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Design failures (and successes) of the PT — Page 4


Slavicuss said:

Most - if not all - the new alien creature and monster designs are shite.

The Kaminoans and the acklay weren’t bad. They’re the only ones that immediately come to mind, though.


I disagree about the PT not having an iconic ship like the Falcon. It may not technically be a single ship, but Padme’s vast array of chrome ships with identical interiors are functionally the same. They may not be quite as iconic as the Falcon, but they’re still noteworthy.


Anakin Starkiller said:

I disagree about the PT not having an iconic ship like the Falcon. It may not technically be a single ship, but Padme’s vast array of chrome ships with identical interiors are functionally the same. They may not be quite as iconic as the Falcon, but they’re still noteworthy.

They’re not iconic at all. The fact that there’s three of them does not help. There’s no comparison.


I mean, the fact that Padme’s ships aren’t as widespread as the Millennium Falcon should be perfect objective evidence that it’s not at all iconic. I’d say even the Ebon Hawk is more iconic than Padme’s ships, and I doubt the general public has ever heard of it.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


I think Padme’s ships are good designs, but I don’t see why they had to be constantly reinvented every movie.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


Saying that something is “not as iconic as the Millennium Falcon” isn’t much of a critique. That’s a bit like how people keep saying that the new SW scores aren’t as good as John Williams’ scores. Not being as good as one of cinema’s greatest composers is not saying much, and neither is saying something is not as iconic one of the most iconic and well known ships in sci-fi and film history. I agree that Padme’s chrome ships are pretty striking, and to the PT generation they is quite memorable. It’s all quite relative, to a certain degree anyway. F.ex. despite having read/played a lot of EU material, I had honestly never heard of the Ebon Hawk until now as I never got around to playing the KOTOR games.

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I doubt even PT fans could name any of Padme’s ships.


DominicCobb said:

I doubt even PT fans could name any of Padme’s ships.

I don’t think it even had a name, it was just referred to as a Nubian starship.

Also, I was referring to the overall design being striking and memorable. There really aren’t that many starships in an SW content that’s even comparable to the Falcon in terms of being both visually striking and having a memorable name. The few who do, like the Outrider, Ebon Hawk, the Ghost, etc. are all more-or-less Falcon copies, or at at least very similar. The more formal tone of the PT and the lack of any “home” starships did prevent it from having named vessels the same way the OT era does. It still had a lot of cool designs that stood out though.

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I doubt even PT fans could name any of Padme’s ships.

There’s the one that looks like a silver bar of soap

And the other one that looks like a silver bar of soap.

I think the Clone/Republic Gunship is a great design. For my part, if I think “prequel ship” I think that one. What it has going for it is essentially the same thing the Falcon had going for it - there was a core recognizability in its shape that allowed you to essentially “play” with it whether or not you had a toy.

If you ever had a paper binder around the house or on a nearby desk, you had a gunship.

I also agree that the prequel saber designs were mostly great.


I absolutely adored the Jedi Starfighters of ROTS. As a kid, besides the Falcon, I wanted a personal Starfighter in real life.

The Rise of Failures


TavorX said:

I absolutely adored the Jedi Starfighters of ROTS. As a kid, besides the Falcon, I wanted a personal Starfighter in real life.

Same here mate; loved the design of them - and really enjoyed piloting them in the Rogue Squadron games that had them - and am hoping the forthcoming Lego Star Wars Saga game will have them too 😃

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I liked both Jedi Starfighter designs. The “sorta-kinda mini-Stardestroyer” ones AND the “Sorta-kinda TIE-fighter/Stardestroyer hybrid” ones.

Sebulba’s pod is a pretty fun design as well. That and Mars Guo’s pod are probably the best looking machines in The Phantom Menace, I’d say. I really like how they look. Mars Guo was my main character in Episode I Racer mostly because I liked the way his pod looked.


ATMachine said:

I think Padme’s ships are good designs, but I don’t see why they had to be constantly reinvented every movie.

Perhaps it’s an extension of Padme’s need to wear a different outfit every other scene.


I like the Jedi starfighter designs, but again, why did there have to be a new one in ROTS? It’s sort of indicative of the general problem of the PT designs. More does not equal better.


ray_afraid said:

The Pods were fantastic. All of em. Great idea, great visual design, great sound design.
The race & the racers were horrible, but.

It made for fantastic LEGO sets and I’ve heard good things about the video games.


I agree the Prequels had a problem with maintaining designs between films. Jedi starfighters, star destroyers, Nubian starships, clone troopers, the Jedi Temple’s floor, Obi-Wan and Anakin’s hair, it all changes between every film which prevents the trilogy from feeling as cohesive as the others.

Oh and the Republic gunship and Jedi interceptor are super iconic. The latter is my favorite ship in the saga.


I don’t personally think changing superficial designs hurts the story. It shows evolution and growth from film to film. Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Padme are all relatively young, at least to a point they’re not too old of age where they’re stubbornly set in their ways. Therefore seeing hairstyle/clothing/ships changing from movie to movie doesn’t seem so off. Maybe, for instance, Padme is likes that new ship smell and buys the newest ship of that year.
(actually while typing this, I see Duracell basically made this same observation).

Prequels has many issues, but the designs themselves or the gradual evolution of the militaries I think was done reasonably well. Although, it is always jarring to believe that the flashy nature of the technology went backwards. I understand sticking with an easy and non-changing aesthetic for the Empire, but using rudimentary interfaces sounds unlikely and the contrast definitely sticks out in the worst possible way.

The Rise of Failures


Super Battle Droids. Used stupidly in the PT, but menacing in The Mandalorian.

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-Kreia, Jedi Master and Sith Lord


They look interesting as a design regardless though. In fact both sides in the PT look neat. Too bad they exist so that no real people die in the Clone Wars.


Mocata said:

They look interesting as a design regardless though. In fact both sides in the PT look neat. Too bad they exist so that no real people die in the Clone Wars.

Clones aren’t real people? Also, judging by the Mandalorian there were lots of civilian losses.

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Clones are people t… oh, that joke’s been done to death.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


When I first saw the trailer for TPM over twenty years ago I remember being very confused by what I saw. Everything looked so fancy and futuristic I initially thought it was the future, until I saw Ewan McGregor being called Obi-Wan Kenobi and being introduced to a kid called Anakin Skywalker, which confused me even further, and it wasn’t until a few repeat viewings that it dawned on me that this was actually taking place BEFORE the OT.

I think Prometheus and Alien Covenant are guilty of the same, having a sci-fi aesthetic that reflects the trends of today even though they take place before the first Alien movie, where they should have stayed consistent with the 1970s look, creating a very jarring effect in which the future seems to have taken a giant leap backwards in terms of technological advances.

As for wardrobe, in the OT people dressed rather simply, and the closest we ever get to fancy clothing are those dignitaries in the Emperor’s Throne Room. In the PT it looks like Lucas had his people raid discarded costumes from the set of The Fifth Element. The clothing is so fancy and baroque, and in my view the worst offenders are the Jedi Order. The Jedi are supposed to dress in humble robes, but my first impression of young Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon Jinn was that their robes looked too fancy to be considered simple.

I will always have a soft spot for the Naboo Starfighter, though.