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As a note: I’m happy to see interest here, but feel free to PM me directly for a link.
This way the thread won’t be bumped so much with PM requests!
PM sent!
As a note: I’m happy to see interest here, but feel free to PM me directly for a link.
This way the thread won’t be bumped so much with PM requests!
This looks amazing.
Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore
Please can I get a link to watch this edit?
Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore
PM sent!
As a note: I’m happy to see interest here, but feel free to PM me directly for a link.
This way the thread won’t be bumped so much with PM requests!
A few hours later…
Please can I get a link to watch this edit?
Interestingly, my favourite change in this cut is removing Maz’s line “Yes, he can…”
Would you consider removing her remark about the “union dispute”? Maybe replace it with some audio from TFA that would imply she’s fighting those “beasts” of the First Order wherever she is. (Snoke’s “merciless legions” are supposed to be advancing in the whole galaxy after all.)
Since she’s so adamant about fighting evil whatever form it takes, it’s very out of character that she would concern herself with a union dispute a few days after that. Just another in the long list of disconnects between TFA and TLJ, I guess. Her whole TLJ appearance is an insult to her character and to Lupita Nyong’o in my opinion.
Also, could you please send me a link to watch it? 😃
I always read Maz’ “union dispute” line as a joke, since she’s clearly not disputing anything. I figured she was just being sarcastic during a gunfight.
I always read Maz’ “union dispute” line as a joke, since she’s clearly not disputing anything. I figured she was just being sarcastic during a gunfight.
I don’t know, I imagine that Maz is the type of person to get caught up in a whole lot of causes, union disputes included.
You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)
I don’t think it is an insult to her character, but beyond that I have to agree with Dr. K, though. I think it would be of a benefit to omit that line for the reasons he previously mentioned. It would actually feel like the First Order is invading various parts of the galaxy, like the crawl mentioned, if Maz is off somewhere else also fighting them. The last time we see Maz, her home and livelihood was destroyed by the First Order, and she even says that “we” must fight them. Plus, if she is going to be with the Resistance in IX, wouldn’t it make sense to have Maz already be fighting the First Order?
I personally didn’t think the “union dispute” was sarcasm. Maybe it was meant to be, but I don’t think think it came off as sarcasm to most people if you were to ask them. Just my guess though. I think if you heard something like Stormtrooper blaster sounds or chatter through the hologram it would probably help get that idea across.
Sorry poppa, I know this discussion isn’t directly related to your edit.
You know, I’d never really thought about it much, but
It would actually feel like the First Order is invading various parts of the galaxy, like the crawl mentioned, if Maz is off somewhere else also fighting them. The last time we see Maz, her home and livelihood was destroyed by the First Order, and she even says that “we” must fight them. Plus, if she is going to be with the Resistance in IX, wouldn’t it make sense to have Maz already be fighting the First Order.
^ that may just have sold me on this being a necessary change.
I agree, FWIW. That’s an excellent idea and really reframes a problematic scene.
I just remember watching it in the theatre thinking “what the hell is she doing?!”
I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.
Dr. Krogshöj, pm sent!
I actually did try to remove the “union dispute” in my first attempt to trim Maz. It even bothered me more than the codebreaker sexual reference. I never really got it to work, though, maybe because I needed to use lines from TFA as suggested.
When I cut the lines the whole scene became confusing and awkward, because Maz was in some kind of battle and no one was acknowledging it. I’d definitely be interested if it can be made to work!
That is true, but in the context that it is the First Order rather than some random faction, then they would already know who she is fighting, because they’re currently invading the galaxy. So I think if some little audio cues could be added to reinforce that she is indeed fighting the First Order, I think it would work.
You know, I’d never really thought about it much, but
It would actually feel like the First Order is invading various parts of the galaxy, like the crawl mentioned, if Maz is off somewhere else also fighting them. The last time we see Maz, her home and livelihood was destroyed by the First Order, and she even says that “we” must fight them. Plus, if she is going to be with the Resistance in IX, wouldn’t it make sense to have Maz already be fighting the First Order.
^ that may just have sold me on this being a necessary change.
Yup, that’s me sold too.
Lupita voiced Maz in Lego: The Force Awakens iirc. There may be a line or two in there that could work.
Lupita voiced Maz in Lego: The Force Awakens iirc. There may be a line or two in there that could work.
