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ANDOR - Disney+ Series - A General Discussion Thread — Page 3


TK-949 said:

Great. The most unlikable character from the worst of the Disney movies gets his own show. Yay!

What’s so bad about him? I’m genuinely curious as I’ve seen others express similar opinions.

I personally thought he was a really interesting, albeit somewhat underdeveloped character (though that’s hard to do with an ensemble cast anyway). The idea of a rebel who’s willing to bend the rules a bit and get his hands dirty for the “greater good” or just in order to survive is, to me at least, a really interesting alternative to the squeaky clean rebels that we usually got in the OT and EU material. The thing I really liked about the RO characters was that all they all seemed like real people with elaborate backstories and unique motivations, but we only got glimpses of it through their actions during the conflict of the film.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


The problem is that we are told his backstory not shown it. The same with Jyn since hers was cut. It’s the same as Anakin and Obiwan being “good friends”. We never see that. He’s in a bad place after being in the war so long? So much for TLJ being the only example of deconstruction and grey areas. Too bad our experience in the movie is him flying about with a comedy robot, and a couple of darker moments that are quickly glossed over.


I honestly don’t remember. I have seen the movie twice, and just remember I couldn’t relate to any of the characters, especially Ando Carissan (I’d like to buy two L and an I), therefore I didn’t care if they were successful or if they survived or not. Not to mention the further damage done to Darth Vader’s character. I’d have to watch it again to come up with specific reasons, why I dislike him so much, but I don’t intend to, unless it’s a version without Special Effects and cut to only Alan Tudyk’s scenes.

But I have to admit, I might give it a chance. It could be as awesome as the Mandalorian, if the right people worked on it. Filoni managed to make Anakin a likeable character. I watched the hell out of The Clone Wars, but I still won’t watch any of the Prequels ever again.


Mocata said:

The problem is that we are told his backstory not shown it. The same with Jyn since hers was cut. It’s the same as Anakin and Obiwan being “good friends”. We never see that. He’s in a bad place after being in the war so long? So much for TLJ being the only example of deconstruction and grey areas. Too bad our experience in the movie is him flying about with a comedy robot, and a couple of darker moments that are quickly glossed over.

I see what you mean, though I’m personally glad that the film wasn’t a collection of backstories. I feel that backstories are quite overrated, and what I liked about RO was that we learned about the characters through their actions and interactions with other characters. Though I’m looking forward to this series, as for RO taken on its own terms as a movie; I never felt that I needed to “see” Cassian’s past as I got what I personally needed to know from his personality and actions. I see RO was being similar to John Carenter’s The Thing, which also had a strong cast of characters, despite none of them having any clear backstory, shown or told. We learn who those character truly are through their response to the crisis in the film, and I personally think that’s so much more interesting than just a series of flashbacks (though that can of course work in other movies/shows).

Also, how was Jyn’s origin cut? The first 10 min. or so is her backstory (as well as Galen & Krennic, plus an introduction to Saw, which IMO is quite efficient storytelling), then we can extrapolate the rest from a combination of visuals and dialogue post time jump. Her being in a jail, being transported to a labour camp, her fighting the rebels who tries to save her, as well as her interactions of Saw, her initial disinterest with the rebellion, etc all speaks volumes of what happened post flashback. They only speak about her past twice in the film, and I don’t really see that as a problem, I’d say that’s quite efficient, not perfect of course, but quite efficient for a film like this with so many characters.

TK-949 said:

I honestly don’t remember. I have seen the movie twice, and just remember I couldn’t relate to any of the characters, especially Ando Carissan (I’d like to buy two L and an I), therefore I didn’t care if they were successful or if they survived or not. Not to mention the further damage done to Darth Vader’s character. I’d have to watch it again to come up with specific reasons, why I dislike him so much, but I don’t intend to, unless it’s a version without Special Effects and cut to only Alan Tudyk’s scenes.

But I have to admit, I might give it a chance. It could be as awesome as the Mandalorian, if the right people worked on it. Filoni managed to make Anakin a likeable character. I watched the hell out of The Clone Wars, but I still won’t watch any of the Prequels ever again.

