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2037 SE : The changes to the OT films & general future Special Edition discussion thread


2037 Special Editions - or any future altered SE release!

The changes to the Original Trilogy films & general future / 2037 Special Edition release discussion.

^ The original title of “2026 SE : The changes to the OT films & general 2026 Special Edition discussion thread” was based on the usual 7-8 year gap between the previous Special Edition releases: 1997-2004-2011-2019-2026. As 2026 actually approaches, I thought it better to change this to ‘2037 SE’, so there is no mistaken belief of there being a 2026 Special Edition release.


^ “Somehow, Lucas returned!”

(and made even more changes for a highly unlikely future Special Edition release. Though you never know!) 😉



To any Rebels, Imperials, Guild Members and the dedicated scum and villainy from the OT•com reading this…

This is just one of a seven-part set of linked threads (see the end of this post for the links) to talk about each of the four main ‘Special Edition’ releases and the respective changes made to them over time - including a post for the original unaltered theatrical version, and also an unlikely scenario where “Somehow Lucas has returned!” with more changes made in yet another improbable future release.

The reason for these threads is try and help inform, educate and highlight any new fans who are unaware or are uninitiated with some the history of these continuing changes made to the three iconic Original Trilogy films (or be a reminder for me some of more forgetful members here). As well as highlighting a lack of release for the Original Trilogy films in their classic pre-1997 Special Edition version, and also about some of the changes & tweaks made to the groundbreaking and award-winning OT films from 1977 to 1996 too…

To serve as a centralised discussion and information thread for each of the main Original Trilogy releases… and also an archive of some of the quality threads and posts on the subject which has taken place on here down the years - as well as any useful, insightful or informative articles elsewhere.

Or a chance to just chat some more about the specific & differing releases of the Original Trilogy

Much credit to oojason for sending me his plans & ideas for the incomplete version of these threads - ‘I will finish what you started!’

Below is some hopefully useful & introductory information on a hypothetical 2026 / future Special Edition release of the Original Trilogy films (or simply a reminder for us oldies)


The Announcement (+ Promo material) for the 2037 Special Edition:-


Such a Special Edition release probably isn’t going to happen…

Though if it did, it would be good to see Lucasfilm finally address some of the issues & errors that have gone unfixed and uncorrected in the previous releases of the Original Trilogy films:-

You’d think they’d clean this up - the unfixed issues of the 2004 OT SE DVD release…

What HASN’T changed on the 2011 OT SE Blu-ray release – the uncorrected mistakes…

Uncorrected mistakes or unfixed issues of the 2019 (Maclunkey) Original Trilogy release?


Or suggestions for any changes you’d actually like to see in a future Special Edition release…

SE Changes that SHOULD have been made/should be made in the future

“Future Theatrical and DVD Releases” What do we think they will be?

If you could make your own SE change, what would that be?

How the Special Edition Should Have Been

A modest proposal: Should Lucas make more OT changes?

What next for Star Wars - Extended Editions?

Special Editions - Improvement to Film or Changing History?


And some general Special Edition threads :-

What is meant by ‘Special Edition’?

Special Edition Restoration

GL’s “Vision”

Did George actually have an “original vision?”

What HASN’T been changed to reflect GL’s “original intent”

Is there a single Lucasfilm release on blu that has not been tampered with?

Are retrospective changes just fan service?

OT Special Edition haters

Special Edition guilty pleasures

Your Favorite And Least Favorite Special Edition Changes

Most pointless SE change?

Most telling SE moment - by CHEWBAKAspelledwrong

If you could only remove one SE change…?

When did you sense a disturbance in the Force?

Why do you think he does it?

Lucas’ Hypocrisy Strikes Again

It’s Official: George Lucas hates his fans 😛

Lucas is just trolling now - THR Interview

redeeming lucas

There should be a proper release of the 1977 Star Wars at this point

Do you think Disney will release the unaltered versions for DVD and blue ray

Where do I go from here as a SW fan?

How many times have you bought the movies?

What do you think was the best release of the OT at the time it came out?

Which version/release of the Star Wars movies do you watch and why?

DIF - Difference tool to spot visual changes - Current 2004 vs 2019 - by none


Rumours (and some clickbait) of the OOT possibly being released over the years…

Star Wars: 30th Anniversary (2007 - New Box-set) (2007 rumour thread)

SDCC news - OUT “quite likely” on Blu-ray (2013 rumour thread)

Blu-Ray Of Unaltered Original Trilogy Rumour (2014 rumour thread)

What will the “official” Star Wars blu rays mess up? (2014 rumour thread)

Celebration 2017 Speculation (2017 rumour thread)

^ more to be added in this section…



Alderaan shot first!

