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Keyan Farlander

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Steren Cantina : Star Wars creation storytelling and thematic analysis

Steren said:

Hi folks !
It’s time for the second video, this time an essay about the symbolic of colors throughout the saga.
I’m trying to tackle characters, environments symbolic and make a quick allusion to the lightsabers color with some personnal interpretation as well as intended effects. Keen to debate about it here !

It’s out there, again this is only my 2nd video so open to feedbacks :

I very much enjoyed this, and it was very well done and edited, with good humour as well throughout!

I was a little surprised there was not more mention of the Jedi uniform originally being black, something George mentions for ROTJ, and also had pre-production and costume designs for Jedi uniforms being black the Prequels. In the EU too. It was a little disappointing that Kershner and Marquand didn’t get mention in the video? (many often forget or overlook their contributions, instead giving credit or prominence to George), or the EU contributions to lightsabers and colours in the films, and that there were no rules about lightsaber colours introduced until the Prequels?

Those are really my only small nitpicks, or maybe ideas and scope for your future content to include. I really was entertained by the video, will recommend it to friends, and look forward to your next instalment.

<strong>The Acolyte</strong> (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread

The acting is well done. I’m not 100% sold on Vernestra but we are only 2 episodes in. If being nitpicky, theb some of the exposition and dialogue was a little rushed and could have done with a polish, but much better than most of what we’ve seen in Star Wars of late (Andor apart). Lee Jung-jae and Amandla Stenberg area joy to watch here, with good support all around.

I enjoyed the worldbuilding, the small things, the depiction of every day life, locations, with the real sets and the direction helping. Fight scenes were also very well done. You can really tell the difference between the Volume series (post Mando S1) and the series with real sets. Immersive, beautiful colours and textures.

There is something alluring about the series. It is like it has a soul of its own, doing its own thing in the SW Universe, and I hope that continues for the rest of the season.

I’ll be happily watching both these episodes again before next week’s 3rd episode is released.

New Lucas interview 2: 'Insists Unaltered Versions Of The OT Will Never Be Released'

Caston said:

Many of the comments in the Star Wars Underworld twitter thread makes some very good points, and the majority are wanting the theatrical cuts being released, or are calling George out for him comments.

That is pleasing to see, that most see straight through George and his claims.

Lexa C said:

Caston said:

From the New Lucas interview - the originals “look terrible” thread, by digitalfreaknyc:

Haarspalter said:

The complete Cannes interview (with George Lucas):


Fast forward to timecode 53:08 … the interviewer asks Lucas a question from a fan, if he will release the original versions in the future. Lucas drops the “it looks terrible” quote a few seconds later.

Thanks Haarspalter.

I think the whole “Special Edition” section is worth viewing. It is only 5 minutes long, starting at 50m 42s into the video, and there are also chapters timestamped in the video description.

The part where George talks about the film belonging to the director and he “should have the right to have the movie the way he wants it” (but makes no mention of Kershner or Marquand directing the other two OT films, nor him making changes to their films), and George then talks about Michelangelo, starts at 55m 23s.

I watched the whole 5 minute segment. George really is full of it. Some truly embarrassing claims.

I think I’d like to forget having ever watched that 5 minute section of the video. It is the same rubbish that George has said before, and has long been debunked.

George Lucas will receive Honorary Palme d’or at Cannes festival

Steren said:

Talking about the white men issue, I’m not fully convinced about your argumentation.
Firstly, I feel like blaming Lucas to be participating in non representation of colored and female actors is true, but somehow unfair.
To me, part (and only part of it) of the problem is linked to the time where star wars was created. That question is obviously complicated, because it can quickly be seen as ‘people are not tolerant, so I won’t be either’ which of course is unforgivable. But just like we today have to fight for more representation of diversity, people at that time had different scale in their action to promote tolerance.
Given the social climate 5 decades earlier, I believe that it could be fair, before pointing Lucas’ mistakes, to acknowledge what he did great. I consider Leia to be a major female figure of pop culture and a conterpoint to the damselle in distress. To some extent, Mon Mothma being a rebel leader serves that point of representing strong women, in a time where it was rare.
I would also argue that the budget of Star Wars has something to do with that. I do believe that Lucas was willing to showcase the alien-human opposition, more globally conveyed through a nature-technology dichotomy. One argument in favour of this is that in Jedi, which can be described as what George would have like Star Wars to look like, pilots are as you said more represented through aliens. So Lucas does showcase that good guys are the one promoting differences when he has the money to make aliens and more pilots (female pilots deleted from Jedi’s final cut, what a shame)

That being said, it is true that almost all rebels are white men, and I can only deplore that this era wasn’t giving chances to minorities (and that today’s era still has so much to accomplish), but I believe that Lucas was on the good side, trying, probably not enough, to fight against this.
‘Good side’ being backed by the sort of hippie resistance that he and his friends represented back then : I think we can’t say that they were for the establishment and statu quo. I won’t extend on the social movements of a country that isn’t mine though.

