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The Mandalorian - a general discussion thread - * SPOILERS * — Page 13


Sifo Dyas said:

You say the Magnificent seven is not better then the Seven Samurai?

Yes, of course. Most people would agree with this.

Here’s George Lucas on the topic:

As a Western, The Magnificent Seven was a pretty good film. I don’t think it was as interesting or as multi-faceted as Seven Samurai.

Sifo Dyas said:

That Star Wars is not better then the Hidden Fortress?

I never said that and never would.


TheHutt said:
Also, I like the Clint Eastwood vibe from Mando. Including the times he gets his butt kicked (like Eastwood did in each film of the Dollar trilogy).

I agree, I think one of the strengths of the show is that Mando-Mando-Man is not some sort of fully developed unstoppable badass.

Re Baby Yoda, I think that he has a strong self preservation instinct. He’s clearly able with the force and I think that he uses it in a very subtle manner, starting with the scene where he meets Mando. It’s unspoken, and you can see it in the show in the context of the rest of the franchise, and you can not see it, and the show is still a great watch.


I think that Yoda’s moving the X-wing out of the lake and setting it on land was a much more difficult task than anything the baby has done. All he did with the big creature was lift it just off the ground for a bit, long enough for Mando to kill it. Then he had to sleep for a day to recover.

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


Yeah, they had the baby do an incredible feat, but at least the writer’s stressed the effort it took to do so by having him knocked out for a day.


timdiggerm said:

I would like to point out that he is actually a toddler.

I like to call it a yoddler.

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


LexX said:
I like to call it a yoddler.

I’m mad at myself for laughing out loud at that. 😉

Ok, not that mad.

Forum Moderator

I personally opt for “yodling”.

“Yoddler” is excellent though.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


“Yoddler” ha ha, nice one.

Now the reason I came in here: Baby Yoda - Toto Africa


Oh and The Mandalorian has been fraking great so far as a whole. Parts of some episodes have been properly awesome while some others only OK but that’s a whole lot better still than I can say for most of the ST. At long last I feel like I’m actually watching proper Star Wars again and it’s so good just for that one aspect.

Just finished watching chapter 6 earlier tonight, felt like another filler again but still some great moments and nice nods to the OT which I feel often ride a fine line between just being consistent to the galaxy the story exists in and fan service. Even when it feels more like fan service though, it’s not being pushed in your face in a “hey remember this from the OT/PT!?” kind of way.


chapter 6 was another good episode with a nice cameo at the end 😉.
Although I did find that twi’lek girl annoying.


I don’t think we’ll get anymore strong episodes like 1-3 as they set the show though I see alot of people calling the rest of the episodes fillers but that just doesn’t give them justice they are all good with very little that needs fixing.

So far so good.😀👍

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

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It’s a shame they went that route with her. I really like Natalia Tena in other stuff, but her and the Clancy Brown character in this reminded me of that awful Stranger Things episode when Eleven meets the punks in Chicago. Bill Burr and Richard Ayoade were great, though.

And once we got past the cringey character introductions and the story got moving, I really enjoyed the episode. I haven’t really been feeling it since the last time we saw Herzog, but now I’m firmly back on board.


If only Zero could have had the haircut and glasses too…

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@ joefavs its true the intros where bit cingey how much hissing and teeth baring did she do, favreau said Twi’lek she heard twilight!

@ oojason 🤣 couldn’t get his face out of my head every time Zero talked.

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

💡 Save confusion & express your comments with Markdown Emojis here 💡


biggest problems w/ ep 4 & 5 were acting and presentation but ep 6 is back on track quality-wise. fun ep imo. Zero was a really cool looking droid. anyone know what model it was?


The latest episode once again suffered from either some poor casting choices, weak direction, or maybe a bit of both. It was a decent story and had some pretty good bits and pieces, it also had some major issues and the whole just didn’t gel properly for me. I think the last two episodes have been the weakest so far and I hope the final two episodes swing back to the greatness of the first four.


I enjoyed this episode more than the last for sure, though it did drag a bit near the end. It’s actually one of my favorites so far. One of the biggest issues I have had with the other Filoni shows has been the unrealistic action scenes and faux danger, and in this show the Mandalorian’s physical armor helps explain his plot armor while still allowing him to get roughed up quite a lot.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


The latest episode was probably my favorite, at last something we haven’t seen a million times before. New ships, new droids, new weapons, new bounty hunters. I really liked the Twi’leks since I’ve played pretty much every SW game and they have many times been a little crazy. Only thing bothered me a little was the editing back and forth for almost no reason during the end battle, and then the X-Wings coming like a minute after Mando dropped them off. How could they track through hyperspace when they don’t know where the tracker will be arriving? And the pilots just shoot the whole station when their own SOS signal is there, what? Also the cameo was completely pointless, meh. Other than that, very good action episode and finally some space action!

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


I think this was probably the best directed/shot/edited episode of the whole run to this point, but I also think that unless these last two episodes significantly improve their quality (a rising tide lifts all boats and all) this is going to be, like Clone Wars Season 1 and Rebels Season 1, an overall dud. Mediocre at best.

