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The Rise Of Skywalker — Official Review and Opinions Thread — Page 35


act on instinct said:

Is it time for a new thread? Seems to be getting more into comparisons between the whole saga now, less specific to TROS. Think it’s a good time for that since the dust has sort of settled.

I hope so. As you say, we have had some time to take in the finished Sequel Trilogy and it would be interesting to read members’ thoughts and viewpoints on each Trilogy, or all the films within the main ‘9 film Saga’.

Especially the plus points, new insights, new connections & also new reasoned criticisms, and not just the previously repeated negativity.


oojason said:

Plans to split the the current The Expanded Universe & General Star Wars Discussion section into two separate categories are afoot 😉

So the ‘Star Wars’ section of the site would look like this…

• Original Trilogy Discussion
• Beyond the Original Trilogy
• Theatrical Cuts vs. Subsequent Releases
• The Expanded Universe
• General Star Wars Discussions
• Toys & Memorabilia

Books and video games would likely fall under the ‘The Expanded Universe’ section. Something akin to…

‘For talk on the books, comics, gaming, soundtracks & music, documentaries, fan films, homages, cons & events, theme parks & rides, fan clubs & memberships…’

The General Star Wars Discussion would likely be along the lines of…

‘For discussions that cross the ‘Original Trilogy’, ‘Beyond The Original Trilogy’ and ‘The Expanded Universe’ forums; for thoughts and chat that covers the wider GFFA…’


Just my $0.02, but that sounds like going from two similar sections to three similar sections. Beyond the Original Trilogy, Expanded Universe, and General Discussion sounds like they would have so much overlap they might as well be one section.

Not to overstep, but my thoughts were more like:

Original Trilogy
Prequel Trilogy
Sequel Trilogy
TV Series (animated and live action)
General Discussion (games, books, etc.)

Fan edits


Again, no complaints or criticism intended. I appreciate and enjoy this forum and believe its existence is extremely important. Thanks to everyone here for all their hard work. Like I said, just my OCD kicking in.


Rodney-2187 said:

Not to overstep, but my thoughts were more like:

Original Trilogy
Prequel Trilogy
Sequel Trilogy
TV Series (animated and live action)
General Discussion (games, books, etc.)


It’s much more clear! Maybe adding a section about the other movies (Ewoks, Clone Wars, Rogue one & Solo, and future films!)


It is probably best to take any further chat into one of the ‘changes to the forum categories’ threads in the Feedback Forum - rather than continue in here and going further off-topic.

Sorry about that - my fault.

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


Hal 9000 said:

Anyone know if there’s any upcoming re-release of TROS, like how TFA was released again in 3D BluRay a while after the initial BluRay?

Zavvi is re-releasing the film in a new 4K steelbook, but all signs point to it just being the same disks from earlier in the year.

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


In my opinion, the idea of Palpatine returning is something that had to be addressed if they want to move on from these characters. Clones and cloning have been a part of Star Wars from the beginning. Obi-Wan mentions the Clone Wars when we first meet him. In a universe with cloning, whenever an evil mastermind is destroyed, it isn’t gong to take long for the idea of a clone to be mentioned. Especially if that mastermind has previously mentioned extending life and is strong with the Dark Side. Even the old expanded universe novels had clones of Palpatine.

The Rise of Skywalker isn’t perfect. No movie is. But if you look past the flaws and focus on the good time, I think it’s a lot of fun. It’s probably the last time we’ll see Luke, Leia, Han, and Lando. At least portrayed by the original actors. It was really great to see them again.


Rodney-2187 said:

In my opinion, the idea of Palpatine returning is something that had to be addressed if they want to move on from these characters. Clones and cloning have been a part of Star Wars from the beginning. Obi-Wan mentions the Clone Wars when we first meet him. In a universe with cloning, whenever an evil mastermind is destroyed, it isn’t gong to take long for the idea of a clone to be mentioned. Especially if that mastermind has previously mentioned extending life and is strong with the Dark Side. Even the old expanded universe novels had clones of Palpatine.

The Rise of Skywalker isn’t perfect. No movie is. But if you look past the flaws and focus on the good time, I think it’s a lot of fun. It’s probably the last time we’ll see Luke, Leia, Han, and Lando. At least portrayed by the original actors. It was really great to see them again.

