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Hear me out on this. I swear i’m not crazy
In this the Jedi fought against the rise of the Sith Empire 1000 years ago and were completely wiped out and all knowledge was erased. However two Jedi survived,Yoda who was already in exile on Dagobah at the time and Obi Wan Kenobi. He was frozen in carbonite after being wounded in one of the last battles by his lover Satine(I know real creative placeholder name there) a fellow Jedi so he could receive medical treatment at a later date because of limited supplies.Unfortunately in the next battle the Jedi were all wiped out and Obi Wan still in carbonite was forgotten.This leads to the present day where Owen Lars and his brother in law Anakin Skywalker who is 25 are working on a spice freighter (though they salvage ships on the side for extra money) around Aldaraan and salvage an ancient ship where they find the frozen Obi Wan.
They unfreeze him and give him medical attention and Obi Wan is shocked and dismayed when he realizes the amount of time that has passed but also intrigued by the force sensitivity of Anakin and the chosen one prophesy. A series of events lead to Anakin agreeing to be trained but then Clones attack Alderaan. The Clones were an experiment by the Sith Empire to create unlimited soldiers but it backfired and became almost a grey goo scenario. The Sith Empire meanwhile under Emperor Dooku is a crumbling feudal state and can barely hold back the tide of the clones and the rebellion led by Palpatine and Tarkin. This rebellion wants to create a New Empire that is technologically sophisticated and progressive. Also the Sith in this rewrite are not the ultimate big bad and their philosophy is one of domination of Force wielders over normal people but the Sith believe it is best for the common people (more feudal attitude).
Anyway basically Anakin and Obi Wan fight the Clones and the Sith forces who are led by a Sith knight named Maul who develops a fierce rivalry with Obi Wan after he cut off Mauls legs however this Maul is honorable. The true evil villain is the mad General Grievous who acts like he does in the first Clone Wars series (2003). Anakin falls in love with a handmaiden of the Queen of Alderaan named Padme as well. In a battle on Alderaan Owen and Beru’s child dies and Owen blames it on Obi Wan but Anakin stays loyal and is disowned. Anakin decides to take on a new name out of spite,that of Obi Wan’s apprentice who died a 1000 years ago. Darth Vader. Of course eventually The Clones and Sith are defeated but then Palpatine finally reveals his true self that of a tyrant slaughtering all Sith and their soldiers though Maul escapes. The New Empire is born and Bail Organa rebels against Palpatine(Palpatine is not a Sith but something much worse an evil being that plans to suck the life force of every being in the universe and ascend to godhood though he tells none obviously)to restore a New Republic.
Obi Wan decides to join Bail but Darth who is friends with Palpatine refuses and renounces being a Jedi and fights on the opposite side. A pregnant Padme flees for her life protected by Obi Wan and Darth is hunting her. Eventually he finds them on Mustafar and Padme tries to stab him leading to him choking her to death. Obi Wan and Darth fight and Obi Wan leaves his horribly wounded apprentice alive unable to bring himself to kill his former friend. Padme is brain dead and techically still alive and she gives birth to Luke (ROTJ is going to be rewritten as well so no Leia) and Obi Wan hides him with his Aunt and Uncle on Tatooine and takes up the nickname Satine used to call him. Ben. Maul tracks Obi Wan to Tatooine and they have a fight just like in Rebels (I like the Maul arc in Clone Wars/Rebels so sue me). The end.
Everything after Empire Strikes Back needs fixing
Sounds very interesting. The thing with Obi-Wan being the last surviving Jedi helps explain why no one remembers them in the original trilogy, and Maul and Grievous being the villains of the entire trilogy would really help their characters.
My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:
Sounds very interesting. The thing with Obi-Wan being the last surviving Jedi helps explain why no one remembers them in the original trilogy, and Maul and Grievous being the villains of the entire trilogy would really help their characters.
