Fang Zei said:
An entire bonus disc for each individual film?
Maybe they’re including the extras from the 2011 bonus discs, just broken up among the individual movies?
Notice I’m trying real hard not to get my hopes up about you know what.
I was about to say two bonus discs per film, but then I realized one disc for each is probably just a standard Blu-ray.
The content of those third discs really will be the key. If it doesn’t happen here, I don’t see it ever happening… at least not for a very long time.
Currently, The Last Jedi (the only one of the saga released on UHD yet) just has the bonus features on the Blu-ray while the 4K disc is dedicated to the film. IF they followed a similar approach here, that leaves them with a LOT of room to add extra features on the third disc. If they just split the old extras onto separate discs for no apparent reason other than to “justify” the pricetag because more discs, that will be a huge disappointment. Hopefully at the very least the bonus discs for each film will include a lot more content, both new and old. i.e. Stuff that wasn’t included on the 2011 Blu-rays but was on the DVDs or earlier like Empire of Dreams, From Star Wars to Jedi, etc.
As for the OUT… they could conceivably use the third disc of the OT films for a restored OUT, and shove the other special features onto either that disc or the standard Blu-ray like they did with TLJ. It’s, again, almost definitely our best chance for a long time. I’m just getting nightmares that they will merely stick the GOUT onto the “bonus disc.” Maybe if we’re lucky it will be anthropomorphic this time… In any case if there is an OUT I doubt it will be higher quality than 1080p. They’ll likely want the “canon” and “George-approved” edition to outshine it still, just hopefully not by as much as in 2006.
Ideally, though, they would give us 4K discs of the OUT and use the standard Blu-ray discs of the SE (presumably it will also be the new transfer from Disney Plus rather than the old Blu-ray) to dump the special features. No idea what they’d do with an entire extra disc for each of the prequel/sequel films though.
OR they could simply have two discs worth of special features for each trilogy, three 4K discs of the OUT, plus the standard 4K+Blu-ray versions of each film. That would work out to 27 discs as well. There’s also the possibility of a branching version of the film that only includes two versions of the scenes that are altered, so they could fit both the SE and the OUT on one disc. I doubt that will happen, or if it’s even feasible given the number of changes, but with the Disney Plus color grading I would not mind it one bit.
I still am not getting my hopes up… but with this many discs at this price, it damn well better have the OUT in at least HD quality. If not, I am done with Disney Wars. If what I’ve read about Rise of Skywalker is true, I am now at the point where I’m ready to write everything other than the OUT off as non-canon and toss every disc that doesn’t include OUT content in this set. If it doesn’t include the OUT, no reason to buy it at all. This will be their last chance to be a massive disappointment, and I would not be surprised if they take it based on their track record so far. On the other hand, it will also be their last chance to finally give us the only thing many of us even want anymore.