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The Kenobi Movie Show (Spoilers) — Page 16


The Inquisitors are far more effective antagonists in the game and the expanded literature than in Rebels anyway.

I’m really hoping the physical action will revolve around Obi-Wan being pitted against a Inquisitor/Purge trooper combo, and do something new with the rumored rematch with Vader, hopefully a vision or something (much like the way Yoda dueled a projection/illusion cast by Sidious in TCW) that still manages to bridge together the inconsistencies between ROTS and ANH.


Remembered today that in Rebels: The Siege of Lothal (s2 eps 1 & 2, if anyone wants to check it out - do) Vader suggests to the Emperor that Ahsoka could possibly lead him to Obi-Wan. Palpatine responds with “Perhaps… IF he lives.”

Rebels is too serious a piece of Star Wars content to be retconned. The writers need to tread carefully. Besides, the show is sounding like an adventure Obi-Wan has off-world, and I can’t see him risking everything - literally everything - to seek out other Jedi or something like that. And of course Vader and the Empire can’t know where he’s hiding, he wouldn’t risk them finding out either.

There are loads of lines from A New Hope that clearly suggest Obi-Wan has not appeared for 19 years: “I was but the learner” being one, other instances like Tarkin being sure Obi-Wan has died at some point during or after the Jedi purge. I’m still concerned about how this show will impact Obi-Wan’s overall story and even the story of Star Wars as a whole.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


I don’t see how that could contradict a potential rematch in Kenobi. Just because Vader isn’t sure if Kenobi is alive doesn’t mean that they couldn’t have possibly faced since ROTS. Same thing with Tarkin.

Over all though, rigorous canonical consistency has never been a thing in Star Wars, no matter how much fans want it to be. The franchise’s canon is an ever-evolving thing, the only difference with the Disney reboot is that they actually acknowledged it.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


Knowing Vader, why would he ever presume Obi-Wan’s death? Next to Yoda, Obi-Wan is public enemy number 1: the only surviving Jedi Council member, and who Vader has a deeply personal vendetta against. I doubt Vader and the Empire would let his escape go. I imagine there’d be wanted posters everywhere and the moment any Stormtrooper is able to locate him the leadership on Courscant would instantly be aware. This isn’t Cal Kestas or Kanan Jarrus.

For that reason, I find it more likely Obi-Wan and Vader fight again, and this time Obi-Wan will find some way to fake his death. It would explain a lot – why does Vader and Tarkin presume Obi-Wan’s death? He faked it somehow, permanently getting the Empire off his trail and allowing him to focus on protecting Luke. Why does Obi-Wan know Vader’s “more machine than man now” when he last saw him burning alive? Saw him personally, and realized that Anakin = Vader in the suit. Why didn’t Vader ever trouble to visit his old home on Tatooine, the first place to visit if you were hunting for Obi-Wan? His death was faked so he never bothered.

A fake death could even tie into the “death” of Obi-Wan and the “birth” of Ben.

Maul- A Star Wars Story


OutboundFlight said:

Knowing Vader, why would he ever presume Obi-Wan’s death? Next to Yoda, Obi-Wan is public enemy number 1: the only surviving Jedi Council member, and who Vader has a deeply personal vendetta against. I doubt Vader and the Empire would let his escape go. I imagine there’d be wanted posters everywhere and the moment any Stormtrooper is able to locate him the leadership on Courscant would instantly be aware. This isn’t Cal Kestas or Kanan Jarrus.

For that reason, I find it more likely Obi-Wan and Vader fight again, and this time Obi-Wan will find some way to fake his death. It would explain a lot – why does Vader and Tarkin presume Obi-Wan’s death? He faked it somehow, permanently getting the Empire off his trail and allowing him to focus on protecting Luke. Why does Obi-Wan know Vader’s “more machine than man now” when he last saw him burning alive? Saw him personally, and realized that Anakin = Vader in the suit. Why didn’t Vader ever trouble to visit his old home on Tatooine, the first place to visit if you were hunting for Obi-Wan? His death was faked so he never bothered.

A fake death could even tie into the “death” of Obi-Wan and the “birth” of Ben.

Great points. Sure hope the Kenobi production team is onto the same conclusions that you are…

Could really be a meaningful Rogue One esque betweenquel if this is the case.


OutboundFlight said:

Knowing Vader, why would he ever presume Obi-Wan’s death? Next to Yoda, Obi-Wan is public enemy number 1: the only surviving Jedi Council member, and who Vader has a deeply personal vendetta against. I doubt Vader and the Empire would let his escape go. I imagine there’d be wanted posters everywhere and the moment any Stormtrooper is able to locate him the leadership on Courscant would instantly be aware. This isn’t Cal Kestas or Kanan Jarrus.

