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Palpatine is the most glaring issue. He shouldn’t be here. He should be long gone. Far better if it’d been Snoke. Palpatine in TROS is making me seriously consider not even bothering trying to reedit this whole trilogy.
A quick reminder that the Star Wars Preservation and Star Wars Fan Edit sections of the site are NOT the places to bash on certain eras or aspects of the films, actors, film-makers or owners - or any perceived ‘agendas’ or politics thereof.
There are far more relevant threads in the Beyond the Original Trilogy or General Star Wars Discussion sections of the site to talk about this.
Critiquing a scene in the Star Wars Fan Edits section with the aim of improving it, removing it, altering it etc is perfectly fine. Statements such as ‘Disney sucks’ and ‘this film is so shit no Fan Edit can save it’ is not.
Fan Editors, Preservationists and members do not want the same sort of repeated comments and discussions in the ‘Fan Project’ areas - especially when they’ve already taken place (and continuing) in other more relevant sections of the site, as linked to above.
Peace is a lie
There is only passion…
I recommend seeing the movie before making this thread.
I think it is only appropriate since its the eve of the release.I will be seeing it in a few hours anyway so might as well.
Peace is a lie
There is only passion…
We can already start though. I’m sure plenty of people will want to trim ‘They fly now!’
You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)
That’s a good place to start.
Peace is a lie
There is only passion…
After watching the film here are my (non-spoiler) thoughts/critiques:
-The overall story is very ambitious and has a lot of heart but the plot is just too convoluted.
-Pacing is really all over the place.
-A lot of unnecessary exposition.
-This film felt like it was meant to be a 3 hour movie, scenes are never allowed to breath, cut short and slapped together to fit in a short run-time, I can’t wait to see the deleted/extended scenes on blue ray because this film needs more fleshing out.
Overall I think somewhere inside TROS there is a solid film, now its our job to try salvage it.
Looks like we got a lot of work to do.
Peace is a lie
There is only passion…
I am going to the movie with my expectations set to low so either it meets or exceeds my expectations. Granted, I already know this movie will require some good fan editing.
“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”
Oh yeah I can see this film being the subject of fan edits for a very long time.
There is plenty to like so I hope you enjoy it, looking forward to hear your thoughts.
Peace is a lie
There is only passion…
Spoilers Within
I managed to avoid all TV adverting and the internet theories/leaks and watched the teaser and first trailer once so went in with no pre conceptions and I walked out of the imax cinema for the most part enjoying what I watched.
Most of the dislikes for Rise of Skywalker at the moment seem to stem from not getting enough backstory for events and charactors witin its 2h22mins timeframe but no doubt all will be explained in time through books/comics/Tv shows ect.
I know I’ll be a minority but I liked what it had delivered with most of what it did right but heres a few fix ideas:
From what I interpreted it to be the reasoning behind the rule of two now is if the apprentice/chosen one is strong enough to kill Palpatine then Palpatine would then take their body and soul hence asking to “strike me down” also explains his quote “I am ALL Sith!” from past apprentice he possesed maybe. With that in mind when Rey did strike him down it would be good to show Palpatines yellow eyes fade from her when dying when he is losing her as a host. (host idea is similair to 1998s Fallen thinking about it).
Remove the lightspeed skipping thing the falcon does at the start of the film… 😬
Han Solo: Traveling through hyperspace ain’t like dusting crops, boy! Without precise calculations we could fly right through a star or bounce too close to a supernova and that’d end your trip real quick, wouldn’t it?
Less of Poes love interest side story with the helmet woman which never leads to anywere.
Less of what seems to be Landos daughter and first order deserter again charactor doesn’t lead anywere except for just adding a female Finn.
Cut R2D2 uploading yet another all important message he needs to deliver to the Princess.
not sure how to fix but Kylo landing a Tie on Exogal, Can’t those things only land in docking bay racks?
After first watch these stick to mind the most.
“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda
My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)
💡 Save confusion & express your comments with Markdown Emojis here 💡
Palpatine is the most glaring issue. He shouldn’t be here. He should be long gone. Far better if it’d been Snoke. Palpatine in TROS is making me seriously consider not even bothering trying to reedit this whole trilogy.
I liked the film very much and don’t see anything the needs a radical edit.
The story is so simple that there’s no way around it. And from how it’s told (all heroes together, no side adventures) I don’t think you can shuffle scenes much.
It’ll be intriguing to find out more about the cut / deleted scenes for the film…
For me, JJ has an abrupt / fast-paced style sometimes where cuts to the next scene come in quite early - resulting in not giving time for the emotion or resonance of some scenes to be fully taken in or absorbed by the viewer (not on the first viewing anyway).
Let’s hope they are also not time-stamped this time around a la TFA 😉
Edit: The Jedi voices speaking to Rey (as best as I can figure out - and so some are probably incorrect):-
Obi-Wan Kenobi (McGregor): “These are your final steps, Rey… rise and take them”
Anakin Skywalker: “Rey”
Ahsoka: “Rey”
Kanan: “Rey”
Anakin Skywalker: “Bring back the balance Rey, as I did…”
Ahsoka: “In the light - find the light, Rey…”
Indistinguishable… - a female voice, and then Yoda?
Qui-Gon Jinn: “Every Jedi who ever lived, lives in you…”
Anakin Skywalker: “The Force surrounds you, Rey”
Aayla Secura: “Let it guide you, as it guided us”
Mace Windu: “Feel the Force flowing through you, Rey”
Anakin Skywalker: “Let it lift you”
Adi Gallia: “Rise, Rey”
Luminara Unduli: “Rey”
Qui-Gon Jinn: “We stand behind you, Rey”
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Guinness): “Rey”
Yoda: “Rise in the Force”
Kanan: “In the heart of the Jedi lies her strength”
Obi-Wan Kenobi (McGregor): “Rise”
Qui-Gon Jinn: “Rise”
Luke Skywalker: “Rey, the Force will be with you… always”
An article on the voices (according to this below, Ezra was not featured):-
And Rey’s ma is a Scouser; nice one 😃
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… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.
I really liked it honestly. Palpatine was one of the best parts, just like in the prequels.
It renders The Last Jedi almost completely obsolete, other than the parts with Rey, Kylo Ren, and Snoke. That would be my main goal as an editor, somehow incorporating that material into either TFA or this movie or both. It would be really difficult considering how long this one is already.
I have no clue how or if this could be accomplished, but Palpatine’s message to the Galaxy should be something we actually SEE, not just a footnote in the crawl.
I have no clue how or if this could be accomplished, but Palpatine’s message to the Galaxy should be something we actually SEE, not just a footnote in the crawl.
First thing I thought of, too.
Just saw the movie, I’m planning on seeing it tomorrow. So please take my comments with a grain of salt, because I don’t think my initial takes will reflect my thoughts about these films long-term.
When the early reviews described the film as “a lot”, I think that is absolutely accurate. You can tell they shot a lot more material than we saw, but Abrams felt this film needed to move as quickly as possible. The movie just moves WAY too fast, in my opinion.
I think the crawl does not need to mention Palpatine by name at all. Because it makes the reveal not surprising whatsoever. I think it could go something like this:
After Luke’s heroic stand against the First Order, hope began returning to the galaxy and the First Order has expended a lot of resources trying to maintain fear and quell the growing resistance.
Something something about the Resistance.
As the First Order becomes desperate to find a solution to their growing problem, Kylo Ren uses one of Snoke’s old artifacts to find the source of his mysterious power.
I think a crawl in the vein of this could help justify where all of those ships came from at the end.
The movie should then cut the scene of Kylo killing the natives (unless they include the Oracle deleted scene on the dvd) and start with the red nebula and Kylo jumping out of hyperspace. This opening should be quieter and mysterious. I think this scene should feel more reminiscent to the teaser clip of this scene.
Another idea for Palpatine, I think it would be interesting if the scenes where we see his body, we could add the blue smoke/energy we saw when he died, emanating from his nose and mouth. The idea being that this is Palpatine’s spirit, and it is just attached to his corpse that the acolytes retrieved from the Death Star wreckage.
I may have mentioned this somewhere else, but even though I would have rather had no Palpatine in this film, I think more hints to the Sith and Palpatine should be added into TFA, TLJ, and even other films if possible at all.
Someone suggested cutting the light skipping thing and I don’t think this would be a bad idea.
To help slow the film down a little, I think it would be interesting to add establishing shots of the helmet construction scene to show that they’re on Mustafar.
The scene of Rey and Kylo fighting over the transport on Pasana, I think the wide shot needs to be altered to make them feel farther apart. The way this scene is paced makes it feel weird as to why Kylo doesn’t pursue them, or why Finn doesn’t try to shoot Kylo.
Speaking of Pasana, a few other ideas:
Does Lando really need to be here? I felt the scene of Kylo commanding local troops to get there, and then a Stormtrooper being right there in the next shot felt so weird! I really think you could cut straight to Rey telling them Kylo knows they’re there, and then stealing the speeders.
This might seem unnecessary, but I think it would be interesting to regrade Pasana to make it Jedha. I know it may seem unnecessary, but both planets were filmed at Wadi Rum, Jordan, and if Ochi hunted Jedi relics, it makes sense for him to go to a Jedi planet like Jedha. You could create a new shot of the planet with a big chunk blown out of it, maybe with a ring around it. Having a ring or debri field would make sense since the crew hides in an asteroid field immediately after leaving the planet. Maybe they hid in the asteroid field hoping the First Order would leave. It would help explain how the Knights of Ren knew where they were as well. Again, it may feel unnecessary but I think it would make the planet more interesting and give the location more history.
