kevwright said:
I’m still having massive headaches trying to navigate this site… can someone please send me links to the original three files, if you know what I mean? Please and thank you.
kevwright said:
Hello, I’m new here, and although I’m not a tech novice… I have to say, I’m not doing a good job of finding what I’m looking for. So, I will try to make it simple: could someone please please directly send me the links to all three of the trilogy? Please and thank you.
I don’t think anyone can help you if you do not help yourself.
Which Original Trilogy preservation project are you looking for the links to? There seem to be hundreds of different projects on here. From Despecialized, to 4K77/80/83, to Ohteedee, TR2N, puggo, GOUT upscales, HD upscales from DVDs, and so many more.
There are also man Fan Edits of the Original Trilogy on here. Do you mean you are looking for adywan’s Revisited Edits, or Hal9000’s cuts, or any of the projects tailored for many individual tastes?
There is information on the different OT projects here, from An Index & Help Thread for Original Trilogy Discussion:
If you are looking for Fan Preservations (or Fan Edits) of the Original Trilogy - this is where to look…
(Notably Harmy’s Despecialized Editions, or TN1’s 4K77/80/83 Trilogy, or other countless preservation projects made by fans)

The Star Wars Preservation forum
An Index Of Projects & Help Thread for Star Wars Preservations
and for Fan Edits of the Original Trilogy…
An Index Of Projects & Help Thread for Star Wars Fan Edits and Other Projects
Also of interest may be…
The ‘Which Is Best?’ Star Wars Preservation Project discussion threads
The ‘Best’ Star Wars Fan Edits? (subjective conversations as to which Fan Edits are highly rated / liked / to suit)
as well looking in…
About, Help, Welcome to the | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within, and ‘How do I do this?’ on the; some info & answers + member FAQs - for links to useful info and some often-searched fan projects.
Information can also be found in the various pinned ‘Index & Help’ threads located around the forum.
Reading any of these should also help:
Welcome to the; Introduce yourself in here + useful info within…
‘How do I do this?’ on the; some info & answers + member FAQs Forum Rules and Guidelines and Fan Edit / Preservation Forum Rules and FAQ
I have found a Fan Edit / Preservation I am interested in - but don’t know how to get / acquire / download it?
Or reading through any of the ‘Index of Projects & Help’ threads pinned up in each of the four main ‘Fan Project’ sections…
This information is found in many of the links found above, and around this website:
Looking to acquire projects on here? Then please read this…
(and take the time to look around to see how this place works - and doesn’t - before posting requests for projects on here - thank you)
I have found a Fan Edit / Preservation Project I am interested in - but don’t know how to get / acquire / download it?
The OriginalTrilogy•com is a community where a ‘read first - post after’ mantra benefits everyone here - especially for the ‘Fan Project’ sections. We appreciate some may be excited to see the projects featured on this site - information on how to acquire them is readily available - yet patience is also required. If you bring impatience, entitlement, aggressive or vitriolic attitudes, personal attacks, or toxicity… then expect some choice words in return - and also expect your stay on here to be a short one.
Do NOT create a new thread asking ‘for a link to’… to Harmy’s Despecialized Editions, TN1’s 4K77/80/83, adywan’s Revisited Edits, the Hal9000 Edits, or any other project listed on this site. It is for you to take 5 minutes and go find the relevant project on here, for you to then read up on what the project is about, and then how to acquire it. Do not ask / expect others to do this simple task for you - we’ve had hundreds of such entitled requests over the years - and the patience of OT•com community members understandably wears thin. If thousands of people have managed to find, read up on, and then acquire these projects listed on here over the years… then you can too. A little patience - and a ‘read first - post after’ mantra - goes a long way on here…
These ‘signpost’ threads, featuring useful info and links to the five most sought-after fan projects, may be of interest…
• Some info & help for Harmy’s Despecialized Editions of the Original Trilogy…
• Some info & help for Puggo’s Grande 16mm preservations of the Original Trilogy…
• Some info & help for TN1’s 4K77, 4K80 & 4K83 preservation projects of the Original Trilogy…
• Some info & help for adywan’s Revisited Editions of the Original Trilogy…
• Some info & help for the Hal 9000 Edits of the Prequel & Sequel Trilogies (+ more)
Obviously there are countless more projects in the four main Project Index threads in each of the ‘Fan Project’ sections of the site:-
• Star Wars Preservation - Project Index
• Star Wars Fan Edits and Other Projects - Project Index
• Preservation of Other Properties - Project Index
• Fan Edits and Projects for Other Properties - Project Index
A link to ‘Where is the site Search Bar? / How to search for projects, information, or discussion threads on’.
