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A great section of the site. I am very much looking forward to reading some of the many interesting stories on here 😃
Thank you.
An Index of just a few of the 200+ topics that have been posted in the ‘Script Writing and Re-writing’ section of the OriginalTrilogy•com down the years…
If you have or know of a project / thread you would like to see listed in this Index please post it below - thank you.
Please let us also know if you see any errors or broken links. 👍
• Star Wars Scripts, Stories & Writing projects
• Star Wars Ideas & Discussions threads
• Other Script, Stories & Writing projects (non-Star Wars)
• Other Discussions (non-Star Wars)
• Miscellaneous
A polite request: That fan editors & preservationists keep their project threads (and thread titles) updated as to their status - whether their project is in the… ‘Planning’ or ‘Idea’ stages, if any ‘Help Needed’ is required, is a ‘Work In Progress (WIP)’, or hopefully ‘Finished’ & ‘Released’ - or even unfortunately ‘Unfinished’, ‘Cancelled’ or ‘On Hiatus’ etc.
Star Wars Scripts, Stories & Writing projects:-
Jedi Dark, Jedi Bright - by DuracellEnergizer
Nar Shaddaa Noir: Blush Response [Complete] - by Harrold Andraste
Bastila Shan - by Harrold Andraste
Separate KOTOR from Tales of the Jedi - by darklordoftech
The Mandalorian Wars / Revan Origin Story Fan Fic (SCRIPT) - by LoreFreak
Rewriting “Star Wars: The Old Republic” - by Darth Malgus
Palpatine - You’re gonna go far kid - by Anakin Starkiller
A Thousand Generations: The Star Wars Prequel Mini-Series - by AveKender
Because I’m a big geek: another rewrite - by Rebel Scumb (2004 thread - re The Phantom Menace)
CWBorne’s Prequel Treatment Omnibus Thread (Current Work: Revisions & Edits) - by CWBorne
Prequels SE - I Spent 10 Years Rewriting the Prequels to Match the OT | “Prequels SE” - by SigmaEcho
What if The Prequels were based on the Pre-PT EU and were more “OT Accurate”? - by DarthStarkiller1234
Star Wars prequels based on the old drafts of George Lucas and the old Expanded Universe - Outline - by DarthStarkiller1234
My Star Wars prequels rewrite - Using Lucas’ original drafts, Expanded Universe and more - by DarthStarkiller1234
An alternative take on the Star Wars prequels based on the old Expanded Universe - by DarthStarkiller1234
My Star Wars Prequels rewrite based on the Pre-PT EU, old concepts of Lucas, Dune and more. Part 1: Legacy of the Jedi - by DarthStarkiller1234
Star Wars: The Dark Times - by Wannabe Scholar
Under Darkened Skies (a cancelled and forgotten PT idea) - by Wannabe Scholar
Star Wars: Episode I - The Beginning (AKA DuracellEnergizer’s Take On TPM) - by DuracellEnergizer
Star Wars: The New Dawn (The First Episode in DuracellEnergizer’s New PT Re-Write) - by DuracellEnergizer
The Nabu Trilogy: Episode I – Players and Pawns ON HIATUS - by DuracellEnergizer
Star Wars: Knight of the Empire (The Second Episode in DuracellEnergizer’s New PT Re-Write) CANCELLED - by DuracellEnergizer
Star Wars: Knight of the Empire – Revamped Edition COMPLETE - by DuracellEnergizer
Star Wars: A Lost Hope (The Final Episode in DuracellEnergizer’s New PT Re-Write) - by DuracellEnergizer
The Star Wars Prequels rewritten - The Phantom Menace - by Nick777
The Star Wars Prequels rewritten - Rise Of The Dark Lord - by Nick777
Prequel Rewrites - by Swiftbow
Star Wars: The New Universe - by Darth Malgus
A Less Radical Sketch of a Prequel Rewrite - by SparkySywer
What If: The Separatists Won the Clone Wars? - by OutboundFlight
Episode I: Knights of the Republic [Nepheronia Studios] - by Nepheronia
Star Wars Episode 1: The Old Order - by danaan
Star Wars Episode 1: A False Dawn - by carlhollywood
Episode I: Herald of Fury - by starwarsanv
Episode I: A True Knight - by Frey
STAR WARS: Episode One. Also known as Greenpenguino’s best Star wars script, EVA!!! - by greenpenguino
Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace re-written - by Darth Giacomo
The Clone Menace - by Frey
mPT - Episode 1 Draft - by xhonzi
Rise of the Witch, The Dark Times Begin, and A New Order - by McFlabbergasty
In the Age of the Jedi - McFlabbergasty
EatonB’s Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Re-Write - by EatonB
Shroud of the Empire: A Star Wars Fanfilm - by Dyland
The Second Clone War - by McFlabbergasty
Star Wars Episode III: Broken Forces - by CWBorne
Revenge of the Sith (rewrited) - by Jedi1
A simple change to make Revenge Of The Sith better - by VegetableMan
Star Wars: Empire’s Prey (An Audio Drama) Looking for people with voices - by BloodnoseThePirate
My Prequel Treatments - by TheBoost
Somewhere in an alternate dimension where the Prequels are good… - by FarinaArtist
Rewriting the OT - What would you do? - by Wannabe Scholar
Faraday Junior’s Star Wars: A New Hope | The Empire Strikes Back | Return of the Jedi - by CaptainFaraday (though really written by CaptainFaraday Jnr!)
