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The Mandalorian - a general discussion thread - * SPOILERS * — Page 26


jedi_bendu said:

I know I’ve been spamming this thread recently - sorry folks - but in case anyone missed it, ILM just realised a 17-minute documentary about the model work of The Razor Crest. It’s great and I’m glad practical effects are making a comeback.


^ That ‘Inside ILM: Creating the Razor Crest’ video was a really cool and insightful watch.

The short Variety article also a decent read too mate.

Nice one 👍

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jedi_bendu said:

I know I’ve been spamming this thread recently - sorry folks - but in case anyone missed it, ILM just realised a 17-minute documentary about the model work of The Razor Crest. It’s great and I’m glad practical effects are making a comeback.


If that’s spam, then I would like some more, please!

(I added it to the documentary spreadsheet.)


Thanks guys!

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Giancarlo Esposito Claims That ‘The Mandalorian’ Will Be At Least Four Seasons Long

“We’re living in a universe that is huge and there’s so much to explore, so I think this show is going to lay the ground work for the depth and breath that’s gonna come in season 3 and season 4, where you’re really gonna start to get answers.”

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Denmark Disney+ ad has (accidentally?) confirmed the casting of Rosario Dawson and Timothy Olyphant in season 2: https://thedirect.com/article/the-mandalorian-season-2-disney-rosario-dawson-timothy-olyphant-cast
The ad has now been taken down.

Almost certain that Ahsoka Tano will be in the show now. As for Timothy Olyphant, of course a lot of people say Cobb Vanth from the Aftermath trilogy; I haven’t read those books in ages though so I’ve forgotten who he is.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


jedi_bendu said:

Denmark Disney+ ad has (accidentally?) confirmed the casting of Rosario Dawson and Timothy Olyphant in season 2: https://thedirect.com/article/the-mandalorian-season-2-disney-rosario-dawson-timothy-olyphant-cast
The ad has now been taken down.

Almost certain that Ahsoka Tano will be in the show now. As for Timothy Olyphant, of course a lot of people say Cobb Vanth from the Aftermath trilogy; I haven’t read those books in ages though so I’ve forgotten who he is.

I haven’t read the books, but from what I’ve gathered Vanth bought Fett’s armor from some Jawas and is posing as him.

Also the ad was in German, not Danish. Not that it’s important, but as a Scandinavian I felt that I should point that out.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
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Amazon link to my novels.


ZkinandBonez said:

Also the ad was in German, not Danish. Not that it’s important, but as a Scandinavian I felt that I should point that out.

No no, thanks for pointing it out. I first heard that the ad was German, but the article said it was from Disney+ Denmark, so I got confused.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


jedi_bendu said:

Denmark Disney+ ad has (accidentally?) confirmed the casting of Rosario Dawson and Timothy Olyphant in season 2: https://thedirect.com/article/the-mandalorian-season-2-disney-rosario-dawson-timothy-olyphant-cast
The ad has now been taken down.

Almost certain that Ahsoka Tano will be in the show now. As for Timothy Olyphant, of course a lot of people say Cobb Vanth from the Aftermath trilogy; I haven’t read those books in ages though so I’ve forgotten who he is.

Vanth is a guy who acquired Mandalorian armor (presumably Boba Fett’s) and became a prominent lawman on Tatooine.

I hope Ahsoka’s reported role is a glorified cameo or a really meaningful bit part. I trust Favreau’s and Filoni’s judgement and hope they’ll manage to justify the inclusion of all these known characters in the story.


jedi_bendu said:

Jordan Maison, a guy who’s had reliable Star Wars ‘scoops’ in the past, says there should be a trailer 2:


The only thing that guy ever “scooped” was The Clone Wars coming back, and IIRC it wasn’t so much that he scooped it as he was the last person to “guess” it out loud before an announcement was made. He’s really good at “guessing” things that are beyond obvious and then just waiting for that obvious thing to happen. That doesn’t make him a scooper, though.

But then again, he’s also way nicer, and loads less obnoxious than 99% of all fandom “scoopers” or “insiders” so better he gets that attention than someone who honestly believes hearing behind-the-scenes news makes them an important “reporter” with status or whatever.

But still “Sources tell me the most popular tv show on Disney+ will have more than a single commercial” isn’t a particularly hard “scoop” to “leak.”


Really interested in what this graffitied, urban setting from the trailer is like. I’ve seen some people complain that because of the streetlights, it looks too much like an actual modern city on earth, so I’m looking forward to seeing it in the show so I can figure out what I think of it.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


jedi_bendu said:

Really interested in what this graffitied, urban setting from the trailer is like. I’ve seen some people complain that because of the streetlights, it looks too much like an actual modern city on earth, so I’m looking forward to seeing it in the show so I can figure out what I think of it.

It reminds me of Lothal.


New trailer coming this Monday

Use the Force, Joh Yowza.


