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Disney Plus should release all of the theatrical versions of the Star Wars movies on their service


I prefer the unaltered trilogy versions of the original Star Wars trilogy. The special editions of the original Star Wars trilogy are still better than the prequels and sequels in my opinion. The Disney movies are my second favorite with the prequel trilogy being my least favorite movies. Episode 1 is my favorite prequel trilogy film. I wish Disney Plus could release the original DVD Puppet version of episode 1 and original theatrical version of episode 1. All of the prequels should have the option of watching the original theatrical releases. I heard in episode 3, there were different versions of the movie. Padme said this is how liberty dies in one version and this is how democracy dies in an additional theater version. Why did episode 3 have different dialogue versions? Disney plus should just release all of the cuts of all 11 Star Wars movies in my opinion. Also, Disney should make the Holiday Special available on Disney Plus. I think the Holiday Special is better than the prequels just because of Fisher’s singing.


I’ve never heard of the Holiday Special being better than the Prequel because of Carrie Fisher’s singing, but it is something I can get behind 😃
A big yes to Disney+ making all the different versions of the films available.


I’m surprised they didn’t just put the GOUT on their service non Anamorphic and all, in SD sub DVD quality with all the problems inherent to the technology of composite video masters.


The ‘Versions’ tab on Disney+ does look like it could be a most useful option for the various different cuts and Special Editions…

^ from https://twitter.com/StarWarsVisComp/status/1457745356171665413


Info on the ‘Versions’ tab: https://help.disneyplus.com/csp?id=csp_article_content&sys_kb_id=ae2b1af1dbab30981830269ed3961944

& some fan chat here: www.reddit.com/r/DisneyPlus/comments/qrqm30/now_that_we_have_this_new_versions_tab_its_about


And also great to see the Navajo dubbed version of Star Wars, now in the ‘A New Hope’ extras section, on Disney+ too:-

^ from https://twitter.com/blast_points/status/1361356813871034369



For anyone who hasn’t seen the following articles - I can only recommend giving them a thorough read through…

Disney+ Should Offer the Star Wars Original Cuts’ article on the Wired website by doubleofive : #ReleaseTheOriginalTrilogy

#ReleaseTheOriginalTrilogy : OT.com thread on doubleofive’s article : ‘What We Want And How To Make It’ - a sequel article.

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


jpb19, are the Disney+ social media accounts likely to give responses to questions like yours?
It could be an effective way to let Disney know there is a demand to see the different cuts. That other people may also see the requests and join in asking for them?


jpb19 said:

Disney plus should just release all of the cuts of all 11 Star Wars movies in my opinion.

100%. That would be so cool to see and be a big attraction for fans and film lovers currently without a Disney+ subscription.

To also be able to see the cuts they grew up with or experienced first.

The Secret History of Star Wars | Star Wars Visual Comparisons | George Lucas: Star Wars Creator, Unreliable Narrator & Time-Travelling Revisionist


They should add the unaltered original trilogy to their streaming platform and promote it to Star Wars fans that you can only watch it exclusively on Disney+

I mean if they wanted more people to join, that would be a way to do it.


It’s not going to happen, at least not anytime soon. As the rumor goes, Lucas made it part of his contractual agreement with Disney that the theatrical cuts were not to be released (we know how badly he felt about the special editions being the “only” editions). Even if the rumor isn’t true, the next best theory that I can think of is that, even though Lucas is retired, he still has friends at LucasFilm who likely want to respect his wishes. People forget that LucasFilm has control over Star Wars, not Disney proper. Disney has a history of letting their subsidiaries do their own thing for the most part (same with Pixar, Marvel, etc).


CarboniteSolo said:

They should add the unaltered original trilogy to their streaming platform and promote it to Star Wars fans that you can only watch it exclusively on Disney+

I mean if they wanted more people to join, that would be a way to do it.

Absolutely, it is not because they cannot do it or it would be a problem on a technical or budget level.

Disney+ even added the extended cut version of “The Muppet Christmas Carol” an an option to watch, along with the regular version of the film, in December.


The Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear.


I would love it. And not just the Original Unaltered Trilogy in 4K HDR.
I would love it much more if all versions of each film were included.
Five versions each for the Original Trilogy (OG/1997/2004/2011/2019) and four versions each for the Prequel Trilogy (OG/DVD/2011/2019).



All versions should be out there, but the 2011 and 2019 versions are practically identical aside from scan / quality and color timing (at least for the OT) and the occasional difference like “Maklunkey.”

That said, George’s old friend Coppola did include the Redux version of Apocalypse Now branched onto the same 4k disc as the theatrical just as he’d done years earlier for the blu-ray, even though the 4k final cut got its own disc included and only differs from the Redux by its omission of one scene.

‘97 Jabba and Creepy Puppet Yoda should not be lost to history.


CarboniteSolo said:

They should add the unaltered original trilogy to their streaming platform and promote it to Star Wars fans that you can only watch it exclusively on Disney+

I mean if they wanted more people to join, that would be a way to do it.

Those things would also appear on torrents before you could say GOUT.

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


LexX said:

CarboniteSolo said:

They should add the unaltered original trilogy to their streaming platform and promote it to Star Wars fans that you can only watch it exclusively on Disney+

I mean if they wanted more people to join, that would be a way to do it.

Those things would also appear on torrents before you could say GOUT.

