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Clone Wars (2003 animated series by Genndy Tartakovsky) - a general discussion thread


I realized there is no thread on here dedicated to the discussion of the Clone Wars animated … whatever you call it … series? miniseries? collection of animated shorts? Volumes?

Anyway, it being a fairly cool bit of EU that did the important job of bridging Ep II and III, it certainly involves a thread, now that both volumes are on DVD especially.

I wanted to know if anybody noticed that one of the featured characters belonged to the “Wolf Man” race that Lucas excised from ANH in the SEs. Am I the only one who picked up on that? The fact that this race would be singled out in such a manner perhaps hints to some serious O-OT coolness on the part of Genndy Tartakovsky. But I never saw this mentioned anywhere.


2003 Clone Wars animated series - Wookieepedia Page : Lucasfilm Wiki Page : IMDB Page : Wikipedia Page : Toonami Page

A decent source of information for the 2003 series - http://yourcinema.azurewebsites.net/TvShows/3122/star-wars-clone-wars

I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
Yes, I noticed that. What about that Jedi in Chapter 20 who looked remarkably like Shaggy from Scooby-Doo?

But, as far as the series goes, I believe that season 3 is the best.
I came lately into the Clone Wars series but have come to regard it as, in my opinion, the best SW work that has come out since, well, the original films. Every frame seems to scream 'I was created by artists who CARE about this work and this story!'. Makes me wish that the mantle of newer films would have been passed to more creators like that.

Yoda vs. the Invasion has to be flat out the most bad-ass moment of Star Wars-ism in 20 years. THAT is the Yoda I imagined- few words and mighty mind-over-matter Force manipulation. Gave me goosebumps!
I hate the Clone Wars. Really dull and pathetic. The voice acting and dialogue is awful. the animation is weird and the love stupid scenes between Anakin and padme are just plain creepy.
"Yub Knub" by Warrick Davis
Originally posted by: kev
I hate the Clone Wars. Really dull and pathetic. The voice acting and dialogue is awful. the animation is weird and the love stupid scenes between Anakin and padme are just plain creepy.

How can you say that?
I must tell that the first time I've seen a picture of Clone Wars (not an animated sample) I was shocked and very disappointed. At this time, I've had imagined a reallistic design, and instead, I see some kind of weird characters. But when I've seen the first 10 seconds of the 1st chapter, I was... WOW! It's really cool! Great animation! And I've even loved the design... That could seems pretty weird to have changed my mind on that, and I can't explain how. After all, I've had the same reactions about the Simpsons, many years ago. First: "What a weird design! The characters are awfull!"... then: "I love it! And the design is genius!".

All that to say that all you've mentioned can be though before seeing it, but after? I don't get it...
I think you've missed the important fact about Clone Wars: it's a caricature! All in it is exagerated. The jedi can do some things that can never be showned in a movie (Mace Windu against a whole army of Super Battle Droids, Yoda pushing back Trade Fed barges,...). You have to see it as a caricature, but it's serious (I mean it's not a parody).

It's too bad you're seeing like you do... Of course, you have the right to not like it, but I really think that's one of the best EU part that have be done in this new SW era. Just my opinion...
Originally posted by: kev
I hate the Clone Wars. Really dull and pathetic. The voice acting and dialogue is awful. the animation is weird and the love stupid scenes between Anakin and padme are just plain creepy.

What's the deal with you? You hate everything eccept the OOT. Can't you even try to enjoy something once in a while?

I dont think much of the cartoons, i found the animation to be quite good, i just found some of the Jedi powers stupid compared to the films, and found the cartoons on the whole a bit boring( and i like animated features) especially Vol 1, as it seemed to just action without much story.

To be fair to Kev i am sure there are many many others and is not only one who hates everything except the O.O.T if thats true.....
Luke: Leia, do you remember the Clone Wars, the animated Clone Wars.

Leia: Visions, they were on Cartoon Network but I was very young

Luke: I have no memory of the Clone Wars

I noticed that if you are into EU, you are more apt to like the Clone Wars Series. Personally I could never get into them, because I hate when Lucas has to include something interesting that he didn't have time to put in the prequel movies. But he can spend the first hour of TPM developing Jar Jar. It is one more reason why the prequels get my blood boiling when I think about them.