I disagree. That would be equivalent to arguing, if we clone Hitler, there would be another Nazi Germany, which is ludicrous. The clone would have Palpatine’s DNA, and Force potential, but he would not have lived Palpatine’s life, or have his experiences, which involves being trained by a powerful Sith Lord. He would just be a guy, that looks like Palpatine. In either case TROS completely glosses over the nature of Palpatine’s return, so I don’t really see how it really addresses cloning, or how it adds a sense of finality to his death. He returns somehow, and then dies again in a rather lame fasion. As with everything in TROS it’s pretty half baked (imo). I will agree it can be entertaining if you shut down your brain, but to me that sadly puts it in Michael Bay territory for me. In that context seeing the old gang just isn’t worth it to me.


I think the method is that his spirit can be coaxed back into a clone body through a Sith Cultist ritual or something.

Of course, this leaves open the possibility that some new cultists could just clone him again, which rather ruins the finality of the whole exercise even if they say ‘no really, he’s defeated forever this time!’

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


DrDre said:

Rodney-2187 said:

In my opinion, the idea of Palpatine returning is something that had to be addressed if they want to move on from these characters. Clones and cloning have been a part of Star Wars from the beginning. Obi-Wan mentions the Clone Wars when we first meet him. In a universe with cloning, whenever an evil mastermind is destroyed, it isn’t gong to take long for the idea of a clone to be mentioned. Especially if that mastermind has previously mentioned extending life and is strong with the Dark Side. Even the old expanded universe novels had clones of Palpatine.

The Rise of Skywalker isn’t perfect. No movie is. But if you look past the flaws and focus on the good time, I think it’s a lot of fun. It’s probably the last time we’ll see Luke, Leia, Han, and Lando. At least portrayed by the original actors. It was really great to see them again.

I disagree. That would be equivalent to arguing, if we clone Hitler, there would be another Nazi Germany, which is ludicrous. The clone would have Palpatine’s DNA, and Force potential, but he would not have lived Palpatine’s life, or have his experiences, which involves being trained by a powerful Sith Lord. He would just be a guy, that looks like Palpatine. In either case TROS completely glosses over the nature of Palpatine’s return, so I don’t really see how it really addresses cloning, or how it adds a sense of finality to his death. He returns somehow, and then dies again in a rather lame fasion. As with everything in TROS it’s pretty half baked (imo). I will agree it can be entertaining if you shut down your brain, but to me that sadly puts it in Michael Bay territory for me. In that context seeing the old gang just isn’t worth it to me.

That sounds like The Boys From Brazil.

I’m just saying, in a fantasy world that includes cloning and Dark Side Force users who talk about extended life and cheating death, it would be more odd in my opinion if there wasn’t an attempt for Palpatine to return. TRoS wasn’t the first time the concept has come up. Also, Hitler didn’t have the Force.

I’m not necessarily advocating the shutting off of brains, just the forgiving of imperfections. No movie is perfect, and true, some are more imperfect than others. “Your focus determines your reality.” There’s a lot to enjoy in my opinion.


NeverarGreat said:

Of course, this leaves open the possibility that some new cultists could just clone him again, which rather ruins the finality of the whole exercise even if they say ‘no really, he’s defeated forever this time!’

This. I know this isn’t at all what they were going for, but if there is anything the ST taught me it’s that the galaxy will just be in a never-ending loop of war. The “Star War” will never end, and Palpatine’s resurrection is just symbolism for the cycle of war. But I’m assuming this kind of intellectual and artful theme is just a dumb coincidence. It’s actually just they needed another villain because RJ killing Snoke broke Abrams and Terrio’s minds.

Honestly, even a single small scene about Palpatine’s spirit being “weakened” from the cloning process and how this time once you kill him he’s gone for good would have been fine. But they don’t bother explaining it so I guess Palpatine will be showing up ever 30 years now to destroy all but one Jedi…

Maul- A Star Wars Story


OutboundFlight said:

NeverarGreat said:

Of course, this leaves open the possibility that some new cultists could just clone him again, which rather ruins the finality of the whole exercise even if they say ‘no really, he’s defeated forever this time!’

