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Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD * — Page 52


Yeah, Luke and Leia went to Jedha in the new Marvel comics, so it’s not completely uninhabitable.

Here were the set photos taken back in October.


Jason Ward actually mentions how Jakku was originally going to be filmed in Jordan before Abu Dhabi gave them a better deal. But then after that didn’t work out, Rogue One shot there for Jedha.

Ward speculated that they might go back to Jordan to film it as maybe a different part of Jakku since JJ originally conceived the planet looking like Jordan. Although I wonder that since the Jordan landscape was established with Jedha already, that he would go back and use it for Jakku too.

The poster does mention seeing a lot of tents and speeder bikes that look similar to Rey’s speeder. So the tech might seem to point more toward Jakku. Though the alien cut outs standing out in the desert also gives me a pilgrim vibe. Though the fact we’ve never seen this kind of alien before makes me think it could just be a new world.

Then again, we really don’t know how much Jedha might have changed in the past 30+ years. But to me, the landscape definitely feels more like Jedha than anything else. I could see then going back if the rumored McGuffin of the film is Jedi/Force related. What if the McGuffin was the Journal of the Whills?

Definitely fun to speculate about!


Anakin Starkiller said:

If we meet the Whills, my life will be complete.

I don’t think they’ll introduce any concepts that general audiences aren’t aware of. Especially something as strange as the Whills.


Here was Jason’s post about the MacGuffin.

It is described by his sources as being “delightful, but somewhat controversial”

If that’s true, that makes me think it will be something fans might already be familiar with. And it is something that could have big implications on the story.

Having it be the Journal of the Whills would be a deep cut into Star Wars history. We also know that George’s Original ST treatments may have something to do regarding the Whills, so it would be a cool way to tie the story back into his original ideas. And knowing George, their relevance probably would’ve been controversial.


Also, since TLJ ended with Rey having some light reading material, it is possible she has learned about its existence and will want to go scavenge it for her collection. And Rogue One established Jedha as a place closely related to the Whills, with Jedha City being built around a Temple of the Whills, and natives like Baze and Chirrut being Guardians of the Whills.

We might not actually encounter the Whills, that might be too Lucasy, but they could have a prescence in the film through the existence of the Journal itself.

Another rumor mentions a possible threat from the Beyond, whatever that means. Could it be possible that the Journal could contain some crucial information regarding this threat?


Whatever the MacGuffin is, it definitely seems Force-related if both Rey and Kylo Ren are after it. It’s also possible that the MacGuffin could be some sort of device, like a Holocron or something brand new. So it might not be the Journal of the Whills, but if it was it would be a nice “bookend” to the story.

EDIT: I’ve also read a theory that the MacGuffin could be Kylo Ren himself. Maybe he gets betrayed by the Knights of Ren and the First Order and goes on the run, and both the Resistance and the First Order are after him. I could see that happening too.


Does anyone here think there’s a chance that we could see a scene of Ben talking with the Force ghosts of Luke and Anakin, with Hayden Christensen returning? I don’t like fan service, but this would be a usage of fan service used in a smart way that adds an element to the characters and story, since Ben looks up to his grandfather.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


I hope we never see anything prequel or Special Edition related. But a Disney push to sell the whole thing as one big product wouldn’t be surprising after the nonsensical Maul scene in Solo.



‘Yesterday was a wrap for me. A huge furry thank you to all of the CAST and CREW of Star Wars Epidsode IX. What a bittersweet thing it is to end this trilogy, this life changing chapter of my life. And finally thank you @jjabramsofficial for giving me this opportunity. Rawrrgh! PS. That’s a vintage 1977 Chewie 🔥 Thank you Kathy! #starwars’

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Joonas has really become Chewie and is a worthy successor to the role. And that’s just the perfect gift for a Wookiee. (With the exception of a brush or comb!) I have one stashed away somewhere myself.

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Where were you in '77?


Oh yeah, McGuffin stuff… not sure about the use of “McGuffin” but I’m no specialist. By that you mean the plot ?



“A McGuffin is a plot device in the form of some goal, desired object, or another motivator that the protagonist pursues. The MacGuffin’s importance to the plot is not the object itself, but rather its effect on the characters and their motivations.”

So the DS plans still count as a McGuffin.

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MalàStrana said:

Well, in ANH they already have the plans.

Which they need to deliver to the Rebellion while the Empire searches for them, so it’s still a MacGuffin.


You’re probably right about that ! So indeed most of the Episodes don’t really have a McGuffin (except the main theme of characters led by and/or for the will of the Force, especially during the PT), but I can see that ANH and TFA do have one. In TLJ it doesn’t seem to be more than a meta joke (the code breaker stuff).


Star Wars: Episode IX - An Ally Turns Away

They told me they’d fixed it!


I know that the title “Balance of the Force” has been used on some Star Wars content in the past, but the title “The Last Jedi” was also used before in the past too.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.



So we should look at the original Marvel run for clues?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:


So we should look at the original Marvel run for clues?

Exactly my point. I even have a novel that was released as promotional material for Revenge of the Sith’s release called “The Last of the Jedi” that’s focused on Obi-Wan exiled on Tatooine.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


SilverWook said:


So we should look at the original Marvel run for clues?

I’ve been picking up random issues of the OG Marvel run when I come across them at various comic shops, but they never have this one. Guess everyone has the same idea I do, which is that it’d be fun to have considering the title re-use.


I’d also like to ask something the strangely happened ever since The Last Jedi came out. Ever since The Force Awakens came out, fans were talking about things that could potentially happen in the future with the saga beyond the sequel trilogy. Now that The Last Jedi came out, fans are now saying that they want not only the trilogy, but the entire saga to wrap up. I know that there are many people who hate The Last Jedi, but it seems as if it just killed everybody’s excitement for the main saga all of a sudden. Why is this?

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.