To me, it would have been if Lucas made a cartoon of Luke training on Dagoabah cause he didn't have time to put it in ESB.
You have to divorce Lucas from Clone Wars (and any EU for that matter). Remember Lucasfilm Ltd is a big corporation. Oh he may have a hand in stamping approval on greenlighting this or that project but I'd imagine that George will approve just about anything that doesn't overtly harm the franchise. That said I think what makes Clone Wars work is, like I mentioned, are the actual CREATORS of the series who had little influence from George and had a love for the source material. George only had a hand in the PT and we all have our opinions of those. I see the PT as mainly a marketing driven entity helmed by not a filmmaker and a creator but by a CEO interested in keeping a cashflow alive. Clone Wars was produced by a bunch of guys in a small studio with action figures all over their desks- people who love what they're doing and would *probably* be doing it even if no one was even to see the finished product.
Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
Yes, I noticed that. What about that Jedi in Chapter 20 who looked remarkably like Shaggy from Scooby-Doo?

Ha ha! You noticed that too?! I was laughing so hard when I saw it! And then, of all things, that live action Scooby-Doo movie came on next. I just about burst my lungs.

But I'm not a real big fan of the Clone Wars. I just kept watching it thinking "wow, the fact that this is better than the movie...is really depressing." I mean, General Grevous is super bad-ass in the cartoon. Totally awesome. But in the movie, well, I just want to claw my face off whenever he is on screen (I just fast forward the DVD. It makes the movie about half as long when I do that.)
"I am altering the movies. Pray I don't alter them any further." -Darth Lucas
I don't think I've seen the Clone Wars chapter in question, but I came across the Jedi you're talking about in the Databank yesterday. I threw up in my mouth a little and swallowed it back down. Then I figured, why the hell not? Let's fill Star Wars up with pop culture references and genre in-jokes. It's not like I'm getting my weekly Futurama fix anymore, and there's only so much "modern mythmaking" you can do before you run out of the sublime and there's nothing left to rip off but the ridiculous. I hope we get a big muscular Jedi in furry briefs named Heem'an in the next series. And for a sweeps let's tear down the fourth wall and let Jay Sherman review it.
"It's the stoned movie you don't have to be stoned for." -- Tom Shales on Star Wars
Scruffy's gonna die the way he lived.
The databank even says his name is Sha' Gi.

Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
The databank even says his name is Sha' Gi.

Oh NO!! Dear God, I honostly believe that it was just a coincidence. I mean, animation is animation. Eventually you are going to make an homage of some sorts with out going over the line, because in animation stuff like that is easily over looked and forgiveable. But now that I know this. Well...that is just too funny. And sad. Yet cute.
At least the director didn't try to make it too obvious. I think that is kinda neat. I mean, he is the director after all. Why not make a small cameo of one of your favorite characters.
Who's to say that I wouldn't do the same? If given the chance I would totally put in The Professor (from the PowerPuff Girls) as a minor background character. Why? Because I can. I won't give him any dialogue or anything, but I would totally put him in a Jedi outfit.
"I am altering the movies. Pray I don't alter them any further." -Darth Lucas
I half expected him to be from the planet "Zoinks."
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
Hey, that could be a posibility.
"I am altering the movies. Pray I don't alter them any further." -Darth Lucas
Originally posted by: Invader Jenny
If given the chance I would totally put in The Professor (from the PowerPuff Girls) as a minor background character. Why? Because I can. I won't give him any dialogue or anything, but I would totally put him in a Jedi outfit.

Oh c'mon- next thing you'll tell me that you'd put N'Sync in as Jedi... just because you can. Utter nonsense!

Originally posted by: greencapt
Originally posted by: Invader Jenny
If given the chance I would totally put in The Professor (from the PowerPuff Girls) as a minor background character. Why? Because I can. I won't give him any dialogue or anything, but I would totally put him in a Jedi outfit.