I agree with the non-sense of Lucas declaration like ‘There is only racism against alien’ since the Empire is obviously racist against colored people.

Looking forward to read your comments !

It was not my intention to make an argument, that part of the post was not directed at you, and I left a large gap in my post to indicate a new separate topic. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

That part of my post was only to highlight that it is George’s answer to the valid criticism of there being mainly white men in the movies that makes no sense: Because he hired Billy Dee and Samuel L Jackson, and that “Most of the people are aliens!”, that doesn’t invalidate or answer the criticism.

I agree with the points you make for the most part, and of course he had more money and technical expertise to get more memorable alien characters as the OT films progressed. Although I think he could have easily used women in the Rebel technical and Rebel leadership roles, and could have employed non-white males or women for some of the scenes I linked images as examples to. Perhaps even re-dressing some previously used alien costumes or figure heads as distant background characters for the Rebels.

Unfortunately the racial stereotypes that appear in TPM especially (Jar Jar, Neimoidians and Watto), does George no favours:



Sideburns of BoShek said:

George Lucas Receives Honorary Palme d’Or From Francis Ford Coppola At Cannes Film Festival - a Deadline article, with a video of George bring presented with the award by Coppola.

Good for him, although I wish he would smile more, or look a little happy (collecting a prestigious award from an old friend!).

George Lucas will receive Honorary Palme d’or at Cannes festival

Mocata said:

Mocata said:

I dunno guys, on the one hand sure he has done a lot for cinema, but on the other it proliferates at that false idea of the single genius visionary…

Boy I do hate being right all the time.

You visionary genius, you! 😃

Steren said:

My position is probably different yup, mainly because I have less emotional attachment to the special edition case because of my age. But I don’t mind people fighting for it, I just prefer not to participate in that.

That is a bold statement that you prefer not to participate in conversations about preserving film history. Given this website was founded to petition for the original cuts to be released on DVD, and have since preserved it themselves, also highlighting Lucas’ revisionism and bizarre claims, writing out and underplaying others contributions from SW history, and have preserved hundreds of other films and various cuts. 😃


George also brought this subject up when speaking at at Cannes.

George Lucas Rejects ‘Star Wars’ Critics Who Think the First Six Films Are ‘All White Men’: ‘Most of the People Are Aliens!’’:


'When speaking about the success of the franchise ahead of receiving the festival’s honorary Palme d’Or, Lucas reflected on some of the negative comments he’s received over the years.

“They would say, ‘It’s all white men,'” Lucas said of the films’ critics. “Most of the people are aliens! The idea is you’re supposed to accept people for what they are, whether they’re big and furry or whether they’re green or whatever. The idea is all people are equal.”

Lucas went on to say that the only beings in the “Star Wars” universe who were discriminated against were the robots.

“That was a way of saying, you know, people are always discriminating against something and sooner or later, that’s what’s going to happen,” he said. “I mean, we’re already starting with AI, saying, ‘Well, we can’t trust those robots.'”

As for the issue of race, Lucas said, “In the first one, there were a few Tunisians who were dark, and in the second one I had Billy Williams, and the [prequels], which they were also criticizing, I had Sam Jackson. He wasn’t a scoundrel like Lando. He was one of the top jedi.”’


“Show - don’t tell”, George:


^ the main cast, minus Anthony Daniels, Peter Cushing and Alec Guinness.


^ every person shown onscreen on the Tantive IV ship was a white male, bar Leia.


^ Imperial meeting room, all white men (which is ok if they were going for the full Empire=Nazi supremacy imagery thing).


^ Rebel briefing room, all white men.


^ Rebel leadership at the Rebel Base on Yavin 4. Not a great image, but in the scene every person, apart from Leia, appears to be a white male.


^ Luke and Han return to Rebel Base after blowing up the Death Star. Not a great image again, but every person, bar Leia, is a white male.




Medal Ceremony, every person is a white male, bar Leia.


^ Hoth pilot briefing, all white men.


^ all white men.