Specifically I want Grievous to be the absolute formidable unredeamable monster everyone loves to hate while Maul will be morally grey (like his CW arc which I adore) and conflicted as well as being the Cassandra about Sidious (again like CW). So you get the best of both worlds with villains
Everything after Empire Strikes Back needs fixing
An interesting idea. It reminds me of an idea where the Clone Wars were 100 prior to my prequels and Anakin rescued Obi-Wan from carbonite/stasis upon Yoda’s instructions. I think the only issue with this idea is that Obi-Wan in SW77 stated Vader destroyed the Jedi, hinting there were still some Jedi left. Maybe try to add some Jedi in mere handfuls or dozens that Anakin wipes out in his fall to the Dark Side.
Anakin killed women and children for a mom he didn’t give a fuck about (if he did, he would’ve done something instead of fucking around on Naboo). It’s as bad as Luke trying to kill Kylo in TLJ because neither Luke or Anakin are what the OT established: good men. It’s character assassination. Now, fuck off.
An interesting idea. It reminds me of an idea where the Clone Wars were 100 prior to my prequels and Anakin rescued Obi-Wan from carbonite/stasis upon Yoda’s instructions. I think the only issue with this idea is that Obi-Wan in SW77 stated Vader destroyed the Jedi, hinting there were still some Jedi left. Maybe try to add some Jedi in mere handfuls or dozens that Anakin wipes out in his fall to the Dark Side.
Well yeah probably a few Ronin Jedi still exist and maybe small sects of Grey (other) Jedi. Obi Wan might try to rebuild the order only for Anakin/Darth to destroy it. Another interesting concept is that The Force itself is waning and The Sith aristocracy can barely use The Force. The common folk don’t believe in it anymore because of it (simple tricks and nonsense). Obi Wan and Yoda because they are remnants of a forgotten time and Anakin and Maul as the two possible Chosen ones (though Anakin/Drath is revealed to be the true one in VI) are the most powerful force wielders left and by extension so is Luke as the son of a chosen one and Mara Jade as the daughter of Maul (She is the other Yoda mentions in ESB). The prophecy states that The Chosen One will restore The Force into the world. Thus when Vader kills The Emperor who has been leaching off The Force it then is restored to it’s former power.
Everything after Empire Strikes Back needs fixing
An interesting idea. It reminds me of an idea where the Clone Wars were 100 prior to my prequels and Anakin rescued Obi-Wan from carbonite/stasis upon Yoda’s instructions. I think the only issue with this idea is that Obi-Wan in SW77 stated Vader destroyed the Jedi, hinting there were still some Jedi left. Maybe try to add some Jedi in mere handfuls or dozens that Anakin wipes out in his fall to the Dark Side.
Maybe we could then rewrite the prequels to have mostly the same plot, just set 100 or 200 years before the original movies. Palpatine would be middle-aged, explaining his OT appearance with extreme old age rather than Force lightning. In Revenge of the Sith, Anakin wouldn’t be scarred by lava, and his state in the OT would be explained by him artificially prolonging his life using machinery. After the fall of the Jedi and the rise of Palpatine, Obi-Wan would cryo-freeze himself and Anakin’s children until about 20 years before the OT, when the time would be ripe for the Jedi to rise again.
My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:
Maybe we could then rewrite the prequels to have mostly the same plot, just set 100 or 200 years before the original movies. Palpatine would be middle-aged, explaining his OT appearance with extreme old age rather than Force lightning. In Revenge of the Sith, Anakin wouldn’t be scarred by lava, and his state in the OT would be explained by him artificially prolonging his life using machinery. After the fall of the Jedi and the rise of Palpatine, Obi-Wan would cryo-freeze himself and Anakin’s children until about 20 years before the OT, when the time would be ripe for the Jedi to rise again.
It could work, except I personally would not cryo-freeze the kids. I think this is more of a nitpick than anything, but I always found it weird about cryo-freezing the kids (even when they’re in the womb, as seen in a draft of DuracellEnergizer’s Episode 3 rewrites). I guess it can be traced back to me wanting the kids to born in their natural period (as in, 20 BBY or 19 BBY) and grow up from thereon. That or I just prefer my discarded PT rewrite’s ending too much (basically, Anakin has accepted the Dark Side and flies off with a hesitant and non-pregnant Padme, leaving Obi-Wan with the Skywalker saber).
