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The Last Jedi- Full Movie Re-Edit — Page 8


arosa1091 said:

He’s gonna be remembered as one of the greatest fan editors because of what he’s doing to TLJ.

I don’t know about that one chief

To what degree do we have control over him? We can politely suggest for him to cut it out, and we can remove his post from this forum, but what else can we really do?

It’s in all of our collective best interest for him to stop, but I don’t think we can do anything beyond just asking him and explaining why it can damage the fanediting community.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


The oddly masked hilt is a big indicator that this is not at the level of Adywan. It’s not terrible, but it’s certainly not a filmed prop or at the level of Adywan’s miniature or fx work.

Request edits at https://digmodification.wordpress.com/contact


Smithers said:

It is possible that good hobby work done here could land skilled members new jobs in the industry…

Harmy is a perfect example of this 😄

Smithers said:

The ONLY time money should be involved in fan projects is when they invest their OWN hard earnings into their OWN resources to complete the tasks at hand, that’s an unfortunate reality that must be grasped by everyone who invests their time into shit like this.

I agree with the additional exception of Adywan’s case where a collective donation effort is solely for helping fund the edit process itself but no personal profit is ever taken from the donations.

DigMod said:

The oddly masked hilt is a big indicator that this is not at the level of Adywan. It’s not terrible, but it’s certainly not a filmed prop or at the level of Adywan’s miniature or fx work.

I never meant it as a direct literal comparison 😉



Valheru_84 said:

Smithers said:

It is possible that good hobby work done here could land skilled members new jobs in the industry…

Harmy is a perfect example of this 😄


Smithers said:

The ONLY time money should be involved in fan projects is when they invest their OWN hard earnings into their OWN resources to complete the tasks at hand, that’s an unfortunate reality that must be grasped by everyone who invests their time into shit like this.

I agree with the additional exception of Adywan’s case where a collective donation effort is solely for helping fund the edit process itself but no personal profit is ever taken from the donations.

Yes, Adywan accepts donations, but these don’t make nearly enough to cover the costs of his project, and paypal donations are more of a personal offering than a patreon subscription or buying lame t-shirts. Same goes for film restoration projects where multiple members pitch money to order the reels and such, this is not unethical. You won’t find Adywan on youtube begging for monthly payments so he can sit in front of a computer and change musical queues until he’s blue in the face, Adywan actually uses great amounts of resources, time, and effort, yet I’m sure he doesn’t come close to breaking even.

Prequel Fan-Edit thread: http://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Yet-another-series-of-prequel-edits/id/17329


I have a Youtube channel with restored NASA documentaries and footage and I can tell you that the content matching algorithms work. Even with 50 year old music or images, you get copyright claims.
The process is automated, so the Mouse knows about it and can block any videos by pressing a button.
They know about everything, since they have people googling for their property 24/7.

I’m sure they will act once it’s released ( give him rope to hang himself) 😉


Smithers said:

Yes, Adywan accepts donations, but these don’t make nearly enough to cover the costs of his project, and paypal donations are more of a personal offering than a patreon subscription or buying lame t-shirts. Same goes for film restoration projects where multiple members pitch money to order the reels and such, this is not unethical. You won’t find Adywan on youtube begging for monthly payments so he can sit in front of a computer and change musical queues until he’s blue in the face, Adywan actually uses great amounts of resources, time, and effort, yet I’m sure he doesn’t come close to breaking even.

Just for the record and to be clear, I am not saying otherwise to any of what you said above.



Where Ivan’s edit is concerned, it doesn’t surprise me that he’s generated a certain appreciative following for his efforts…as there’s just so many out there who were very discontented with various aspects of THE LAST JEDI.

Personally, I’m not too keen on some of his proposed alterations…but that’s probably because I already have specific ideas of my own about how I’d prefer to re-edit the damned thing. 😉


Hey Ivan love your Chanel and what you’ve done to the last Jedi. I’d love a link to it if possible. Keep it up man. You’re a real inspiration!


He doesn’t keep company here at OT.com anymore zflei005, possibly for the best if Disney decide they don’t like him raising funds by Patreon as a result of the edit.



zflei005 said:

Hey Ivan love your Chanel and what you’ve done to the last Jedi. I’d love a link to it if possible. Keep it up man. You’re a real inspiration!