Almost every person is a white male until we finally meet Lando and a few background extras at Cloud City.


^ Even the Rebel Commando team in Return Of The Jedi are all white males (although there are finally female, alien, and non-white pilots in the DSII briefing and attack scenes, and we get Calamari in the Rebel hierarchy).

It appears a reasonable criticism that people have made on the subject. The “in the second one I had Billy Williams, and the [prequels], which they were also criticising, I had Sam Jackson. He wasn’t a scoundrel like Lando. He was one of the top jedi.” attempt at a justification just doesn’t work, and really is a isn’t valid answer as to why more non-white people didn’t appear in more roles in scenes like those demonstrated above. Again, George: “Show - don’t tell”.

Steren said:

Plus Coppola should be there to present his movie Magalopolis, good occasion for a photo of the iconic duo.

That would be cool to see. And with other film-makers and friends too.

New Lucas interview - the originals &quot;look terrible&quot;

Haarspalter said:

That interview confirms one more time that the GOUT 2006 DVD was Lucas’ deliberate middlefinger in the face of the OT fans. And his stupid argument that it looked bad and that is why his numerous Special Edition iterations are better … what a terrible & dumb justification.

Also worth noting as he mentions ‘the director, or the writer or the filmmaker’ … he basically justifys his ‘clean-ups’ on EMPIRE and JEDI since he was not the director. As i remember in earlier interviews he always referred to the directors right.

Absolutely this.

Trying to pass of laserdisc level quality as the best quality the originals would look?! A pity he’d never do an interview or talk with someone who’d actually call him out on his claims, or simply question him on them.

The originals, preserved by the fans, look better than anything Lucasfilm has released on the OT within the last 20 years. People may want to question that.

Which one do you like more? The Prequels or the Sequels? And why?

Lexa C said:

I think there is already a thread on this conversation? In the General Star Wars Discussion forum? Probably in the “Rankings” or “Vs & Similarities” sections?

Edit: I found it. Prequels or Sequels; Which do you prefer - and why?

Do similar threads not get merged together on here?

Some really cool fan edits for both the PT and ST make them far more enjoyable than watching the official cuts.

I do like Sequel fan edits far more than the prequel fan edits. That is no disrespect to the editors, it is just what they have to work with.

George Lucas will receive Honorary Palme d’or at Cannes festival

Caston said:

Steren said:

He arrived today !
That’s so refreshing to have new public declarations of him.
Check out that one, https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2830844893761474
After 5 minutes , he’s asked about streaming plateforms and AI in movies, quite interesting to hear him on that

No, thanks.

The bullshit George Lucas spouts in here is more than enough for one day: New Lucas interview - the originals “look terrible”

Unfortunately people will likely see George’s quotes and speeches and unquestioningly take them as fact.

Or why he changed the work of other directors. Not only changing it, but actively supressing the original version by those other directors.

That laserdisc quality claim. Wow!

<strong>The OOT</strong> : The changes to the OT films &amp; general OOT (1977 - 1996) discussion thread

I think I’ve seen this posted in other places on here, but it also suits this thread. A sharp video from HelloGreedo detailing why the original theatrical versions of the OT are still important, and answering some fans shitting on that idea. (made before the release of 4K80)


Some People Don’t Get It - Star Wars Changes - an 11 minute video from HelloGreedo (2023)

‘Some people don’t seem to understand the broader problem with the Star Wars changes and the lack of preserving the original theatrical cut of the original Star Wars trilogy.’

<strong>Disney+</strong> streaming platform : <strong>Star Wars content</strong> &amp; various other info

Sideburns of BoShek said:

Bob Iger Reflects on Disney’s Streaming Launch: “We Invested Too Much” - at Hollywood Reporter

He says they invested to much in the streaming service with new shows, but it didn’t have to be that way. Disney has plenty of content in their archives they still haven’t shown, that they easily could, and cheaply too.

Sure, there has to be a balance of new and old content, and they know what would attract more subscribers in showing older rarely seen or available content (and a certain OOT!), but they simply refuse to do it, or even acknowledge it.

As JadedSkywalker says above, $50 for a short season on a steelbook is insane, but just about more preferable than subscribing to Disney.

They don’t keep it simple, do they? And then they wonder why it is not working or where they have gone wrong. Ignoring the elephant in the room and what fans actually would pay for to see. KISS.

<strong>2004 SE</strong> : The changes to the OT films &amp; general 2004 Special Edition discussion thread

It really doesn’t feel like it has been 20 years! The hype and merch were indeed strong for those releases. Much stronger than the quality of the actual release.

