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Some random ideas for a new sci-fi universe


The Origins and Expansion of Humanity in the Universe

Around 7 billion years ago, the Milky Way Galaxy was a vast, lifeless expanse. Despite the presence of countless habitable planets, no intelligent life had emerged anywhere. However, on a distant Earth-like planet on the opposite side of the Milky Way, the first intelligent beings — Humans — evolved. These “Original Humans” were the pioneers of life, the only intelligent species in the Galaxy. After developing advanced technology and exploring the Galaxy, the Original Humans realized their unique position as the sole intelligent life form. Faced with this knowledge, they embarked on an ambitious mission: to spread life throughout the Milky Way. They established billions of colonies on habitable worlds and sent out robotic probes containing organic material to seed life on other planets. Over billions of years, the Original Human Race eventually went extinct, but their legacy persisted. The Milky Way Galaxy became populated with countless Human civilizations, each identical in appearance to the Original Humans. One of these civilizations is us — the Humans of Earth. We evolved from the organic material left by one of those ancient robotic probes. Our civilization’s appearance and biology mirror that of the Original Humans because they are our distant ancestors.

The 27th Century and the Human Powers of the Milky Way Galaxy

By the 27th century, Earth’s Human Race has discovered many other Human civilizations spread across the Milky Way Galaxy. These civilizations, though identical in appearance, have diverged culturally, politically, and religiously. Some are engaged in conflicts over power and resources, while others dispute over their perceived closeness to the Original Humans. These are the four primary Human interstellar powers in the Milky Way:

  1. The Terran Federation: The Terran Federation is an Interstellar Federal Republic that originated on Earth. It encompasses Earth, its colonies within the Solar System, and numerous Human civilizations from nearby star systems that have voluntarily joined the Federation. In this universe, the Nemesis theory was revealed to be correct: the Sun is orbited by a brown dwarf star, which in turn has a habitable planet colonized by Earth’s Humans in the late 2100s. This planet, along with colonies on Mars, the Moon, Venus, and others, forms part of the Federation. With a population spread across 5,000 planets, the Federation’s political and administrative capital is located in Rome. The Federation is a diverse and democratic society, emphasizing cooperation and technological advancement.
  2. The Alcobata Empire: The Alcobata Empire is an authoritarian military dictatorship rooted in the star system of Theta Persei in the constellation Perseus. This civilization is characterized by its aggressive militarism, conquest-driven ethos, and extreme xenophobia. Historically, the Alcobata conducted dangerous bacteriological warfare experiments, which resulted in their entire population becoming infertile. In order to sustain their Empire, they resort to kidnapping individuals from other Human civilizations, erasing their memories, and brainwashing them into becoming new citizens of the Empire. The Alcobata Empire, known for its isolationist policies and hostile demeanor, controls around 1,000 planets and operates under a strict, militarized regime.
  3. The Karistus Community: The Karistus Community is a civilization with an economic and political system that resembles State Socialism. Originating from the planet Kepler 442b in the constellation Lyra, the Karistus faced near-annihilation after a devastating war with the Alcobata Empire. Forced to abandon their home planet, they migrated to the Hyades star cluster, where they established a classless and hyper-technological Socialist society. Although the Karistus Community prefers to remain neutral in interstellar conflicts, it maintains a strong relationship with the Terran Federation. Their society is focused on collective welfare and technological innovation, and they govern a network of planets within the Hyades.
  4. The Zeta Theocracy: The Zeta Theocracy is a theocratic civilization originating from the double star system of Zeta Reticuli. They worship the Original Human Race as divine beings and believe themselves to be the direct descendants of the first colony established by the Original Humans billions of years ago. This belief fuels their conviction of superiority over all other Human civilizations in the Galaxy. The Zeta Theocracy is highly expansionist, seeking to unite the entire galaxy under their rule. Recently, they have ended a long-standing war with the Alcobata Empire and are now engaged in a Cold War with the Terran Federation. The Zeta Theocracy governs over 6,000 planets, ruled by a religious elite who impose strict control over their vast domain.

The Mysteries of the Original Human Legacy

While the existence of the Original Humans is a well-accepted fact, much about their civilization and ultimate extinction remains shrouded in mystery. Archaeologists, historians, and scientists from various Human civilizations across the Milky Way are dedicated to uncovering the secrets of the Original Humans. Their ruins, scattered across countless planets, are often seen as sacred sites, and their advanced technologies continue to baffle even the most advanced modern scientists. The Original Humans left behind a plethora of artifacts and technologies that hint at their incredible advancements. These relics range from colossal structures on remote planets to highly sophisticated devices capable of manipulating energy and matter in ways that modern science can scarcely comprehend. Many Human civilizations view these relics with reverence, while others seek to unlock their secrets to gain a technological edge. Some notable relics include:

  1. The Gates of Solaris: A massive ring-like structure found on a planet orbiting a distant star. Believed to be a portal or teleportation device, its operation remains a mystery. Numerous expeditions have attempted to activate it, but none have succeeded.
  2. The Cradle of Genesis: An underground facility on an uncharted planet, filled with advanced genetic engineering equipment. It is thought to be where the Original Humans first developed the technology to seed life across the universe.
  3. The Star Forge: An immense space station capable of constructing entire fleets of starships. It is heavily guarded by automated defense systems and has become the focal point of many conflicts among Human civilizations seeking its power.

The Schism

Millions of years ago, a major event known as the Schism fragmented the Original Human Empire. This event, whose causes are still debated, led to the dispersion of the Original Humans across the Galaxy. Some factions of the Original Humans became more insular and isolated, while others continued to spread and colonize. The differing ideologies and philosophies resulting from the Schism have influenced the diverse cultures and political systems seen in Human civilizations today.

The Enigma of the Great Extinction

The extinction of the Original Humans is one of the universe’s greatest mysteries. Various theories abound:

  1. Technological Overreach: Some believe that the Original Humans’ relentless pursuit of advanced technology led to their downfall, possibly through an artificial intelligence uprising or a catastrophic experiment.
  2. Cosmic Catastrophe: Another theory posits that a massive cosmic event, such as a supernova or gamma-ray burst, wiped out their central civilization, leaving their colonies scattered and isolated.
  3. Self-Destructive War: A darker hypothesis suggests that internal conflicts, possibly related to the Great Schism, escalated into a war that annihilated their civilization.
  4. Ascension or Transcendence: A more speculative theory is that the Original Humans evolved to a higher plane of existence, leaving the material universe behind. Proponents of this idea often cite strange, seemingly supernatural phenomena encountered near ancient relics.

The Search for the Directive

A legend persists among many Human civilizations about the Directive — an ultimate set of instructions or a guiding philosophy left by the Original Humans. It is said to contain the secrets of the universe and the key to achieving true unity and peace among all Human civilizations. Scholars and adventurers tirelessly search for clues, hidden in ancient texts and relics, hoping to uncover the Prime Directive and fulfill the legacy of the Original Humans.

«No one is guilty of being born a slave. But the slave to whom not only aspirations for freedom are alien, but who justifies and paints his slavery in rosy colors, such a slave is a lackey and a brute who arouses a legitimate sense of indignation, disgust and repugnance.»

— Vladimir Lenin


This does sound interesting! I like it! There’s some good stories to be told here.

You’ll laugh! You’ll cry! You’ll kiss three bucks goodbye!