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Ms. Marvel: The Ice Cream Pizza Cut (Released)


Poster for Ms. Marvel: The Ice Cream Pizza Cut

The Ice Cream Pizza Cut came about for a few reasons:

  1. I wanted a movie version of Ms. Marvel to ease Marvel Marathons
  2. I was curious to see just how well the show could work in a movie format.

I hope this edit captures the feeling of the original show, without dragging or feeling disjointed. It clocks in at 2 hours, 28 minutes, while retaining all of the major plot beats.

This edit is in no way meant to be an improvement of the original, rather a translation to a shorter medium. Most of the cuts here were difficult decisions. I would, without hesitation, recommend watching this edit only if you don’t have the time to commit to 6 episodes, or are trying to pack the D+ shows into a Marvel marathon - it’s a great show, if a bit too tightly-packed.


I’ll be honest, most of the cuts were made on-the-fly. I came in with a general concept of what I wanted, and very little idea how to get there, even after multiple watch-throughs. This changelog will be rather sparse, considering the length. Some of the new transitions utilize Whip transitions, which were heavily used in the movie.

  • Move 1942 scene where ClanDestines find the bracelet to pre-fanfare.
  • Post-fanfare, cut directly to the Day of Avenger-Con
  • Cut scene where Kamala jumps out the window
  • Cut the Instagrammers in the Mosque
  • Kamala doesn’t ask permission to go to Zoe’s party
  • CalTech subplot is dropped, though still mentioned at the end (implied it was already known)
  • Illuminaunties scene is cut
  • Damage Control’s first visit to the Mosque happens off-screen
  • Kamala doesn’t pass out at dinner
  • Cut Kamala’s dad helping Bruno translate old Djinn info
  • Wedding fight scene “horror” segment cut
  • Family doesn’t confront Kamala for ruining the wedding
  • Najma doesn’t explicitly leave Kamran behind
  • DODC scene happens before flight to Pakistan
  • Tourism scene cut
  • Merge Red Dagger Hideout scenes (yes, the clothing change stands out. I just pretend they gave her an outfit)
  • Chase scene trimmed
  • Kamala flashing to the past now brings us to Najma following Aisha.
  • Kamala back at home now beings with her facetiming Nakia
  • Movie ends on Kamala jumping from the street light as her logo shines onto the screen
  • “1 Week Later” is now the Mid-Credits scene
  • Original Mid-Credits scene moved to End of Credits
  • Several minor cuts

Two Post-Credit Scenes:

  1. “1 Week Later” is now the Mid-Credits Scene
  2. Original Mid-Credits Scene is moved to the End-Credits.

Resolution is 1080p, Audio is 5.1.


Sounds awesome! Where can I find it? I want movie edits of all Disney Plus MCU shows except What-If. Exactly for the reasons you stated, better for rewatches.


I just watched your cut!

To be honest, I have found most Marvel shows thus far to be, at their best, mediocre and I wasn’t a fan of the first Captain Marvel movie. However, I do intend to watch The Marvels when it is released so I wanted to catch up on Ms. Marvel without investing much time into the miniseries.
So your edit was the perfect opportunity for me to do so.

I truly valued the amount of attention and respect devoted to the Pakistani-American culture and traditions within the story, which set Ms. Marvel apart from any preceding Marvel endeavors and evoked a distinctive ambiance. Additionally, I thoroughly enjoyed Iman Vellani’s performance and found the character of Kamala to be very likeable and charismatic. I can say I am excited to see her again in future projects.
As for the rest of the film… I must admit that it just wasn’t my cup of tea. I found the story generic and the action scenes poorly shot.

But, of course, this has nothing to do with your work. You put together a tight and well-paced film that captures the essence of the overall story and highlights the main character. The transitions, while obvious at times, didn’t affect the whole experience and were fitting with the rest of the film. If I may offer a small critique, I found the duration to be slightly prolonged for this specific story. As I’ve said, I haven’t watched the original series so I don’t know what you could have done differently, but I did sense the movie to drag a bit, especially towards the end.

Thanks again for sharing your edit! You definitely saved me much time and allowed me to go into The Marvels not being completely in the blind!
Keep up the good work!

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His Dark Materials Film Collection


ThanosM. said:

I just watched your cut!

To be honest, I have found most Marvel shows thus far to be, at their best, mediocre and I wasn’t a fan of the first Captain Marvel movie. However, I do intend to watch The Marvels when it is released so I wanted to catch up on Ms. Marvel without investing much time into the miniseries.
So your edit was the perfect opportunity for me to do so.

I truly valued the amount of attention and respect devoted to the Pakistani-American culture and traditions within the story, which set Ms. Marvel apart from any preceding Marvel endeavors and evoked a distinctive ambiance. Additionally, I thoroughly enjoyed Iman Vellani’s performance and found the character of Kamala to be very likeable and charismatic. I can say I am excited to see her again in future projects.
As for the rest of the film… I must admit that it just wasn’t my cup of tea. I found the story generic and the action scenes poorly shot.

But, of course, this has nothing to do with your work. You put together a tight and well-paced film that captures the essence of the overall story and highlights the main character. The transitions, while obvious at times, didn’t affect the whole experience and were fitting with the rest of the film. If I may offer a small critique, I found the duration to be slightly prolonged for this specific story. As I’ve said, I haven’t watched the original series so I don’t know what you could have done differently, but I did sense the movie to drag a bit, especially towards the end.

Thanks again for sharing your edit! You definitely saved me much time and allowed me to go into The Marvels not being completely in the blind!
Keep up the good work!

Thanks for the feedback! Definitely agreed on it feeling like it went a bit long. I may have to look and see if there are any scenes I can shift around to give it a bit more momentum near the end

Darth Lucifer said:

Oh, I’ve got to see this. Link please?

PM Sent!


Hey mate,

Would love a link to your Marvel tv show edits please?


Would you send me a link to your Marvel tv show edits?


Can you please send a copy? i’m trying to get a friend to watch this with me and a cut down version would be perfect for him.


I would like a link, pls. Thank you.