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It doesn’t necessarily contradict anything. The leaving ship symbolizes that “they left” but maybe they just went away to some other part of Jakku or maybe they went to the “drinking planet” and later came back poor and died. Who knows. But it’s an interesting discussion and there are many ways to handle this, of course.
Haha, I love the idea of there being a drinking planet. Maybe they went partying on Canto Bight and was sent back broke.
You’re right that it doesn’t necessarily contradict anything. Like you said, maybe there is some cantina on the other side of Jakku that they went to. But I think any answer is going to feel a little convoluted, because it seems like a blatant misdirect or. Or, more likely, the two directors of these films have two different ideas about her parents.
As I’ve said, I love the fact she is a nobody, I was hoping as much going into the movie. I just wish that Rian would’ve at least tried to make it line up a little more with the information we’re given in TFA. Maybe Kylo Ren could’ve said they sold her to get off Jakku. They still could’ve been drunks who died in a pauper’s grave, but on another planet.
Though I guess Star Wars isn’t unfamiliar with convoluted explanations.
And it’s possible JJ could reveal something else in IX. Jarbear, you make a good point that not only could Kylo be an unreliable source, but the vision that had could’ve been a false one made by Snoke, since he bridged their minds and wanted them to think they could turn each other. At this point though I’d rather they stick to their guns than change it. For the story go, “Does she have some special origin. Nope, she’s a nobody. Wait, just kidding, she’s a somebody!” would feel like really lazy storytelling, in my opinion. JJ could get away with it I guess, but I hope he doesn’t.