New leaked footage for the 2037 Special Edition:-

George Lucas: “The controversy over who shot first, Alderaan or the Death Star, in Episode IV, what I did was try to clean up the confusion, but obviously it upset people because they wanted the Death Star [who seemed to be the one who shot first in the original] to be a cold-blooded killer, but it actually isn’t. It had been done in all close-ups and it was confusing about who did what to whom. I put a little wider shot in there that made it clear that Alderann is the one who shot first, but everyone wanted to think that the Death Star shot first, because they wanted to think that it actually just blew the planet up.”

^ from www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/george-lucas-star-wars-interview-288523 or something, in 2012.

Though only now does the technology exist to finally correct this scene!



Sources Of Information:-

‘What has changed?’ articles from StarWars•com for the coming 2026 Special Editions…

Star Wars : coming soon…

Empire Strikes Back : coming soon…

Return Of The Jedi : coming soon…


2037 SE alteration information (TBA here): https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_changes_in_Star_Wars_re-releases



Since the 1997 Special Editions through to the 2019 SE ‘Maclunkey’ releases (all credit to doubleofive):-

Will this scene below make it through into any future Special Edition releases…?

Never forget that the Death Star has been in clear site of Yavin IV from the beginning of the battle since 1997 and this is how the Special Edition should have ended.':-

www.wired.com/story/put-original-star-wars-on-disney-plus (and scroll down to the ‘The Game Breaker’ section)



All Changes Made to Star Wars Original Trilogy’ by Marcelo Zuniga (now reuploaded at the Luke Skywalker YouTube channel)

• ‘All Changes Made to Star Wars (Comparison Video) PART I’: www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEch4j4KyoU
• ‘All Changes Made to Star Wars (Comparison Video) PART II’: www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aFJuehq3o4
• ‘All Changes Made to The Empire Strikes Back (Comparison Video)’: www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4FG_MqVfmE
• ‘All Changes Made to Return of the Jedi (Comparison Video)’: www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hT_i05btHI

^ The informative videos above were made in 2015 - and cover the changes from the OOT through to the 2011 SE release on blu ray.


For further information on the home releases of the 2037 Special Editions:-

Star Wars Visual Comparisons - Website : Twitter - by doubleofive
Star Wars On Video - Video Collector’s website
Star Wars Home Video Reference website - projectcclarke’s website
Star Wars on DVD (up to 2005) - Prillaman’s website portal
Star Wars Release Info: 1982-2004 - DavisDVD•com website (via Archive•org)
Star Wars - The Changes: 1997-2011 - DVDActive•com website (via Archive•org)
‘Star Wars home video releases’ - at Wookieepedia


A YouTube video of the original ‘Han Shot First’ scene - and all 4 changes made to it since:-


Han Shot First - All Changes Comparison (1977, 1997, 2004, 2011, 2019)’-

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcswEZFvGgM - at the OriginalTrilogyDaily YouTube channel (2 mins long)



• The Opening Post of the ‘Complete Comparison of Special Edition Visual Changes’ OT•com thread has an index for multiple source of information on many of the changes made to the Original Trilogy films over the years.



General online articles on the Special Edition changes & releases:-

‘Disney+ Should Offer the Star Wars Original Cuts — All of Them’ - at Wired
‘What We Want And How To Make It’ - at SWVC, by doubleofive
‘Special Edition Changes’ at Saving Star Wars, by Zombie84
‘The Star Wars Special Editions’ - at The Star Wars Trilogy
‘15 Changes to the Original ‘Star Wars’ Trilogy That Still Make Us Crazy’ - at Yahoo Entertainment
‘Star Wars Original Trilogy Changes: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly’ - at ScreenRant
‘Who Shot First? The Complete List Of Star Wars Changes’ (actually, it is more of an overview) - at Empire Online
‘Greedo Shoots First’ and ‘Greedo Shoots First, Take 4: Maclunkey’ - at SWVC, by doubleofive
‘Star Wars: 10 Worst Crimes Against the Original Trilogy’ - at Den Of Geek
‘The 12 Worst Changes George Lucas Made To Star Wars’ - at Goliath
‘How Star Wars’ Special Edition Ruined Mos Eisley’s Scum & Villainy’ - at ScreenRant
‘Star Wars: Why Do People Hate Vader’s Added Line in ROTJ So Much?’ - at CheatSheet
‘The Version of Star Wars on Disney+ Changes the Canon Once Again’ - at Wired
‘J.J. Abrams Wants The Original Star Wars Trilogy Theatrical Cuts To Be Released Again’ - at ScreenRant
‘The Star Wars Blu-Ray Blues’ - at Saving Star Wars (debunking Lucas’ 2010 claim of the ‘difficulties’ in restoring the OOT)
‘Save Star Wars’ - doubleofive’s Blog article (re Lucas’ disingenuous 2010 comments on the ‘difficulties’ of restoring the OOT)
‘Untouched is impossible: the story of Star Wars in film’ - 2010 article at ARS Technica
‘Could Disney finally give us the remastered, unedited Star Wars we want?’ - 2017 article at ARS Technica