And also for the ‘Forces Of Destiny’ animated series too 😃
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This is a great edit! Really good job! It’s really well edited, and I couldn’t find a single edit I didn’t agree with. One question though, and I’m sorry if it’s been asked before. Have you thought about changing/removing the final scene with the boy on Canto Bight? The scene was a bit puzzling before, and with the previous references to this boy and his Resistance-ring, the scene doesn’t make any sense to me. Might as well ask you the same, Hal9000, if you’re reading this; your edits are very similar at this point. 😃
Hey Yuri,
I’m glad you liked it!
Hal may be able to express it better, but to me, the broom boy scene hammers home the impact of Luke’s actions at the end of the film. In many ways, this film is about survival and rebirth. The resistance is on the ropes, and needs a spark of hope, which Luke provides. This spark is not just for the Resistance, but really for all of the downtrodden that the Resistance is fighting for.
Having children play with Luke Skywalker toys and recreating the showdown on Crait shows that the story of Luke is spreading around the galaxy, and that the rebel spirit may have been reignited.
It makes Luke’s actions have more scope. He didn’t just save Leia and a few Resistance fighters, but he lived up to his legend and “restored a spark of hope to the fight…”
That’s a well-though-out response, thanks!
Can I just say, I think your cut is fantastic. I’ve compared it to the HAL9000 Legendary edition V2, and overall your edition is more aligned with how I feel the movie should have been cut.
However, the one thing I liked more about the HAL cut is keeping the Mary Poppins scene. I didn’t think it was possible, and I know you don’t agree, but that scene is absolutely necessary to keeping Leia alive, and its my opinion that removing this scene from the film actually makes it worse off. Despite how poorly the original scene portrayed this, I get why they did, and outright cutting it is a huge mistake. Withough Mary Poppins, Leia living is even less believable than when Darth Maul somehow survived being cut in half, falling down an endless void, and getting robot chicken legs. With Maul, at least we have some context, having seen his experience with the force and his immense combat prowess.
Here’s a quote from you: “Rose says she saved Finn by colliding with him at full speed in a move that should have killed them both.” Using logic, it really removed you from the film, so you changed it.
So, consider this: The entire bridge blew up, “a move which should have killed” leia, many more times over than a collision. Yet you kept her alive. This creates a huge continuity issue: Without the force, how could she have survived the violent explosion AND burning from said explosion AND no oxygen in space AND freezing in space AND radiation exposure in space AND presumably prolonged exposure to all these factors due to BEING IN THE MIDDLE OF COMBAT when nobody can go save her? AND is later up and walking around no problem without a robotic Vader suit or robot legs? Either someone saved her despite these totally unbelievable conditions, or she pulled a mary poppins off-screen, in which case we might as well see Leia zipping around through space.
I really believe Mary Poppins works. Please let me attempt to persuade you. Here is a breakdown of cut options and how they play out:
Mary Poppins cut
No Mary Poppins cut
Bad edits: My issue with Mary Poppins isn’t the flying, its how it was implemented; the choice of camera angles and lack of context really just make it look terrible. I think this entire scene could have been fixed in the original cut if even a single shot was taken with Leia’s back or side to the camera, moving toward the ship. Also adding a close-up of the door before leia starts flying, and maybe inserting a sound of bending metal, a few small editing details would have shown the audience that she has grasped hold of something and is pulling herself with the force rather than flying.
Using the Force: It looks pretty jarring for sure; obviously, being able to sense family members seems like a big jump from mary poppins since this is her first blatant use of the force in any of the films. That said, we are shown in FOUR movies that leia is force sensitive before this scene occurs, and there’s also like 30 years between ROTJ and TLJ, so its definitely believable that she got some force training by her force training brother who ran his own force training school and used said force training to dampen the explosion and pull herself to safety. As well, with what we know of force push/pull and of astrophysics, literally the slightest use of force pull in space would let her easily pull herself to safety. Even a padawan kid could probably do the same thing. Like I mentioned before, there’s just no previous context. Have her force pull a pen or something so we know she can do this kind of thing.
Fixing mary poppins: Obviously, I really really believe that your cut should keep the scene. But not just keep the scene. Attempt to fix it. The following small additions would completely change the context of her survival and space flight, and would make the entire scene (and thus her presence in the rest of the movie) believable.