Oh c'mon- next thing you'll tell me that you'd put N'Sync in as Jedi... just because you can. Utter nonsense!


Lucas was almost crazy enough to put those guys in AOTC. Thankfully, he didn't.
Really, is Sha'Gi THAT big of a deal?

Clone Wars Chapter 20 Spoiler...

I mean he's only alive for 3 minutes...
Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lucas was almost crazy enough to put those guys in AOTC. Thankfully, he didn't.

Actually, he did. I forgot which band member, but one of them tosses Anakin a lightsaber in the arena. I cried.

Originally posted by: Knolly
Really, is Sha'Gi THAT big of a deal?

No, it's not. I don't have a problem with it. It's not like he really WAS the Shaggy character. It was an homage. And that is fine.
"I am altering the movies. Pray I don't alter them any further." -Darth Lucas


Wikipedia Page | Wookieepedia Page | IMDB Page | StarWars.com - Clone Wars Announcement (via the Internet Archive) | StarWars.com - A Look at Clone Wars (via the Internet Archive) | CharacterDesignReferences.com - Art Of Clone Wars

Some good old fashioned animated Star Wars fun - sit back, relax and experience the much under-rated 3 x Emmy award winning series; 2 hours full of style, energy, and action - that unfortunately only ran for 3 short seasons. Though the series was so successful it did inspire the further spin-offs in 2008; ‘The Clone Wars’ theatrical film, and ‘The Clone Wars’ animated series…

For me, this Clone Wars series was the first time a genuine friendship between Obi-Wan and Anakin was shown on-screen in the Prequel era (even after 2005’s Revenge Of The Sith film had aired). From their initial abrupt ‘Master & Apprentice’ relationship - transitioning through to respect, friendship, and finally brotherhood. It also improves the character of Anakin that we see in the PT films; and is something that also blends & holds with what we are told by Obi-Wan about Luke’s father in the 1977 film…

2003 Clone Wars also had some memorable portrayals for its adversaries or villains - the likes of the menacing and formidable characters such as Durge, Oro Dassyne, Grievous, San Hill, Asajj Ventress, Tikkes, Dooku, the Skakoan combat engineers, and Palpatine himself - characters not always as well-written or effective (and retconned)… when appearing in later series and films.

Any way you choose to experience this series - and ‘canon’ be damned - enjoy some quality & uniquely paced Star Wars action!


The official ‘Clone Wars Timeline’ for each episode - from the official Star Wars website (via Internet Archive):-


https://web.archive.org/web/20060101083347/http://www.starwars.com/clonewars (Star Wars website section for Clone Wars)


The edited 130 minute film - ‘Episode 2.5: Clone Wars’ by the talented & cunning editor ADigitalMan (info here) - is a quality watch too!


Preservation Projects and Fan Edits for 2003 Clone Wars…

• David M Daut’s Recreating the TV Edits of the 2003 Clone Wars Series (HD)

• Mecha Salesman’s Info: 4K upscales of 2003 Clone Wars (Tartakovsky’s animated tv series) (Released)

• Tackel’s Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) in 4K (Released)

• GabinDayback’s 2003 Clone Wars [Micro-Series] - Original Broadcast Restoration / Chapter Format (RELEASED)

• ben_danger’s Clone Wars Movies - Tartakovsky’s 2003 series - an Ideas thread

• liambrazier’s Clone Wars - The Brazen Fanedit (Released)

• Tackel’s Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) in 4K (Released)

• Kanemedhurst’s Clone Wars 2003 Part 1 & 2 (Kane’s Edits) - Edited for Canon (Released)

• EddieDean’s The Clone Wars: Refocused (v2.0 100% COMPLETE!) - a 2003 CW & 2008 TCW Edit, plus a little more…

• Jibaro’s Another Fan Edit of the 2003 Clone Wars Series (Released) - thread by Darth Malgus

• Broom Kid’s Star Wars: Clone Wars (The Legends Cut) - A 2003-2005 Cartoon Network 2D Micro-Series-to-Movie Edit (Released)

Other 2003 Clone Wars Preservation Projects - in the ‘Star Wars Preservations’ section of this site.

