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The Kenobi Movie Show (Spoilers) — Page 17


I’m pretty hyped for this. So glad to see the Larses are coming back, particularly Joel Edgerton, there’s a chance to build some good character drama between Owen and Obi-Wan, and maybe alleviate some of the plot holes or inconsistencies between what was established in A New Hope and what was shown in the prequels.

I’m still holding my breath for a Qui-Gon cameo or references to the Clone Wars era.

Gonna believe the developers are smart and won’t shoot themselves in the foot by having Vader and Obi-Wan meet pre-ANH (I don’t remember if such a scenario happened in Legends). Hopefully they will find a way, such as a Force vision (taking visual cues from the Dyad fights in TROS) that allows them to build a great and emotional setpiece without breaking the canon (more than it already is).


oojason said:

NeverarGreat said:

I assume that’s the reason why they are making the show? For that one conversation between Obi-wan and Owen? That’s the only reason I’d make the show. 😉

No, there is another…

Who could Uncle Owen hand a serious bare knuckle beating to?


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I have to say that I’m a bit worried about the writing for this show.
Joby Harold’s writing credits seem to be average at best, from Awake (also starring Hayden Christensen) to King Arthur: Legend of the Sword. What’s even more worrying is that this will be his first time writing a Tv series…certainly a headscratcher for me.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


There were some big script rewrites, so they’re certainly not being complacent. Ewan McGregor said he thought the writing was fantastic - I know it’s all publicity stuff, but I feel like if he had any doubt about the scripts being good, he just wouldn’t have said anything about them. Small thing that gives me hope.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


I wonder if he has a picture of Satine on his nightstand?


NeverarGreat said:

oojason said:

NeverarGreat said:

I assume that’s the reason why they are making the show? For that one conversation between Obi-wan and Owen? That’s the only reason I’d make the show. 😉

No, there is another…

Who could Uncle Owen hand a serious bare knuckle beating to?


My favorite thread of all time.

I’m very happy oojason mentioned it, because I’d never read it before. I loved your post at the end!



“An up-close drive-through video of the Obi-Wan Kenobi series set gives an incredibly detailed look at a lot of the physical buildings and structures built for the Disney Plus show at its Southern California location.”

Not super interesting TBH. About what you’d expect from a Tatooine set.

PS. Beware of very loud music when clicking the play button on the video.

BTW, is no one going to talk about the fact that this series has an actress who’s last name is Kessell (albeit with two L’s)?

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^ Good to see a real set being used for the Kenobi series 👍 - I wonder if any flashback scenes in the show will be done in 90’s style green screen (just for the conformity to match the Prequel ‘style’) 😉

If the shows casts someone called Parsec then we know the Force is truly with this show, ZkinandBonez!

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oojason said:

^ Good to see a real set being used for the Kenobi series 👍 - I wonder if any flashback scenes in the show will be done in 90’s style green screen (just for the conformity to match the Prequel ‘style’) 😉

I’ve actually been wondering about this, specifically in regards to potential flashbacks and their inclusion of Clone Troopers. Obviously they were all CGI in AOTC and ROTS, so in theory it’d make the most sense aesthetically to match that, but I could also see them not caring and just putting actors in suits.

It’s not a massive deal either way but it will be interesting to see if they try and match the PT aesthetic at all. I think I’d prefer it for the sake of uniformity as it could end up jarring if not done right, but whatever works, works.


I demand a CGI Dewback obnoxiously walking behind or in front of Obi-Wan at least every second episode or I won’t be satisfied.


In all sincerity, when they do flashbacks (and I’m certain they will - not much point casting Hayden otherwise!) I’m looking forward to seeing Clone Troopers who are actually real people wearing costumes. Seeing live action Watch mandos and battle droids with improved special effects in The Mandalorian really worked well for me.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Poor Ewan will be getting PTSD from all those bluescreens.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Why aren’t they in The Volume? They have four of them don’t they?


Rodney-2187 said:

Why aren’t they in The Volume? They have four of them don’t they?

Could be that certain light conditions for outdoor shots are still ‘better’ with outdoor / on location shooting?

I think it is something like that that from one of the Mandalorian BTS / Disney Gallery episodes - though not 100% on it (for ‘The Marshal’ and also ‘The Tragedy’ episodes?).

(Or maybe something akin to blowing something up / setting something on fire - and it needs to be shot outside?)


“I Have the Career I Started Out Wanting” - a new Ewan McGregor interview with THR; talking about the series mostly being in The Volume, still (and his days with green screen on the Prequels).

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Yeah, I remember hearing Jon Favreau say that some scenes in The Marshal were done with bluescreens for lighting purposes.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


The remastered Anakin and Obi-Wan talk turned out to be so good it reminded me how much I’d want for a similar scene to be included in the Kenobi show, maybe as some kind of flashback prologue.


I have a sneaking suspicion the old woman from the end of TROS will make an appearance in this…

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Rodney-2187 said:

Why aren’t they in The Volume? They have four of them don’t they?

They touted “The Volume” a lot during promotions for The Mandalorian but they still used traditional blue and green chroma key when appropriate throughout both seasons. It just depends on what’s best for the shot, whether it’s lighting or if the Volume stage isn’t big enough for what they need to do.

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“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”