Fair enough. This is of course very subjective and I personally really liked all the characters, especially Bodhi Rook, whom (apart from Jyn) I think changed the most. I can see why Andor was a bit underwhelming to a lot of people though, but that’s one of the reasons why I think this show could be really interesting.

Not sure what you mean about the Vader scenes though? How did it “damage” the character. There were no signs of the PT version, he was foreboding, lethal, witty, all things that I personally would associate with OT Vader. I get the fanservice argument (I just don’t see that as a problem myself), but I honestly can’t see how anything was wrong with his characterization. If anything I’d say that was one of RO’s big accomplishments.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


ZkinandBonez said:
I personally really liked all the characters, especially Bodhi Rook,

I don’t even remember who that is.
Vader was there to deliver puns, squeeze some guys balls and being menacing because of his skills and not his presence alone. #notmyvader


ZkinandBonez said:

Also, how was Jyn’s origin cut? The first 10 min. or so is her backstory

The first 10 min shows her father’s history catching up with him. Her training and subsequent falling out with Saw have been dropped.


Mocata said:

ZkinandBonez said:

Also, how was Jyn’s origin cut? The first 10 min. or so is her backstory

The first 10 min shows her father’s history catching up with him. Her training and subsequent falling out with Saw have been dropped.

Right, I see what you mean, but still…

ZkinandBonez said:

…then we can extrapolate the rest from a combination of visuals and dialogue post time jump. Her being in a jail, being transported to a labour camp, her fighting the rebels who tries to save her, as well as her interactions of Saw, her initial disinterest with the rebellion, etc all speaks volumes of what happened post flashback. They only speak about her past twice in the film, and I don’t really see that as a problem, I’d say that’s quite efficient, not perfect of course, but quite efficient for a film like this with so many characters.

Plus, what I think is so nice about the first 10 min. of the film is that they establish the whole conflict of the film, the motivations of the main character which is directly tied with Galen’s arc as well (so two for one there), the motivations of the antagonist, and it introduces us to a character that becomes relevant later on. A flashbacks to her time with Saw could have been nice, but I’m also glad that RO didn’t turn into Lost where every other scene turns into a flashback. It worked for that show, but would have bogged down this film. And I don’t see the use of exposition as a problem if it adds to or clarifies what we have seen before. I mean the OT has several scenes where people just sit down as discuss something important, so I don’t see why RO can’t get away with it (I’d even say they did it better in some cases).

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


I have a hard time understanding these complaints about R1. I thought Jyn was a bit bland for the lead the first time I watched it, but I’ve come to like her more the more times I’ve watched it. Otherwise I think all the characters were great and I agree that I enjoyed finding out who they were and where they came from through their interactions with each other. We don’t need to know everything there is to know about each of their life stories for this film. The film gives us exactly the info we need to understand their motivations and choices as they relate to the plot of THIS story.

I think (despite the turmoil or whatever behind the scenes) the filmmakers did a masterful job finding that right balance of giving us enough about them without bogging the film down with a bunch of back story exposition.

As for Cassian, I’ve always found him to be a compelling character. Like someone else mentioned, a rebel who’s willing to cross the line for the greater good is something we’ve not really seen much of and he feels like a real person instead of an archetype. And the pairing of him with K-2SO is wonderful. They have a great dynamic between them and I can’t wait to see more of it!

Oh, and Vader was perfect in R1. Everything he did and said felt perfectly in keeping with what we saw in the OT. Was it really “just his presence” that made him intimidating in the OT? Not the fact that he choked people with his mind, single handedly shot down a big chunk of the rebels’ fighter pilots, caught laser blasts with his hand, used the force to pummel Luke with stuff he was ripping out of the walls, and so on. But yeah, Vader is only cool and intimidating when he just stands around breathing at you. I swear some people just don’t want to have fun anymore!


canofhumdingers said:
Not the fact that he choked people with his mind, single handedly shot down a big chunk of the rebels’ fighter pilots, caught laser blasts with his hand, used the force to pummel Luke with stuff he was ripping out of the walls, and so on.

Yeah, you’re right. He did all those things. But he looked way more powerful as he did it calmly and slowly and didn’t wave his arms and hands around like he was trying to conduct Beethoven’s “Ode an die Freude”.
Anyway, you like it, I don’t, let’s just agree we disagree. I was just listing my reasons why I’m not looking forward to this show.


