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[fill in the blank] Just Died! — Page 51


Jan Kruis (83), prominent Dutch comic artist.

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


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Mary Tyler Moore - 80

Man, even I knew who she was and she was off TV long before I was conscious.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Butch Trucks - 69

Everyone knows the Allman Brothers. Sad times.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Tyrphanax said:

Mary Tyler Moore - 80

Man, even I knew who she was and she was off TV long before I was conscious.

Absolutely impossible to quantify the enormous effect that show had on forming who I am today. As a kid, I never missed an episode. The family gathered in front of the set every week and watched every episode.

Even as an eight-year-old boy I was heavily influenced. There is no doubt about it, that show formed what I became with regard to conversational style, comedic influence & timing, and how to understand intelligent interaction. It lauded inclusion and understanding and it championed a woman as the lead.

More importantly, that leading role wasn’t in a sad sack, trying to find a man, or clumsy damsel-in-distress way. It championed her as a strong, cerebral, honest, true to herself woman. She was successful because of who she was, not in spite of who she was. The show as a whole was my role model as a kid and has remained so to this day.

I suspect I reference it here at work probably twenty times a year. Sometimes with a sharp comeback to a tiresome coworker, sometimes with reference to wishing for a bottle of whiskey in my desk drawer a la Mr. Grant, but usually with my Mary Richards over-the-head wave to coworkers as I pass them in the hall.

We’ve lost a ton of greats the past year or so, but to me this is the one that is most depressing.


Forum Moderator

Anchorhead said:

More importantly, that leading role wasn’t in a sad sack, trying to find a man, or clumsy damsel-in-distress way. It championed her as a strong, cerebral, honest, true to herself woman. She was successful because of who she was, not in spite of who she was. The show as a whole was my role model as a kid and has remained so to this day.



Anchorhead said:

More importantly, that leading role wasn’t in a sad sack, trying to find a man, or clumsy damsel-in-distress way. It championed her as a strong, cerebral, honest, true to herself woman. She was successful because of who she was, not in spite of who she was. The show as a whole was my role model as a kid and has remained so to this day.

Well said, Anchor. Marry and Carrie were strong influences on me when I was young. They showed me the kind of woman I hoped to meet someday, which made me try to be a better man.
I only hope that there are still these kinds of women bringing this kind of influence to people today. I don’t watch enough TV to know really. (Tina Fey comes to mind)

JEDIT: Woah. Me n’ Frink quoted the same piece. Good words!

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


It’s all a coverup by the Company! He died from an alien infection! In all seriousness, that’s very sad.


I will shed a tear the next time I watch Spaceballs. He was a good sport to send up the movie he will be remembered for.

Between Mike Connors and Barbara Hale, I picked a bad time to watch MST3K Volume 10.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


It is the ending of an era for sure. Mary Tyler Moore, John Hurt, Mike Connors, and the others. It’s going to be one heck of a ride.

R.I.P. to all of them. Thanks for bringing and sharing your talents with the world.


I just saw him in Jackie a few weeks ago. This was unexpected for me. Very saddening news. Rest in peace.


It’s great that John Hurt managed to do lots of War Doctor audio adventures.
He liked doing them because he could work (with a good cast) while sitting down.
Maybe one day someone will get around to animating them and we will get a series of Who with Mr Hurt as the Doctor.


Geoff Nicholls, famous keyboard player, mainly from Black Sabbath 😦


Dek Rollins said:

R.I.P. Sir John Hurt.

Sad news - and a good reason to watch 1984 again, in these times especially.

For me, he had that rare ability to lift a film to a better quality or standard - a quality actor and a quality man.

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