In the following post it actually tells us what to do if we are interested in acquiring a project on here:-
I have found a Fan Edit / Preservation I am interested in - but don’t know how to get / acquire / download it?
Read through the thread of the project you are interest in - there is usually information in there (often in the very first post) on how to acquire a project.
If no such information is in the thread…
then simply send a polite PM to the fan editor / preservationist asking them for links or information on how to obtain it
…and after that a little bit of patience is required. It is likely that the Fan Edit author / owner isn’t online every day - or even every week - and may have a ton of queries or other stuff to get through before dealing with and replying to your request.
If you haven’t heard back after some time (over a month or so…), then let it be known that you are seeking a copy by making a post in the relevant thread; hopefully other members of the community on here may be in a position to help you. This also applies or if the fan editor / preservationist are obviously no longer about this site anymore.
• Do NOT simply just post ‘a request’ for links in the project thread (unless asked to do so by the editor or preservationist) - doing so just fills threads up with endless link requests… which often disrupts any ongoing discussions, further ideas & feedback occurring in such threads.
Also, fellow members may be more likely to help you out if you are an active member of the community here - you don’t have to be a fellow fan editor, preservationist, tech wiz, artistic or skilled etc; just a member that has made, or is making, an effort…
NOTE: Many editors & preservationists choose not to make their projects available to ‘hit & runners’ or people with a post history of mainly asking for various projects - which is completely up to them. That some people join up here looking to simply take - instead of give something back; not even leaving a simple ‘thank you’, feedback or review, or join in with the community here - and instead move on to asking for more projects… is not encouraged. As above, such requests may likely be ignored.
• Joining up here and then creating a new thread along the lines ‘Give me the link to X’, ‘Where is project Y’, or going straight into a project thread and posting ‘How do I get these?’ doesn’t really fly on here - and will likely be ignored or deleted.
Many of the projects on here have been undertaken by volunteers or enthusiasts who’ve devoted considerable time, effort, dedication and some expense… to locate, preserve, restore & archive - or edit - films and TV programs in their best possible presentation. This is often with painstaking commitment - yet all projects are available for free; not to mention our members also improving upon & sharing techniques, knowledge, technical assistance, experiences - and a few stories, along the way…
The OriginalTrilogy•com is a community where a ‘read first - post after’ mantra benefits everyone here - especially for the ‘Fan Project’ sections. We appreciate some may be excited to see the projects featured on this site - information on how to acquire them is readily available - yet patience is also required. If you bring impatience, entitlement, aggressive or vitriolic attitudes, personal attacks, or toxicity… then expect some choice words in return - and also expect your stay on here to be a short one.
Do NOT create a new thread asking ‘for a link to’… to Harmy’s Despecialized Editions, TN1’s 4K77/80/83, adywan’s Revisited Edits, the Hal9000 Edits, or any other project listed on this site. It is for you to take 5 minutes and go find the relevant project on here, for you to then read up on what the project is about, and then how to acquire it. Do not ask / expect others to do this simple task for you - we’ve had hundreds of such entitled requests over the years - and the patience of OT•com community members understandably wears thin. If thousands of people have managed to find, read up on, and then acquire these projects listed on here over the years… then you can too. A little patience - and a ‘read first - post after’ mantra - goes a long way on here…
Your only 2 posts on here are 2 separate threads that read like you haven’t looked through the project threads, or indexes, or instructions, or look up how things work on here. Something thousands of others on here have managed to do when we are all looking for projects. Instead, you just lazily created 2 new threads, despite the site specifically asking people ‘Do NOT create a new thread asking for links’, and wanting someone to send you links to an original OT project? Maybe I am wrong, maybe not.
I hope you find the OT project you are looking for. Read through the project thread for instructions on how to get it, or see if anyone is kindly helping others out with links or information in that project thread. Or just simply ask in the project thread itself on how to get it if there isn’t any information already provided.
Good luck. Not that any luck is really needed: just reading through a thread or two, following the information provided, and then a little patience.