In this day and age of extreme “with us or against us” attitudes, I truly appreciate and respect playing the agree to disagree card, so I’m not trying to be antagonizing or keep an argument going just for the sake of arguing.

I just genuinely don’t get this argument against R1’s depiction of Vader. You say he waved his arms around too much, but he was routinely using hand gestures when he used the force in the OT. He didn’t always use hand gestures, and I agree that that was very intimidating indeed. But to say he’s too animated in R1 ignores many of his scenes in the OT. I mean, what about him dancing around like, you know, a fencer when he’s dueling Obi-wan. Or his aggressive pummeling of Luke as he drives Luke backwards onto the catwalk in Cloud City? Vader is imposing and powerful and intimidating, absolutely. But he’s also a man of action who routinely ventures out to the front lines leading his men by example rather than sitting back and directing from on high.

He leads the fighter attack on the rebels in the Death Star trench, he actively storms Echo Base with his snow troopers, he travels to Endor to “deal with them myself” (even if that resulted in just taking Luke back to the Emperor), etc.

I have no problem believing that he would join his troops in storming the Rebel command ship at Scariff and, given the severity and time critical-ness of the situation, split up in an effort to intercept the plans at all costs. When he found the hallway full of rebels, he did what he routinely does in the OT and goes into action.


TK-949 said:

I honestly don’t remember.

Obviously. That’s why you’re full of false hyperbole in your descriptions or just flat out wrong.

But I have to admit, I might give it a chance.

Of course you will. You’re a sheep & the brand is your shepherd.

ZkinandBonez said:

I see RO was being similar to John Carenter’s The Thing, which also had a strong cast of characters, despite none of them having any clear backstory, shown or told. We learn who those character truly are through their response to the crisis in the film, and I personally think that’s so much more interesting than just a series of flashbacks

Excellent point & very well said.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


I see RO was being similar to John Carenter’s The Thing, which also had a strong cast of characters, despite none of them having any clear backstory, shown or told. We learn who those character truly are through their response to the crisis in the film, and I personally think that’s so much more interesting than just a series of flashbacks

The Thing is a masterpiece, carried by a cast who are distinct with small amounts of screen time between them. They are memorable and often charismatic. RO has no such cast. And it’s the wrong genre for that sort of ensemble.

canofhumdingers said:
When he found the hallway full of rebels, he did what he routinely does in the OT and goes into action.

What he routinely does is stand behind the front line cannon fodder while they die in droves, then he steps forward to assess the damage. He doesn’t move that fast, ever, and he doesn’t use his lightsaber or the force wastefully like that. If only the way he acts was the issue… but the main problem is that he’s clearly been added in a reshoot for fan-service. Any theme of sacrifice (which was barely achieved with the blandest cast) is thrown out by a finale that cheers on the bad guy. Am I crazy is this all wrong to anyone else?


Mocata said:

I see RO was being similar to John Carenter’s The Thing, which also had a strong cast of characters, despite none of them having any clear backstory, shown or told. We learn who those character truly are through their response to the crisis in the film, and I personally think that’s so much more interesting than just a series of flashbacks

The Thing is a masterpiece, carried by a cast who are distinct with small amounts of screen time between them. They are memorable and often charismatic. RO has no such cast. And it’s the wrong genre for that sort of ensemble.

A war film can’t have an ensemble cast? I mean that’s what RO is, it’s a war film set in the SW universe. In a sense RO is The Dirty Dozen in space, so I’m not sure how an ensemble cast can be incorrect for the genre.

Also, those first two sentences are extremely subjective, and many people would say that RO has all of those attributes. They are all distinct characters, I personally would say that they are quite memorable (same more so than others, but that also applies to The Thing). And many of the characters are quite charismatic, at least to the extent that it makes sense within a somewhat gloomy war film.

Mocata said:

canofhumdingers said:
When he found the hallway full of rebels, he did what he routinely does in the OT and goes into action.

