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If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place — Page 448


For me I just ran out of stuff to write about. I mean I still have all these unfinished projects but the inspiration isn’t striking me. Then again, I suddenly feel it coming for one of them. I think I’ll try working on it when I get home.


How many writers do we have around here? Just curious…

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Writer here! there does seem to be a fair amount on this forum, makes sense given the film making enthusiasts.

Anakin, what happened with your class project from last year, are you still in school for film or taking classes?

“The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.” - DV


I don’t want to derail the b*tching, so how about a thread where we can discuss writing and even publishing? I’ve written two novels, (believe it or not) and it would be great to discuss how to turn them into a ebook thingy. It’s all about the Kindles these days, right? Someone was helping me with that before health issues essentially took them off the grid.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Awesome! Thanks! Don’t think I ever saw the other one before.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Back to my earlier topic, what are my odds of getting a date loitering in a cafe? There’s no speed dating AFAICT for anyone under 25 and dating apps have done fuck all. You know the next time brother goes to a party, I think I should tag along with him to see if I can meet anyone there. Besides, I’ve never been to a college party, so it’d be something and interesting, and there’d be familiar faces so I’m not too alienated.

Every time I think about this it just makes me so sad. I feel so alone. This really does not mix well with my current overall stagnancy. I feel like my life is going nowhere. I’m almost done CEGEP and I don’t even have any decent film material to get into a university film program, so I have no clue what I’m gonna do. I also don’t even know where to begin to write something I can actually produce on my non-existent budget. So far the best I have is adapting Stubagful’s Class (which if I’m being honest I only kinda like).

I haven’t felt this low perhaps since the end of high school, but by that logic, university should shake things up and make it all good again. Not sure how I’ll last 'til then, though. School is out cuz of coronavirus and I’m just wasting away in front of my computer all day doing nothing productive. I’m not advancing my creative endeavors/career, and I’m certainly not getting a girlfriend (although soft quarantine is putting a bit of a damper on that for the moment).


^ None of what I say is anything you don’t already know yourself, but hopefully it may be of some use (even if it just serves as a reminder to ignore anything in this post 😉)

Meeting new people can be tough mate - and is going to be even tougher with the Corona virus around curtailing people’s everyday lives for a while to come…

Usually, college parties are good places to meet people, sports events, the same type of clubs as extra-curricular clubs from school (theatre, tech, chess/games groups, community programs, debate class etc) - or just at the local library or community centre).

Even the cafe, or local hangout for people around your own age too.

If you have a love for animals the local shelters, vets, or even pet shops are a good way to meet people - get involved in groups where there’s something you may have a shared fondness or outlook on something. Volunteering to help out in your local community is a decent way of meeting new people too - with many other benefits.

Fitness and exercise classes, self-defence, walking and running groups are pretty good too - again, with other added-in benefits as well.

Study/film-wise… if you feel like the days are slipping by and you’re not achieving much then broaden your horizons a little - learn about skills and crafts around your own specific field of interest - about people and the crafts that you may be working around in the future. Shared interests, a working knowledge of it, taking an interest in something outside of your direct field… may all help in the long run.

If you feel like you’re spending too much time in from a computer then shake it up a little mate - get hold a book and read it - properly, take it all in; whether it is about the subject of film-making - or about people in and around it and their lives. The computer or tablet, or phone goes on silent (or turned off) for a couple of hours a day when doing it.

Approach things from a different angle - whether it is silly or seemingly counter-productive. Have fun with it - learn from it - and any mistakes along the way. Remember the mistakes man - they’ll make for good stories to share and bond over with others later - or just raise a smile.

Also, when safe to do so, get yourself out in the open and go a walk (yeah, I now - boring!) To the park, the rec, the local hangout, the woods, just out and about. Get the fresh air, take the time to look around you, see what is going on - and who is about. 30 minutes to an hour every day - mix it up at different times for different days, vary your route etc.