WHen I think about it now, the whole “for the first time on DVD” marketing thing was bullshit. These 2004 cuts (with even more alterations) were the first time they’d ever been released, not just on DVD.

“We know how long fans have waited for this release and how much they have been looking forward to it, so everyone has been working overtime to make sure that the Star Wars Trilogy on DVD is an awesome experience,” said Jim Ward, Vice President of Marketing and Distribution for Lucasfilm Ltd. and the DVD collection’s Executive Producer.

“First and foremost, the DVDs will deliver the very best possible sound and picture and take advantage of everything the medium can offer.”

^ https://web.archive.org/web/20040210165950/https://www.starwars.com/episode-iv/news/2004/02/news20040210.html

They did not deliver anywhere near “the best possible sound and picture”, and was far from “an awesome experience”, as Jim Ward claimed. LMAO.


20th Century Fox claimed that first day sales alone made over $100m - https://money.cnn.com/2004/09/23/news/midcaps/starwars/index.htm










kevwright said:

I’m still having massive headaches trying to navigate this site… can someone please send me links to the original three files, if you know what I mean? Please and thank you.


kevwright said:

Hello, I’m new here, and although I’m not a tech novice… I have to say, I’m not doing a good job of finding what I’m looking for. So, I will try to make it simple: could someone please please directly send me the links to all three of the trilogy? Please and thank you.

I don’t think anyone can help you if you do not help yourself.

Which Original Trilogy preservation project are you looking for the links to? There seem to be hundreds of different projects on here. From Despecialized, to 4K77/80/83, to Ohteedee, TR2N, puggo, GOUT upscales, HD upscales from DVDs, and so many more.

There are also man Fan Edits of the Original Trilogy on here. Do you mean you are looking for adywan’s Revisited Edits, or Hal9000’s cuts, or any of the projects tailored for many individual tastes?


There is information on the different OT projects here, from An Index & Help Thread for Original Trilogy Discussion:

If you are looking for Fan Preservations (or Fan Edits) of the Original Trilogy - this is where to look…

(Notably Harmy’s Despecialized Editions, or TN1’s 4K77/80/83 Trilogy, or other countless preservation projects made by fans)


The Star Wars Preservation forum


An Index Of Projects & Help Thread for Star Wars Preservations

and for Fan Edits of the Original Trilogy…

An Index Of Projects & Help Thread for Star Wars Fan Edits and Other Projects


Also of interest may be…

The ‘Which Is Best?’ Star Wars Preservation Project discussion threads


The ‘Best’ Star Wars Fan Edits? (subjective conversations as to which Fan Edits are highly rated / liked / to suit)


as well looking in…

About, Help, Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within, and ‘How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + member FAQs - for links to useful info and some often-searched fan projects.

Information can also be found in the various pinned ‘Index & Help’ threads located around the forum.


Reading any of these should also help:

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com; Introduce yourself in here + useful info within



How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + member FAQs

OT.com Forum Rules and Guidelines and Fan Edit / Preservation Forum Rules and FAQ

I have found a Fan Edit / Preservation I am interested in - but don’t know how to get / acquire / download it?

Or reading through any of the ‘Index of Projects & Help’ threads pinned up in each of the four main Fan Project sections…


This information is found in many of the links found above, and around this website:

Looking to acquire projects on here? Then please read this…

(and take the time to look around to see how this place works - and doesn’t - before posting requests for projects on here - thank you)

I have found a Fan Edit / Preservation Project I am interested in - but don’t know how to get / acquire / download it?

The OriginalTrilogy•com is a community where a ‘read first - post after’ mantra benefits everyone here - especially for the ‘Fan Project’ sections. We appreciate some may be excited to see the projects featured on this site - information on how to acquire them is readily available - yet patience is also required. If you bring impatience, entitlement, aggressive or vitriolic attitudes, personal attacks, or toxicity… then expect some choice words in return - and also expect your stay on here to be a short one.