What he routinely does is stand behind the front line cannon fodder while they die in droves, then he steps forward to assess the damage. He doesn’t move that fast, ever, and he doesn’t use his lightsaber or the force wastefully like that. If only the way he acts was the issue… but the main problem is that he’s clearly been added in a reshoot for fan-service. Any theme of sacrifice (which was barely achieved with the blandest cast) is thrown out by a finale that cheers on the bad guy. Am I crazy is this all wrong to anyone else?

Fan service aside, Vader’s situation was rather unique in RO compared to anything we saw in the OT. In ANH they had the Tantive IV in a tractor beam, it was trapped within their hangar bay and a whole SD compliment was ready to storm the crew of one little ship. In RO there was a massive battle going on that was completely unexpected and the DS plans had been transmitted aboard a ship that could take off at any minute. In such a desperate situation it would be dumb to not send in Darth Vader if he was available. After all, pre-ANH, that was pretty much Vader’s role in the empire, to do the jobs that ordinary troopers couldn’t do (not easily anyway). Storming the Tantive IV after it had been captured was a task that didn’t require Vader, storming the Tantive IV while they were still downloading the DS plans and could escape at any minute, that is a task for Vader.

Also the idea of “cheering” Vader on is a bit of a misreading of the scene. Yes, people like Vader, but the scene is clearly meant to be intense and frightening, and in the same way that people like horror movies, people like seeing Vader being menacing. So yes, it’s fan service, but it’s also an intense scene adding tension and urgency to the rebels escape from Scarif. Also, the strange thing about SW is that interpretations are always very different between fans and regular viewers. I thought the Vader scene was “cool”, and so did my brother who’s also a SW fan, but other people I’ve talked to found the scene scary and/or tense, and there were definitely kids in the theater who were shocked to see Vader mow down good guys.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


Well said, ZkinandBonez. That is exactly how I see the Vader scene at the end of R1! And to say vader stands around and never moves quickly completely ignores his lightsaber duels in the OT.

Also, I disagree with the idea that his use of the Force in R1 is somehow excessive, “wasteful” (whatever that means), or out of character. He uses the Force as well as other tactics for intimidation multiple times throughout the OT (choking the various officers, jumping out at Luke from nowhere before driving him out on the catwalk in cloud city, pummeling Luke with stuff before knocking him out the window, etc., etc.). His display of wizardry and use of the lightsaber in the hallway is clearly meant to scare the bejeebies out of his enemies and it works. He’s routinely demonstrated to be a masterful tactician and this is just a natural extension of that. He’s alone in close quarters combat with an entire squad of enemy soldiers. Of course he’s gonna do everything he can to scare, disorganize, and overwhelm them any way he can.

Apologies to anyone for derailing this thread. I just really enjoy this debate.


I enjoyed RO on the first viewing, fell in love with it on the second and just outright adore it now whenever I get to watch it. Of course it has flaws but so do your family and friends who you love all the same.

I initially heard criticisms about thin characters in RO but after my second viewing I honestly can’t understand this view point. As was touched on above, we’re not shown much about each character’s past but we are told a bit and also shown enough for Jyn that together with their actions throughout the movie and clear motivations, we learn who these people are, why they fight and come to care enough for them that we do root for them to survive and watching them get killed does illicit an emotional response.

I think the movie does enough to provide frameworks, themes and suggestive qualities for most characters that we get a sense of who they are and we are allowed to use our imagination to fill in the gaps as we will based on our own subjective absorption of these things which I think can make for a far more enjoyable experience rather than having a complete character bio spelled out for you. I think it’s what made Han Solo so intriguing for many and what made the Solo movie so unnecessary after 40 years of feeling like you knew the character as you had imagined before Disney came along and told you what “actually happended”, losing the unspecific magic of his character background story.


^ “Disney came along and told you what actually happended” - Disney made Solo? Huh… I thought Lucasfilm did, like Lucasfilm made Rogue One, TFA, TLJ, TROS and The Mandalorian.

I went and checked for you because I know you have not seen Solo - Lucasfilm did make Solo 😉

I am hoping to see more of the birth of the Rebellion in this Cassian Andor series; would very much like to see Enfys Nest and some of the characters from Solo again, plus Draven, Mon Mothma, and some of Saw Guerrera’s gang from time to time.

To see some Imperials defecting or realizing the side they may be fighting for is not what they think it is.

It would be fun to see Alderaan and Dantooine too.