2003 Clone Wars Fan Edits (and then scroll down) - in the ‘Star Wars Fan Edits’ section of this site.




Honest Trailers finally got around to doing a video on this show - worth necrobumping this thread for, after 15 years… 😃

Honest Trailers | Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003)

‘One animator stood against the Darkness and said to hell with making the Force balanced… I’m going to make it… Jack!’

www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3CxQ-OmLkU - 5 minute video


Speaking of Trailers for ‘Clone Wars’…

Star Wars: Clone Wars - Commercials (2003-2004)

www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlDBgnAzeME - a 6 minute video at the Longocony youtube channel.


General Grievous: The Perfect Evil Introduction (2003 Clone Wars)

www.youtube.com/watch?v=177oMdZkU9A - an 8 minute video at the Scendence youtube channel.


Star Wars: Clone Wars - Bridging the Saga (a feature program from the Season 1 DVD of Clone Wars - with George Lucas)

www.youtube.com/watch?v=uV9LvVb84xo - an 8 minute video at the Surf Vidz youtube channel.


Star Wars: Clone Wars - Connecting The Dots (a feature program from the Season 2 DVD of Clone Wars with Genndy Tartakovsky)

www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHrnzh7AYVo - an 11 minute video at the Surf Vidz youtube channel.


This is quite an insightful and informative video too - as well as touching on some of the complex and engaging writing…

Why The 2003 Clone Wars Hit Different

www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFVOt0Ex9vQ - an 18 minute video from the Savage Books youtube channel.


Another thoughtful review of 2003 Clone Wars…

Star Wars Clone Wars: The Most Underrated Star Wars Content (Micro Mini Series 2003-05): Video Essay

www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUeAnVFyxL4 - a 22 minute video at the MovieFlame youtube channel.


And another discerning video into the 2003 series…

My most CONTROVERSIAL Clone Wars Opinion(2003 Clone Wars is better than the 2008 The Clone Wars - and why)…

www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSOGZyg7P4M - a 9 minute video at the Bombastic youtube channel.


A quality playlist for the insightful 2003 Clone Wars ‘Creator Commentaries’, for Volumes 1 & 2 from the DVD for the series:-







A few decent reviews and info pieces for the oft-overlooked 2003 Clone Wars series by Genndy Tartakovsky, with some articles and interviews with Genndy, which persuaded me to give this a re-watch (and I am very glad I did - it was a really fun blast!)

So what happened in between Eps II and III? - at the official Star Wars website, by Leland Chee (2005; via the WayBack Machine)

Official Timeline for 2003 ‘Clone Wars’ series episodes - at the official Star Wars website, (2004; via the WayBack Machine)

Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars Review - at Tatooine Times (2019)

Star Wars Day: The Best ‘Star Wars’ Movie is the One Nobody Talks About - at Indie Wire (2017)

Why Genndy Tartakovsky’s CLONE WARS is still the best Star Wars anything EVER - at Comics Beat (2019)

Genndy Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars Is Low-Key the Best Star Wars TV Series - at CBR (2020)

Why Genndy Tartakovsky’s ‘Clone Wars’ Has the Best Action in All of Star Wars - at Collider (2020)

Genndy Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars Remains Great - at Far Far Away News (2020)

Genndy Tartakovsky’s ‘Clone Wars’: Why the Star Wars Microseries is Still Great - at MovieWeb (2022)

Star Wars on TV: The Original Clone Wars - The greatest modern Star Wars adventure? Yep - at IGN (2008)

Why Genndy Tartakovsky’s Star Wars: Clone Wars Isn’t Canon - at Screen Rant (2019)

Star Wars Clone Wars: Which Parts of the Tartakovsky Series Can Still Be Canon? - at Den Of Geek (2021)

Star Wars needs to acknowledge Genndy Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars once and for al - at SyFy (2020)

How Genndy Tartakovsky’s ‘Clone Wars’ Was Ahead of Its Time - at Collider (2021)

