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Jedi Matt

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Can anyone recommend some good Star Wars fan films?

I’m getting interested in Star Wars fan films and am looking for some new suggestions. A few of the good ones that I’ve found so far are Darth Maul: Apprentice, Wingman: An X-Wing Story, and Il Faut Sauver R2D2 (Saving Private R2-D2). Any suggestion is welcome. If anyone knows where some good ones can be downloaded would be great as well, as most I’ve seen are only on YouTube. Thank you in advance!

Best Fan Preservations of STAR WARS Laserdiscs to DVD?

As an aside…

A ‘Bonus Material’ based preservation project (some LD-sourced) from on MySpleen - available in the collection above:-

(BD-50) The Original Star Wars Trilogy Archives Vol. 1

Size: 44.82 GB (48,125,378,560 bytes)
Added: 2017-03-03 23:18:00 GMT


Hi all,

I’d like to present to you today a special project I’ve been working on for a number of years now.

The aim of the project was to create a Blu-ray companion to the Blu-ray release which archives all the best Star Wars features from official and unofficial sources, including all of the extra material from the previous laserdisc and DVD releases. Over time, the project grew into something much larger, and so I was forced to span the features over two BD-50 discs. This torrent is the first volume.

Included are the following features…


Empire of Dreams (Source: DVD)
Star Wars Begins (Source: Vimeo)
Building Empire (Source: Vimeo)
Returning to Jedi (Source: Vimeo)
From Star Wars to Jedi (Source: Japanese Laserdisc)
Star Wars: A definitive history

TV Specials:

Clapperboard: Empire Strikes Back special
Michel Parbot’s Empire Strikes Back (excerpts)
When Star Wars ruled the world
Star Wars: An MTV special
The Force returns
Star Wars: The making of the myth
Star Wars: The magic and the mystery
Star Wars: Feel the force
Star Wars at the BBC


War stories: An interview with George Lucas (Source: Laserdisc)
A tour of the Lucasfilm archives (Source: Laserdisc)
The Birth of the Lightsaber (Source: DVD)
The Characters of Star Wars (Source: DVD)
The Star Wars gallery with Ralph McQuarrie (Source: Laserdisc)
Making of Star Wars book footage (Source: Epub)
Blast it Biggs! Where are you? (Source: Vimeo)
Star Wars in numbers (Source: Vimeo)
Special edition making of
1977 gag reel (Source: Epub)
DVD gag reel (Source: DVD)
Sound advice: An interview with Ben Burtt (Source: Laserdisc)
How walkers walk (Source: Laserdisc)
The flight through the asteroids storyboards (Source: Laserdisc)
Do or do not (Source: Vimeo)
Making of Empire book footage (Source: Epub)
The ABC’s of Jedi effects (Source: Laserdisc)
Jedi videomatics (Source: Laserdisc)
Lapti Nek music video (Source: Laserdisc)
Making of Jedi book footage (Source: Epub)
Return of the Jedi special location effects (Source: Vimeo)
Slimy piece of worm-ridden filth (Source: Vimeo)
Return of the Ewok
The Force is with them (Source: DVD)


Where I can recall, I have listed the source for each item. As the items were collected over a number of years, I do not immediately recall where many came from. Over time, I will update them with as much information as I can. Many of the sources are not of my own, and I wish to thank the many original preservers, such as Babyhun, and also a special thanks to Jamie Benning for his wonderful Star Wars filmumentary features. Can I please encourage you to make a contribution to his Patreon page here: https://www.patreon.com/jamiebenning


To maintain worldwide compatibility, an effort was made to source all material in native NTSC format, retaining their original encoding. Where that was not possible, assets were carefully re-encoded to maintain as much of the original quality as possible via Adobe Premiere CS6. The disc was authored using Adobe Encore CS6.

The Future:

As mentioned, this disc took a very long time to create, working on and off through work commitments. I will immediately begin work on vol. 2 which will include Interviews and TV appearances, Trailers and TV spots, Commercials and Expanded Universe. I don’t know how long it will take, but I will be sure to release it here when it’s done.

