Hi and welcome to the OriginalTrilogy•com. In a bid to help welcome new members on the site this thread has been created for people to drop in, say ‘Hi’, maybe introduce themselves… and to also find some useful / helpful information about this site…
This thread is not just for new members… but also for those who have recently joined, or some who post infrequently here. For those of you who would like to share a little about yourself - maybe your story of how and why you came to this place, what the Original Trilogy films (or Star Wars) - means to you… or, as mentioned above, just somewhere to say ‘Hi’ (or a ‘Hello there’).
Members are welcome to talk about fan projects in this thread - but please do NOT post requests about projects in here - thank you.
Many people on here just like to chat Star Wars… whether that’s mainly the about our love for the Original Trilogy (though not so much the continuing alterations made to it over the years), or the Prequel & Sequel Trilogies, the Standalone Stories, various animated & live-action tv series, The Holiday Special (shudders!), the Ewok films, literature, comics, art, soundtracks & audio, collecting, gaming, and the future of the ‘Galaxy Far Far Away’ - or members who just talk about life in general in ‘Off Topic’.
The 'An OriginalTrilogy.com Timeline | a history of the site | the why & how it came to be…’ thread not only chronicles the main events of this community - it also provides background information on the changes made to the Original Trilogy films.
Below is some useful info on this site, our history, a few projects etc. You’ve taken your first steps… now join the discussions!
For the many of us wanting to have an official release for the unaltered theatrical version of the Original Trilogy… |

• #ReleaseTheOriginalTrilogy | doubleofive’s ‘Disney+ Should Offer the Star Wars Original Cuts’ article on the Wired website
^ A quality and comprehensive article on why the films are important to the people who grew up with them, why they wish to have the option to experience them as they originally were released - as well as preserving important and cultural film history for everyone to view and enjoy. A reminder that the various ‘Special Edition’ versions are NOT the award-winning, iconic, landmark & ground-breaking original version of the films. And highlights just why we are here - some of us for many years, and some just taking our first steps…
• WIRED’s Article “Disney+ Should Offer the Star Wars Original Cuts”, doubleofive’s Magnum Opus (OT•com thread on ^ article)
• #ReleaseTheOriginalTrilogy | What We Want And How To Make It - a sequel piece by doubleofive to the above Wired article.
• ❗ #ReleaseTheOriginalTrilogy | OriginalTrilogy•com’s enduring goal | How YOU can help… ❗
^ The OT•com supporting the #ReleaseTheOriginalTrilogy campaign - the call for an official release of the unaltered theatrical version of the three classic Star Wars films - and what YOU can do to help restore them to the galaxy. MTFBWY… Always.
Posting on the OriginalTrilogy•com… |

We’re a diverse and welcoming community - the site is after all based on a love & reverence for all things Star Wars. This is especially so for the Original Trilogy - with many on here viewing the Star Wars universe through a distinct OT-focused lens or perspective - as well as having a fervour for the unaltered theatrical cuts of the three iconic films, obviously. Yet there is also a respect for everything else from the Galaxy Far Far Away. Yes, even The Holiday Special, maybe…
Take your time to look around the site before posting - and to also get a feel for the place. We are not like reddit or 4chan etc (not that there’s anything wrong with those sites) - we’re just a little different… more of an old-skool site ‘for a more civilised age’.
The upshot is ‘Be Civil - Be Cool’; passionate - yet cordial discussion & wide-ranging views are both welcome and encouraged - toxicity, personal attacks, aggressive or vitriolic attitudes, disingenuous bad faith arguments - including agenda-led/toxic/FDM type videos, trolls & WUM behaviour are not - and choosing that path will likely see your stay on here being a short one.
To paraphrase Irvin Kershner, quoted whilst directing Empire Strikes Back… ‘fight for what you love - not because you hate’.
A reminder that a significant number of members on here are fans made to feel unwelcome at certain other Star Wars sites - or were censored or even banned for discussing the unaltered cuts, or highlighting Lucas’ disingenuous statements & alterations to SW history.
Also, a number of preservationists, fan editors, and people making other fan-made projects (such as documentaries) over the years here on the OriginalTrilogy•com have received death threats, threats in general, and ‘threats to life’ - unless they ceased work on, or distribution of, their freely-available projects. These threats were made from other Star Wars fans / zealots who see such projects on here from this community… as somehow insulting or derogatory to George Lucas, the wider Star Wars fandom, or to their own beliefs.
Beliefs such as preservations of the unaltered theatrical versions of the Original Trilogy should no longer exist or be seen, or that fan edits desecrate George’s ‘vision’(s). Or fans seemingly deeply offended - even triggered to anger and threats - by cited articles, projects, and documentaries from fans here chronicling a more complete and accurate history of Star Wars… than that of the re-written, somewhat selective, and retconned version of history often found in official or licensed content and sources from Lucas / Lucasfilm.
OriginalTrilogy•com is a site to openly talk about the revered original cuts of the 3 iconic Star Wars films and its full, factual history.
The ‘Fandom’ section of An Index & Help Thread for Original Trilogy Discussion and A brief overview of the OriginalTrilogy•com down the years… may also be of interest for a more in-depth history of this unique fan community / for further reading.
We hope you enjoy your time on here - as thousands of others already have, currently do, and will - in the future to come. 👍
If you are new to the OriginalTrilogy•com then the following information may also be of some assistance… |