General OriginalTrilogy•com threads covering the Special Edition changes & releases:-

An Index & Help Thread for Original Trilogy Discussion
An Index & Help Thread for Theatrical Cuts vs. Subsequent Releases
Complete Comparison of Special Edition Visual Changes
An OriginalTrilogy.com Timeline | a history of the site | the why & how it came to be…
George Lucas: Star Wars Creator, Unreliable Narrator & Time Travelling Revisionist
Some useful OT.com threads re the suppression of the theatrical Original Trilogy films
The 'Naysayer Guide’ by people who DON’T want an unaltered theatrical release of the Original Trilogy…
Articles & info that highlight / call for a classic version release of the Original Trilogy
4K restoration on Star Wars

Modern SE Revisionism
Reasoning Behind Changes from Release to Release
It seems like nobody involved in the making of the OT has spoken up about GL’s oppression of the OOT
You’d think they’d clean this up - the unfixed issues of the 2004 OT SE DVD release…
What HASN’T changed on the 2011 OT SE Blu-ray release – the uncorrected mistakes…
Uncorrected mistakes or unfixed issues of the 2019 (Maclunkey) Original Trilogy release?
What will be the next physical home media release of the Original Trilogy? (after the 2019 SE releases on discs)
Credits & Leaders Thread
Disney Plus should release all of the theatrical versions of the Star Wars movies



^ George is probably looking into doing this for the 2037 SE release right now! And these below…





‘The changes to the Original Trilogy films & general Special Edition discussion’ threads:-

The OOT (1977-1996)
1997 Special Edition
2004 Special Edition
The 2006 GOUT DVD
2011 Special Edition
2019 Special Edition
2037 Special Edition (“Somehow… Lucas has returned!”) - or any possible future SE release.

If you know of any articles or OT•com threads that are relevant, or would improve this thread, please post them below - thank you.

The FE Renegades thread; from the people who post ‘go kill yourself’, ‘fuck you’, ‘let’s throw abuse’, and more at OT staff & members. Four years on and still throwing accusations, slurs and abuse at the OT & anyone outside their Salacious Crumb filled clique. + FE Discord “to vent” more at the OT. Wook’s take.


doubleofive said:

My name is doubleofive, and I approve these threads.

And I have to say they do look sharp on you. I especially like the bow tie.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Are we sure that Fated-Dualist isn’t an oojason sock? 😉

In all seriousness, nice threads! I’m sure these will be good resources. Just one problem though, did you really need to put the Yavin gif in every single thread? It gets a bit repetitive seeing it six times in a row.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


StarkillerAG said:

Are we sure that Fated-Dualist isn’t an oojason sock? 😉

Hah! That’s a big compliment, I think. Thanks 😃

Though no, I’m not, and nor are the other members who were recently accused by someone of being socks (in a wholly more serious manner). I’d say ooj had completed around 50% of this project before I finally convinced him to let me continue it and sent it me on. The idea, layout and many of the categories included are certainly his. The formatting for this site is nuts, and difficult to comprehend, so I am glad he did the majority of that (and is something that I have learnt to ‘copy & paste’ a number of times on here).

There may be a couple more other projects of his to finish too, if I can convince him. Though they’ll be a while yet, and these threads in here aren’t even finished yet (the relevant OT•com threads are still to be found, read through, and added).

5th Nov Edit: The OT•com threads for inclusion in these 6-part OOT/SE threads are all now complete! Phew!

^ If anyone has any suggestions for any further OT•com threads to be included please post them in the relevant thread - thank you

In all seriousness, nice threads! I’m sure these will be good resources. Just one problem though, did you really need to put the Yavin gif in every single thread? It gets a bit repetitive seeing it six times in a row.

