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Han - Solo Movie ** Spoilers ** — Page 88


OutboundFlight said:

“L337 made herself”

Remember back when we thought a kid building a droid was implausible? Now droids can make themselves…

Have you met Frink? ‘He’ started off as a toaster, then ‘upgraded’ to a mac, and now look at him… just short of becoming self-aware - probably in a Skynet style too…

From 2014 (an article on self-building robots) - https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/187736-harvard-mit-create-first-self-assembling-robots-the-first-real-transformers

and the idea of self-replicating machines has been around sci-fi (and fiction) for a good while now - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-replicating_machines_in_fiction

in reality too it seems - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-replicating_machine#Advanced_Automation_for_Space_Missions

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oojason said:

‘He’ started off as a toaster

“Get over violence, madness and death? What else is there?”

Also known as Mr. Liquid Jungle.


I’m fine with her building herself. That fits in the GFFA (to me). I don’t have an issue with a kid building a droid either. That also fits in the GFFA. My issue with a kid building a droid in Phantom was it was that kid and that droid. More than completely unnecessary, it was possibly the worst case of universe-shrinking Lucas ever inflicted upon the franchise. Terrible idea.

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someone once pointed out to me that Anakin building C-3PO isn’t really that weird if you’re watching the movies in chronological order. That way, it isn’t “Hey, turns out the villain from the OT built that goofy droid from the OT!”, but rather just “This kid built a droid and it changed hands among several people that were in overlapping circles with the kid for the next couple decades”. I still don’t love it, but it doesn’t really irk me like it used to when I think about it like that.


The way I reconcile C3-PO in my head is that Anakin assembled 3po more than he built him , I like the old lore that he was built on Affa or some such planet 125 years before the original Star Wars . I imagine he got in some kind of trouble and was disassembled and left in a junk heap on Tatooine and Anakin just found the parts and put him back together . In my mind , he didn’t give 3po his personality and maybe his designation of c-3po was stamped on his torso somewhere.



Anakin’s most evil deed was building a robot to help his mom, a robot that can barely move its arms.


Mocata said:

Anakin’s most evil deed was building a robot to help his mom, a robot that can barely move its arms.

Not only that, from what we’ve seen, it seems like his primary purpose is to annoy people.


screams in the void said:

The way I reconcile C3-PO in my head is that Anakin assembled 3po more than he built him , I like the old lore that he was built on Affa or some such planet 125 years before the original Star Wars . I imagine he got in some kind of trouble and was disassembled and left in a junk heap on Tatooine and Anakin just found the parts and put him back together.

Well, that is literally what “happened” in Legends canon. I can’t remember the details, but there was a comic where Vader finds C-3PO’s head on Cloud City and then has a flashback to finding his disassembled parts (I think someone used him as target practice) in Mos Espa and rebuilding him.

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Amazon link to my novels.


Anchorhead said:

I’m fine with her building herself. That fits in the GFFA (to me). I don’t have an issue with a kid building a droid either. That also fits in the GFFA. My issue with a kid building a droid in Phantom was it was that kid and that droid. More than completely unnecessary, it was possibly the worst case of universe-shrinking Lucas ever inflicted upon the franchise. Terrible idea.

Totally agree.
My problem with the Solo robot is that the characterization they’ve described seems way too easy to botch. That type usually is. Hoping for the best though.

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ZkinandBonez said:

screams in the void said:

The way I reconcile C3-PO in my head is that Anakin assembled 3po more than he built him , I like the old lore that he was built on Affa or some such planet 125 years before the original Star Wars . I imagine he got in some kind of trouble and was disassembled and left in a junk heap on Tatooine and Anakin just found the parts and put him back together.

Well, that is literally what “happened” in Legends canon. I can’t remember the details, but there was a comic where Vader finds C-3PO’s head on Cloud City and then has a flashback to finding his disassembled parts (I think someone used him as target practice) in Mos Espa and rebuilding him.

try not to laught



GZK8000 said:

ZkinandBonez said:

screams in the void said:

The way I reconcile C3-PO in my head is that Anakin assembled 3po more than he built him , I like the old lore that he was built on Affa or some such planet 125 years before the original Star Wars . I imagine he got in some kind of trouble and was disassembled and left in a junk heap on Tatooine and Anakin just found the parts and put him back together.

Well, that is literally what “happened” in Legends canon. I can’t remember the details, but there was a comic where Vader finds C-3PO’s head on Cloud City and then has a flashback to finding his disassembled parts (I think someone used him as target practice) in Mos Espa and rebuilding him.

try not to laught


The “you were meant to help this droid” is especially LOLable.


cool piece of Solo fan art…

^ by Michael ‘Gorilla’ Pasquale

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wow ! that is a cool poster , and yeah, I have that issue of Star Wars tales but I don’t recall it being stated in “legends” whether Anakin gave him his personality module or not .I dig that issue though , the art was done by Killian Plunkett who went on to be a designer on The Clone Wars



I see the Solo toys have hit shelves. Browsing my local toy store I came across a minor spoiler.

(checks thread title)

The Millennium Falcon is sold as a “Kessel Run” edition, with the detachable front section being described as an escape craft. Huh, so not cargo after all.

They told me they’d fixed it!


ray_afraid said:

trimboNZ said:

the detachable front section being described as an escape craft.

So I guess the escape pod the Death Star crew assumed they’d escaped in has been gone much longer than they thought…

Several of the escape pods have been jettisoned…

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Where were you in '77?


ray_afraid said:

trimboNZ said:

the detachable front section being described as an escape craft.

So I guess the escape pod the Death Star crew assumed they’d escaped in has been gone much longer than they thought…

Heh, yeah I thought that too. Although it does seem a bit big, and that guy on the Death Star said that several had been jettisoned.

(TLJ spoiler below)

I had thought the capsule Rey was in when shot out of the Falcon was a proper escape pod. Maybe freighters have both individual and group pods.

They told me they’d fixed it!


Escape Pods

Interesting that the depiction in that TFA cross-section doesn’t match up with the design we see in TLJ.

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