Thankyou for your interest in this project, and please share for as long as possible.’

Wow, that is a very impressive amount of bonus material!! I have been hoping to find the MTV special for some time now. And this is only volume 1? Hopefulle volume 2 will become available one day.

❕ An <strong>Index Of Projects</strong> &amp; <strong>Help Thread</strong> for <strong><em>Star Wars Preservations...</em></strong> ❕

oojason said:


📍 A few available Original Trilogy Preservations - from a long time ago . . . .




November 2024 Edit: If anyone would like some links to any of the Original Trilogy preservations below… send me a PM. 👍

These are just a few of the many legacy OT preservation projects undertaken by the amazing community here over the years. Some of these intriguing projects may have become overlooked, forgotten, lost, or difficult to acquire over time… and this is merely my attempt to try and remedy that. Also on offer below, are some links to a couple of the more recent OT projects…

Note: You must be an active/contributing member of the site; someone with 50+ posts - without including any ‘link request’ posts. Please do NOT ask me for links to any other projects - I only have links for the projects listed below (via GoFile / Mega / GoogleDrive).

For traffic issues: please do NOT share any links I give you - though feel free to re-upload any project below and then share those links.

The Key…

☑️ = link is currently available.
⛔ = link is not currently available.

^ (⛔ - unavailable probably due to a shortage of ‘storage space’. Send me a PM and a temporary link can be set up - in time)…


The Projects…

☑️ kchrules Star Wars Trilogy: 1990 ‘Collectors Gift Pack’ VHS Preservation - Transfer MP4 | 10gb total; (Rikter’s BLAK0057).
☑️ kchrules Star Wars Trilogy: 1995 ‘THX Widescreen Edition’ VHS Preservation - Transfer MP4 | 8.9gb total; (Rikter’s BLAK0058).

☑️ MagnoliaFan preANH Bootleg Preservation - bootleg handcam VHS of the original theatrical version. A 3.63gb mkv file.

☑️ TN1 Original Trilogy on CED Preservation | 10.4gb total - a mix of mkv and mp4 files.

☑️ Puggo - Jar Jar’s Yoda Super 8 OT Transfers | 3gb total - for Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back.

• Several notable legacy ‘Laserdisc to DVD’ Preservations for the Original Trilogy (with a few more projects to be added soon)

☑️ TR47
☑️ Dr Gonzo
☑️ EditDroid
☑️ Moth3r PAL - I only have Star Wars & Empire Strikes Back - if anyone has a working copy of Return Of The Jedi please let me know.
☑️ IsoMix
☑️ Farsight
☑️ althor1138 OT: Japanese Special Collection 1985 - 480p - althor1138’s info thread contains many OT laserdisc preservations.
☑️ Dark_Jedi 1993 Definitive Collection - ‘SW Trilogy version 1 info (V1)’ (Widescreen) - just some of Dark_Jedi’s many projects.
☑️ Wookie Groomer SplitScreen
☑️ Laserman & Zion : The XØ Project | an unfinished project; albeit with a 18.85gb mkv file ‘raw capture’ release of Star Wars.

☑️ Dark_Jedi Theatrical Original Trilogy - DVB - V3 - 21.1gb total - DVD files.

☑️ Puggo - Jar Jar’s Yoda : 16mm OT Preservation - SW | ESB | ROTJ | 6.85gb total - all 3 files are in MKV format.

☑️ JawsTDS Return of the GOUT - Preservation & Restoration | 44gb total | The 2006 GOUT DVDs upscaled to 720p.

☑️ Harmy Despecialized Editions : SW 2.7 | ESB 2.0 | ROTJ 2.5 | 11gb total; each film likely resized to fit 3 x 4gb USB Flash Drives.
☑️ Harmy Despecialized Editions : SW: 2.7 (720p) | ESB: 2.0 (720p) | ROTJ: 3.1 (1080p) | 67gb total; the latest available versions.
☑️ Harmy Despecialized Editions : ROTJ: 3.1 (4K/UHD 2160p) | a 49.4gb mkv file; the latest available version of ROTJ from Harmy.

