Personally I think it’s been flawless so far, but by way of parodying criticism of the recent movies:
Too many self-serving winks to the audience that make the galaxy seem smaller, so:
- Remove background aliens we’ve seen elsewhere
- Remove jawas
- Remove baby yoda
Not enough links to existing content, so:
- Add more background aliens from other SW media
- Re-dub IG-11’s introduction so he claims to be IG-88
- Put yoda’s force ghost in the background when baby yoda uses the force
- Add dialogue to make it explicit that the Mandalorian is Boba’s son/clone and change his ship to the Slave I
- Replace the egg-rhino with the reek from Episode II
Mandalorian character needs tweaks:
- No dialogue
- All dialogue should be redubbed by someone with Temuera Morrison’s accent
- Also recolour armour to make him explicitly Boba Fett
- Mandalorians should be lone wolves and not accept help so don’t have him meet Kuiil (the Ugnaught)
Other necessary changes for my personal enjoyment:
- Werner Herzog’s character should be replaced by Thrawn
- Set it during the OT
- Set it during the PT
- Replace Carl Weathers’ dialogue with new dialogue cut from his appearances in Arrested Development. Baby, I got a stew goin’.
- Add John Williams score