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Did Frink give you permission to make this thread?
Here at OT.com, we have a lot of threads, especially in Off Topic, where we have upwards of 4,86! It is beyond the capabilities of human memory to remember all of these threads.
Therefore, I created this index thread to catalog as many threads as possible that we have here in Off Topic. This would help to alleviate the problem of duplicate threads for topics that already have another thread.
The Index is, and always will be, a work in progress. While I will try to add threads on my own, you are welcome to suggest a thread that you think should be added to the Index in the replies.
Different boards:
Video Games That You’ve Completed. Thread
Video Games That’s on your need to Play list.
What are you playing (other than video games)?
Books/Comics That’s on your need to Read list.
The Conspiracy Theories Thread(was: 911 Conspiracy theories)
Take your Trump v. LBJ v. Kennedy debates here.
The Great American Solar Eclipse, 2017
What’s the Weather Like Where You Live?
What are you secretly afraid of?
What is your preferred browser? For Mobile; for Desktop? Why?
Can anyone explain this video?
Tabletop/Pencil-and-Paper Gaming (D&D, etc)
2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games
NFL Super Bowl LII (2018) - everything but the game.
The 2011 OT.com Fantasy Baseball League - Han Homered First
The Semi-Random Random Pictures and Thoughts Thread [NSFW]
“Now…what shall we talk about?” The All-Inclusive Indiana Jones Thread
Hot Women That Just Don’t Do It For You (This thread is worthless without pics)
Zero or Hero - A Discussion about Objectivism vs Subjectivism
The Cult Leader Appreciation Thread
How about a game of Japanese Chess, i.e. Shogi? Now playing Shogi4
Who’d like to try a chess variant? Now playing Xiang Qi, a.k.a. Chinese chess
Best and Worst Decades For Music
Terrible songs that you secretly like…
TV Series You Didn’t Like But Kept Watching
What song lyrics inspire you to look forward to seeing the sun every day life allows you to?
Psychology of People not liking people not liking movies.
Are there bands for who you have all they’ve ever done?
How are you planning for the Oppocalypse?
Racist Movies You Didn’t KnowWere Racist
If you were going to make a Film or Films. What Would it be about?
The Dream of the Giant Fractal Woodlouse.
The “Share about your career/career plans, hobbies, passions, etc., and what inspired you” thread.
Anyone here know anything about smart phones?(was: Anyone here know anything about cell phones?)
Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett R.I.P. 25/ 06/ 2009
Ask the member of the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church AKA Interrogate the Catholic 😉
Ask the member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints AKA Interrogate the Mormon
Ask the Muslim! (a.k.a. interrogate the Muslim)
Some Random Bullshit I Don’t Approve Of (was: Dom’s Atheist Thread)
Ask the member of the Church of the Theologically Uncertain AKA Interrogate the Agnostic
Legality, fan-edits, and more. Legality, fan-edits, and repercussions
Terrible DVD/Blu-ray Cover Art
Vacations, Road Trips, and Any Other Traveling…
Different Names for Things (Was: Brand Names Used in Place of Generic Descriptions)
Christmas Traditions and Santa’s Friends REQUESTING HELP FROM UK CITIZENS, SEE PAGE 4
Merry Fucking Christmas and Happy Holidays
What do you want for Christmas?
Happy Boxing Day/Feast of St. Stephen/Second Day of Christmas (2017)
Happy Third Day of Christmas! (2017)
Happy Fourth Day of Christmas! (2017)
The General Ken Burns Discussion Thread
The Essential, Authoritative, Indispensable Batman™ Thread
Batman vs Superman: DOJ thread? (contains spoilers)
The ManMadeMoon Thread. (No Trolls) (No Spoilers)
2012 Election Josiah Bartlet (D) vs. Leia Organa ®
Linda Hamilton Returns To Terminator - New Film A Direct Sequel To Judgement Day
Godzilla series (Rank 'em, rate, whatever, etc).
BioShock!!! (1, 2 and Infinite and SPOILERS)
What would be better than a proper release of the OOT?
Lord of the Rings : Extended Edition
Lord of the Rings: Extended Editions Actually Suck?
October Horror Movie Challenge
The Armchair Movie Critic thread
Creators that ruined their own works
Pirates of the Caribbean and the Political Correctness Craze
Is Part 3 of Anything Ever Good?
If you need to B*tch about something other than originaltrilogy.com… This is the place
The Place to Go for Emotional Support
The job rant thread-unemployment, bad jobs and everything in between
If you need to compliment or praise something… this is the place
[fill in the blank] Just Died!
The Compliment Yourself Thread
The ‘last Comic you have read’ thread…
The ‘next Movie you have seen’ thread…
Movies Seen In Theaters From Before You Were Born
Movies/TV Shows That’s on your need to see list.