Cut to the door with sound effects: The biggest problem is we never see the ship until she is already in it, so to be shown the spot she has grasped onto would be a huge help. As leia opens her eyes, cut away and show a closeup of the door. Add the slowly increasing sound of bending metal and cut between the door and her face/hand X times. There are plenty of scenes throughout the star wars films with this sound; I know first hand every prequel film has them.
“The Force is strong in my family:” If possible, insert these lines from ROTJ. Not only does it close the gap between the original trilogy and the sequel trilogy, but gives context that in time, leia learned to use the force like Luke has.
I only suggest this option because I saw how you handled Finn’s Sacrifice. I even watched the process of how you edited the scene (also enlargening BB-8 as rose and finn escape the hangar), so if anyone could recreate space poppins to make it believable, its your team. Out of every terrible scene in the theatrical edition, the Finn scene was easily the worst. How could you take away Finn’s martyrdom? Its the single most important thing to me in the new saga so far: a lone ex-storm trooper sacrificing himself against the might of the empire in attempt to save the rebellion, even though he was obviously doomed to fail. Thats some heavy shit. And to be stopped because of a crush? Best scene ruined. Now, because of your edits, the scene is perfect, and the mary poppins issue is the only thing that is keeping your cut from being completely flawless.
I seriously applaud the work of yours and Hal9000’s team, and even without mary poppins, your TLJ:R is my go-to for this movie now.
TL;DR: Please fix the mary poppins scene and keep it in the movie. Plzzzzzzzzzz. plz plz pLZ. PLEASE. 😃
Counterpoint: the reason I chose this edit over Hal’s as my go-to is because that scene isn’t in it. I don’t think it works and don’t think it can be made to, and I have no problem believing that, since Leia was farther from the blast than anyone else, that she could have been recovered quickly before she suffocated in the vacuum of space.
Your reasoning is sound and has good points. But the scene is so awkward and goofy looking. Granted, yes it does raise questions about how she could have survived the explosion without any explanation … but at least for me its the better of two evils.
Granted, IF this is possible, there could be another way that combines some of your thoughts. Granted, these are just ideas on the top of my head without trying it, be it with timing, music, cues, etc.
I would be curious about using your idea of having the old lines playing, maybe with a kind of echo effect or some kind of distortion, specifically regarding your ideas here:
As her eyes close on the bridge, have the line from Return of the Jedi faintly play “You have a power I don’t understand” explosion occurs,
“and could never have.” Leia is floating in space.
“You’re wrong leia.” Leia opens her eyes.
“You have that power too.” Shot of leia’s hand.
The rest of it is tricky. Pretty much remove ALL the flying part of the scene with some shots that take up time that ends the scene with her hand on the glass window of the door that then opens up. You know she uses the Force to survive but we don’t see how. For those who do not have a problem with the visual of her flying in space … hats off to you for it not bothering you. But for me, and many others … it’s just so odd and very Un-Star Wars. So goofy…
“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”
Has anyone been able to use the 4K version of the film for potential cropping, yet?
I think poppa is satisfied with not having the Space Walk in his edit and I respect that. I do remembering though back when we both had discussed the scene, that poppa speculated on cropping that one particular wide shot when she starts moving toward the ship. His idea was that if the shot was tighter, that maybe it would work better. Having the 4K version of that shot would help make that seamless, for a future editor who did want to keep that moment.
Oh the scene definitely bothers me, it’s just such weird implementation. It could have been handled so much better. But after seeing it without her, it’s just so shocking to see her again after.
jarbear said:
The rest of it is tricky. Pretty much remove ALL the flying part of the scene with some shots that take up time that ends the scene with her hand on the glass window of the door that then opens up. You know she uses the Force to survive but we don’t see how. For those who do not have a problem with the visual of her flying in space … hats off to you for it not bothering you. But for me, and many others … it’s just so odd and very Un-Star Wars. So goofy…
I know it’s tricky. But after seeing it both ways, I feel it needs to work or else I just don’t buy it. Just like how popsketti didn’t buy rose crashing into finn at to speed and then living through it. Just didn’t work.
What if, combined with the things already said, you cut it such a way that shows less movement? Remove a chunk of her flight from the middle and keep some movement as she pulls herself and as she moves through the bridge. Show Poe running to the door, cut out the shot off her hand on the window.
I wish I knew more about fan editing, I’d try and make it work myself!