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Future of the Star Wars series - the “climactic story event”...


With the crossovers that’ll be happening on the upcoming Ahsoka, Rangers of the New Republic, and future Mandalorian episodes culminating in a “climactic story event”; there’s no doubt that the upcoming SW films will incorporate these crossovers from the shows into the films like the way the MCU will be doing now

Analog Releases of Films That Contain Deleted, Extended, & Alternate Footage That’ve Never Been Released on DVD/BluRay


The “climactic story event” mentioned in the official recent announcements for new Star Wars series is indeed intriguing - especially in regards to how each of the relevant series, and their respective characters, will build up to it - and now with ‘The Book Of Boba Fett’ likely included in those series too…

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Probably some kinda remake of The Thrawn Trilogy.


I could see that. Definitely not word for word, but some sort of loose reimagining.


It looks like the “climactic story event” will be a part of, if not the whole of, the New Republic theatrical film:

A ‘New Republic’ era film (live action movie by Dave Filoni) - a general discussion thread

I do wonder if rumours that season 4 of The Mandalorian will contain rewritten and adapted scripts or stories from the now cancelled Rangers of the New Republic series.

On the official announcement for Rangers of the New Republic, was this description:

“Set within the timeline of The Mandalorian, this new live-action series from executive producers Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni will intersect with future stories and culminate into a climactic story event.”

Personally I think it is a bit shit we’ll have to go to the cinema and pay for tickets to see a possible finale for the various Mandoverse TV series that “culminate into a climactic story event”. Or wait a number of months until the New Republic film appears on Disney+.

That, and do I do hope they land this New Republic film, and whatever this “climactic story event” is. But that hope is fading if the quality and execution of stories is going to be like BoBF or the last season and a half of The Mandalorian.


rocknroll41 said:

Probably some kinda remake of The Thrawn Trilogy.

This man is Yoda! Nice call, rocknroll41.

Marooned Biker Scout said:

Personally I think it is a bit shit we’ll have to go to the cinema and pay for tickets to see a possible finale for the various Mandoverse TV series that “culminate into a climactic story event”. Or wait a number of months until the New Republic film appears on Disney+.

I agree, it is poor form from Disney/Lucasfilm to do that. I’m still not happy with the stunt they pulled in resolving the season 2 finale of The Mandalorian in Book Of Boba Fett. Plus they didn’t even recap it for season 3 of Mando!

That, and do I do hope they land this New Republic film, and whatever this “climactic story event” is. But that hope is fading if the quality and execution of stories is going to be like BoBF or the last season and a half of The Mandalorian.

I hope it will be a memorable and quality story too. I hope we get a level above, or more, than what we’ve been getting of late as well.

The Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear.


Marooned Biker Scout said:

That, and do I do hope they land this New Republic film, and whatever this “climactic story event” is. But that hope is fading if the quality and execution of stories is going to be like BoBF or the last season and a half of The Mandalorian.

Yeah, I know the feeling. It seems like the best Star Wars of the modern era is going to be the stuff that has Favreau and Filoni as far removed from production as possible. They’re both decent storytellers on their own, but they seem to feed each other’s worst impulses in a very strange way. Right now, The Acolyte, Skeleton Crew and Andor season 2 seem to be much more promising than anything “Mandoverse” related.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


StarkillerAG said:

Marooned Biker Scout said:

That, and do I do hope they land this New Republic film, and whatever this “climactic story event” is. But that hope is fading if the quality and execution of stories is going to be like BoBF or the last season and a half of The Mandalorian.

Yeah, I know the feeling. It seems like the best Star Wars of the modern era is going to be the stuff that has Favreau and Filoni as far removed from production as possible. They’re both decent storytellers on their own, but they seem to feed each other’s worst impulses in a very strange way. Right now, The Acolyte, Skeleton Crew and Andor season 2 seem to be much more promising than anything “Mandoverse” related.

Exactly, and also how I feel about the new shows being distant from F&F.

I think we’re also a little tired of their “playing with action figures” and somehow honouring “George’s way” chats.