The ‘Movie that you will have seen three movies from now’ thread…
Next Movie Thread You’ll Never Read
Albums That’s on your need to listen list.
The ‘last Fan Edit you have seen’ thread…
The Thread Where You Wax Rhapsodic about Your Book Collection
The Index Thread for Franchises, General Human Endeavors, and Other Discussion Threads
The Unofficial but Totally Awesome OriginalTrilogy.com Interactive Holocron (Beta version)
OT.com memes (definition and origin)
Classic LOL Moments in OT.com History
Threads and/or Parts of Threads I Approve Of
How did you originally find this site?
HAPPY 10TH ANNIVERSARY OT.COM!!!(was: When is/was the OT.com 10th anniversary?)
Happy 15th Anniversary ot.com off topic section(was: Happy 15th Anniversary ot.com)
The originaltrilogy.com acronym buster
Whatever happened to <whatshisface>?
How do you hear your fellow board members in your head?
Who are you, and what makes you happy offline?
The “How Did You Learn To Read?” Thread
Is it okay to just create threads for the heck of it?
Describe your fellow members in one word!
The New and Improved New Thread Thread
The “Let’s Hug It Out” Thread (we all like SW, can’t we be friends?)
The ‘last thread title you have loved’ thread…
The O.T. SE: The Original Thread - Special Edition!
paja Threads That You’ve Read. Thread
Am i the worst member on this website when it comes to punctuation?
The imperialscum “Furiously Doing His Taxes” Thread
The TV’s Frink verses Jetrell Fo
The Message … What, if anything, did you take away from it?
YHWX: Epic Shtick-Puppet Troll, or Pre-Pubescent Child?
Explain Your Username / Avatar / Title / Signature
The “101 Ways to Kill Off-Topic For Good” Thread
The Thread Wherein We Vote To Get Rid of Off-Topic
Take the Father Skywalker Pledge (Troll Banned, Pledge Rescinded)
Improving the Diversity of This Forum
Rule Interpretation/Discussion to keep other threads free of them.
The “Thread assumptions from the past that became reality” Thread
TV’s Frink’s List of Bannable Offenses
TV’s Frink’s Guide To Sensible Posting (Or: How Not To Be A Target)
Problems that came up in the politics thread on 10/26.
What’s the deal with swagmasta69?
Spaced Ranger BANNED/Silenced? - Au Contraire!
Posts you wish you hadn’t made
What country is everyone from?
Why I love(d?) originaltrilogy.com
The Hey, it’s me appreciation thread.
Discussion Thread for Phantom Thread
Thread to discuss the elephant in the room…
OT’s “End of the World” Countdown!
How Many Quoted Posts Can We Get? Make The Posts Look Weird As Possible!
01001101 01000001 01010100 01001000 00100000 01010100 01001000 01010010 01000101 01000001 01000100
Most Useful Movie Quotes (Non SW)
Lurkers Name suggestions (Come On Lurkers JOIN IN!)
Am I a lurker for only posting rarely?
The Usernames That Would Be the Worst Usernames on the Site if They Actually Existed Thread
Give Other Members a New Username
Are you being ignored by Jedi Temple34?
The “I Just Bumped The Hell Out Of An Old Thread” Thread
Should TV’s Frink resume working on his resume?
The Official TV’s Frink 74,321 OT.com Posts Countdown Thread
The yhwx 5,000 Post Countdown Thread!
The Thread Where We Determine On What We All Agree
Safe Space Thread For Millenials
What is the most WTF dead toad you have seen?
The Good Night Good Morning Sign In Sign Out Thread
The Anagram Thread (Dahmage Heart Rant)
The Refer To Yourself In Third Person Campaign (THIS THREAD IS NOT AND NEVER WAS ABOUT THE ROCK)
Team_Ender has fallen 😦 (Was: Join Team Ender)
Off Topic OTTO (NSFW Pics Allowed) (dewollA sciP WFSN) OTTO cipoT ffO
The Drunk Thread (was: The Durnk Thread)
Speedtest.net Easy way to test your internet speed.(Please read 1st post)
The ‘Would You Rather’ thread.
The Dangers of Unassuming Objects
Pilates of the Caribou and the Prenatal Exercise Craze
TV’s Frink’s ot.com Twitter Feed
Cookie MOnsters favorite jokes!
I Don’t Need An Invite To Anything
The misquote random thought out of context thread.
Out of Context Thread: New and Improved
The thread where we make extremely subtle insults about each other
Fun Spellcheck Suggestions (Also: The Curious Case of Thermostat)
Type a SLIGHTLY naughty word (might become NSFW)
Bringing useless to the next level
How to Calibrate your T.V.(Please read the first post)
Can I have an invite to Google
What’s in your Google search bar right…NOW!!!