For that reason, I find it more likely Obi-Wan and Vader fight again, and this time Obi-Wan will find some way to fake his death. It would explain a lot – why does Vader and Tarkin presume Obi-Wan’s death? He faked it somehow, permanently getting the Empire off his trail and allowing him to focus on protecting Luke. Why does Obi-Wan know Vader’s “more machine than man now” when he last saw him burning alive? Saw him personally, and realized that Anakin = Vader in the suit. Why didn’t Vader ever trouble to visit his old home on Tatooine, the first place to visit if you were hunting for Obi-Wan? His death was faked so he never bothered.

A fake death could even tie into the “death” of Obi-Wan and the “birth” of Ben.

I agree with all your points, just a little detail. “He’s more machine than man” is said by Ben’s ghost in ROTJ, not the original, so there is not any inconsistency there.


I’m loving The Mandalorian so much, I’m to the point if the continuity requires “a certain point of view” then it’s well worth the risk just to get such high quality Star Wars.


OutboundFlight said:

Knowing Vader, why would he ever presume Obi-Wan’s death? Next to Yoda, Obi-Wan is public enemy number 1: the only surviving Jedi Council member, and who Vader has a deeply personal vendetta against. I doubt Vader and the Empire would let his escape go. I imagine there’d be wanted posters everywhere and the moment any Stormtrooper is able to locate him the leadership on Courscant would instantly be aware. This isn’t Cal Kestas or Kanan Jarrus.

For that reason, I find it more likely Obi-Wan and Vader fight again, and this time Obi-Wan will find some way to fake his death. It would explain a lot – why does Vader and Tarkin presume Obi-Wan’s death? He faked it somehow, permanently getting the Empire off his trail and allowing him to focus on protecting Luke. Why does Obi-Wan know Vader’s “more machine than man now” when he last saw him burning alive? Saw him personally, and realized that Anakin = Vader in the suit. Why didn’t Vader ever trouble to visit his old home on Tatooine, the first place to visit if you were hunting for Obi-Wan? His death was faked so he never bothered.

A fake death could even tie into the “death” of Obi-Wan and the “birth” of Ben.

Yes to all of this as well as tying in “Obi-Wan once thought as you did.”

Forum Moderator

Five Characters We NEED to See in the Kenobi Series
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KoOlvnQmZQ - from the Star Wars Explained YouTube channel (5 mins long).

Some fairly obvious suggestions, but also a few interesting ideas about how Liam Neeson could come back as a Force Ghost and how that could tie in to Obi-Wan going on a big of a Force vision exploration similar to what Yoda did in TCW season 6.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


Pretty sure that’s for the Andor show, I remember seeing this set in the sizzle reel they showed.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


https://twitter.com/eddieizzard/status/1356331486018994176 - with 3 minute video…

‘#EwanMcGregor chatted during Eddie’s final marathon about the new #ObiWanKenobi project, #TheMandalorian series and #StarWars filming. Use the force to donate and #MakeHumanityGreatAgain at http://crowdfunder.co.uk/eddie - The Beekeepers’

Good to see Ewan call out some of recent tabloid articles on the shooting of the Kenobi series as bullshit - as well as some info on how they are filming the series, where, and when - as well as the ‘green screen’ on the Prequels…


Also, the reason why Eddie Izzard is doing interviews (with many people) on his treadmill is…

https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/eddie & https://twitter.com/eddieizzard/status/1356620579911131141 - well in to him 👍

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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Lovely to see the actors for Owen and Beru on there! Moses Ingram is billed third, so must be the female lead that was being reported.

I wonder if we’ll get a Liam Neeson cameo which is being kept under wraps.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Qui-Gon can’t appear as a Force Ghost because his training was left incomplete. However maybe they’ll create a scenario like the cave on Dagobah or Mortis where the Force works in mysterious ways for him to appear in physical form. I suppose there’s always flashbacks too. It would definitely be great to see him again.

Very excited to see Bonnie Piesse and Joel Edgerton return as Aunt Beru and Uncle Lars too!

“Heroes come in all sizes, and you don’t have to be a giant hero. You can be a very small hero. It’s just as important to understand that accepting self-responsibility for the things you do, having good manners, caring about other people - these are heroic acts. Everybody has the choice of being a hero or not being a hero every day of their lives.” - George Lucas


I was thinking it could only be a voice cameo, as The Clone Wars established Qui-gon only appears as a Force ghost on Mortis. Other than that, he’s a classic disembodied voice, and I don’t mind that at all. It would contribute to the sense of Ben’s isolation if his only company is a voice with no body he hears in his head.