There are 20 or so Fan Edits of The Last Jedi already finished and released just on this site alone (see the Star Wars Fan Edit and Other Projects Index and scroll down to the ‘The Last Jedi’ section).

Many of these Edits on here already cover some of the changes proposed by Ivan - and some of these Edits have a lot more changes too, whilst other Edits quite conservative in their changes. All Edits on here are available for free - without having to pay anyone a cent - as long as you own the official blu ray or digital download, of course.

As for conversing with Ivan - you’d likely be better off visiting him on YouTube - he only made a couple of posts here seemingly to highlight his work, then left, and then made a YouTube video about it with some strange/bizarre claims… that’s pretty much been it.

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


arosa1091 said:

Don’t get all the hate for Ivan. All Youtubers use Patreon. I understand why some might consider it an ethical issue,but its out of our control. Drop it and get over it. He’s gonna be remembered as one of the greatest fan editors because of what he’s doing to TLJ.

What a damn shame for you to say that. You have zero idea of what your talking about and the ramifications of what this Ivan is doing. He is profiting off of Lucasfilm property. What don’t you understand about that. You are just going to concede with such a crucial topic just because you didn’t like TLJ. It’s just disgraceful.


Funny thing I just realized is that one time I randomly stumbled upon one of his chat streams, and even commented on it, and it didn’t hit me until now that he was accepting donations during the stream, which means he is, in a sense, profiting from Lucasfilm content since that stream was being done specifically to promote the fan edit… That’s pretty messed up when you think about it.

Oh, well. I watched the trailer for his edit after that stream and didn’t really like what I was looking at. I’m one of the fans who enjoyed the idea of a broken Luke who has to learn to regain his self-determination, and I also liked the force projection at the end of the film and what that symbolized for his arc. Seems like Ortega is eliminating both of those aspects, so it’s a hard pass on his edit for me. The Fallen Knight is still my favorite TLJ edit among the ones I’ve managed to see thus far.



If we really want to distance ourselves from this particular edit… the thread should be removed by mods or at least lock it down (in my opinion) because it pops up easily on Google searches. The editor in question doesn’t even visit this site anymore (Last activity 14-Jun-2018) so there’s really nothing to gain by continuing discussion about any constructive feedback or his unconventional practices.


Remove this thread, and all that will be left is what he’s said about OT in his livestream. We ought to have our side of the story told?
Someone could easily start a new thread about it if they don’t see this one. And we’re allowed to simply talk about edits don’t support. If that situation ever changes, we cross that bridge when we get to it. The editor in question has a lot more to worry about from the Mouse than we do.

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Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

Remove this thread, and all that will be left is what he’s said about OT in his livestream. We ought to have our side of the story told?
Someone could easily start a new thread about it if they don’t see this one. And we’re allowed to simply talk about edits don’t support. If that situation ever changes, we cross that bridge when we get to it. The editor in question has a lot more to worry about from the Mouse than we do.

I have a bad feeling about this… But ya I say delete the thread.


As long as no one supports him we should be fine. When the edit comes out, no one review it, otherwise the Mouse could relate certain users obtaining his edit to this site.

Maul- A Star Wars Story


SWOTFAN25 said:

We need fanedit.org to be notified about this so that the edit gets banned.

From what I’ve seen, FE.org are already aware of the matter and I do believe actually locked the discussion thread on it some time ago which is their right to do though I don’t see any harm in just discussing it as long as we’re not endorsing or encouraging Ivan’s actions in monetising it.


SilverWook said:

Remove this thread, and all that will be left is what he’s said about OT in his livestream. We ought to have our side of the story told?

Yes, I can understand this point of view as well. I just thought that it would be much simpler to wash our hands from it all, have no mention of the project anywhere on this site. Only because this thread is like the 2nd/3rd result (for me at least) on Google when you look for the project, in case the Mouse gets interested. But yeah, we definitely still have every right to talk about it and voice our opinions.


Ivan Ortega has no intention of releasing his edit.


Couldn’t we just let this thread die ? There are plenty of interesting edits of TLJ around, radical or conservative edits to almost every taste, made by very nice people who don’t try to make profit out of it, so let us forget about whiny bi***** like Ivan, please.


I actually worked with the VFX guy who did the work for his edit and he personally gave me permission to incorporate it into my Clean cut edit. So for those interested in what Ivan was doing , feel free to check out my edit… I think you’ll like it (shameless plug)