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Detention Block AA-23 : The OT.com's Banned Members... — Page 30

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^ Not helping, Frink.


imperialscum has been given a cool-off temp-ban - should he choose to return when the ban is lifted is up to him.

As has been posted in the ‘Ranking the Star Wars films’ thread - the name calling stops now.

If you suspect someone of trolling please report it to a moderator - thank you.

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


oojason said:

^ Not helping, Frink.

Sorry. But impscum has contributed nothing but negativity for a long, long time. Celebrating the fact that the forum continues to grow more enjoyable doesn’t seem unreasonable.


TV’s Frink said:

oojason said:

^ Not helping, Frink.

Sorry. But impscum has contributed nothing but negativity for a long, long time. Celebrating the fact that the forum continues to grow more enjoyable doesn’t seem unreasonable.

I agree.


Thank the goddamn Mo-fuckin’ maker!

JEDIT: Sorry, didn’t read the last couple posts before running my mouth (or keyboard?). I won’t celebrate openly.

The Person in Question


I will. I won’t call him names, but like Frink said, his presence was overwhelmingly and intentionally negative and the level of condescension in every post was so absurdly high that the only reasonable interpretation was that he was intentionally trolling you, because he was so much better than you that the idea of him stopping to the level of having a reasonable conversation with you is laughable. I am openly glad he is gone.


On a more general level, the forum has been cleaned up a lot lately and I’m very glad it is happening. Less toxicity = happier times.


TV’s Frink said:

On a more general level, the forum has been cleaned up a lot lately and I’m very glad it is happening. Less toxicity = happier times.


Impscum is the last of the worst trolls still left living under the bridge, and quite honestly, I will celebrate once he meets the last of the Billy Goats Gruff.


I said “on a more general level” for a reason.


TV’s Frink said:

On a more general level, the forum has been cleaned up a lot lately and I’m very glad it is happening. Less toxicity = happier times.

Very true.

The Person in Question


TV’s Frink said:

On a more general level, the forum has been cleaned up a lot lately and I’m very glad it is happening. Less toxicity = happier times.

Yub nub!


Wow, a lot of casualties. Didn’t expect to find some of those names in this list.

<span>The statement below is true
The statement above is false</span>


It’s been a month and Haseo is still banned. I guess it’s permanent after all. *shrug*


Yeah, I never saw the picture he posted, but it doesn’t seem quite right to me.



Making jokes that are racist and pedophilic and then ignoring a moderators request to remove em and stop doing it seems like a perfectly bannable offense to me.

JEDIT- he didn’t ignore the request at first, but then changed his mind and put it back to give a middle finger to the mods.
Sounds even more bannable to me.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


ray_afraid said:

Making jokes that are racist and pedophilic and then ignoring a moderators request to remove em and stop doing it seems like a perfectly bannable offense to me.

JEDIT- he didn’t ignore the request at first, but then changed his mind and put it back to give a middle finger to the mods.
Sounds even more bannable to me.

I don’t have a problem with the banning, but making it permanent? Little odd.


I don’t recall if Haseo was permabanned. I’ll let you guys know.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?