After they wipe 3PO’s memory and they’re about to board the Star Destroyer, 3PO says something like, “Whoever this Chewie is were saving, this is madness!” This line feels lazy to me. I think it would be funnier if 3PO could have a line that played well off of the gang just rushing off the ship and blasting everyone in their path. Something that makes you think they’re gonna be sneaky or something, and then BLAST BLAST! I also think 3PO should not have his memory restored.
I have no idea how to alter it at this point, but I think the whole Goonies-style “lining the dagger up with the Death Star ruins” feels so strange! Why would Sith loyalists make a brand new dagger with the coordinates of the wayfinder’s location in wreckage that could easily collapse an no longer match the outline of the dagger?
Maybe 3PO’s deep voice could be redubbed to say something more general. Something about the way finder being at the site of Sidious’ death, or something like that.
When Han and Ben have their conversation, I think it would be interesting to overlap Han saying “Ben” with Leia saying “Ben”, to imply Leia is speaking to her son through Han.
For the climax of the film, I was hoping that we would end up actually seeing some Force ghosts, rather than just heading them (at least we heard them I guess). When Rey says, “And I am all the Jedi”, I think it would be interesting if we created some kind of effect that made it appear as if the Force ghosts were literally using her as a vessel. We could see her glow like a Force ghost, and when we see the close up of her face in between the sabers, we could superimpose faces of Luke, Leia, and finally Anakin.
I may change my mind on this, but just for curiosity’s sake, I think I will make an edit (or would like to see an edit) where Rey is NOT a Palpatine, and where Ben Solo lives.
In my opinion, there is just not enough context to explain how or why Rey is Palpatine’s granddaughter. Palpatine had a son? It just feels super convoluted to me. If removing this idea altogether would be infeasible, I think Rey being created by Palpatine would make much more sense. Anakin was implied to have made by the Force as a reaction to Plagueis and Sidious’ growing power. Sidious said Plagueis had the power to create life. If this was true, and if all the Rule of Two Sith have been in fact one Sith, then Sidious would know this too. Maybe Rey was made by Palpatine to be the perfect vessel. She was supposed to be what Anakin failed to be.
But I still think keeping Rey as a nobody and leaning onto that dyad idea will help make the trilogy more cohesive. If you cut Rey Palpatine, you could also cut the shot of Ochi’s ship from TFA.
Again, I would prefer sticking with Rey being nobody, but I do understand that you might have to cut a lot to achieve that. At the very least, I would like to make Rey not Palpatine’s biological granddaughter, but instead Palpatine’s anti-Chosen One.
Here is my idea for “saving” Ben.
I would like to like to add some Force ghost voice over from one of the other Skywalker that implies they are helping Ben bring Rey back to life.
After Ben resurrects Rey, you simply cut away after Rey and Ben’s kiss and they’re smiling. Rey meets back up with the Resistance and we wonder what happened with Ben.
When Rey goes to the Lars Homestead, instead of her burying Luke and Leia’s sabers, we could create a new insert shot that would replace the shots of the sabers in the cloth. Instead of all of that, she unfolds the cloth and we see a whole bunch of lightsaber parts. We don’t even need to see the construction really. The next shot we see is her lifting up the new saber she just built.
I have two different ideas for the last few shots.
First idea: You could keep the whole Rey Skywalker thing, but in the end, when she is looking at the twin suns, we see a silhouette walking toward her in the distance. The last shot is of Rey and BB-8 watching as Ben walks toward them.
Second idea: You could remove the old lady coming up to talk to Rey. Instead, when Rey looks up, you could add a new shot of a TIE fighter landing. Maybe a close up shot of Ben’s feet touching the ground. Rey looks over at Leia and Luke smiling. The last shot is of Rey, BB-8 and Ben looking at the sunset together. (I also think it would be interesting to imply that this could be a sunrise instead).
If you think about it, her going to Lars’ homestead makes so much more sense if she is meeting someone there. In my opinion there is really no point in burying Luke and Leia’s lightsabers there, or even going there if all of her friends are back on Generic Jungle Planet? Obviously Ben might not be ready to show his face to the galaxy, but in time he might be ready to help right the wrongs he created in the galaxy.
I have a lot more thoughts but I’ll stop here for now. I’m sure there will be a lot of people saying “this movie is a mess”, “it can’t be saved!”