Before ‘The Bad Batch,’ Genndy Tartakovsky Gave Us the Best ‘Clone Wars’ Series - at Collider (2023)

Why Genndy Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars Is Better Than the 2008 Series - at CBR (2023)

A Tale of Two Clone Wars: The Ravaging of EU Canon - at The Escapist (2022)

How Star Wars: The Clone Wars Retconned the 2000s Clone Wars Series - at Den Of Geek (2020)

Brotherhood Retcons Several Of The Most Amazing Lightsaber Battles Of All Time - at CBR (2022)

STAR WARS: CLONE WARS and the Failure of the Expanded Universe - by David M Daut (2019) + The Chronological Star Wars

The Only Truly Great Star Wars Prequel - 2003 Clone Wars - at Esquire (2021)

Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003): A Truly Epic Tale of the Clone Wars and the Fall - at Cameron Movies & TV (2015)

Why Genndy Tartakovsky’s CLONE WARS is still the best Star Wars anything EVER! - at ComicsBeat (2019)

Genndy Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars (2003) Is the Best Star Wars Show You May Never See - at ScreenHub (2021)

Clone Wars – Making the Best of the Worst of Star Wars - at Sacred Iron (2023)

Retro-Reviews: The Clone Wars Micro-Series by Nathan Butler (2003-2005) - at Star Warz (2022)

Genndy Tartakovsky’s Star Wars: Clone Wars, Explained - at CBR (2024)

10 Things From The 2003 Star Wars: Clone Wars Series That Should Be Canon Again - at CBR (2022)

The 10 best moments from Genndy Tartakovsky’s 2003 Clone Wars animated series - at Star Wars Thoughts (2021)


Genndy himself on 2003 Clone Wars…

Genndy Tartakovsky interview with Sci-Fi-Online - on Clone Wars in 2005 - at Review Graveyard (2005)

Tartakovsky Talks About The State Of His SW: Clone Wars Micro-Series - at TFn (2012)

How LucasFilm Erased Genndy Tartakovsky’s Version Of ‘Clone Wars’ - at Huffington Post (2012)

Genndy Tartakovsky Speaks Out About His Star Wars: Clone Wars Animated Series - at Superhero Hype (2020)

Star Wars: Tartakovsky Explains Why His Clone Wars Series Resonates With Fans - at CBR (2021)

Star Wars Director Says He’ll Never Go Back To The Franchise - at Giant Freakin Robot (2023)

Original Clone Wars Driector explains why it was so short - at Nerdist (2023)

Genndy Tartakovsky talks Clone Wars - at Wired (2023)



^ at the Clone Wars boss explains “suspicious” similarities between his show and The Force Awakens interview in 2021 at Digital Spy.



For further reading on subsequent Star Wars content retconning and re-writing events and history depicted in 2003 Clone Wars - notably Lucas and Filoni’s 2008 ‘The Clone Wars’ film & TV series, this intriguing ‘info post’ by Caston, may be of interest.

^ It also features articles and links to some of the many retcons that Dave Filoni has made to other creatives’ original work in the Galaxy Far Far Away… such as the Expanded Universe, both Legends & Canon, the Prequel Trilogy films, 2003 Clone Wars, Rebels, The Bad Batch, The Mandalorian, Book of Boba Fett, Tales of the Jedi, Ahsoka, and possibly his ‘New Republic’ film too.








‘Clone Wars’ multimedia project: 2002-2007…

It is worth remembering this 2003 animated series was just a part of the whole Clone Wars multimedia project from the time…

Among the first releases were the CW video games in 2002 - with Clone Wars Adventures Vol. 10 comic released in December 2007.

The 2008 Clone Wars Photocomic was the last official CW product released (non-anniversary or later ‘vintage collection’ etc release). Sometimes the CW Photocomic release is mentioned as being released in 2007… likely to try and allay confusion with the later 2008 similarly named ‘The Clone Wars’ animated series… and that later multi-media project.





'This Clone Wars multimedia project was a five-year project created by Lucasfilm Ltd., in conjunction with Del Rey, Dark Horse Comics, Cartoon Network, and LucasArts.