To help navigate your way around this Rebel Base - learning how this place works (and doesn’t) - the following may be of some use:-
Firstly, the About and Help sections may be of interest to you regarding this site and what the OriginalTrilogy•com is about.
Secondly, the ‘How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com - some info & answers to members’ queries thread should also hopefully be of some help as to many of the functions of the site - like how to search for projects & discussion threads on here.
Thirdly, the Announcements Section - including Site Rules & Guidelines, Fan Edit & Preservation Rules & FAQ, as well info for Signatures, Linking Policy for Downloads, and Plot Spoiler Policy (and much more) that may be of use too.
If you are having any issues with the site, have a question, an idea to improve the site, or would like to give some feedback - then these can be done in the Feedback Forum and General Assistance sections.
To Join the OT.com Discord server! click on the link. There is also the OriginalTrilogy.com Twitter too.
There are also several Index & Help Threads pinned at the top of many respective sections of the OT•com - which may help members find various topics of discussion, fan edits, preservations and other projects etc.
The 'An OriginalTrilogy.com Timeline | a history of the site | the why & how it came to be…’ thread not only chronicles the main events of this community - it also provides background information on the changes made to the Original Trilogy films.
The ‘Complete Comparison of Special Edition Visual Changes’ thread by doubleofive contains many sources of information as to the numerous changes made to the Original Trilogy films over time - as well as serving as an insightful and comprehensive discussion thread and reference point on the subject.
The ‘Some useful OT.com threads re the suppression of the unaltered theatrical cuts of the Original Trilogy films’ thread - highlighting just a few of the many discussion threads focusing on our love and appreciation for the OT - and ongoing attempts to achieve a modern, high quality, official release of the unaltered theatrical cuts of the classic Star Wars movies.
The 'Naysayer Guide’ by people who DON’T want an unaltered theatrical release of the Original Trilogy - on a modern high quality digital format; with factual information and answers to many of the quite uninformed, somewhat ignorant, and incorrect claims & statements over the years by people who don’t want a new release of the original unaltered theatrical cuts.
Also, the ‘George Lucas: Star Wars Creator, Unreliable Narrator & Time Travelling Revisionist…’ thread attempts to highlight and catalog some of the revisionism, altering of history and contradictory claims by George Lucas / Lucasfilm as to the formation, planning and history of the Star Wars films and universe therein.
Looking to acquire projects on here? Then please read this… |

(and take the time to look around to see how this place works - and doesn’t - before posting requests for projects on here - thank you)
I have found a Fan Edit / Preservation Project I am interested in - but don’t know how to get / acquire / download it?
The OriginalTrilogy•com is a community where a ‘read first - post after’ mantra benefits everyone here - especially for the ‘Fan Project’ sections. We appreciate some may be excited to see the projects featured on this site - information on how to acquire them is readily available - yet patience is also required. If you bring impatience, entitlement, aggressive or vitriolic attitudes, personal attacks, or toxicity… then expect some choice words in return - and also expect your stay on here to be a short one.
Do NOT create a new thread asking ‘for a link to’… to Harmy’s Despecialized Editions, TN1’s 4K77/80/83, adywan’s Revisited Edits, the Hal9000 Edits, or any other project listed on this site. It is for you to take 5 minutes and go find the relevant project on here, for you to then read up on what the project is about, and then how to acquire it. Do not ask / expect others to do this simple task for you - we’ve had hundreds of such entitled requests over the years - and the patience of OT•com community members understandably wears thin. If thousands of people have managed to find, read up on, and then acquire these projects listed on here over the years… then you can too. A little patience - and a ‘read first - post after’ mantra - goes a long way on here…
These ‘signpost’ threads, featuring useful info and links to the five most sought-after fan projects, may be of interest…
• Some info & help for Harmy’s Despecialized Editions of the Original Trilogy…
• Some info & help for Puggo’s Grande 16mm preservations of the Original Trilogy…
• Some info & help for TN1’s 4K77, 4K80 & 4K83 preservation projects of the Original Trilogy…
• Some info & help for adywan’s Revisited Editions of the Original Trilogy…
• Some info & help for the Hal 9000 Edits of the Prequel & Sequel Trilogies (+ more)
Obviously there are countless more projects in the four main Project Index threads in each of the ‘Fan Project’ sections of the site…
Star Wars Preservation : Star Wars Fan Edits and Misc. : Preservation of Other Properties : Fan Edits and Projects for Other Properties
A link to ‘Where is the site Search Bar? / How to search for projects, information, or discussion threads on OriginalTrilogy.com’.