Like Emre says above, and many others on here too, Favreau had us concerned when he told the fans to go look stuff up online about how the end of Mandalorian season 2 ended (for anyone who hadn’t seen BoBF). He is the man in charge of doing crossover shows which form the “Mandoverse”, which is going to culminate “climactic story event", that will now be a film. And he is telling fans to go online and find additional content themselves? As he wouldn’t be explaining the resolution of that 2-season story arc taking place on another show, in his own show featuring those two main leads. Not even as a recap.

That is some lazy shit. And then season 3 began.

I don’t want sound like someone shitting on Star Wars all the time, yet F&F really don’t help themselves. If Thrawn is planned to be the climactic “climactic story event" in that film, I think they’re going to underwhelm and disappoint a lot of fans. Man I want to be so wrong on that and for it to blow us all away.


rocknroll41 said:

Probably some kinda remake of The Thrawn Trilogy.

I really hope it is not. Not by Favreau and Filoni. I hope that gets wrapped up in Ahsoka, or the Mandoverse, and not the ‘climactic story event’.

They’re both solid to great at the episodic live action stuff so far. That first season of Mandalorian being the highlight. When it comes to the story arcs, they have been found lacking; in the buildup, execution and satisfying or emotional payoff.


Dave Filoni Teases What His Star Wars Movie Will Be: ‘You’re Looking For Moments That Define An Era’: Empire magazine

'Speculation abounds as to what that movie will involve – is it another step in the wider Mandalorian-Ahsoka-Thrawn story, or could it be the culmination of the whole thing? “Culmination is an interesting word,” teases Filoni, speaking to Empire at Star Wars Celebration. “The way I look at it, there are [small] stories, and then there’s the big story of the day, too. A New Hope, Empire and Return Of The Jedi tell the important parts of the tale that really define the history of the period. There are all kinds of sub-stories underneath that. We’ve been building all these small stories.” If the Disney+ series have allowed time to establish these characters and the New Republic era they inhabit, the movie is all about creating a bigger picture. “To me, a theatrical experience has to have a big idea – a monumental moment in the time period that changes what’s happening,” says Filoni. “What Tony [Gilroy] has done [in Andor] and what we did in Rebels, everything then changes when Luke blows up the Death Star. You’re looking for those moments that define an era, and that’s what the films really should be about – whether it’s characters coming together, or a defining moment.”

Filoni is open to all possibilities. “I have ideas, of course. I will not tell you what they are!” he laughs. But with Thrawn entering play, the fall of the New Republic in the distance, and plenty of Legends canon material to draw from (including the return of military base Tantiss in The Bad Batch, taken from Timothy Zahn’s Thrawn-centric Heir To The Empire novels) it should make for a thrilling tale. “There are little things along the way that I’ve built across different mediums, all in preparation for things that come later,” promises Filoni.’

Going on that it would appear this is likely going to be Thrawn or moving along the cloning stories, perhaps a mixture of both?


If they are going to do Heir Of The Empire, or a riff of it, as part of this “climactic story event” I really hope they don’t bring back Luke, Leia and Han for it. Be it through Deepfakes, CGI, a mixture of both, or a recasting.


In Disney ad-speak it probably translates to a big cross-over story, with characters like Ezra and Asokha from across different shows joining up.


Filoni: What Tony [Gilroy] has done [in Andor] and what we did in Rebels,

It takes a lot of suspension of disbelief, or possibly alcohol, to believe these two shows exist in the same Universe.


Juno Eclipse said:

If they are going to do Heir Of The Empire, or a riff of it, as part of this “climactic story event” I really hope they don’t bring back Luke, Leia and Han for it. Be it through Deepfakes, CGI, a mixture of both, or a recasting.

I would imagine that this will be a weird conglomeration of legends and canon material with the original characters being sidelined to focus more on the Filoni & Favreau characters. I think at most they will make cameo appearances, but it will likely be through deepfake and/or de-aging. Once Ahsoka is out we’ll be in much better place to speculate whether or not this will actually be an Heir to the Empire adaptation - but I definitely hope it will be to some degree.