Set largely between the films Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith (in terms of both in-universe and real-life chronology), the ‘Clone Wars multimedia project’ attempted to tell the story of the Clone Wars in real time — through books, comics, television, and video games. This echoes the previous project, Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire.’

^ from https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Clone_Wars_multimedia_project

Along with the 2003 animated TV series, there was also… 8 novels, 3 short stories for ‘Star Wars Insider’, the 4 short stories and e-books which became the ‘Hasbro Short Story Collection’, many many comics, several video games, and the toys… (of course!)


Clone Wars: A Visual Timeline - at ModDB. Credit and kudos to ‘Delta289’. A backup can be found here - https://archive.is/0cYlr

^ a superb, engaging, and most useful resource… for anyone wanting to revisit the original Clone Wars timeline - as from the many various sources that consisted of the multimedia project for Clone Wars at that time…



• The Novels…


Eight official novels were written in the ‘Clone Wars’ series. They were each given the designation: “A Clone Wars novel”:-

Legacy of the Jedi
The Cestus Deception
MedStar I: Battle Surgeons
MedStar II: Jedi Healer
Jedi Trial
Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

Republic Commando: Hard Contact - a tie-in to the ‘Republic Commando’ video game, and part of “A Clone Wars” novel series.

^ the above links are to Wookieepedia pages - for information on the releases of each “A Clone Wars” novel.


• The Short Stories…


The 3 short stories for Star Wars Insider:-

The Clone Wars: The Pengalan Tradeoff
Hero of Cartao
League of Spies

The 4 short stories and e-books:-

The Hive
Storm Fleet Warnings

^ the last 3 short stories listed above also made up the ‘Hasbro Short Story Collection.


• Comics…


'The comics segment of the Clone Wars storyline was told primarily through the ‘Star Wars: Republic’ serial, starting with Issue 49 (four issues after the comic had been renamed from Star Wars to ‘Star Wars: Republic’) and continuing until the final Issue 83.

It was in the Republic comics that Anakin Skywalker got the scar on his face that he has in Episode III.


The five-part ‘Obsession’ and ‘Jedi’ comics, and the ‘Star Wars—Free Comic Book Day 2005 Special’, ‘Purge’, and ‘Routine Valor’ one-shots, were tie-ins to the Republic Clone Wars storyline. Together, the comics were collected into the nine-part Star Wars: Clone Wars trade-paperback series.

^ An image of the covers for the 9-part Star Wars: Clone Wars trade-paperback series (as found on reddit):-

^ A collection of 10 ‘Clone Wars Adventures comics’, based on the 2003 TV show, with the finale released in December of 2007.

All Clone Wars comics were published by Dark Horse Comics.’

^ from https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Clone_Wars_multimedia_project#Comics


Star Wars: Clone Wars PhotoComic’ - a 2008 product release for the 2003-2005 Clone Wars tv series, from Dark Horse:-

^ from www.darkhorse.com/Books/15-022/Star-Wars-Clone-Wars-Photo-Comic


• The video games…


Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2002)
Star Wars: Bounty Hunter (2002)
Star Wars: Republic Commando (2005)

Other games depicting the Clone Wars are Star Wars: Battlefront, which contained several levels depicting both original and movie, comic, or game-based Clone Wars battles, released on September 20, 2004.

The sequel, Star Wars: Battlefront II, again with Clone Wars missions, was released on November 1, 2005.

Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter was released March 10 in 2002, with Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns released shortly after Episode II.

^ Many of the computer-game characters had the same voice actors as in the 2003 ‘Clone Wars’ animated series.


• The Toys…

RebelScum•com’s website page for ‘Clone Wars’ toy line - www.rebelscum.com/CloneWars.asp - with images and info for…

Basic Figures, Deluxe Figures, Multipacks, Vehicles, Animated Figures, Weapons & Accessories Guide, Role Play, Video Games, Books, Comic Books, Magazines, Trading Cards, and Maquettes.


Every Hasbro ‘Star Wars: CLONE WARS’ - 2003/04 Tartakovsky Action Figure EVER | Jcc2224

www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7J1zzSJiA8 - a 22 minute video at the Jcc2224 youtube channel.