As for the overall plot of this show, I’m betting someone (possibly Moses Ingram’s character - she mentioned something about ‘playing with lightsabers’ on her instagram earlier, although it might be nothing it could mean she’s an Imperial Inquisitor) will find out about Luke, and Obi-wan will have to pursue them. That’s the only way he’d leave the planet and potentially come into contact with Vader.

I still have massive reservations about this ‘rematch’ they’re teasing, but I think I’m beginning the period of slow acceptance. I want to be excited for this show, I just need to hear more about what direction it’s taking. It has the potential to make the original trilogy and Obi-wan’s story more compelling, but it also has the potential to fuck everything up.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


jedi_bendu said:

I was thinking it could only be a voice cameo, as The Clone Wars established Qui-gon only appears as a Force ghost on Mortis. Other than that, he’s a classic disembodied voice, and I don’t mind that at all. It would contribute to the sense of Ben’s isolation if his only company is a voice with no body he hears in his head.

As for the overall plot of this show, I’m betting someone (possibly Moses Ingram’s character - she mentioned something about ‘playing with lightsabers’ on her instagram earlier, although it might be nothing it could mean she’s an Imperial Inquisitor) will find out about Luke, and Obi-wan will have to pursue them. That’s the only way he’d leave the planet and potentially come into contact with Vader.

I still have massive reservations about this ‘rematch’ they’re teasing, but I think I’m beginning the period of slow acceptance. I want to be excited for this show, I just need to hear more about what direction it’s taking. It has the potential to make the original trilogy and Obi-wan’s story more compelling, but it also has the potential to fuck everything up.

That could work and would be cool! I was just reading a thread on Reddit and saw someone however comment:

“From A Certain Point of View anthology book for ANH Qui-Gon appears to Obi-Wan. Qui-Gon explains that he has continued to grow in his understanding of the ability, even after death. While he can initially only contact the minds of the living as a disembodied voice, he later becomes tangible enough to interact with the physical world.”

So maybe he’ll be able to interact with Qui-Gon in physical form. It wouldn’t be a bad thing to see but I definitely hope they address it and don’t leave it to just the novel to explain why he now can.

That’s very interesting. I could definitely see that.

Same. I have very mixed feelings about it as well. I wonder if they could even pull from the fight on Kijimi and have them fight in a way similar to Rey and Kylo but don’t actually have them meet in the flesh. Maybe instead we’ll see more of the fight on Mustafar in flashbacks. Like parts we didn’t see when we were cut back to Yoda and Palpatine.

It should be interesting. My only real other hope is we see the confrontation alluded to in A New Hope when Obi-Wan talks about how Owen didn’t approve of Anakin following him down the idealistic crusade. It’s only subtly alluded to in Attack of the Clones.

“Heroes come in all sizes, and you don’t have to be a giant hero. You can be a very small hero. It’s just as important to understand that accepting self-responsibility for the things you do, having good manners, caring about other people - these are heroic acts. Everybody has the choice of being a hero or not being a hero every day of their lives.” - George Lucas


I’m hoping for Jimmy Smits to cameo in this at the very least, but I’m hoping he has a small part, not just a blink and you’ll miss him montage.

As far as Qui-Gon, I wonder if he’ll have a few conversations with Obi-wan, then tell him he’ll no longer be able to speak to him, as he’s passing on and fully becoming one with the force and leaving him to be alone.

I’m worried about the Anakin and Vader reunion, I’m not sure how that will play out, but I hope it will be unforgettable, like the Luke Skywalker scene in The Mandalorian, or Vader in Rogue One.

Qui-gon will try to communicate with Anakin.


Same. One of my biggest hopes was having Joel Egerton come back as Owen. He has become such a great actor since he played Owen forever ago, so it would be great to have some scenes between him and Ewan, setting up a lot of that dialogue we heard from Owen and Ben in ANH.


NeverarGreat said:

I assume that’s the reason why they are making the show? For that one conversation between Obi-wan and Owen? That’s the only reason I’d make the show. 😉

No, there is another…

Who could Uncle Owen hand a serious bare knuckle beating to?


A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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Well, considering Mando, it can be somehow good. I just hope they won’t create little inconsistencies and weird plot issues as they did with Rogue One. I wonder if CGI Tarkin will be back as well since it appears there will be an Imperial side of the story.

So long 🙌