☑️ TN1 4K77/80/83 : 4K77 v1.4 - 15.6gb mkv | 4K80 v1.0 - 11.2gb mkv | 4K83 v2.0 - 11.6gb mkv | 39gb total; files found on TPB.

☑️ The 1997 Special Edition : ‘Five Star Collection’ - bootleg DVD preservation project | 20gb total - iso files.
☑️ The 1997 Special Edition on VCD (Malaysia release) - VCD was the only official digital format release for the 1997 SE | 4.3gb total.
☑️ The ‘TB Release’ 1997 Special Edition (DVB) : OT.com Info Thread - in SD - though good quality. 12.9gb in total - iso files.

☑️ Harmy Star Wars: ANH - ReSpecialized Edition '97R (1997 Special Edition of ANH in HD) - a 10.7gb mkv file.
☑️ ImBateman Empire Strikes Back - 1997 Special Edition HD Reconstruction (1997 SE of ESB in HD) - a 14.8gb mkv file.
☑️ ImBateman Return of the Jedi - 1997 Special Edition HD Reconstruction (1997 SE of ROTJ in HD) - a 19.5gb mkv file.

☑️ Jambe Davdar Filmumentaries : Star Wars Begins - video | Building Empire - video | Returning To Jedi - video | 10gb mkv.
☑️ Corellian Sailor “Bilder aus Amerika” - The Making of ROTJ (1983) - Documentary Preservation; w/ English subs | 6.5gb mkv.
☑️ ABC The OT Soundtracks Salvage - SWESBROTJ - “remastered” - 2.74gb FLAC files - soundtrack preservation.

☑️ RowMan The Official RowMan Release Thread - 4-disc Original Trilogy ‘Bonus Materials’ project | 14.7gb total - DVD files.
☑️ EditDroid EditDroid Features 4 Disc Set - Original Trilogy ‘Bonus Materials’ project | 16.3gb total - DVD files.
☑️ KurtBenoit The Official babyhum Release Thread - a MySpleen re-upload of babyhum’s 18-disc / 75gb ‘Bonus Materials’ project.
☑️ CLDavi The Babyhum Blu-Ray Collection - Original Trilogy Disc - a 21gb zip BMDV; OT ‘re-sort’ of babyhum’s original collection.
☑️ Neothebird (BD-50) The Original Star Wars Trilogy Archives Vol. 1 - 48gb ISO file. A collection of Star Wars ‘Bonus Materials’.

☑️ EditDroid The ‘Star Wars Holiday Special’ - 2015 EditDroid version - a 1.42gb MP4 file - or a 7.26gb iso file.

☑️ schorman13 1080p HDTV Star Wars Saga Preservation (Eps 1-6) | 52gb total: v2.9 (lower bitrate encode) | OT is the 2004 SE.
☑️ Wookie Groomer 1080p Star Wars Saga Project (Eps 1-6) | ~240gb total - so will be made available per Episode upon request.

☑️ adywan The Phantom Menace - Theatrical Version - NTSC DVD - a 7.36gb DVD9 file.
☑️ spoRv Attack Of The Clones - Centropy UAR version (Theatrical Cut) - a 3.97gb mkv file.

As an aside, these Star Wars Fan Edits are also available…

☑️ The Phantom Editor’s Ep I: The Phantom Edit | a 4.35gb DVD file | see An Index for Star Wars Fan Edits for more info.
☑️ The Phantom Editor’s Ep II: Attack Of The Phantom | a 4.10gb DVD file. | see An Index for Star Wars Fan Edits for more info.
☑️ MagnoliaFan Edits: Ep I “Balance Of The Force”, and Ep II “The Clone War” - BOTF: 4.19gb. TCW: 4.22gb. Both are mkv files.
☑️ ADigitalMan Special Editions Saga - Fan Edits for Episodes 1-6 & Episode 2.5 Clone Wars | 15gb in total - mkv files.
☑️ Darth Lunar The Blackened Mantle (3-in-1 Prequel Trilogy Fan Edit) - a 2.5gb mkv file.
☑️ njvc Pulp Empire - a 3.9gb mkv file.