STAR WARS: The Oncoming Storm - by greenpenguino
The Stars of Wrath - by Reegar
ROTJ Manga Edit - by Reegar
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (Divergent Edition) COMPLETE - by DuracellEnergizer
The Force Conquers All - [Completed Short Story/ROTJ Reimagining] - by Reegar
Return Of The Jedi new scene - by LordZerome1080
Return of the Jedi: No Sister - by AveKender
Punching Up ROTJ - by AveKender
Let’s fix Return of the Jedi - A brief outline - by JemLalux
ROTJ Rewrite Treatment - by Space Medievalist
The First Victory against the Evil Galactic Empire… - by NeverarGreat (a Rogue One re-imagining)
Star Wars Episode VI Rewrite - by Farina Artist
Revenge of the True Sith - by darklordoftech
Star Wars: Death of the Author - by SparkySywer
BillionaireHobo’s Sequel Trilogy and more - by BillionaireHobo287
STAR WARS - The sequel trilogy - by Eidolon
An alternative and radical idea to rewrite the Sequel Trilogy - by Darth Malgus
SW: Birthright (A TFA AU) - by Wannabe Scholar
Star Wars Episode VII: The Search for Skywalker - by FarinaArtist
“What If Star Wars: The Force Awakens Was Awesome” (Script Conversion Project) - by Jar Jar Bricks
Episode VIII Rewrite Outline - by LegendOfPokemon
Palpatine’s Return - The Missing Flashback of TRoS - by Anakin Skywalker
Nev’s Episode IX Reimagined - by NeverarGreat
Another Episode IX Rewrite - by majoras_wrath
STAR WARS Episode IX: Duel of the Fates Re-Write 2nd Draft - by AD576
The Final Steps: a movie-length epilogue to TROS featuring Rey searching for Ben’s ghost, Finn character development… - by KumoNin
Star Wars: Episode IX - Resolution of the Light - by Kestrel
The Star Wars - Star Wars Retold - by stickydixon
Star Wars: Episode ΑΩ – A Certain Point of View (A 9-in-1 Rewrite) - by DuracellEnergizer
Flickering Swords: A Strange Star Wars AU Fanfic - by Wannabe Scholar
Star Wars: The Complete Screenplay - by Tack
Star Wars: The New Universe - by Darth Malgus
My Star Wars Rewrites - by Space Medievalist
Another Fan-Fic (My sincerest apologies to starkiller) - SW crossover - by skyman8081
Star Wars audio-drama pitch - by TheBoost
Ahsoka re-write - by jmarso1
Star Wars Ideas & Discussions threads:-
Alternative Prequel Ideas - by Darth Lucas
Random PT ideas - by Wannabe Scholar
Star Wars Prequels Rewrite Ideas - by Storminator
The prequels according to the pre-1999 EU - by darklordoftech
Another drop in the ocean of prequels rewritings - by VegetableMan
How to get around the 3-episode prequel limit - by Voss Caltrez
The Prequels as Envisioned by the (Pre-PT) Expanded Universe - by DuracellEnergizer
What were your original expectations for the PT? - by Starboy
How did you envision the prequels? - by JennyS1138
How would you have done the Prequel Trilogy? - by Asteroid-Man
Remake the Prequels - by Darth Lucas
How would YOU re-do the prequels? - by James teh OG
What could have made the PT better? - by bkev
Prequel total rewrites…? - by xhonzi
In light of the “Plagueis” novel, how would you rewrite the prequels? - by Weezer12
What did the PT need? - by vote_for_palpatine
Putting The Original-Original Trilogy’s Prequel Story together - by Hunter6
The prequels that could have been - by Judge
A Modern Re-Intepretation of Star Wars - by Tack
My Crazy Prequel Idea - by Space Medievalist
Star Wars prequels as a time travel story? - by Darth Lucas
Do you think the PT will ever be remade that gives justice to the series? - by Janskeet
Hypothetical: What would you KEEP? - by vote_for_palpatine
Prequel Rewriters - Questions to think about - by xhonzi
What if “Star Wars: Episode I” Was Good? (video) - by Tobar
A prequel based on this one idea (AN EXERCISE) - by Wannabe Scholar