Do NOT create a new thread asking ‘for a link to’… to Harmy’s Despecialized Editions, TN1’s 4K77/80/83, adywan’s Revisited Edits, the Hal9000 Edits, or any other project listed on this site. It is for you to take 5 minutes and go find the relevant project on here, for you to then read up on what the project is about, and then how to acquire it. Do not ask / expect others to do this simple task for you - we’ve had hundreds of such entitled requests over the years - and the patience of OT•com community members understandably wears thin. If thousands of people have managed to find, read up on, and then acquire these projects listed on here over the years… then you can too. A little patience - and a ‘read first - post after’ mantra - goes a long way on here…

These ‘signpost’ threads, featuring useful info and links to the five most sought-after fan projects, may be of interest…

Some info & help for Harmy’s Despecialized Editions of the Original Trilogy…

Some info & help for Puggo’s Grande 16mm preservations of the Original Trilogy…

Some info & help for TN1’s 4K77, 4K80 & 4K83 preservation projects of the Original Trilogy…

Some info & help for adywan’s Revisited Editions of the Original Trilogy…

Some info & help for the Hal 9000 Edits of the Prequel & Sequel Trilogies (+ more)

Obviously there are countless more projects in the four main Project Index threads in each of the ‘Fan Project’ sections of the site:-

Star Wars Preservation - Project Index

Star Wars Fan Edits and Other Projects - Project Index

Preservation of Other Properties - Project Index

Fan Edits and Projects for Other Properties - Project Index

A link to ‘Where is the site Search Bar? / How to search for projects, information, or discussion threads on OriginalTrilogy.com’.


In the following post it actually tells us what to do if we are interested in acquiring a project on here:-

I have found a Fan Edit / Preservation I am interested in - but don’t know how to get / acquire / download it?

Read through the thread of the project you are interest in - there is usually information in there (often in the very first post) on how to acquire a project.

If no such information is in the thread…

then simply send a polite PM to the fan editor / preservationist asking them for links or information on how to obtain it

…and after that a little bit of patience is required. It is likely that the Fan Edit author / owner isn’t online every day - or even every week - and may have a ton of queries or other stuff to get through before dealing with and replying to your request.

If you haven’t heard back after some time (over a month or so…), then let it be known that you are seeking a copy by making a post in the relevant thread; hopefully other members of the community on here may be in a position to help you. This also applies or if the fan editor / preservationist are obviously no longer about this site anymore.


• Do NOT simply just post ‘a request’ for links in the project thread (unless asked to do so by the editor or preservationist) - doing so just fills threads up with endless link requests… which often disrupts any ongoing discussions, further ideas & feedback occurring in such threads.

Also, fellow members may be more likely to help you out if you are an active member of the community here - you don’t have to be a fellow fan editor, preservationist, tech wiz, artistic or skilled etc; just a member that has made, or is making, an effort…

NOTE: Many editors & preservationists choose not to make their projects available to ‘hit & runners’ or people with a post history of mainly asking for various projects - which is completely up to them. That some people join up here looking to simply take - instead of give something back; not even leaving a simple ‘thank you’, feedback or review, or join in with the community here - and instead move on to asking for more projects… is not encouraged. As above, such requests may likely be ignored.


• Joining up here and then creating a new thread along the lines ‘Give me the link to X’, ‘Where is project Y’, or going straight into a project thread and posting ‘How do I get these?’ doesn’t really fly on here - and will likely be ignored or deleted.

Many of the projects on here have been undertaken by volunteers or enthusiasts who’ve devoted considerable time, effort, dedication and some expense… to locate, preserve, restore & archive - or edit - films and TV programs in their best possible presentation. This is often with painstaking commitment - yet all projects are available for free; not to mention our members also improving upon & sharing techniques, knowledge, technical assistance, experiences - and a few stories, along the way…

The OriginalTrilogy•com is a community where a ‘read first - post after’ mantra benefits everyone here - especially for the ‘Fan Project’ sections. We appreciate some may be excited to see the projects featured on this site - information on how to acquire them is readily available - yet patience is also required. If you bring impatience, entitlement, aggressive or vitriolic attitudes, personal attacks, or toxicity… then expect some choice words in return - and also expect your stay on here to be a short one.

Do NOT create a new thread asking ‘for a link to’… to Harmy’s Despecialized Editions, TN1’s 4K77/80/83, adywan’s Revisited Edits, the Hal9000 Edits, or any other project listed on this site. It is for you to take 5 minutes and go find the relevant project on here, for you to then read up on what the project is about, and then how to acquire it. Do not ask / expect others to do this simple task for you - we’ve had hundreds of such entitled requests over the years - and the patience of OT•com community members understandably wears thin. If thousands of people have managed to find, read up on, and then acquire these projects listed on here over the years… then you can too. A little patience - and a ‘read first - post after’ mantra - goes a long way on here…

Your only 2 posts on here are 2 separate threads that read like you haven’t looked through the project threads, or indexes, or instructions, or look up how things work on here. Something thousands of others on here have managed to do when we are all looking for projects. Instead, you just lazily created 2 new threads, despite the site specifically asking people ‘Do NOT create a new thread asking for links’, and wanting someone to send you links to an original OT project? Maybe I am wrong, maybe not.