Anakin killed women and children for a mom he didn’t give a fuck about (if he did, he would’ve done something instead of fucking around on Naboo). It’s as bad as Luke trying to kill Kylo in TLJ because neither Luke or Anakin are what the OT established: good men. It’s character assassination. Now, fuck off.
Maybe we could then rewrite the prequels to have mostly the same plot, just set 100 or 200 years before the original movies. Palpatine would be middle-aged, explaining his OT appearance with extreme old age rather than Force lightning. In Revenge of the Sith, Anakin wouldn’t be scarred by lava, and his state in the OT would be explained by him artificially prolonging his life using machinery. After the fall of the Jedi and the rise of Palpatine, Obi-Wan would cryo-freeze himself and Anakin’s children until about 20 years before the OT, when the time would be ripe for the Jedi to rise again.
It could work, except I personally would not cryo-freeze the kids. I think this is more of a nitpick than anything, but I always found it weird about cryo-freezing the kids (even when they’re in the womb, as seen in a draft of DuracellEnergizer’s Episode 3 rewrites). I guess it can be traced back to me wanting the kids to born in their natural period (as in, 20 BBY or 19 BBY) and grow up from thereon. That or I just prefer my discarded PT rewrite’s ending too much (basically, Anakin has accepted the Dark Side and flies off with a hesitant and non-pregnant Padme, leaving Obi-Wan with the Skywalker saber).
I don’t see what the problem with freezing the children is. There’s no reason why it wouldn’t be possible, and it’s the only way that the Jedi could be destroyed hundreds of years ago while still having Vader hunt them down. It’s pretty much a win-win idea in my opinion.
My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:
Maybe we could then rewrite the prequels to have mostly the same plot, just set 100 or 200 years before the original movies. Palpatine would be middle-aged, explaining his OT appearance with extreme old age rather than Force lightning. In Revenge of the Sith, Anakin wouldn’t be scarred by lava, and his state in the OT would be explained by him artificially prolonging his life using machinery. After the fall of the Jedi and the rise of Palpatine, Obi-Wan would cryo-freeze himself and Anakin’s children until about 20 years before the OT, when the time would be ripe for the Jedi to rise again.
It could work, except I personally would not cryo-freeze the kids. I think this is more of a nitpick than anything, but I always found it weird about cryo-freezing the kids (even when they’re in the womb, as seen in a draft of DuracellEnergizer’s Episode 3 rewrites). I guess it can be traced back to me wanting the kids to born in their natural period (as in, 20 BBY or 19 BBY) and grow up from thereon. That or I just prefer my discarded PT rewrite’s ending too much (basically, Anakin has accepted the Dark Side and flies off with a hesitant and non-pregnant Padme, leaving Obi-Wan with the Skywalker saber).
I don’t see what the problem with freezing the children is. There’s no reason why it wouldn’t be possible, and it’s the only way that the Jedi could be destroyed hundreds of years ago while still having Vader hunt them down. It’s pretty much a win-win idea in my opinion.
The problem with that idea is of course Owen,Beru and Bail Organa unfortunately
Everything after Empire Strikes Back needs fixing
Yes. But I still think it’s an intriguing idea. I mean,the lore has Carbonite so it would technically be possible
Everything after Empire Strikes Back needs fixing
Not dissing it, it sounds great. Just funny.
ROTS Finale (Alternate):
After Palpatine killed Mace, Anakin is horrified by his actions, yet he knows now there is no turning back. He pledges allegiance to Sidious, in return for the Dark Lord’s power to stop death, in the hope of saving his beloved wife. Sidious takes Anakin as his Sith apprentice. Sidious then gives Anakin his first assignment: to launch a Siege of the Jedi Temple, ensuring the so-called Jedi Rebellion is crushed.
Anakin leads the 501st Legion to the Temple. He and the clones rampage through the Temple, cutting down every Jedi that crosses his path, including swordsmaster Cin Drallig, Shaak Ti, and even the younglings hiding out in the Council Chamber.
Meanwhile, from his office, Sidious broadcasts a command to the many clone trooper commanders spread throughout the galaxy: to execute Order 66, an action that is effectively set into motion.