Stuck between two ideas my my TPM re-write - by liamnotneeson
Should I Write Episode Two First? - by AveKender
The Definitive PT Rewrite - by Wannabe Scholar
Anakin, Father of the Empire - A More Intellectual Prequel Series - by stickydixon
Causes of the Clone Wars - by Wannabe Scholar
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Belated Media version) - How to do it? - by Wannabe Scholar
Anakin the Nameless - by Frey
Light Side Divided - by Frey
Weird Idea but maybe it will work - Anakin and Darth were two separate people - by Space Medievalist
Why the prequels shouldn’t be about Anakin and Obi Wan - by BillionaireHobo287
Obi-Wan or Anakin? - by Wannabe Scholar
Why Anakin should have been 20 years old in TPM - by CO
One of the flaws with Anakin turning to the darkside… - by Janskeet
Fall to the Dark Side? - by xhonzi
The Darth Vader/Anakin reveal - by Johannus
The Jedi Council not existing, or being total d*cks? - by liamnotneeson
How to incorporate Kiber crystals in a PT? - by Nepheronia
What is your take on PT villains? - by McFlabbergasty
I cannot disobey my master - by xhonzi
The Sith rooted in Naboo culture? - by darthlordoftech
Obi-Wan = OB-1? - by Wannabe Scholar
The Dying Torch: A Retelling of the Prequel Trilogy - by Wannabe Scholar (discontinued project - for info only)
Star Wars Infinities and What it could mean to the Prequels - by xhonzi
Need help with a Star Wars Infinities idea! - by Wannabe Scholar
Fan-made prequel remakes, not so far fetched? - by gobalicious
Do you find it tough to write in the style and structure of Star Wars OT stories - by nick777
Rewriting the OT, only using SW77 and Lucas’ original ideas - by Wannabe Scholar
If ANH was the only film - by darklordoftech
My Idea for a SW Show set between RotJ and TFA - by Wannabe Scholar
He Didn’t Hold With Your Father’s Ideals - by Frey
Had an idea for the EP.IV ANH Jabba the Hutt scene. - by red5-626
Keep Palpatine’s death by Vader a surprise until the ending of ROTJ - by Frey
How would you do Return of the Jedi? - by gobalicious
How would you have done ROTJ? - by Asteroid-Man
What Would’ve Gary Kurtz’s Version of ROTJ looked like? - by FarinaArtist
Conclude the Original Trilogy differently - by Anakin Skywalker
Tales of the Jedi rewrite idea - by darklordoftech
Pitching a SW Show set between ROTJ and TFA - by Wannabe Scholar
Random Sequel Trilogy Ideas - by Farina Artist
Star Wars Sequel Trilogy - Rewrites & Ideas Discussion Thread - by TestingOutTheTest
If you were a fan in the 1980s, what did you imagine for Episodes VII, VIII, and IX villains? - by darklordoftech
What if the Sequel Trilogy was made in the 1990s? REWRITE - by FarinaArtist
Rewriting the SW Sequels to fit the EU - by Wannabe Scholar
A Post-ROTJ Trilogy: What’s To Come for the Big Three, And More - by McFlabbergasty
Star Wars 7-9 Screenplay in the works here? - by obikal
SPOILERS Rewrite The Force Awakens - by StarChewyWar
Rewriting VII using rejected production ideas - by rocknroll41
Rewritten Crawl for The Force Awakens (Spoilers) - by NeverarGreat
This Snoke Theory is Wrong - by NeverarGreat
Episode VIII Rewrite Outline - by LegendOfPokemon
BillionaireHobo’s Episode 8 story outline - by BillionaireHobo287
What The Last Jedi should’ve been/could’ve been. - by ForceGhostRecon
Episode 9: Title Crawl - by WildngPower8
The Rise of Skywalker - Rewrite Discussion Thread - by RogueLeader
The Sequels - George’s Original Trilogy - by ShamanWhill
The Star Wars Saga – Streamlined - by DuracellEnergizer
What if… no prequel trilogy or, no sequel trilogy? Just the EU? - by Wannabe Scholar
Saga Remake - by thejediknighthusezni
Saga Rewrites - by GrandMaster88
Outlines for remakes of the nine Star Wars saga films - by FreezingTNT2
Would like to write my own STAR WARS saga, would like info and guidance - by Linki
The Star Wars 12 Movie Saga Project (Need feedback desperately) - by Space Medievalist
How I would have done Star Wars - by Space Medievalist
My Godfather-Esque Star Wars Saga - by Space Medievalist
Fourth trilogy pitch - by Lord Tobias
SW: Beyond Trilogy (Episodes X, XI, and XII) - by Wannabe Scholar
Star Wars fanfic ideas (up for adoption) - by Wannabe Scholar
Re-Writing “Rebels” - by DuracellEnergizer
Rewriting Prequels for TCW - by Wannabe Scholar
Reimagining Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - by Wannabe Scholar (2020 thread)
Star Wars prequel comic - by mrbenja0618
STAR WARS Movies Animated - by kahluadarkj
What If? Canon-Divergent Story Ideas Thread - by Ed Slushie
What if… no prequel trilogy or, no sequel trilogy? Just the EU? - by Wannabe Scholar
How would you combine the best parts of the Star Wars franchise into one LOTR-style trilogy? - by Ed Slushie
Force sensitivity: Can it be “acquired”? - by Frey
How would you have explained where Palpatine learned to use The Force? - by darklordoftech
Space War, Hyperspace, Fuel, etc… How it all works (or doesn’t) - by xhonzi
Jedi Recruitment and Jurisdiction - by Frey
The Force in your PT - by Wannabe Scholar
Your images of Obi-Wan and Anakin/Vader and others in your Prequel Interpretations - by Star Wars Purist
Starships in your OT prequels - by Nepheronia
How to make the disfigurement of Palpatine’s face? - by CRHomer
How would you have explained where Palpatine learned to use The Force? - by darklordoftech
Nick name for little orphan Ani - by xhonzi
Adapting Seven Samurai as a Prequel Idea - by xhonzi
Pierre Menard as He Pertains to the Foundational Star Wars Tale - by NeverarGreat
Mythos - Mid-Eighties to Mid-Nineties - by joelwatts
DuracellEnergizer’s Ultimate Miscellaneous SW Fanfic Brainstorming/World-Building Thread - by DuracellEnergizer
Reconstructing the prequels from what was implied in the original trilogy - by jollyreaper
Using Elements Missed from the PT - by Wannabe Scholar
“The Star Wars” Scripts and Drafts - Adapting to new films - by DarthPhilosopher
Ways to Do the Prequels with No Spoilers for the OT - by RicOlie_2
The Crawl - by mrebo
What sources to use? - by Wannabe Scholar
The Star Wars Saga: As Presented by a Text-Filling AI - by StarkillerAG
The Fanfiction Request Thread - by Darth Malgus
Other Script, Stories & Writing projects (non-Star Wars):-
The Superman Trilogy, Part I: The Last Son of Krypton - by DuracellEnergizer
THE MAN OF TOMORROW: suspiciouscoffee’s take on Superman - by suspiciouscoffee
Star Trek: The Divergent Series (Ep. 1-1: “These Are the Adventures …”) COMPLETE - by DuracellEnergizer
Batman - Dixon’s Imaginary Perfect Batman Film - by stickydixon
Batman: Oath Sworn - A Completed Batman Novel - by stickydixon
Batman Aeternum: Oath Sworn (A Work In Progress Novel) - by stickydixon
Moldman: a short film - by Dek Rollins
Terminator: Annihilation - by NeverarGreat
An Alien Burned the Church (working title) - by suspiciouscoffee
The Legend of Aáng (An Avatar: The Last Airbender Film Screenplay) - by Tack
The Secret of NIMH 3 - by Pennsylvania Jones
Frankenlove (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Modern Prometheus) - by DuracellEnergizer
Necropolis (An Original Story) - by DuracellEnergizer
The Skull A loose adaptation of a story by Philip K. Dick - by suspiciouscoffee
Jurassic World (2015): Retold and Rewritten - by NickRome
X-COM Chronicles: Citadel of the Dragon - by McFlabbergasty
Crouching Tiger and Passion of the Christ totally transmogrified - by ssj
Monkeys (An ORIGINAL Story) - by DuracellEnergizer
Stargate Reimagined: Part I COMPLETE - by DuracellEnergizer
Stargate Reimagined: Part II ON HIATUS - by DuracellEnergizer
Friday the 13th: Chapter I ON HIATUS - by DuracellEnergizer
A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Beautiful Dream ON HIATUS - by DuracellEnergizer
13 O’Clock (An Original Story) CANCELLED(?) - by DuracellEnergizer
13 O’Clock (Daylight Savings Time Edition) - by DuracellEnergizer
MEMORY - Dixon’s Novel Based on Alien (1979) - by stickydixon
Chrono Club (Original Story) - by Anakin Starkiller
my new scifi story gallery! - by Darth Chaltab
Other Discussions (non-Star Wars):-
What stories/intellectual properties (other than Star Wars) would you like to retell/rewrite? - by Wannabe Scholar (2019)
What other, non-SW stories do you want to write/tell? - by Wannabe Scholar (2020)
Short Stories and Flash Fiction (sorry, not scripts) - by suspiciouscoffee
Dear Superman - an idea I had for a comic - by suspiciouscoffee
My idea for Terminator 6 - by rocknroll41
ORIGINAL IDEA: “Untitled Moon Landing” - Comedy - by doubleofive
ALIENATION: AN ALIEN 3 REBOOT - by thejediknighthusezni
A L I E N I I I - by McFlabbergasty
Remnant of Glory:A Space Western similar to Star Wars that i’m writing - by Space Medievalist
The War on Godzilla - by Frey
Jurassic World Reconsidered - by thejediknighthusezni
Random non-SW story ideas - by Wannabe Scholar
Some Random Ideas for a New, Original Sci-Fi Universe - by Spartacus01
General Writing, Illustration, and Publishing Thread - by NeverarGreat
Scriptwriting Random Thoughts - by thejediknighthusezni
How to write stories - by xhonzi
Need help with a name… - by danaan
The ALL FAKE Star Wars Betamax extras thread - by Bingowings
BBC Writers’ Room - Scriptwriting Essentials page
Screenwriting.info - a screenwriting guide
How to Write Movie Scripts - a wikihow guide
Screenplay Format Guide guide from storysense.com
Star Wars Film Scripts: Starkiller - The Jedi Bendu Script Site - with various drafts of all the Star Wars film scripts
IMSDB.com - alternative site for Star Wars scripts (and many other films)
An OriginalTrilogy.com timeline thread - a history of the site and why & how it came to be…
If you know of a thread that you’d like to include in this Index (and it is likely some quality projects or intriguing discussion threads that have fallen through the cracks for inclusion so far) please post them in here - thank you.
Last updated: Tuesday 1st October, 2024. (by oojason)
Links to the Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within, plus About & Help sections.
A link to the ‘How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com - some info & replies to members’ FAQs thread, in General Assistance.
Links to the OT.com Forum Rules and Guidelines & Fan Edit / Preservation Forum Rules and FAQ threads, in Announcements.
A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…
Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
‘How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com
A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)
… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.
Personally, as a member here, I’d encourage everyone to watch it and upvote that video.
A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…
Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
‘How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com
A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)
… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.
A great section of the site. I am very much looking forward to reading some of the many interesting stories on here 😃
Thank you.