Only putting the earlier versions out on physical disc and maybe then only on 4k UHD might not prevent piracy of it altogether, but it would be a helluva deterrent.


I will never support Disney+ with my money, however I would consider purchasing the unaltered OT set on high definition physical media (even if I had to track down a used copy, because I have a grudge against that company for many reasons). Probably a pipe dream at this point…

I’m not AS big a purist on the prequels to care about those, but I would certainly support the preservation of the theatrical presentation of them too for those who want them (which are many people). Despite our love of fan edits, I’m sure there are plenty of fans out there (with cash in pocket) who are just weary of all the tinkering. We just want a high quality visual and audio presentation of the films we saw (yes, I said films, because Episode I was shot on film and although Episode II and III were shot on digital video, they were shown in most theaters around the world on celluloid since most theaters didn’t yet have an affordable option for digital).

And yes, yes, I know there is more than one “theatrical” presentation of each film, technically, but those small changes (like altered soundtrack, or one screen transition) can easily be incorporated into a physical disc via branching or alternate soundtracks vs. having to be a whole separate release that costs millions of dollars in additional investment to create.



I mean, they have an unaltered print of ANH in their possession (evidenced by the Light and Magic docu-series), so it wouldn’t be hard to throw it out onto Disney+ unless they don’t like money (which is probably not true).

If they really want my money, they could make a big expensive 4k/Blu-Ray steelbook digibook fancy big etc. etc. set for each of the OT movies with a handful of versions each.

I’m not really that much of a movie purist. I really should’ve thought my name out a bit more.


People holding out for the originals are gonna be disappointed they haven’t been touched since the laserdisc master in 1992. The restoration was the 1997 edit. No restored OT exists.

The best you can hope for is team blu. I can’t fathom the mind of George Lucas on this nor will i try to psychoanalyze it, its just so bizarre.


JadedSkywalker said:

People holding out for the originals are gonna be disappointed they haven’t been touched since the laserdisc master in 1992. The restoration was the 1997 edit. No restored OT exists.

The best you can hope for is team blu. I can’t fathom the mind of George Lucas on this nor will i try to psychoanalyze it, its just so bizarre.

To be fair, the Light & Magic trailer on YouTube does show the Death Star explosion with no Praxis effect, which I’m pretty sure is what the comment above yours was referring to. I believe it is also in the actual series, also, and not just in the trailer, but I have not yet watched the series. In addition, I believe it is a possibility that when the '19SE master was created, the new master created was digitally backed up without any alterations. I may be wrong, though. I believe I remember reading somewhere that the unaltered footage in Light & Magic was not sourced from Despecialized or 4K77. This may bring more credibility to my guess, or not, depending on personal opinion. Make of that what you will.


Another Enthusiast said:

JadedSkywalker said:

People holding out for the originals are gonna be disappointed they haven’t been touched since the laserdisc master in 1992. The restoration was the 1997 edit. No restored OT exists.

The best you can hope for is team blu. I can’t fathom the mind of George Lucas on this nor will i try to psychoanalyze it, its just so bizarre.

To be fair, the Light & Magic trailer on YouTube does show the Death Star explosion with no Praxis effect, which I’m pretty sure is what the comment above yours was referring to. I believe it is also in the actual series, also, and not just in the trailer, but I have not yet watched the series. In addition, I believe it is a possibility that when the '19SE master was created, the new master created was digitally backed up without any alterations. I may be wrong, though. I believe I remember reading somewhere that the unaltered footage in Light & Magic was not sourced from Despecialized or 4K77. This may bring more credibility to my guess, or not, depending on personal opinion. Make of that what you will.

It’s in the actual series itself also. I’m pretty sure all of the footage they used is the actual unaltered material.

There was a rumor back around 2015 that Lucasfilm was going through every last piece of film footage they had and cataloguing it. I’m sure they have, at the very least, a raw scan of some type of print of the OOT, even if they haven’t spent the money to restore it.


KurganX said:

I will never support Disney+ with my money, however I would consider purchasing the unaltered OT set on high definition physical media (even if I had to track down a used copy, because I have a grudge against that company for many reasons). Probably a pipe dream at this point…

I’m not AS big a purist on the prequels to care about those, but I would certainly support the preservation of the theatrical presentation of them too for those who want them (which are many people). Despite our love of fan edits, I’m sure there are plenty of fans out there (with cash in pocket) who are just weary of all the tinkering. We just want a high quality visual and audio presentation of the films we saw (yes, I said films, because Episode I was shot on film and although Episode II and III were shot on digital video, they were shown in most theaters around the world on celluloid since most theaters didn’t yet have an affordable option for digital).

And yes, yes, I know there is more than one “theatrical” presentation of each film, technically, but those small changes (like altered soundtrack, or one screen transition) can easily be incorporated into a physical disc via branching or alternate soundtracks vs. having to be a whole separate release that costs millions of dollars in additional investment to create.

I agree. I don’t want to waste my money on a streaming service when I can just buy a VHS, or DVD. Heck, I can also just get Harmy’s Despecialized Editions and Project 4K77 if I need to. It it highly unlikely that Disney will release the original, unaltered trilogy on Disney Plus or even physical media. All we need to do is just not give up hope, because we need to do all we can so that Disney can release the original versions.

Just another fan who wants to preserve the theatrical versions of the OT.