And K2’s humor again as well 😃



mykyta-R4 said:

^ “Disney came along and told you what actually happended” - Disney made Solo? Huh… I thought Lucasfilm did, like Lucasfilm made Rogue One, TFA, TLJ, TROS and The Mandalorian.

I went and checked for you because I know you have not seen Solo - Lucasfilm did make Solo 😉

No need to be so snide. Call it semantics because you know what I meant when I said Disney. If you want to be pedantic then yes - “before LFL, Ron Howard, Lawrence and Jonathan Kasdan came along and told you what “actually happened””.

This wasn’t a dig at Disney, I was simply saying I didn’t need Solo’s background explained to a tee (especially after so long) for the same reasons as I was perfectly fine with the characters in RO.

No I haven’t seen Solo and I dont need or want to for those reasons and more.


I see people refer to Disney making the films when they want to be criticial or insult the films: this is correct?

It is not snide or ‘so snide’ to point out Lucasfilm make these films, and I did go and check Lucasfilm made them just to be certain.

You do not want to talk about possibilities for new Cassian Andor series? Okay.

Why do you not want to talk about not seeing Solo? You brought it up in here.

Jedit: I remember now, you are the ‘Pando Lando!’ man:-

Force-Abel said:

Valheru_84 said:

oojason said:
Some members are over-stepping the mark with their repeated criticisms - to the point of continuous negativity. Some have not seen the film, nor plan to, and stating why is perfectly acceptable. However, some are going far beyond this - seemingly going into related threads and making continued negative posts about content they have not seen, informing others here how awful the thing they hasn’t seen is… Some have seen it - and are doing similar…

Members here have left, are leaving, and considering leaving… whether temporarily or permanently… because of such repeated negativity from a few others on here - that is not going to continue.

If people can’t post in a civil manner here, nor have a modicum of respect for fellow members, and wish to spread their habitual agenda of negativity… they won’t be posting here at all - that goes for anyone.

This site is a vast one - and covers many aspects of Star Wars over a long, long time. There are many topics or issues to discuss - I suggest people find something they do actually enjoy posting about - rather than spending their considerable time and effort in repeatedly bashing or hating on films or the people who made them - and for some here who claim to not care about, or have not seen.

I believe that some of this is directed at me and fair enough if you feel that way though I didn’t I feel that I was spreading continuous negativity nor was it ever my intention to if you think I am.

There is a semi-crossover of conversation between the two spoiler threads, box office results thread and some supporting threads that I felt I was just organically replying to various posts that I felt I had something to say about or add to after making my initial posts on my opinion regarding the reception of the movie. I haven’t been able to get on OT.com much to the extent where I have time to reply often and quickly to an ongoing conversation so sometimes it probably does look like I’ve suddenly gone crazy posting in all these threads at once but it’s just me getting the chance to finally post that reply I wanted to hours ago or even the previous day, often there are multiple posts I want to reply to.

As indicated in my reply to Biggs, I don’t feel I am someone that would be saying anything in particular to make people leave and I find it odd they would choose to leave OT.com over some critical comments about TROS or the DT in a few specific threads out of the thousands on here.

The fact it seems I am restricted from posting further in here just because someone doesn’t like what I am saying doesn’t feel right. My more recent posts I actually thought were more lighthearted and the link to Thor was just a topic I thought was worth discussing since it’s an integral part of the Skywalker saga that TROS is supposed to conclude and whether you agree with Thor or not, he poses some good questions and has interesting discourse on many things Star Wars which I thought is what people like to do here.

I don’t feel that I have been uncivil once in here nor disrespectful to anyone in particular so at this point would it be fair for me to continue posting in here as just part of the normal course of conversation and if anyone feels I’m being unnecessarily negative, they can report my post which if you or another mod agree it is overstepping what is reasonable, then you can tap me on the shoulder via PM and I will gracefully exit the thread for a good while? I understood the warning at the start of the thread so like I said, I am not intentionally trying to create any trouble (not that I would otherwise want to anyway).

You are the man who threatened to punch the moderator over an image of Lando from Solo? (you have a problem with pansexuals or homosexuals? - I do not remember clearly? Though if it in is reference to the droid having feelings and wishes for Lando it is only ‘girl’s talk’ in the Solo film, and not a big part of the movie). You have not seen this movie either?