Star Wars Clone Wars toys by Hasbro ad from 2003

www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8o7Fd1x5BY - a 30 second video at the Sum Square Stories youtube channel.


2003 Clone Wars Tartokovsky Animated Action Figure Collection Tour!

www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4cjdIXDqR0 - a 24 minute video at the Rustbelt Collector youtube channel.


A little more information on the 2003 Clone Wars series toys and figures…

www.rebelscum.com/ch-cw.asp & www.rebelscum.com/tcwfigures.asp (and links to other 2003 Clone Wars material)

LEGO explains why we randomly got that one Star Wars: Clone Wars 2003 set(in 2015) - at BrickFanatics


In 2021, as part of the then Lucasfilm’s 50th anniversary, a range of figures for 2003 Clone Wars was released:-

New Black Series and Vintage Collection Figures to Celebrate the Clone Wars 2D Micro-Series - at StarWars•com
Star Wars Brings Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars to The Vintage Collection - at CBR
‘Star Wars’: Genndy Tartakovsky’s ‘Clone Wars 2D Micro–Series’ Gets the Black Series Treatment - at Collider
Hasbro Reveals Packaging for Star Wars Clone Wars Micro-Series Figures - at Bleeding Cool
Hasbro Star Wars Vintage & Black Series figures incoming from the 2003 Clone Wars - at MePhitSu



• The Soundtrack…

Although an official soundtrack by James L. Venable and Paul Dinletir was seemingly recorded, it was never released.

Various fan-made ‘interpretations’ / versions of such a soundtrack have appeared on youtube etc. Like this, for example:-


‘Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) Complete Soundtrack VOL.1’

www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljIUQkQCkYg - a 57-track, 39 minute video, at the Unreleased Soundtrack - New youtube channel.

^ the above cover art is fan-made - by the impressive JT00567, at DeviantArt.


• The Legacy…

'On April 25, 2014, the contents of the Clone Wars multimedia project were declared part of the continuity of Star Wars Legends and non-canon as a whole, though certain book titles would remain in print under the “Legends” banner.

Prior to this declaration, much of the material within the Clone Wars multimedia project had been directly contradicted by material from Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008 animated series), which often told its stories without regard to continuity previously established within this project and was declared part of the new canon continuity.

One such example was that the episode “Nightsisters” presented an entirely different background for the character of Asajj Ventress from that shown in previous material.’

^ from https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Clone_Wars_multimedia_project#Legacy




Three of the other, and quite similar, type of ‘Star Wars multimedia projects’

Republic Commando | Lucasfilm’s 2004-2009 EU multimedia project | lore retcon #2,378 - OT•com info & discussion thread.

Shadows Of The Empire | Lucasfilm’s mid-to-late 1990’s EU multimedia project - OT•com info & discussion thread.

The Force Unleashed | Lucasfilm’s 2007-2010 EU multimedia project - OT•com info & discussion thread.


Some other OriginalTrilogy•com threads on Genndy Tartakovsky’s 2003 Clone Wars series…

What is the best way to watch Clone Wars (2003) - 2021 thread

More Clone Wars Cartoons directly before Ep3 - 2004 news thread

Close Wars cartoon - I’m sorry, but i thought this sucked - 2005 thread

Clone Wars - new season discussion - new season discussion thread for 2005

Clone Wars Animated DVDs - 2004 thread

Clone Wars toon - title crawl? - 2005 thread

2003 Clone Wars vs 2008 The Clone Wars - 2014 comparison thread


An Index Of Projects for Star Wars Preservations is worth checking out, too.

An Index Of Projects for Star Wars Fan Edits is also well worth a look through for 2003 Clone Wars projects.