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


Back when I was in high school, I was unofficially diagnosed with ADHD (inattentive subtype). I suspected there was validity to that conclusion, and time has only made me more certain it’s the case. I don’t read as many books I used to before getting Internet access in 2007, and paradoxically, I can’t read any documents over a couple pages long on a computer screen.

tl;dr: I want to read more, and I want the money/means to buy all the books I’d like to read but can’t.


I have ADHD and have always struggled with reading long texts. Recently I’ve started reading some shorter ones (The Nutcracker, Duel of the Fates) and it’s gone relatively well. That said, anything beyond the hundred something pages those are and you’ll lose me for sure. In fact I still need to finish DotF, but I’m a little burned out on SW so it’s hard. Definitely gonna take a break from the series after that.


There are plenty of other people who share your values.


I would never date a drinker. Since you mentioned she doesn’t feel the same way as you, I assume you’ve spoken to her about your concerns? As someone who hasn’t gone on a date in his life as of yet, I can’t give real relationship advice, but I will say this. I don’t think your feelings on alcohol are a flaw of yours. If you hate alcohol because of your experiences with an alcoholic father, that’s a completely understandable and valid reason to feel that way. She should be able to understand that at the very least, even if she doesn’t think she’ll develop a problem. Your concern is realistic.

That said, I wouldn’t know the first thing about resolving this kind of problem. If I could help it I would never let myself get into a situation like this, but if I did, I don’t know what I could do other than ask her to stop. I’m definitely not saying you should do this, but if it were me and she chose alcohol over me, I’d probably walk away from the relationship.

I hope things work out for you.

Army of Darkness: The Medieval Deadit | The Terminator - Color Regrade | The Wrong Trousers - Audio Preservation


Dek Rollins said:

I would never date a drinker. Since you mentioned she doesn’t feel the same way as you, I assume you’ve spoken to her about your concerns? As someone who hasn’t gone on a date in his life as of yet, I can’t give real relationship advice, but I will say this. I don’t think your feelings on alcohol are a flaw of yours. If you hate alcohol because of your experiences with an alcoholic father, that’s a completely understandable and valid reason to feel that way. She should be able to understand that at the very least, even if she doesn’t think she’ll develop a problem. Your concern is realistic.

That said, I wouldn’t know the first thing about resolving this kind of problem. If I could help it I would never let myself get into a situation like this, but if I did, I don’t know what I could do other than ask her to stop. I’m definitely not saying you should do this, but if it were me and she chose alcohol over me, I’d probably walk away from the relationship.

I hope things work out for you.

This forum still needs an upvote button.


do you ever have selfish, irresponsible, anti-intellectual family that makes you want to die of covid, because that’s the only thing it will take for them to finally understand your sheer anger and frustration with their awful shitty decisions

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


NFBisms said:

do you ever have selfish, irresponsible, anti-intellectual family that makes you want to die of covid, because that’s the only thing it will take for them to finally understand your sheer anger and frustration with their awful shitty decisions

My sister fits that description more often than not.


One of the things which have left me with the impression that I may be non-binary is my recent desire to begin experimenting with makeup. I keep checking my face out in the mirror and wondering how I’d look with mascara/eyeliner and dark lipstick. Unfortunately, I can’t go that route without drawing attention from my mother and sister, which would open an ideological floodgate I’d much rather keep closed right now.

A minor gripe in the grand scheme of things. Still, I wanted it off my chest.


I think the whole non-binary thing is an overcorrection of the persistence of gender roles. We don’t need to invent labels if we just make the existing ones broader.


Anakin Starkiller said:

I think the whole non-binary thing is an overcorrection of the persistence of gender roles. We don’t need to invent labels if we just make the existing ones broader.

If biology can produce transpeople, It’s not a reach that it’d also produce people who aren’t fully cis or trans. Nature doesn’t tend to be as neat & orderly as we’d like, after all.

But gender roles certainly do need to be broader, it’s true.


But what if cis and trans cease to functionally exist as gender becomes a purely biological property forgotten in everyday life besides sexual preferences? If women and men were functionally identical would it make a difference which you identify as?


That is a horrific proposition.