Across the galaxy, clone troopers turn against their Jedi Generals. As this happens, Yoda feels everyone who is dying. On Utapau, Kenobi is flung off a cliff by a blast from an All Terrain Tactical Enforcer, but he and Boga died; on Mygeeto, Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi is gunned down by CC-1138 and the 21st Nova Corps; on the lush, tropical planet of Felucia, Jedi Knight Aayla Secura is murdered by CC-5052 and his 327th Star Corps; on Cato Neimoidia, Plo Koon’s Jedi starfighter is shot down by Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighters, sending it smashing into a clone staging area; and on Saleucami, Stass Allie’s 74-Z speeder bike is destroyed by CC-8826 and his wingman, riding BARC speeders. On Kashyyyk, Yoda is overlooking the ongoing battle as Commander Gree receives the order. He and his lieutenant attempt to sneak up to Yoda, they ultimately destroyed him.
In the briefing room, Rex watches a hologram of Darth Sidious, who intones, “Execute Order 66,” and Rex replies, “Yes, Lord Sidious.” Ahsoka enters, saying she feels something terrible has happened to Anakin. Rex starts shaking, and he drops his helmet. The other troopers on the bridge receive a message, and they turn around, training their rifles on Ahsoka. Rex tells them that he’ll do it, drawing his pistols on Ahsoka and telling her to stay back. He tells Ahsoka, “find him… Fives… find him!” before opening fire. Ahsoka leaps over him, drawing her lightsabers and sealing the door, but more troopers led by Jesse enter from the other side. They surround Ahsoka and fire at her, but she deflects their blaster bolts into the ceiling, then leaps up through the hole. Rex orders two troopers to proceed to the detention level and execute Maul. He then tells the others that the Jedi have been marked for termination for treason against the Republic, and that any soldier who does not comply with the order to execute the Jedi will also be executed for treason. He orders the troopers to search the ship for Ahsoka.
Following the attack on the Jedi Temple, Anakin returns to Padmé at the Senate Apartment Complex, from where the smoke rising from the wrecked Temple can be seen. He tells her the Jedi have tried to take over the Republic, and there are traitors in the Senate. He asks for her loyalty to the Chancellor, then tells her that he will go to the Mustafar system, where the remaining Separatists have gathered, to end the war.
On Mustafar, Anakin is greeted by Viceroy Gunray but quickly traps the Separatist Council in the bunker. He slaughters Poggle the Lesser, Rune Haako, Po Nudo and Wat Tambor among others. He leaves Gunray until last, slicing the Neimoidian across the chest even as he pleads for his life. It is at this point that the first physical manifestation of the dark side in Anakin begins to show itself, as his irises turn a pallid yellow, the rest of his eye taking on a bright crimson hue.
The Senate holds a special session where Palpatine tells them of the “plot of the Jedi to overthrow the Senate,” but that it was foiled. Amidst thunderous applause, he informs the Senate that the surviving Jedi will be hunted down and defeated. He then states that “in order to insure the security and continued stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire,” which Palpatine describes as creating a safe and secure society which will last forever, starting a new galactic era without the Jedi Order and the construction of a massive planetary destruction weapon called the Death Star. As the majority of the Senate screams their approval, Padmé Amidala and Bail Organa, who are shocked at the result, simply look around and Padmé can only remark “So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause.”
Maul watches as two clone troopers enter his cell and open the capsule. As they raise their rifles, Ahsoka enters and incapacitates them. She releases Maul, telling him not to make her regret this. Maul is impressed she has survived, but denies any involvement, saying he was not privy to his master’s plan. He also tells her that they have both felt what has happened though the Force, and Sidious has turned the Jedi’s own army against them. He says she has done the right thing coming to him, but she says she is not here to team up with him; all she needs is a diversion, and Maul is good at causing chaos.
The clones report to Rex, telling him they have swept the detention level and that both Tano and Maul have escaped. Rex orders them to destroy the escape pods and secure the hangar decks to prevent their escape.
Ahsoka sneaks past the clones and enters the cruiser’s droid bay. She activates three astromechs: R7-A7, RG-G1, and CH-33P. She asks R7 to patch into the Republic central computer and retrieve any files on clone trooper CT-5555, better known as Fives. The files contain medical records and a hologram of the Kaminoan medical scientist Nala Se, who states that a defect had been found in the trooper’s inhibitor chip, and that the findings had been accepted by the Jedi Council and a Senate committee. However, she also notes that a grievance report was logged by trooper CT-7567. Using Anakin’s passcode to decrypt the report, Ahsoka watches as Rex voices his suspicions about the inhibitor chips placed in the clones by the Kaminoans having some sort of ulterior purpose.
In the hallways outside, the clones engage Maul, who rips panels from the bulkhead to shield himself from blaster fire, as well as throwing them to crush and decapitate troopers. The troopers report to Rex that Ridge is down and Maul is headed toward the main hangar. Rex orders them to close the blast door, which they do; Maul, however, pulls one trooper’s arm through the door, severing it. He kneels down to listen to the chatter on the clone trooper’s wrist comlink.
As Rex runs down the corridor, R7-A7 rolls in front of him, separating him from his squad. CH-33P closes the blast doors around him, while R7-A7 activates a hologram of Ahsoka. She tells Rex that she saw his report on Fives and that she knows he was programmed to turn against the Jedi. Rex trains a pistol on R7-A7 and demands to know where she is. Ahsoka appears behind Rex; as he turns around, R7 shocks him, knocking him out. Ahsoka and the droids carry Rex to the medical bay, sealing doors behind them. A medical droid runs a scan on Rex, but it finds no anomaly. Ahsoka puts her hands on Rex’s head and recites the Guardian’s Mantra: “I am one with the Force and the Force is with me,” with the unconscious Rex joining in. Suddenly, the scan detects the chip and R7 sends Rex into the surgery chamber.
The clones manage to manually override the door. Ahsoka draws her lightsabers and deflects their blasters as they open fire, but is slowly overwhelmed. Her left wrist is shot, causing her to drop her shoto lightsaber and defend with only one lightsaber in hand. Behind her, Rex recovers and draws his pistols, opening fire on the clones as G-G re-seals the door. He tells Ahsoka he is okay, apologizing for almost killing her. Ahsoka asks Rex about how widespread the inhibitor chips are, and, to her horror, Rex states that they are in all of the clones. He slowly adds that the entire Grand Army of the Republic has been turned against the Jedi. He and Ahsoka turn to the door as the clone troopers begin cutting through. On Mustafar, Vader surveys the violent landscape around him and cries silently.
Ahsoka Tano and Rex stand trapped in the medical bay of a Venator-class Star Destroyer, as the clone troopers begin to cut through the door. Rex asks how they are going to get out, and Ahsoka says she has an idea. “Which is?” he asks, drawing his pistols, which Ahsoka tells him to set to stun so as to not kill the troopers, causing him to quip that she should tell that to them. They stand ready, with Ahsoka saying to wait until the cutting is complete. As soon as the cuts converge, Ahsoka pushes the door back with the Force, then deflects blaster fire as Rex stuns his former squadmates. Ahsoka tells R7-A7 to find them a way out, and the droid closes several blast doors cutting off most of the troopers. As the escape pods have been destroyed, Ahsoka suggests using a shuttle to escape. Rex asks Ahsoka if she’d heard that Maul had also escaped, but Ahsoka replies that he didn’t escape — she let him out. Rex asks incredulously “Why?” and she replies, “As a diversion.” As Ahsoka and the droids run down the hall, she yells for Rex to come on, and as he follows her he remarks to himself “That’s one word for it.”
Maul walks toward the hyperdrive room, still using a clone trooper’s wrist comm to listen in on their radio chatter. Over the radio, one of the clones reports to Jesse that Tano has escaped. Jesse asks about Rex and is told he is still missing in action. He asks if Rex has aided in Tano’s escape, but they don’t know. Two clone troopers round the corner and train their guns at Maul, who lifts them into the air, choking them.
Maul enters the hyperdrive room, quickly and violently dispatching the clone troopers with the Force. He tears the control console away, then uses the Force to pull the hyperdrive generators down. On the bridge, an officer tells the captain that the hyperdrive is failing. More troopers enter the hyperdrive room but are crushed by the falling debris. The vessel drops out of lightspeed over a moon.
Ahsoka and Rex enter hangar control, stunning the officers. Rex notes that the clones have anticipated their actions, and have sealed the hangar bay doors and locked down all systems — he says that if they weren’t trying to kill them, he’d be proud. Ahsoka assigns R7 to unlock the bay doors, Cheep to prep the shuttle, and G-G to find out what has happened to the hyperdrive. Over the comlink, Maul hears the clones report to Jesse that they think Tano and Rex are heading to the hangar. Jesse tells them to assemble there, but to await his signal before acting.
In the control room, G-G tells Rex the hyperdrive has been completely destroyed, and he realizes the ship is caught in the gravity well of the nearby moon. Ahsoka tells R7 to open the doors, as Jesse’s troops converge on the location, followed by Maul. A bay door opens, revealing a Nu-class transport, but also two platoons of clone troopers, who gather in formation below the observation windows. Rex suggests fighting their way to the shuttle, but Ahsoka says there are too many of them, and she doesn’t want to hurt them. Rex says the clones don’t care, and are willing to die, taking Ahsoka and Rex with them. He falls silent, and Ahsoka gently removes his helmet, revealing tears streaming down his cheeks. Ahsoka says he is a good soldier, but so are the troopers in the hangar, and they may be willing to die, but she is not going to be the one to kill them. Rex asks if they are going to surrender, and Ahsoka says no, to which he responds that he doesn’t see any other option. Ahsoka, studying the clones waiting in the hangar, notices something and tells Rex that she thinks she has a good idea. Handing Rex’s helmet back to him, she kneels down and asks the droids if she can count on them, promising to explain her plan on the way. Ahsoka leads the way as they run out of the control room.
The star skiff lands on Mustafar, and Padmé is greeted by a smiling Anakin. Padmé begs him to run away with her to raise their child in peace. Vader, mad with power, claims that they no longer have to run away and he can overthrow Palpatine so that the two of them can rule the galaxy together. Padmé, realizing how much her husband has changed, backs away in horror and tearfully begs him to stop, insisting she still loves him.
As she pleads, One survivor named K’Krunk steps out onto the star skiff’s boarding ramp. Upon seeing him, Anakin becomes enraged and accuses Padmé of lying about her love for him and betraying him to K’Krunk. Without even allowing her a chance to explain herself, he begins Force-choking her. K’Krunk intervenes and orders Vader to release Padmé, but Anakin still knocks her unconscious. Turning his anger on K’Krunk, Anakin accuses him of turning his wife against him, but K’Krunk retorts that Anakin has done that himself and let himself be twisted by Sidious into the Sith he was meant to destroy. Anakin refuses to listen and rants that he has brought order to his “new empire.” K’Krunk, unable to believe what he is hearing, prepares to fight. Anakin fumes that those who are against him are his enemies and engages K’Krunk in a ferocious duel of Master vs. Master.
A trooper tells Jesse that Maul is headed their way. Rex enters the hangar, holding Ahsoka at gunpoint and telling them to hold their fire. Rex tells Jesse he has the situation under control, but Jesse says he must follow orders, and if Rex doesn’t, he will. Rex reasons that Order 66 was to execute the Jedi, but Ahsoka is no longer a Jedi. As the droids sneak past, Jesse says that Rex himself said Tano was to be executed by order of Darth Sidious. Rex attempts to appeal to his comradeship with Jesse, saying if they don’t get this right, they will be the ones committing treason. Jesse does not fall for it, and accuses Rex of treason against the Grand Army of the Republic, saying he will be demoted and executed for assisting the traitor Ahsoka Tano. Turning to Ahsoka, Rex admits that he never much liked being a commander anyways. As Jesse orders his troops to take aim, the droids finish their work, and the hangar elevators drop suddenly, knocking out most of the troopers. Ahsoka runs forward and Force pushes Jesse into the hole, before Rex tosses her lightsabers back to her. As Ahsoka and Rex fight off the remaining clones, Maul enters the hangar and runs towards the shuttle. Ahsoka pursues Maul, but he pushes her into the pit, although G-G catches her with a grappling cable. Jesse and his troops wake up, and open fire on Ahsoka and the droids.
Maul takes off in the shuttle, but Ahsoka climbs up and uses the Force to hold it in the hangar. Rex attempts to hold the other clones off, but R7 is shot and Rex is hit in the shoulder. Ahsoka lets go, and Maul takes off into hyperspace. As the clones surround them, Ahsoka spins her lightsabers around, cutting a hole in the floor to the starship bay. Jesse orders his troops to blast them, but G-G and Cheep raise the elevators again, and are executed by the clones.
Finding a sole Y-wing bomber in working order, Ahsoka throws Rex onto the ship and attempts to leap on herself but the ship and Ahsoka fall out of the bay. Rex gains control of the ship and sees Ahsoka falling alongside him. She bounces off the falling wreckage and manages to grab on to the opened gunner’s seat, pulling herself in. As the stricken capital ship sinks below the clouds, Ahsoka stares into the sky.
On Mustafar, the duel between K’Krunk and Vader continues, with K’Krunk on the defensive. A missed slash from Anakin’s lightsaber damages a computer console, deactivating the facility’s shields. As deadly lava falls all around them, they ride a collection arm severed from the main structure down the molten river below, which falls over a waterfall of lava. Abandoning the arm, K’Krunk leaps onto a hovering mining platform below, with Vader pursuing him back up the lava river atop a collection droid. K’Krunk appeals to Anakin, but he still refuses to see reason, forcing K’Krunk to accept that the Chosen One is corrupted beyond redemption.
After fending off another attack from Anakin, K’Krunk disengages as the platform nears the shore of the lava river, leaping up onto the black sand bank. K’Krunk warns Anakin that he now holds an unassailable position, but Anakin, enraged and bloodthirsty, yells “You underestimate my power!” and foolishly leaps up to kill the great Jedi. With a swift sweep of his blade, K’Krunk slices off Anakin’s left arm and legs. Anakin tumbles down the embankment and rolls to a stop at the edge of the river of lava.
As K’Krunk watches, Anakin, helpless and now fully consumed by the dark side, tries in vain to pull his crippled, smoking body up the embankment with his one remaining mechanical arm. K’Krunk is overcome with disgust and sadness at the pitiful fate of “The Chosen One,” and is reduced nearly to tears. He angrily shouts that Anakin has failed in his life and destiny, and has hurt all those who loved him, including Obi-Wan and Ahsoka. All Anakin can do is scream in pain and powerless rage, cursing the Jedi Master. The lava below Anakin then catches his leg, setting him on fire, horribly burning and disfiguring him, with K’Krunk unable to help him or kill him. After briefly staring at the charred, mutilated Anakin Skywalker, K’Krunk turns and walks away, taking Anakin’s dropped lightsaber with him. He returns to the star skiff and leaves the planet with the unconscious Padmé and her droids.
The Emperor arrives on Mustafar with a group of shock troopers led by Commander Thire. They rescue Anakin from the edge of death using a stasis pod and Sith medicines held in the Emperor’s shuttle.
K’Krunk arrives at Polis Massa with Padmé, who is given emergency medical treatment by the facility’s droids. She is dying, having her windbag crushed. The medical droids work to save her babies—she has twins, much to the surprise of Bail Organa, K’Krunk, and the ghost of Qui-Gon. A boy and a girl are born. In her last few dying breaths, Padmé gives them the names “Luke” and “Leia.”
As his children are born, Anakin is being rebuilt at the Grand Republic Medical Facility on Coruscant. Anakin is given new legs, a new arm, mechanized lungs, and other “replacement parts.” He is dressed in black armor, a face mask is sealed tightly, and his helmet is fitted. Anakin begins to breathe through his mask as Sidious is bestowing upon him the Sith name Darth Vader. Most, if not the entire surgery is carried out in true dark-side form, with Vader wide awake and apparently unanesthetized, leaving him moaning, screaming, and writhing in excruciating agony.
With Padmé’s final breath, she maintains that there is still good in Anakin. She dies still believing in the man she loved, before his violent acts against the Jedi Order and the Separatist Council.