But despite my problems with the film, I think there is hope in the fact that now we have the whole picture, all nine films. Pessimism isn’t in the spirit of fan editing, because we find ways to turn problems into solutions. If the long-term consensus of this film turns out to be rather poor, I do believe we can turn this film, and the whole saga, into a really spectacular series of fan edits. I’m really hopeful about the future of these films!
I quite liked The Force Awakens and loved The Last Jedi but my thoughts on this film are more mixed to negative. The pacing, especially in the first act, feels way too frenetic with scenes often ending abruptly. I am really not a fan of the “Rey Palpatine” reveal and I feel it severely undercuts the messages I found resonant in The Last Jedi. Overall it often feels like there’s just way too much going on in this movie and not opportunities to slow down and let the film breathe. I hope the Blu-Ray offers enough deleted material to fill in some of those gaps, because otherwise this movie may prove a tough nut to crack.
I feel like we have similar opinions. It’ll be interesting to see what ideas people will have in the coming weeks.
I’ll be surprised if we get any hefty or useable deleted scenes, and it’s likely they’ll have time stamps just like TFA. I mean this site has proven we can work around that but still.
I would be satisfied with a 2-in-1 edit of both Abrams movies, with maybe a little bit from Last Jedi to plug some gaps. Maybe I could have Luke die at the same time as Leia so both Skywalkers are trying to reach Ben.
I desperately want a good edit of this film, but I struggle to imagine what’d be possible to do, beyond trimming out some minor annoying things. The big problems are things like pacing, and Rey Palpatine. I truly have no idea how you fix either of these, baring the release of some hefty deleted material, which seems somewhat unlikely.
I think cutting Rey Palpatine is doable. At the very least, I think you could imply that he “influenced the midichlorians” to create her. Almost like a reverse Anakin. An anti-chosen one. If this was the case, the audience of Sith loyalists would add a lot of weight to that. In my opinion it is better than her being his literal grandchild, and it would mirror Episode I, where Anakin was introduced as the chosen one who was born from the Force.
I still would prefer Rey Nobody, but I think the former idea is doable at least. Just changing/cutting some lines.
I enjoyed the film very much in the main - a few places where it seemed rushed, events could have been explained a little cleaere or with background, and it felt the film could have easily run for another 10 to 15 minutes.
The opening crawl I did not like:
The dead speak! The galaxy has heard a mysterious broadcast, a threat of REVENGE in the sinister voice of the late EMPEROR PALPATINE.
GENERAL LEIA ORGANA dispatches secret agents to gather intelligence, while REY, the last hope of the Jedi, trains for battle against the diabolical FIRST ORDER.
Meanwhile, Supreme Leader KYLO REN rages in search of the phantom Emperor, determined to destroy any threat to his power.
Maybe we should have seen or heard someone (or a few people) in the background listening to a recording of Palpatine’s message in a scene at some stage in the film? Maybe it was this that finally insprired or scared people throughout the galaxy to take up the fight against him and the FO?
Maybe one of you talented people will conjure up something? 😃
(Or simply change the crawl 😉)
I think cutting Rey Palpatine is doable. At the very least, I think you could imply that he “influenced the midichlorians” to create her. Almost like a reverse Anakin. An anti-chosen one. If this was the case, the audience of Sith loyalists would add a lot of weight to that. In my opinion it is better than her being his literal grandchild, and it would mirror Episode I, where Anakin was introduced as the chosen one who was born from the Force.
I still would prefer Rey Nobody, but I think the former idea is doable at least. Just changing/cutting some lines.
It’s preferable, sure, but I think only marginally. I’m really more interested in Rey Nobody but I’m not sure how that’d be accomplished.
My feeling coming out of the film isn’t that the film should be shortened via fan edit but rather extended through deleted scenes.
I hope to god they have them on the bluray and that they don’t have the timecodes like TFA.
I think cutting Rey Palpatine is doable. At the very least, I think you could imply that he “influenced the midichlorians” to create her. Almost like a reverse Anakin. An anti-chosen one. If this was the case, the audience of Sith loyalists would add a lot of weight to that. In my opinion it is better than her being his literal grandchild, and it would mirror Episode I, where Anakin was introduced as the chosen one who was born from the Force.
I still would prefer Rey Nobody, but I think the former idea is doable at least. Just changing/cutting some lines.
It’s preferable, sure, but I think only marginally. I’m really more interested in Rey Nobody but I’m not sure how that’d be accomplished.
Unfortunately it’d require even more trimming to scenes that already feel too fast. I think at the very least this would be worth attempting once the film comes out.
My feeling coming out of the film isn’t that the film should be shortened via fan edit but rather extended through deleted scenes.
I hope to god they have them on the bluray and that they don’t have the timecodes like TFA.
I get that, but I feel some things could be cut. I feel like the opening battle with Kylo is totally worthless.