☑️ ocpmovie OT ‘Classic Editions’ Fan Edits : SW | ESB | ROTJ | 🔺 The Banning of OCP Movie - 2006 OT•com thread. 🔺
^ Anyone selling fan projects - their own or others’ - will be banned on the OT.com - just as any other fan project community will do.

…and this non Star Wars preservation project is available too, by Moth3r (RIP)

☑️ My Summer With Des - VHS preservation - a 699mb avi file.


Or if anybody would like to share any links they have for other OT preservation projects on the OT•com not listed above - PM me. 👍

I’d especially love to include the following projects to the above list of legacy preservations…

• Video Collector’s Theater Performance Edition: Empire Strikes Back betamax bootleg preservation
• Video Collector’s Theater Performance Edition: Return of the Jedi betamax bootleg preservation
• Doctor M’s Dr. M’s Reinventing The Wheel Edition (PAL to NTSC+) LD-to-DVD OT preservation project.
• a ‘Revenge Of The Sith’ theatrical cut preservation/reconstruction project (preferably a small mkv etc - under 10gb)
• Moth3r’s ‘Return Of The Jedi’ LD-to DVD PAL OT preservation project (I have uploaded SW and ESB - but cannot find ROTJ)
• njvc’s Star Wars Despecialized Editions - Custom Bluray Set - ‘Option 3’: the 3 50gb ISOs (Film & Special Features).

^ as well as any VHD, Betamax, V2000, and Video8 preservation projects for the Original Trilogy. If you can help, send me a PM.


Much kudos and credit to benduwan, Jaded Skywalker, Jay, none, Rikter, Schorman13, SnooPac, Stretch009, & Zion for the inspiration for this - and providing some of the content. Also a massive thank you to everyone involved in creating and supporting the countless number of fan projects on here down the years; including the old PIF heroes, the seeders & uploaders, and the archivists & collectors.

Note: Whilst superb Star Wars projects like adywan’s Revisited, Hal 9000’s Saga, and NeverarGreat’s Prequel Edits certainly are legacy projects on here - they are still easily and readily available from the creators themselves - and so are not included in the above list.


The above list of available projects is updated once a month - at the same time I update the various ‘Project Index’ threads…

Star Wars Preservation : Star Wars Fan Edits and Misc. : Preservation of Other Properties : Fan Edits and Projects for Other Properties


Last Updated: Saturday 28th December, 2024.





The 📍 a few useful links for info and projects; some old, some new, some long forgotten… 📍 thread - may also be of interest.

Rodney-2187’s quality Guide to Star Wars Documentaries and Special Features project is also well worth a look at.

An Index for Case Covers, Disc Labels, and Fan Art has many custom covers & art for some of the featured projects in here.



RoccondilRinon has very kindly made an OriginalTrilogy•com animated logo for use with any Preservation or Fan Edit projects.

There are three animated variants of the OT•com logo available for download, along with a still image in .png format.

More information can be found in the thread below…

OT•com animated logo - NOW AVAILABLE for use in fan edits and other projects(by RoccondilRinon)


Thanks for compiling and sharing this list! Very kind and very helpful.

Are you glad Lucas sold Lucasfilm to Disney or do you wish he hadn’t?

I think that Disney has has some, shall we say, “missteps”, but on the whole they have done pretty well in my opinion. The Last Jedi was the low point in my opinion. While The Acolyte had some problems, I don’t count myself among the haters on that one. I would have liked to see where they would have gone with another season. Skeleton Crew, while aimed at a younger audience, has been fun and refreshing. Over all, I’d say I’m optimistic for the future of the franchise.