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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS ** — Page 95


Warbler said:

joefavs said:

This is the first time in my 28 years that I’ve even seen it suggested that Luke could’ve been doing anything other than choking the guards. I had no idea there was any disagreement at all about that.

This is the first time in the 34 years since the movie came out that I have heard he was force choking the guards. I must have watched ROTJ millions of times and never got that idea.

Warbler wins 😃

Maybe we can discuss the scene in a ROTJ thread.

The blue elephant in the room.


DrDre said:

Warbler said:

Possessed said:

You do make a good point.

I disagree.

What happened to Obi-Wan and Yoda:

  • Jedi purge aided by Obi-Wan’s former apprentice now Darth Vader
  • Galactic Empire takes over the galaxy
  • Yoda and Obi-Wan face off against Sidious and Vader despite terrible odds
  • Yoda fights Sidious to a stalemate and is forced to flee, as troops arrive
  • Obi-Wan defeats Vader, leaving him for dead
  • Obi-Wan and Yoda are now hunted by the Empire, branded traitors with the approval of the Senate, and are forced into hiding
  • Obi-Wan and Yoda hide Luke and Leia
  • It takes twenty years for the Rebel Alliance to become a significant threat to the Empire’s powerbase
  • Leia asks Obi-Wan for help in their most desparate hour, Obi-Wan answers their call

What happened to Luke:

  • Luke’s Jedi Academy is destroyed by his former apprentice partly caused by Luke’s unfortunate mistake
  • New Republic controls most of the galaxy
  • FO is growing in power, but at this point still a fringe government
  • Despite the fact that there’s still plenty of opportunity to stop the FO with the help of the Resistance and the Republic fleet, Luke doesn’t even try, and goes into exile, leaving everything behind
  • In Luke’s absence the FO grows in power to the point, that it is able to destroy the Republic capital and take over the galaxy
  • Luke refuses to help even after his sister Leia through Rey informs him of their situation, and his best friend has been murdered

These are really good points.


DominicCobb said:

Disney Ruined Star Wars said:

DominicCobb said:

Disney Ruined Star Wars said:

Another criticism is the tonal problems. The prequels had the same problems with tone. Really not even considering the gravity of certain moments and jumping straight to buffoonery or bathroom jokes. There is a lot of that in TLJ and also talk about how bad the Jedi are.

Honestly this movie felt like an homage to the prequels and was even worse than them. TFA was at least much better.

The only reason jokes were a tonal problem in the PT was because they were aimed squarely at children, although they were not necessarily things children actually found funny. TLJ just makes normal jokes, and they’re funny jokes. PT jokes aren’t jokes, they’re Lucas’s approximation of jokes. So they’re not funny and don’t fit in at all.

I disagree with this. Comedy and tone are different. Maybe they are sometimes related I guess. But comedy is more subjective. If you think something is funny who can argue you with you? For me, I didn’t find almost anything in this movie funny and it didn’t feel like Star Wars humor either. I’ve seen a lot of people agree.

But tone is more objective. It’s not really about whether something is aimed at children. RLM had some great examples in their prequel criticism videos. I wonder if they will do the same on this movie. It really did feel like watching Attack of the Clones to me.

You misunderstand me a bit.

I think it is possible to achieve a proper tonal balance between drama and comedy. I believe TLJ achieves that balance (not just because the simple fact that the jokes are funny, but because they are well integrated and feel true to the characters and situations, which makes them funny). I do not think the PT does, because I believe the humor is forced in, almost an afterthought, designed to get kids to laugh. That is why the tonal mishaps take place.

joefavs said:

I also think the humor in TLJ functions as a sort of release valve for audience tension. Without the jokes the film would be exhausting.


And don’t forget, a lot of those one liners were written by Carrie Fisher. And it isn’t as if the OT doesn’t have any comedy in it so I really don’t know what the complaint is.


Disney Ruined Star Wars said:

oojason said:

Disney Ruined Star Wars said:

Possessed said:

This meme or whatever you call it is dumb. Obi-Wan didn’t tell Luke: “hey you’re Dad was an asshole and the Jedi deserve to die.” Yoda never told Luke: “there is no dark side or light side. the jedi were arrogant and wrong”.

The people who defend these ST movies are no different than the people who defend the prequels. Mental gymnastics and totally ignoring the spirit of the original movies. But hey look it’s Darth Mual with his cool double bladed lightsaber. Er…I mean look it’s Porgs and Kylo Ren with a saber handle! It’s Star Wars duh!

If that is your attitude - then why are you here? To bait or antaognise those on here that do like these films? If so your stay here is going to be a short one.

Excuse me, am I not allowed to post my thoughts on the movie? What did I do to violate the rules? Or you just disagree with me and my posts bother you so you’d rather silence them?

I simply stated that if are to here to bait or antagonise those on here that do like these films your stay is going to be a short one.

No-one is being silenced here - and there are plenty of others who’ve voiced their disapproval of various SW films in a critical manner without baiting or antagonising those who do enjoy them.

Get over yourself.


Disney Ruined Star Wars said:

oojason said:

Disney Ruined Star Wars said:

Possessed said:

This meme or whatever you call it is dumb. Obi-Wan didn’t tell Luke: “hey you’re Dad was an asshole and the Jedi deserve to die.” Yoda never told Luke: “there is no dark side or light side. the jedi were arrogant and wrong”.

The people who defend these ST movies are no different than the people who defend the prequels. Mental gymnastics and totally ignoring the spirit of the original movies. But hey look it’s Darth Mual with his cool double bladed lightsaber. Er…I mean look it’s Porgs and Kylo Ren with a saber handle! It’s Star Wars duh!

If that is your attitude - then why are you here? To bait or antaognise those on here that do like these films? If so your stay here is going to be a short one.

Since I’m new here, can you point out which rule I violated that deserved you to threaten me? I read through them…

  1. My post was on topic about the movie and the franchise in general.
  2. I didn’t attack anyone.
  3. I didn’t use any profanity.
  4. I don’t have a signature.
  5. I didn’t make an image-only post.
  6. I did not harass anyone.
  7. I didn’t make any personal attacks, let alone the ones listed.
  8. I don’t have a sock account, I’m new here.

I can’t see any reason you would threaten me except you don’t like my point of view. I wasn’t aware that was against the rules.

I haven’t threatened you - and you know it. Read the above ‘there are plenty of others who’ve voiced their disapproval in a critical manner without baiting or antagonising those who do enjoy them’.

I do find it interesting that haven’t denied you are here to bait or antagonise others.


See Rule 2 - ‘Don’t attack other members personally. When debating, argue the point, not the person’ - as ray_afraid said previously, it is a personal attack on those who do enjoy them.

I suggest you heed the rule.


And also, lose the attitude.

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
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A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


nhoj3 said:

DrDre said:

Sorry, I probably just misread the reply. I agree with you both.

No, Warbler first agreed with the meme, then subsequently agreed with Collipso who counter-argued the meme.

The meme is correct… from a certain point of view.


yotsuya said:

DominicCobb said:

Disney Ruined Star Wars said:

DominicCobb said:

Disney Ruined Star Wars said:

Another criticism is the tonal problems. The prequels had the same problems with tone. Really not even considering the gravity of certain moments and jumping straight to buffoonery or bathroom jokes. There is a lot of that in TLJ and also talk about how bad the Jedi are.

Honestly this movie felt like an homage to the prequels and was even worse than them. TFA was at least much better.

The only reason jokes were a tonal problem in the PT was because they were aimed squarely at children, although they were not necessarily things children actually found funny. TLJ just makes normal jokes, and they’re funny jokes. PT jokes aren’t jokes, they’re Lucas’s approximation of jokes. So they’re not funny and don’t fit in at all.

I disagree with this. Comedy and tone are different. Maybe they are sometimes related I guess. But comedy is more subjective. If you think something is funny who can argue you with you? For me, I didn’t find almost anything in this movie funny and it didn’t feel like Star Wars humor either. I’ve seen a lot of people agree.

But tone is more objective. It’s not really about whether something is aimed at children. RLM had some great examples in their prequel criticism videos. I wonder if they will do the same on this movie. It really did feel like watching Attack of the Clones to me.

