybe I joined in a time of relative calm, where the Star Wars universe was just six movies forvermore and we all knew how we felt about them, and this is all a case of rose-colored glasses.

The temptation is strong to descend into mean-spirited arguments with other members, to make decisions one later regrets. I’m no stranger to that vice. So I guess my point is that we could all stand to remember what brought us here in the first place, and what we want this site to be.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Very well said, Neverar.


NeverarGreat said:

Collipso made the mistake of thinking that this forum is a democracy. It isn’t, nor should it be.

One thing I worry about is that the toxicity once held in the politics thread could drift into other areas of the forum once somewhat immune. How often have we said ‘Take it to the politics thread’ to preserve the civility of another one? Now the only recourse is to ban members who wish to express political views, or lock any thread which becomes mired in such toxicity. For this reason, I think there’s a place for such a thread.

I’ve had this debate countless times over the years with many members, both in public and in private, and the reason political threads remained open is because I felt as you do for a long time.

However, I’ve come to believe that in the current climate, the exact opposite has been happening: bad blood started in Politics was spreading to other parts of the forum. A disagreement in a political discussion would lead to a snide comment in what was otherwise a benign topic, then down it would go.

I also don’t believe that the politics threads were promoting a genuine exchange of ideas. They simply mirrored the current social media climate.

I take responsibility for my role in that. Perhaps it was better when I wasn’t contributing, but that’s also when I felt the least interested in the community or the site.

But bigger picture, what do we want in this forum?

I think everyone who frequents this site comes here because they find something here to enjoy, whether it’s the projects, the other members, Star Wars in general, or even some peculiar interest only served by the Off-Topic section. For me, I try to read every topic in the General and Fan Preservation/Fan Edits sections, and much of the Off-Topic section(s). I love to see people’s creativity and hear their love for movies. I think there is still a lot of this site which feels like it’s from an earlier internet time, when the camaraderie of shared interests overwhelmed any cynicism or division. Or maybe I joined in a time of relative calm, where the Star Wars universe was just six movies forvermore and we all knew how we felt about them, and this is all a case of rose-colored glasses.

The temptation is strong to descend into mean-spirited arguments with other members, to make decisions one later regrets. I’m no stranger to that vice. So I guess my point is that we could all stand to remember what brought us here in the first place, and what we want this site to be.

I’ve been thinking about this for a while myself, and I’ll admit that my relative lack of enthusiasm for the franchise’s most recent entries has left me wondering why I’m still doing it.

Forum Administrator



deleted because I said something, but Jay’s comment, which I didn’t read when I made this post, has a pretty strong counterargument

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


Jay might overreact to certain things, but this post is just proof the same applies to you (if not more). He doesn’t deserve most of what you said.

Remember that Jay is in charge of the site so without him, this forum wouldn’t exist. Every single good memory yoh’ve had here is, indirectly, because of him. He brought everybody together, yet it’s you who are breaking them apart.

Maul- A Star Wars Story


OutboundFlight said:

Remember that Jay is in charge of the site so without him, this forum wouldn’t exist. Every single good memory yoh’ve had here is, indirectly, because of him. He brought everybody together, yet it’s you who are breaking them apart.

While this is true in the strictest sense, it’s the members who’ve participated over the years who’ve made the community what it is. The mods and I shape it a bit with the rules and such, but starting the site was just a chance thing I did one day because I was angry about some DVDs and it seemed like a lot of other people were, too. Someone else could’ve started a petition and forum that day and I would’ve been just another participant.

I don’t want to minimize the work that’s gone into maintaining and moderating the site (the mods put up with a lot and I blindsided them on this one), but I don’t want to overstate my contribution either.

Forum Administrator



OutboundFlight said:

Jay might overreact to certain things, but this post is just proof the same applies to you (if not more). He doesn’t deserve most of what you said.

I mean, to be fair, Jay deleted most of the threads that contained posts of his that would show he might have, in fact, deserved most of what has been said recently, so…


ChainsawAsh said:

OutboundFlight said:

Jay might overreact to certain things, but this post is just proof the same applies to you (if not more). He doesn’t deserve most of what you said.

I mean, to be fair, Jay deleted most of the threads that contained posts of his that would show he might have, in fact, deserved most of what has been said recently, so…

Aye mate, and also removed are the reasons as to why Jay may have felt he (and other mods) had to ask members to up their game, behave civilly, stop acting like children (which most of us have likely acted at one time or another here - me too 😃 ), on several occasions throughout (along with various temp-locks etc) - in the then current politics thread, the previous locked politics thread, and a few other political threads too.

Jay has answered some questions about the issue here - link - in the Feedback Forum.

Personally, I’m intrigued to see how the site goes without the politics threads for a while - other sites have taken similar stances in recent times - yet there are many sites who still do contain political threads for those that wish to discuss issues on the subject.

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


I do not question (and I understand) the decisions of the moderators of this forum, but I want to say that IMHO, this forum will lose some flavor without the interventions of Frink, Possessed and Collipso. I’ll miss them.


ZigZig said:

I do not question (and I understand) the decisions of the moderators of this forum, but I want to say that IMHO, this forum will lose some flavor without the interventions of Frink, Possessed and Collipso. I’ll miss them.



ChainsawAsh said:

OutboundFlight said:

Jay might overreact to certain things, but this post is just proof the same applies to you (if not more). He doesn’t deserve most of what you said.

I mean, to be fair, Jay deleted most of the threads that contained posts of his that would show he might have, in fact, deserved most of what has been said recently, so…

If you honestly believe I deserve most of what Collipso said, I don’t understand why you’re still here. How could this forum possibly function in any capacity with such a despot in charge?

I let my emotions get the better of me in the various politics threads—which would make me no different than most other participants—but I’m not ashamed of the intent behind my posts or for pushing contributors to offer more than snark in response to valid arguments. Even the most heated exchanges didn’t result in warnings or bans as long as they stayed on point, but I warned participants repeatedly that one-liner snark responses were not helpful and they should get out if they couldn’t contribute meaningfully. My response to one such post was probably overboard (though still fairly mild to any mature adult on the receiving end…“acting like an ass” or “being an ass” were my words I believe), at which point the pitchforks came out because I “broke my own rules” with a personal insult.

This is going to piss off some people, but everyone is already pissed, so fuck it: I think the hostility towards my posts in the politics threads has way more to do with my opinions than the way I carry myself, and if I were arguing in favor of the majority opinion in those threads, my “hostility” would rarely, if ever, get called out. I think some people wait for any excuse to go after an authority figure and then pounce at the first opportunity, which my slip-up in the Politics 2 thread enabled. And I think that some people aren’t mature enough to move past a passionate political debate and prefer to hold grudges that carry over into other discussions.

Perhaps given my repeated warnings I should’ve just temp-banned that member instead of responding the way I did, but I’m fairly certain everyone who lost their mind yesterday over those threads being removed would still have lost their minds over the temporary ban, because people love an excuse to rage, and the situation would’ve ended up pretty much the same.

Forum Administrator