Rodney-2187 said:

Hoop28 said:

New trailer coming this Monday


I see the blue fish guy from the first episode will return; https://youtu.be/ICuqzhViWAI?t=40 They’re in a troop transport, though in new canon its been used for prison transport as well, so I guess they have to break him out of jail for some reason?

With Cara Dune & Greef returning, plus rumors of Ahsoka, Rex/Fett, etc. I’m starting to wonder if this series is going to end up very similar to Rebels. I.e. simple but fun 1st season, cameos galore in season 2, then maybe a really connected plot (more or less) as they wrap things up in seasons 3 & 4. Of course we don’t know how long this series is going to last, but 4 seasons would make sense and that’s what Giancarlo Esposito claimed was the planned length in an interview recently.

Also, and this might be an odd thing to be excited about, but I love the old crackling radio sound from the x-Wing pilot from the first few seconds of the trailer. New SW has had a hard time emulating the sound effects of the OT and it seems they finally figured out how to do it. If I remember it correctly then Ben Burt recorded all the stormtrooper dialogue and radio transmission via old walkie-talkies. The recent movies seems to have tried to emulate this digitally and its not quite the same. Ditto on the holograms which until The Mandalorian looked to crisp and detailed (though it’s still not quite OT).

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
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There were no big reveals, and from a quick scroll on Twitter that’s disappointed a lot of people, but that was a very well put-together trailer. Music is awesome. And that line, “If I can locate other Mandalorians, they can guide me,” has me even more excited.

Also, forget about Ahsoka… Star-Trek-alien-looking blue fish man returns!

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


ZkinandBonez said:

Also, and this might be an odd thing to be excited about, but I love the old crackling radio sound from the x-Wing pilot from the first few seconds of the trailer. New SW has had a hard time emulating the sound effects of the OT and it seems they finally figured out how to do it. If I remember it correctly then Ben Burt recorded all the stormtrooper dialogue and radio transmission via old walkie-talkies. The recent movies seems to have tried to emulate this digitally and its not quite the same. Ditto on the holograms which until The Mandalorian looked to crisp and detailed (though it’s still not quite OT).

I loved that too. The show does such a great job of capturing the old-school Star Wars vibe. This also confirms that the x-wings are indeed intercepting the Razorcrest, instead of fighting alongside it, which I like: the New Republic aren’t the default ‘good guys’, they’re now just another authority getting in The Mandalorian’s way.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


I would love to see a featurette that has Rosario becoming Ahsoka in a timelapse.


Thought I would make a list of a few important dates before Season 2 of The Mandalorian begins.

The Mandalorian
Since we see a super battle droid when Din Djarin is rescued as a child, I think this time period is during the Clone Wars, sometime after the end of Attack of the Clones when we first see them and the end of Revenge of the Sith when the war ends and they are shut down. (22BBY - 19 BBY)

The Clone Wars
21 BBY - Darth Maul kills Pre Vizla on Mandalore and takes the Darksaber

2 BBY - Sabine (with Kanan and Ezra) obtains the Darksaber from Maul on Dathomir

2 BBY - Sabine gives Bo-Katan the Darksaber to reunite the clans

THE GREAT PURGE - Mandalore resists Imperial control

The Mandalorian
9 ABY - Moff Gideon uses the Darksaber on Nevarro

*Ahsoka was born 36 BBY, so she would be 45 years old during The Mandalorian. (9 ABY)

*I know Maul loses and obtains the Darksaber again, and that is covered in the comics, but I just listed the most important dates (in my opinion).


According to wookiepedia, Maul takes over Mandalore in early 19 BBY, so that probably means child Din Djarin was rescued around 20 BBY. His rescue must have happened after the Death Watch broke up ties with the Separatists (as depicted in Clone Wars), but likely way before they alligned with Maul.

The CW episode “A friend in need” might be set around the time Din was rescued, since the Death Watch are depicted as openly opposing the Separatists by that point.

This would pose several interesting questions. Did the Mando warrior who took Din with him support Maul, Bo-Katan, or was he minding his own business? Where was Din during the siege of Mandalore?


Rodney-2187 said:

*Ahsoka was born 36 BBY, so she would be 45 years old during The Mandalorian. (9 ABY)

Rebels Spoilers:

It just occurred to me that Ahsoka should technically be a year or two younger than her birth-date would suggest considering the whole world-between-worlds thing in Rebels where she essentially skips ahead in time. Not that this is particularly important, but I figured I’d mention it.

Although I’m personally not much of a stickler for continuity details like this (I don’t mind different shows doing things their own way), I am curious to see how they end up explaining the incongruities in how Mandalorians treat their helmets. It’d be interesting to see if they relegate the explanation to or book or comic or if they will actually address it in one of the following seasons. I suppose it all depends on which Mandalorians he ends up meeting, if they’re new characters or pre-exisiting characters.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
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Amazon link to my novels.


I’ve often wondered too if what happened to her on Mortis could have imparted longevity or some other special qualities.