This. I know this isn’t at all what they were going for, but if there is anything the ST taught me it’s that the galaxy will just be in a never-ending loop of war. The “Star War” will never end, and Palpatine’s resurrection is just symbolism for the cycle of war. But I’m assuming this kind of intellectual and artful theme is just a dumb coincidence. It’s actually just they needed another villain because RJ killing Snoke broke Abrams and Terrio’s minds.

Honestly, even a single small scene about Palpatine’s spirit being “weakened” from the cloning process and how this time once you kill him he’s gone for good would have been fine. But they don’t bother explaining it so I guess Palpatine will be showing up ever 30 years now to destroy all but one Jedi…

I don’t buy the cycle of war concept in Star Wars. It’s often used to defend the choices made in the ST by either pointing to Lucas’ rhyming concept, or to real history. However, in Lucas’ six episodes, while there were obvious similarities, the outcome was very different, and ultimately the son made very different choices from the father. Worse yet, the cyclical nature of war with the never ending return of stormtroopers, rebellions, and Palpatine clones turns the saga into a very cynical exercise, which to me is the anti-thesis of what Star Wars used to be about.


DrDre said:

OutboundFlight said:

NeverarGreat said:

Of course, this leaves open the possibility that some new cultists could just clone him again, which rather ruins the finality of the whole exercise even if they say ‘no really, he’s defeated forever this time!’

This. I know this isn’t at all what they were going for, but if there is anything the ST taught me it’s that the galaxy will just be in a never-ending loop of war. The “Star War” will never end, and Palpatine’s resurrection is just symbolism for the cycle of war. But I’m assuming this kind of intellectual and artful theme is just a dumb coincidence. It’s actually just they needed another villain because RJ killing Snoke broke Abrams and Terrio’s minds.

Honestly, even a single small scene about Palpatine’s spirit being “weakened” from the cloning process and how this time once you kill him he’s gone for good would have been fine. But they don’t bother explaining it so I guess Palpatine will be showing up ever 30 years now to destroy all but one Jedi…

I don’t buy the cycle of war concept in Star Wars. It’s often used to defend the choices made in the ST by either pointing to Lucas’ rhyming concept, or to real history. However, in Lucas’ six episodes, while there were obvious similarities, the outcome was very different, and ultimately the son made very different choices from the father. Worse yet, the cyclical nature of war with the never ending return of stormtroopers, rebellions, and Palpatine clones turns the saga into a very cynical exercise, which to me is the anti-thesis of what Star Wars used to be about.

I don’t like it either.

Maul- A Star Wars Story


Dave Filoni here is the director of a series, that might suit us.

John Favreau, producer of the Mandalorian. Dave here is telling me you’re looking for high quality Star Wars.

If it’s a good show.

Good show? You never heard of the Mandalorian?

Should I have?

This is the show that created baby Yoda. It’s good enough for you old man.


$5.99. Per month

$5.99! I can make my own memes for that, we don’t have to sit here and watch Baby Yoda sip soup all–

We’ll pay you 5.99 now… and another 6.99 for Hulu w/ ads and ESPN+

ESPN+ huh? Okay, you guys got yourself a ship.

(ESPN+ those guys must REALLY be desperate this could REALLY save our necks)


Looks like somebody’s beginning to take an interest in your handiwork.


Mods: We heard you had some arguing in here? All right, we’ll check it out.

Nev, Hal, and Rodney are gone by the time they get to the table

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


JJ Abrams: Going somewhere, Favreau?
Favreau: Yes JJ, as a matter of fact I was just going to see your boss. Tell Kathleen I’ve got season 2 of Mando.
Abrams: It’s too late. You should have made it when you had the chance. COVID has caused a shutdown so big every post-production worker will be laid off. You’re lucky I found you first.
Favreau: Yeah, but this time I’ve got the show.
Abrams: If you release it now, I might forget I found you.
Favreau: It’s not finished yet. Tell Kathleen-
Abrams: Kathleen’s through with you. She has no time for producers who can’t get their work released on time.
Favreau: Even I get delayed sometimes. You think I had a choice?
Abrams: Tell that to Kathleen. She may only replace you with someone else.
Favreau: Over my dead body.
Abrams: That’s the idea. I’ve been looking forward to this moment for a long time.
Favreau: Yes, I’ll bet you have.

Mando season 2 becomes wildly popular, causing everyone to forget about TROS

Favreau: Sorry about the mess.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience: