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Info: My Dejarik table (sort of)


I either can’t afford the Star Wars stuff I’d like, or they’re not available, so sometimes I just make things. I’m not the most talented at crafting, but I do what I can.

I had an old beat up stool with lots of dings that I was using as a plant stand, so it had stains on the top. I thought about tossing it, but needed a small table for my drink in the movie room, so I repurposed it. I wanted ot make it more Star Wars, so my girlfriend used her decal machine to make me a huge dejarik sticker for the top of it.


I’d been using it for a while when I had a new idea. Does anyone else remember the dejarik table in the original Millennium Falcon toy? For some reason it was blue and the board was yellow and brown.


I thought it would be fun to emulate that version, so I got to work. I removed the old sticker, sanded everything down, and painted a few coats of blue. My girlfriend made me a new yellow and brown top for it and here we go.


I still need to put on a couple coats of poly to protect the surface, but I’m happy with it. Most will probably think it’s just some strange looking thing, but I know the story behind it, so it’s special to me.


Cracking idea and love the finish 👍

(cool Falcon too!)


Seems there area few differing sets of figures for the tables available too - going on the online tutorial videos out there…

How to Play Galaxy’s Edge Dejarik - 8 minute video at the The Jodo Cast youtube video.

Let’s Play Dejarik Holochess - 10 minute video at the No Name Publishing youtube video.

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


That’s an awesome idea! I bet with all the 3-D modeling and printing available these days you could probably find someone who makes dejarik monsters. And if they’re 3-D printed, you could have them printed at the appropriate size for your stool…


^From Regal Robot, there’s no “probably” about it. They will certainly be expensive (especially the limited to 77 sets signature edition). But if their reputation is anything to go by, they’ll also be very accurate and very high quality.