Thanks for the ‘nice threads’ 👍

Some people may only be interested in certain Special Editions so I thought it best to include the Yavin gif in each thread. Given it is quite a ‘big thing’ occurring (and recent find by doubleofive) since the '97SE through to the '19SE it kinda made sense to have them in all of the threads. As ooj says, images and gifs can help break up the ‘wall of text = losing interest’ feeling in some lengthier posts.

Plus, anything that points more people to the work and findings of doubleofive’s tireless SWVC project and articles is only a good thing.


doubleofive said:

My name is doubleofive, and I approve these threads.

I am both honoured and humbled. (and I’ll let oojason know of your kind endorsement too!)

Vote 005!

The FE Renegades thread; from the people who post ‘go kill yourself’, ‘fuck you’, ‘let’s throw abuse’, and more at OT staff & members. Four years on and still throwing accusations, slurs and abuse at the OT & anyone outside their Salacious Crumb filled clique. + FE Discord “to vent” more at the OT. Wook’s take.


Such cool threads!

As Fated-Dualist (a huge thankyou) says they will likely be helpful for new & younger fans, and also as a useful reference for people from a long time ago…

A good conversation starter for each of the main releases of the Original Trilogy too. 👍


Fated-Dualist said:

There may be a couple more other projects of his to finish too, if I can convince him. Though they’ll be a while off, and these threads aren’t even finished yet (the relevant OT•com threads are still to found, read through, and added).

You have my attention, what sort of future project threads to do or finish?


Gonk-DB94 said:

Fated-Dualist said:

There may be a couple more other projects of his to finish too, if I can convince him. Though they’ll be a while off, and these threads aren’t even finished yet (the relevant OT•com threads are still to found, read through, and added).

You have my attention, what sort of future project threads to do or finish?

The list of project threads that ooj sent me that he was working on, or was planning to work on, before he left the site due to the ongoing brigading and harassment

(click on the ‘Expand’ button below):

  1. A ‘#ReleaseTheOriginalTrilogy’ thread. A placeholder thread for info on how to politely contact Lucasfilm + Disney > (write, phone & twitter etc) and let them know fans still want the OOT released (on a modern HD format etc). Basically a continuation / update of ADM’s letter writing campaign from ‘back in the day’. A thread to give members the opportunity to contribute in the ‘fight’ for what so many members and the site still want - an offical release. (Also another good place for highlighting the facts and history of the OOT, Lucasfilms & GL’s contradictory and disingenuous statements.)

^ a final draft of this is complete - though ‘requires editing and polishing’. ✔️

2. Find quotes on the OOT being the preferred version / wanting a release of… etc, by people in and around Star Wars - including the crew / talent who worked on them.

^ ‘completed’ recently, (by me Fated) - in the It seems like nobody involved in the making of the OT has spoken up about GL’s oppression of the OOT thread ✔️

3. To create an Index & Help thread of popular / high post count threads in the ‘Technical and How To’ section of the site - to highlight oft-asked questions & posts (and point newer members to some of the more oft-repeated questions / FAQs before making further threads about oft-asked and already answered questions).

^ done & posted by Gonk: An Index of some OT•com threads from ‘How-To’s and Technical Discussions’… ✔️

4. Individual ‘SE changes and general discussion’ threads for each of the main OT releases (inc an OOT and also possible / hypothetical future release); OOT, '97, '04, '11, '19, '26 😉 Use images and gifs to break up any walls of text. Include general online articles as well as OT.com threads in each thread.

^ overview with some articles and categories already indexed for each individual thread. To complete. If decent / a good idea, to ask Jay to ‘sticky’ them in the ‘Theatrical Cuts vs Subsequent Releases’ section so they are all together and easy to find - as introduction type threads for new members to read up & join in on?. ✔️

^ completed by me (Fated).

  1. A centralised ‘current situation’ / ‘How easy / difficult would it be to restore and release the unaltered theatrical version of the OT on a modern home digital format?’ thread; an info thread on the current situation as to the OUT & what it would take on a restoration / technical level for an official release to happen… (despite George’s previous claims). Include links to relevant articles and other OT.com threads of note (including fan projects). Also note about the colour timing, differing sound mix options of the OOT etc.

  2. A centralised audio version of doubleofive’s ‘Star Wars Visual Comparisons’ project thread - or something akin to it. To list or index info on the various audio mixes / options (+ 35mm vs 70mm etc) for the differing pre-1997 SE releases on home releases. To link to many articles and OT.com threads on the subject.