Yes, probably a good idea to talk about Cassian Andor series in this thread.



mykyta-R4 - knock it off mate.

mykyta-R4 said:

Yes, probably a good idea to talk about Cassian Andor series in this thread.

Indeed - that goes for everyone.

Thank you.

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


mykyta-R4 said:
I am hoping to see more of the birth of the Rebellion in this Cassian Andor series; would very much like to see Enfys Nest and some of the characters from Solo again, plus Draven, Mon Mothma, and some of Saw Guerrera’s gang from time to time.

To see some Imperials defecting or realizing the side they may be fighting for is not what they think it is.

It would be fun to see Alderaan and Dantooine too.

And K2’s humor again as well 😃

Same here my friend 😃 All those and more - I hope we get more details on the series soon. Number of episodes, length of each etc to give us more of an idea for the series, a list of guest actors could be interesting 😃

Tighten Up and then turn it all the way up to 11!


Diego Luna Says His ‘Star Wars: Rogue One’ Prequel Series Will Shoot This Year’:-


The bumph…

'Disney+'s next Star Wars series is still in the pipeline… but getting closer to launch.

Over a year after it was announced that Diego Luna will be reprising his role of Cassian Andor in a Rogue One prequel series, the actor says he’s gearing up to start filming this year.

“Yes, we are doing it. We are doing it this year,” he told ET while promoting season two of his Netflix series, Narcos: Mexico. _“It’s happening, and I’m getting ready for it.” _

Luna said he knows “very little” about what’s in store, but has read some scripts. “I’m really excited,” he shared.

“I can’t wait,” Luna said. “It is really cool to tell a story where you already know the ending.”

“It is a different approach because of the beauty and it’s how things happen. It’s not just what happens. It’s not the typical way of approaching a story. It’s about how things happen, which in fact, is the same that happened in Rogue One,” he continued. “You know the ending, but you don’t know how it happened, and we have that challenge in front of us again, which is exciting.”


And also…

Diego Luna told us the #CassianAndor Disney+ series will begin filming this year!’:-

https://twitter.com/collidervideo/status/1227389502114553856?s=21 (with a 30-second clip of interview with Diego Luna)

Full interview link: https://collider.com/wander-darkly-diego-luna-sienna-miller-sundance-interview

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


Neil Scanlan Discusses Bringing Previously Unused Characters Into the Cassian Andor Series

From MovieWeb:
“What is fun about this is, in many ways, I don’t think it feels different than working on a movie. It certainly doesn’t feel like we are making any compromises. It’s the same creative conditions in every department to do what we can do. We also have this backlog of characters. A lot of the characters that we built for all of the films either didn’t make it to the final cut, because that’s just the way that the film process happens, or that they are seen so momentarily that there is this wonderful second opportunity to bring back some of the characters that we’ve made and bring them to this new storyline in a more, shall we say, integrated way. I think it’s going to be tremendous. I find that it’s a second opportunity for everything that we’ve made, plus the opportunity of moving TV along, in a sense, at what will not at all be diminished as far as the level of quality, the level of things that we are going to try and achieve.”

Makes sense really, especially since they’ve already worked on this era, I’m sure there are plenty of unused concept art, alien costumes, animatronics and puppets that they can just pull out of storage and add to the series. The RO aliens were IMO the most OT-like designs we’ve gotten so far with the Disney movies, so it’s nice to see that these “old” designs are going to be re-purposed.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


I really like R1, but, for me, it’s got the “unreliable narrator” thing going on. Many things don’t line up with my head canon. (the MonCalamari joining the Rebellion before ANH, for instance)
So, I’m interested in this show, but I’ll have to place it in the same alternate category. Which I’ll be happy to do if it’s good!

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


Disney Plus ‘Rogue One’ Spinoff Adds Stellan Skarsgard, Kyle Soller:-


I love Stellan Skarsgard, what a quality and varied actor. I am not sure on the other guy (resembles Ramsey Bolton from Game Of Thrones?) but things are looking good for when they can get back around to filming this.

More K2 humor too 😃

50 Cent is just an imposter