Vader is raised to a standing position, his surgery complete. Vader begins to speak through his vocabulator to the Emperor, asking about Padmé. The Emperor, seeking to cut Vader’s last tie to his old life and permanently cement the dark side in his heart, lies to Vader, telling him that he accidentally killed his wife while Force-choking her. His last shred of hope and love now gone and his mind broken by the realization he himself killed the person he wanted to save, Vader rips himself free of the operating table and unleashes a powerful scream of rage, shame, and grief through the Force, shattering the droids and equipment. Vader howls “Nooo!” in anger and despair, while the Emperor looks on with an evil grin. Vader lashes out with the Force, destroying the medical droids and even throwing the Emperor against the wall. Vader asks why Palpatine cannot bring her back as he said he could, and he replies that in his rage, Vader chose a different path, and even the dark side of the Force cannot bring her back. However, in her death, Padmé has given Vader a gift of pain, which he must accept or die. Vader agrees to live, and Palpatine says “Good.” then shocks his apprentice with bolts of Force lightning. As Vader struggles in agony, Palpatine tells him to defend himself with his lightsaber. Vader replies that his lost it in the duel with K’Krunk, and that the Jedi took it with him. Palpatine tells him that the blade belonged to another—a Jedi—and he is a Sith. Acknowledging is has been a traumatic time for Vader, he warns if he touches him again with the Force, he will finish what Kenobi could not. He tells Vader to rise as he has something to show him.
On the steps of the Jedi Temple, Mas Amedda is conducting a ceremony, destroying the lightsabers of the many Jedi slain and sent into hiding by the Great Jedi Purge, telling the citizens that they will never again fear the Jedi, and that Palpatine has saved them from their treachery. Watching from above, Palpatine asks Vader if he knows why Sith lightsabers are red. When Vader replies he does not, Palpatine mocks the Jedi for hiding the knowledge they found uncomfortable, which has led to their downfall. He continues that a Sith kyber crystal is no different to any other, except it has been made to bleed—the living crystal from any Jedi’s saber can be converted by pouring one’s pain and agony into it, until it turns crimson—the color of rage. In the courtyard below, Amedda places the lightsabers into an incinerator where they begin to melt, then recoils as the kyber crystals explode, blasting a fierce beam of energy and flame into the sky. Vader notes that Palpatine could have given him one of the now-destroyed lightsabers to corrupt, even Yoda’s. Palpatine replies that the saber of a Sith is not given, only taken.
On board the Tantive III, docked at Naboo, K’Krunk, the Ghost of Qui-Gon, and Bail Organa sit at a conference table. They agree to keep Padmé appearing pregnant, thus faking the children’s deaths. For their own safety, Luke and Leia will be split up in hopes that the Sith will not sense their presence. Leia will be adopted by Bail Organa, and Luke would be sent to his father’s step family on Tatooine. K’Krunk and Qui-Gon will watch and wait until the time is ready for the Skywalker children to do their part.
Padmé’s funeral takes place in a solemn ceremony in Theed. Her hands clasp the japor snippet given to her by Anakin following his departure from Tatooine some thirteen years ago. To protect her children, her body appears to still be pregnant.
On the bridge of a gray-hulled Venator-class Star Destroyer, Vader, the Emperor, and Governor Wilhuff Tarkin oversee the construction of a moon-sized battle station.
On the Moon, Rex gathers parts to repair the Y-wing and R7. He sees Ahsoka in the distance, wearing a cowl and standing before the helmet-marked graves of dozens of clone troopers, including Jesse. She holds up her lightsaber, then drops it on the ground.
30 years into the Future, Imperial stormtroopers, snowtroopers, and probe droids search the wreckage, as a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle lands near the crash site. The Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader, disembarks from the shuttle ominously and walks across the icy fields. He kneels down and reaches through the snow, finding and igniting the lightsaber Ahsoka Tano left there. A convor cries above and Vader looks up to see it circling in the sky. Vader watches the bird for a moment, then takes the saber, turns, and walks away, reflected in the visor of a cracked helmet belonging to a clone trooper of Tano’s specialized division of the 501st Legion.
K’Krunk, Kanan Jarrus, Cal Kestis, Cere, Ahsoka, and Grogu are the last of the Jedi.