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Lando (live action series) - a general discussion thread



Everyone’s favorite scoundrel Lando Calrissian will return in a brand-new event series for Disney+. Justin Simien, creator of the critically-acclaimed Dear White People and a huge Star Wars fan, is developing the story.

^ From the ‘Future Lucasfilm Projects Revealed’ article up on the official Star Wars website.


Maybe we’ll finally see the Battle of Taanab.


Vuffi Raa needs to make an appearance. 😃

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Where were you in '77?


As others have said in the old Lando movie thread it’d be great to have Billy Dee narrating the “Calrissian Chronicles” style adventures… while we see the action with Donald Glover.

And hopefully we also see Qi’ra, Enfys Nest, Crimson Dawn and other characters from Solo - set in and around that timeline too…


Maybe even quality artwork for the series akin to something like this as well?:

oojason said:

^ by Peter Stults (who does a whole range of ‘What If’ artwork for various films)

‘During quarantine I imagined we lived in a world where we had a Lando Calrissian spin-off series’ - https://twitter.com/Stultsified

Larger sized images and article here - https://www.slashfilm.com/lando-calrissian-trilogy-posters

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I really hope both Billy Dee and Donald Glover appear. It would make such a great show.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Man, those one-sheets are fantastic. The thought of what the series could be is certainly making this one of my favorites of all those announced shows. I agree that a Billy Dee Williams narrated show starring Glover would be top notch.

Forum Moderator

I remember a report from earlier this year saying they were both attached to star in a show but it wasn’t confirmed. I’ll have to find it.

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This is the way.


I would defintely like to see Lando portrayed by Donald glover and also I would like to see Han Solo and Chewbacca’s appearance in this series, as Alden and Joonas have portrayed these characters really well when it comes to Solo so it would be awesome to see em in the Lando TV Series.


Justin Simien On ‘Star Wars’ Lando Calrissian Disney+ Series: “I Have No Idea What’s Going On With It” - Deadline

'Justin Simien, director of Haunted Mansion and writer of the Lando Calrissian series at Disney+, is opening up about the Star Wars universe show almost three years since it was announced.

It was during Disney Investor Day in December 2020 that Lucasfilm boss Kathleen Kennedy announced that Simien was working on a series based on Lando, who Donald Glover played in Solo: A Star Wars Story.

However, there hasn’t been much said about the series besides Kennedy acknowledging earlier this year that it was “still happening.” Simien recently said in an interview with The Direct that he has “not received an update since that update.”

“I certainly poured my heart and spent a lot of time working with them to put together a really great show,” Simien told the outlet. “It feels like everybody loves it. And, you know, I was told we had to put a pause on it because of scheduling, and the next update I got [was in 2020], some years ago. So I don’t know, I have no idea what’s going on with it.”

In an interview with GQ earlier this year, Glover said that he “would love to play Lando again,” adding, “It’s a fun time to be him. It just needs to be the right way to do it.”

The actor said that since the pandemic, people have reflected on how “time is precious” and said, “I’m not interested in doing anything that’s just gonna be a waste of my time or just a paycheck. I’d much rather spend time with people that I enjoy.”

Although he couldn’t reveal much about the development of the series, Glover said he had been “talking about it” with Kennedy and “Lando is definitely somebody I’d like to hang out with.”’


That is a real pity. I still hope the series still gets made, and was looking forward to watching this, but it is not looking good.

The Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear.

Formerly Emre1601 - computer hard drives are brittle too!


Billy Dee Williams being cryptic just after the Donald and Stephen Glover news above: “Something exciting coming soon”




Edit: BDW was talking about his coming memoirs, and not the Lando series:


"✨💫What Have We Here?

Coming in February 2024, I will be sharing my life’s story—from Harlem to Star Wars and beyond—on all that has sustained and carried me through a lifetime of dreams and adventure."

“In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be “replaced” by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten.” - George Lucas


For a second I thought hey cool, OG Lando can be part of the narrative. Like a bookend or something. Then I immediately thought about crappy CGI de-age-ing and weird stuff. Which unfortunately is more likely these days.


Mocata said:

For a second I thought hey cool, OG Lando can be part of the narrative. Like a bookend or something. Then I immediately thought about crappy CGI de-age-ing and weird stuff. Which unfortunately is more likely these days.

I wouldn’t like to see them de-age Billy Dee, they’d just mess it up, or eat up whatever budget they had for this show?

But I would like to see something like this:

oojason said:

As others have said in the old Lando movie thread it’d be great to have Billy Dee narrating the “Calrissian Chronicles” style adventures… while we see the action with Donald Glover.

Each week Billy Dee does a brief onscreen introduction for “let me tell you kids about the time we…” and cut to flashback or a pan away to Danny Glover in action. Will Billy Dee providing some further off-screen some narration or voiceover when needed for each episode.

Too sweet, maybe? I guess it depends on what sort of stories the Glover brothers are going to come up with, and the style of the show?

“In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be “replaced” by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten.” - George Lucas


BDW didn’t look well at the 40th anniversary for ROTJ at Celebration 2023. I hope it was just a bad weekend for him, but I am not sure how involved he could be for a TV series, even if just doing voiceover work for it?

The Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear.

Formerly Emre1601 - computer hard drives are brittle too!


Justin Simien says he found out about his supposed “exit” from the show thru the media in the last few days. Doesn’t match up with Sneider’s claim that he secretly left last year. Wonder what’s really going on behind the scenes.


Business as usual I guess…


Donald Glover’s brother confirmed today that the Lando show is gonna be a movie now.


I’d be excited if they announced a director and it had a chance of getting made. Which is zero until the strike is over. Which is also true of the Rey movie, and Dawn of the Jedi all effectively dead and shelved or put off long down the line projects.

I wonder if Alden returns as Han Solo, i would pretty much guess no. But who knows.