Click this link to get Terminal Cancer
The Necropost Thread: yOU gUYs JuST couLDn’T lET iT rESt, COulD YOu? SOB
Laserdisc audio as payment (yes, you heard that right)
Songs That Are About Or Include…Hair!
Should I have made this thread?
The “Name that Movie/TV Show I Can’t Name” Thread
The Ric Olie Observation Thread
The Completely Unreasonable Thread. Fink-isms and maximum pontification are welcomed and encouraged.
Lets try to predict your age thread?
What’s So Bad About California?
Truly awful songs that some people might like.
Anime That’s on your need to Watch list.
The So-Bad-It’s-Good Thread (Unintentional and Intentional Comedy Both Allowed)
What’s your FAVORITE thing about Charles Barkley?
What’s your current desktop background?
Discussion Thread for The Invisible Thread
The Glorious Opinions of the User Currently Known as Handman
Did I Dream Of Electric Sheep?
Maxi-wings for that time of the month.
Petition to give Warbler his Sigh Back
Petition to TV’s Frink’s boss, requesting that he (Frink) be fired
The thread for evil trolls, Tv’s Frink stay out.
This Thread Is Currently About…Bingo and/or Wings!!!
The Alternative Christmas Thread
The New Christmas Thread Thread
The New Christmas Threat Thread
Movies generally considered “bad” that you like.
Favorite Cliffhanger Endings in Films
Your favourite actors & actresses
The “101 Ways to Improve Off-Topic” Thread
Ranking the Harry Potter Books
Ranking the Winnie-the-Pooh films
Your favorite alternative curse words…
Best lead singer in your opinion
Everybody’s Top Ten Favorite Movies
The Best/Worst Hairstyle Thread
Lego Video Games Ranked. Best To Worst
Ranking the Ranking the Ranking the Ranking Thread Thread
Did Frink give you permission to make this thread?
I don’t need permission.
Cool, I inspired something! 😄
Are you sure?
So, how is this gonna work? Make categories and put links to threads that fit in that category? Something like;
Is that what you were thinking?
Are you sure?
The start a new thread button is open to anyone. Frink does not own off topic. He is not a moderator. Therefore the position that you need to get his permission to start a new thread (and by extension The New Thread Thread) is ridiculous.
So, how is this gonna work? Make categories and put links to threads that fit in that category? Something like;
Is that what you were thinking?
Won’t this thread eventually be forgotten, thus making it kind of useless?
Army of Darkness: The Medieval Deadit | The Terminator - Color Regrade | The Wrong Trousers - Audio Preservation
A pinning to the top of the first page would be nice.
Methinks you’d have to ask Jay for that.
Definitely index all the threads about specific members in one category. You know, put the ImpScum doing his taxes, your own What is your opinion on me? and whatever Darth Id thread you made, put em under “Neighborhood Watch” or “Circle Jerk”.
Don’t do drugs, unless you’re with me.
Did Frink give you permission to make this thread?
I don’t grant permission, I make recommendations.
Won’t this thread eventually be forgotten, thus making it kind of useless?
Methinks you’d have to ask Jay for that.
Good luck.
A pinning to the top of the first page would be nice.
Do you really think Jay will give two shits about this thread? Ain’t no way some bullshit like this would get stickied.
Don’t do drugs, unless you’re with me.
Definitely index all the threads about specific members in one category. You know, put the ImpScum doing his taxes, your own What is your opinion on me? and whatever Darth Id thread you made, put em under “Neighborhood Watch” or “Circle Jerk”.
Ooo, nice suggestion!
A pinning to the top of the first page would be nice.
Do you really think Jay gives two shits about off topic?
You should also index all the ranking threads. Two categories, Serious Rankings and Lulz Rankings.
Don’t do drugs, unless you’re with me.
Do you really think Jay gives two shits about off topic?
I think he us gives 4 shits.
Don’t do drugs, unless you’re with me.
Do you really think Jay gives two shits about off topic?
I think he us gives 4 shits.
I don’t think he us gives anything.
Are you sure?
The start a new thread button is open to anyone. Frink does not own off topic. He is not a moderator. Therefore the position that you need to get his permission to start a new thread (and by extension The New Thread Thread) is ridiculous.
He is the know all, see all, say all, and be all that all members are required to emulate or be tossed down like the dumb dirt they are … he treats some members like this all the time already.
Have fun.
Are you sure?
The start a new thread button is open to anyone. Frink does not own off topic. He is not a moderator. Therefore the position that you need to get his permission to start a new thread (and by extension The New Thread Thread) is ridiculous.
He is the know all, see all, say all, and be all that all members are required to emulate or be tossed down like the dumb dirt they are … he treats some members like this all the time already.
Nah, just you. No one else makes posts like this one.