I hope you find the OT project you are looking for. Read through the project thread for instructions on how to get it, or see if anyone is kindly helping others out with links or information in that project thread. Or just simply ask in the project thread itself on how to get it if there isn’t any information already provided.

Good luck. Not that any luck is really needed: just reading through a thread or two, following the information provided, and then a little patience.

<strong>The Acolyte</strong> (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread

Acbagel said:

daveybjones999 said:

So the new trailer for this show has dropped and it’s way better than the first one we get a much better sense of the stakes and the scale that the story is going to take place on. The action we see here looks better than the previous trailer as well. Also, it seems like the color grading is a bit better and we’re seeing scenes with more desaturated colors and a better sense of characterization. So the trailer makes me way more hopeful for the show, but there’s still something that feels missing and I’m not sure what it is.

Agree on this one, new trailer did a much better job than the first teaser. Made me a little bit more hopeful for this project. I disagree with a lot of the criticism online about this, and while I don’t think it looks great, I remain slightly optimistic about this story. Something does still feel off about it though! I don’t feel “High Republic” setting when I watch. It looks like a very sterile hollywood production, but I’m open to being wrong about that once we start seeing full episodes.

The same for me, the new trailer was a solid improveemnt. I hope we get something like a 5-10 minute background video for this explaining what the whole series is about, the tone, before it airs. Something like, but for all the characters, or maybe an overview video from Headland herself?

This 2 minute YouTube video is from the official Disney+ Korea channel:

The Acolyte | Master Sol Lee Jung-jae Special Video

<strong>The New Republic era</strong> | from post-ROTJ to the Sequel Trilogy | a general discussion


^ from the Tales of The Empire trailer

New Republic soldiers appear to be Star Wars answer to Star Trek’s red shirt trope from some 60 years ago.

No substance, no real interaction or belief they could independently function in their surroundings, and therefore limited viewer immersion in the stories which they appear. They simply exist to then disposably die in some sort of attempt to raise stakes or tension for other characters in badly written, unengaging, predictable stories.

<strong>The Bad Batch</strong> (animated series) - a general discussion thread

I agree with most of you guys. It was ok to good in parts, but also felt safe, vague and lacking. Rushed maybe?

A little disappointed we didn’t see Rex, Gregor, Cody, Wolffe, or any of the many new characters such as Namic, Fireball, and Howzer. They had potential. I also didn’t like the way the Clone Commandos were treated as regular troopers. Scorch seemed to be a just regular bodyguard, for fan service, and not much like his RC era character. With the Clone Assassins feeling more like an end of level boss than actual characters. These are the aspects that felt rushed or glossed over tom me.

Hemlock not having any data backups or there being an “Emperor’s Top Secret Projects” cloud seems convenient. Despite the research lost, the scientists seem to have survived for the most part according to Tarkin’s officer. Maybe they’ll go work for the Emperor now? Or not give Tarkin just decided to transfer funds to the Death Star project, despite this being of the “highest importance” to the Emperor himself.

I’ve seen elsewhere online people say they’ll bring back Tech and Scorch if they want to for future animation shows, and given the the handwaving away for Ventress return they may be right. I hope they don’t, I hope they finally stop with this gimmicky feeling trope.

The set-up and improvements in the series, especially in season 2 and early season 3, felt like they were rowed back as we approached the end of the show. I guess I was hoping for it to be more. It was okay. 6-ish out of 10 for me too.

<strong>Jedi Knight</strong> games | Dark Forces, JK: DFII, JK: MOTS, JKII: Jedi Outcast, JK: Jedi Academy

Lexa C said:

The series is cool and loved playing the DF/JK games, but I do wish there were more Star Wars games that were just dedicated First Person Shooters. I was kind of hoping that I’d just missed or forgot about any other FPS Star Wars games?

Doom! I’ll have a look around to see if someone has modded that with some Star Wars skins!

There only being 2 FPS-only games in Star Wars is a little strange, but it looks like there won’t be any more for some time.

I’d love to see a renewed series of the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight games, maybe some of the popular other game series as well, but I don’t think it’ll happen. For me it is a pity as Star Wars gaming has been shit, quality and quantity wise, for some time.