The best thing to come out of this show is easily its soundtrack. I’m still waiting for the episodes themselves to live up to the music scoring them. It hasn’t quite happened yet.


The only thing I didn’t care for was all the hissing, and looking like vampires. Other than that, this was a really fun episode. I especially liked that Mando prevailed mainly because of his cleverness, not just his strength. Interesting that he got paid, even though the hiring organization essentially went from one prisoner to three prisoners. I guess that guy was more important than the other three.

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


Puggo - Jar Jar’s Yoda said:

The only thing I didn’t care for was all the hissing, and looking like vampires. Other than that, this was a really fun episode. I especially liked that Mando prevailed mainly because of his cleverness, not just his strength. Interesting that he got paid, even though the hiring organization essentially went from one prisoner to three prisoners. I guess that guy was more important than the other three.

The guy probably thought that the others all died in the attempt, and deaths were far more acceptable than a living prisoner who could rat out everyone else.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


So I finally got to watch the show after a looot of hassle, and here’s my thoughts on the show so far.
(PS. Geoblocking is such a bizarre thing. For the past couple of weeks I’ve basically been in Fry meme mode, and I can’t wait until whenever they decide to arbitrarily launch Disney+ in Scandinavia so that I can watch it, and a lot of the other stuff there, properly.)

I think Lucasfilm has finally understood that the best way to make SW content is to do it the same way Lucas originally did it; e.g. take inspiration from westerns, samurai films, WWII films, etc. as opposed to simply imitating SW itself. Imitating previous SW films just ends up feeling like a copy of a copy, but RO (IMO) worked so well because it borrowed heavily from WWII stories (as the OT did). And by toning down the western feel, and ditching the samurai stuff it managed to feel different from the OT while still feeling like it belong in the same world. Likewise I like that the Mandalorian is borrowing from the same sources, but emphasizing some of them and toning down others in order to create its own unique feel.

I also like that the show has embraced some of the more absurd elements of the OT and never wasted time explaining stuff. I get why the fobs annoy some people, and even I scratched my head watching ep. 3 for the first time, but I’ve come to see it as being very much in line with the OT before every little detail had to be explained by some source book or online article. SW-tech was always very fantasy like and never got any proper explanations, so I don’t really need an explanation for how the fobs work, though I’m sure they’ll come up with a clever excuse at some point. I especially liked the alien with the flute in the first scene. Again, it doesn’t make sense in a sci-fi-sense that a flute summons a speeder, but it has a nice fantasy feel to it and it adds that sense of mystery and wonder that made the OT and very early EU material so unique.

I see that some people have complained about the slow pace and lack of continuing narrative, and I personally say “thank goodness” for that. I’m probably part of a tiny minority when it comes to series, but I personally have no patience for modern narratives like GOT. It’s just too damn long for me and I loose interest quickly, and a show that takes it time and gives us “slice of life” narratives in the SW universe is just what I personally wanted. I’m glad there’s an overarching story, but I’m also glad it doesn’t take up every single minute of the series. I also think the pacing is a pretty perfect blend of fast and slow. When stuff happens it’s fast and exciting, but when it slows down it takes on a very 70’s movie type of pacing that I really miss in modern movies and series.

The more I think about the overall structure of the show I realize that it’s very inspired by Filoni’s Clone Wars series, which in turn is very inspired by old movie serials like Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers (which is obviously appropriate for SW). I admittedly haven’t watched a lot of these old serials, but the ones that I have seen reminded me a lot of CW and Mandalorian in that they had a main plot stretched over several smaller and unrelated mini-adventures.

Episode 2 is so far my favourite episode. It was simple, took its time, and managed to tell a story with minimal dialogue and focused more on visual storytelling. I honestly didn’t expect anything from this series to be so well directed, and although the rest of it has been well directed it has been more straight forward storytelling. Both of the episodes directed by Rick Famuyiwa have been my favourite so far. The others directors, especially Deborah Chow have done a good job, but Famuyiwa’s episodes just really stand out to me, especially visually.

There are some quirks that weirded me out overall, though its mostly nitpicking. To me, and probably a lot of SW fans, anything OT-related feels off if it deviates from the 70’s/80’s style and feel that we associate with the original films and some times a few characters in the series felt “off”. The blue alien in ep. 1 and especially the waitress in ep. 4 felt weird, but I usually manage to ignore these minor gripes when I watched the episodes again. I don’t think all the actors involved quite get that oddly specific style that OT-era SW works best in, though I’m actually surprised by how well its worked out overall.

I really like the music as well. It was a bit jarring for the first 10 minutes or so because its so different from the John Williams classic style we’re used to, but the more I listen to it it comes off as a homage to a lot of 70’s TV shows, but with some more modern elements added to it. I’m pretty sure there are sections inspired from Rocky, the Star Trek movies, and I even think I heard a few Battlestar Galactica inspired moments in there as well. The more modern bits gave me a Blade Runner 2049 vibe. There are some moments that are a bit too on the nose, especially in ep. 4, but it never bothered me.

Overall though I’m really enjoying this show and I’m really looking forward to both the Obi-Wan series and especially the Kassian Andor focused show.

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