^ done and posted by Gonk: ‘An Index of OT•com threads on all things the Audio of the Original Trilogy…✔️

I edited in above where a couple of the project threads have been completed and posted on here by myself (with permission of ooj). To me, each project ooj lists would be a big benefit for the OT.com and members here, though others may disagree.

I’ll try and attempt ‘Number 3’ in a few weeks, yet the other thread projects are way beyond my knowledge or capability. I hope others on here, with that knowledge, capability and energy may take them on, or do their own similar project thread for some of the ideas above. Maybe?


Edit - just Number 5 to do:-

A ‘How easy / difficult would it be to restore and release the unaltered theatrical version of the OT on a modern home digital format?’ thread. Anyone?

The FE Renegades thread; from the people who post ‘go kill yourself’, ‘fuck you’, ‘let’s throw abuse’, and more at OT staff & members. Four years on and still throwing accusations, slurs and abuse at the OT & anyone outside their Salacious Crumb filled clique. + FE Discord “to vent” more at the OT. Wook’s take.


Oh wow, that is a LOT of content!
I’m willing to give Number 6 a go if you wish? It’d just be a list of OT.com audio/dialogue/music threads and some general online articles, but would help people find the various audio threads on here and information about the different sound mixes etc.

I’d probably need some help with the formatting on this site to lay it all as good as you have in your threads, if ok with you? Send me a PM please, Fated

I love that you decided to go with a separate thread for the GOUT release (from in the OOT thread). It works really well 😃


I just read through your PM draft of it. Looking good 👍

Yeah, the OOT and GOUT are better separated and each having their own thread, thanks to those who suggested that.

The FE Renegades thread; from the people who post ‘go kill yourself’, ‘fuck you’, ‘let’s throw abuse’, and more at OT staff & members. Four years on and still throwing accusations, slurs and abuse at the OT & anyone outside their Salacious Crumb filled clique. + FE Discord “to vent” more at the OT. Wook’s take.


Given that George replaced Sebastian Shaw with Hayden Christensen for this scene in the 2004 Special Edition of ROTJ:-

I’m surprised George didn’t also replace Sebastian Shaw with Hayden Christensen for this scene below. Though maybe George was waiting until Hayden is somewhat older before filming it and then making the change…?

(Maybe there are plans to just change it for everyone’s Disney+ version / another Special Edition release at some point in the future! 😉 I’m just kidding, just kidding…)

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


oojason said:

Given that George replaced Sebastian Shaw with Hayden Christensen for this scene in the 2004 Special Edition of ROTJ:-

I’m surprised George didn’t also replace Sebastian Shaw with Hayden Christensen for this scene below. Though maybe George was waiting until Hayden is somewhat older before filming it and then making the change…?

(Maybe there are plans to just change it for everyone’s Disney+ version / another Special Edition release at some point in the future! 😉 I’m just kidding, just kidding…)

The irony is that by 2026 the exact same amount of time will have elapsed since they shot RotS as passed in-universe between Anakin’s duel with Obi-Wan on Mustafar and RotJ.


I have confidence that they will add Jar Jar into the trilogy.

I’m not really that much of a movie purist. I really should’ve thought my name out a bit more.


The Star Wars Purist said:

I have confidence that they will add Jar Jar into the trilogy.


Well, they added Gungans into the end scene of Return of the Jedi for the 2004 Special Edition. Even giving them the final line of dialogue for the film and whole Original Trilogy: “Weesa free!”, so it unfortunately wouldn’t be that surprising if he was added elsewhere in the OT in some future SE release.

Matthew Wood says he did the voice for the Gungan that says the “Weesa free!” line. And claims it is a simply a random Gungan:-

from https://talklikejarjarday.com/blog/262-does-jar-jar-exclaim-wesa-free-at-the-end-of-return-of-the-jedi

Sorry for the bump. It still annoys me to this day whenever I see an “official” release of ROTJ from 2004 onwards.

“In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be “replaced” by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten.” - George Lucas


I love the “Alderaan shot first!” gif joke and description. Very George!

The Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear.

Formerly Emre1601 - computer hard drives are brittle too!


There probably won’t be an another Special Edition release?

Nobody else at Lucasfilm is going to alter “George’s films”, and if George’s last SE changes were for what became the 2019 SE cuts, then that is probably it. No more Special Editions for the Original Trilogy.

The Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear.

Formerly Emre1601 - computer hard drives are brittle too!