As of 2nd April 2021, the 2003 ‘Clone Wars’ animated series is now available in the ‘Vintage Star Wars’ section on Disney+…


oojason said:

Genndy Tartakovsky’s animated Clone Wars series finally coming to Disney Plus’:-


^ ‘One of the best Star Wars projects ever is finally coming to Disney Plus for easy streaming. ‘Star Wars: Clone Wars’, an animated series created by legendary animator Genndy Tartakovsky, is coming to the streaming service on April 2.’


a few articles rejoicing that the 2003 Clone Wars series is finally available on Disney+…

Watch Star Wars Vintage: Clone Wars 2D Micro-Series’ - at Disney+

Clone Wars 2003: The best Star Wars series is finally on Disney+’ - at Inverse

The original Star Wars: Clone Wars still kicks ass’ - at TechRadar

The Only Truly Great Star Wars Prequel Is Now on Disney+’ - at Esquire

The best ‘Star Wars’ animated show is finally coming to streaming’ - at Collider

Genndy Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars proves General Grievous was actually cool’ - at Polygon

Star Wars: Genndy Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars Is On Disney+ Now, And You Should Watch It’ - at BOLS

Why You Should Watch ‘Star Wars: Clone Wars’ (2003 Series)’ - at The Indiependent

Genndy Tartakovsky’s ‘Clone Wars’: Why the Star Wars Microseries is Still Great’ - at MovieWeb

The Best Clone Wars Cartoon Is Coming Back’ - at Kotaku


Now if only other older versions of Star Wars content could somehow be put up in the ‘Vintage Star Wars’ section on Disney+…

[cough] The unaltered theatrical version of the Original Trilogy. Even the 1997 Special Editions, the 2004 Special Edition DVD version, and 2011 Special Edition blu-ray versions - all older versions of the OT that us fans grew up with over the years! [cough]

(it is indeed a bad cough, I know! 😉)



2023 Edit: The 20th anniversary of Clone Wars is this year: 7th November, 2003 (the airdate of CW on the Cartoon Network). 👍

It should be interesting to see if and how this once-official, canon, and multi-award winning addition of the Star Wars universe is acknowledged and celebrated. Other than the usual ‘cheap and easy way’ of cash-grab merchandising (overpriced t-shirts, hats, badges, apparel, lego, figures, ‘limited edition’ toy lines etc) - with just a cool looking ‘20th anniversary’ logo stuck on them…

Nothing at all was done at 2023 Star Wars Celebration. Though there were '15th anniversary’ panels for 2008’s The Clone Wars.


^ the cool looking official 20th anniversary logo for Clone Wars.


If there is any 20th anniversary content for 2003 Clone Wars - even if just a handful of online articles in the media celebrating Genndy’s series - I’ll post them up in here, below…

7th November 2023 Edit…

20 Years Ago Today, Genndy Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars Changed Star Wars Forever - at Gizmodo

Fans Celebrate 20 Years Of Clone Wars By Remembering The Most Epic Asajj Ventress Lightsaber Duel - at ScreenRant

“Your Fall Will Be My Ascension To The Sith”: CW Lightsaber Duel Is Still One Of The Best In Star Wars History - at ScreenRant

20 Years of Star Wars: Clone Wars - at GateCrashers

10 Ways Genndy Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars Changed Star Wars Forever - at ScreenRant

Celebrating 20 years of Asajj Ventress - at Dork Side Of The Force

20th Anniversary Retrospective on ‘Star Wars: Clone Wars’ (2003) - at FanBasePress (podcast)

“Return of the Jedi” At 40 and “Clone Wars” At 20 - at the lady from planet x

Happy 20th anniversary to Gennedy Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars! What were some of your favorite memories? - at r/StarWars

Star Wars: Clone Wars premiered on Cartoon Network 20 years ago today - discussion at wookieepedia

^ and yet nothing at all on the official Star Wars site… nor any of its social media platforms, marking Clone Wars’ 20th anniversary.



Many people say you cannot hear gifs. When I see this gif below I always hear that sound of the rain hitting the saber…


From another quality 2003 series…


A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


I can’t get into this series. Each episode is just 5 minutes of non stop action with barely any story. I also don’t think the animation style really works for Star Wars. I much prefer the cgi clone wars.


Hokk gazette!

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


Didn’t know what you were saying at first, then the memory hit me like a freight train.