You misunderstand me a bit.

I think it is possible to achieve a proper tonal balance between drama and comedy. I believe TLJ achieves that balance (not just because the simple fact that the jokes are funny, but because they are well integrated and feel true to the characters and situations, which makes them funny). I do not think the PT does, because I believe the humor is forced in, almost an afterthought, designed to get kids to laugh. That is why the tonal mishaps take place.

joefavs said:

I also think the humor in TLJ functions as a sort of release valve for audience tension. Without the jokes the film would be exhausting.


And don’t forget, a lot of those one liners were written by Carrie Fisher. And it isn’t as if the OT doesn’t have any comedy in it so I really don’t know what the complaint is.

Yeah, Rian said that Carrie went through the script with him and suggested a lot of one liners. He said she was particularly fond of word play. I feel like it’s entirely possible she came up with “General Hugs.”


Mrebo said:

Warbler said:

joefavs said:

This is the first time in my 28 years that I’ve even seen it suggested that Luke could’ve been doing anything other than choking the guards. I had no idea there was any disagreement at all about that.

This is the first time in the 34 years since the movie came out that I have heard he was force choking the guards. I must have watched ROTJ millions of times and never got that idea.

Warbler wins 😃

No it’s just the Rule of Two. :p

Honestly I can’t believe this is even a debate.


nhoj3 said:

DrDre said:

Sorry, I probably just misread the reply. I agree with you both.

No, Warbler first agreed with the meme, then subsequently agreed with Collipso who counter-argued the meme.

I changed my mind since first agreeing with the meme.


TV’s Frink said:

Mrebo said:

Warbler said:

joefavs said:

This is the first time in my 28 years that I’ve even seen it suggested that Luke could’ve been doing anything other than choking the guards. I had no idea there was any disagreement at all about that.

This is the first time in the 34 years since the movie came out that I have heard he was force choking the guards. I must have watched ROTJ millions of times and never got that idea.

Warbler wins 😃

No it’s just the Rule of Two. :p

Honestly I can’t believe this is even a debate.

I prefer to think of it as 12 Angry Men.

Frink, you’re going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view 😉

The blue elephant in the room.


DrDre said:

Warbler said:

Possessed said:

You do make a good point.

I disagree.

What happened to Obi-Wan and Yoda:

  • Jedi purge aided by Obi-Wan’s former apprentice now Darth Vader
  • Galactic Empire takes over the galaxy
  • Yoda and Obi-Wan face off against Sidious and Vader despite terrible odds
  • Yoda fights Sidious to a stalemate and is forced to flee, as troops arrive
  • Obi-Wan defeats Vader, leaving him for dead
  • Obi-Wan and Yoda are now hunted by the Empire, branded traitors with the approval of the Senate, and are forced into hiding
  • Obi-Wan and Yoda hide Luke and Leia
  • It takes twenty years for the Rebel Alliance to become a significant threat to the Empire’s powerbase
  • Leia asks Obi-Wan for help in their most desparate hour, Obi-Wan answers their call

What happened to Luke:

  • Luke’s Jedi Academy is destroyed by his former apprentice partly caused by Luke’s unfortunate mistake
  • New Republic controls most of the galaxy
  • FO is growing in power, but at this point still a fringe government
  • Despite the fact that there’s still plenty of opportunity to stop the FO with the help of the Resistance and the Republic fleet, Luke doesn’t even try, and goes into exile, leaving everything behind
  • In Luke’s absence the FO grows in power to the point, that it is able to destroy the Republic capital and take over the galaxy
  • Luke refuses to help even after his sister Leia through Rey informs him of their situation, and his best friend has been murdered

Except let’s look at what is going on in each instance. In the PT (or even the OT backstory prior to the PT), the Empire has taken over, the Jedi have been hunted down. Ben and Yoda are in hiding. Waiting for something. They have hope that something will change.

Luke has just had his entire new order of Jedi wiped out (either killed or turned to the dark side). We don’t really know how many, but it wasn’t a lot. The facility is wiped out and the leader is none other than his own nephew. He fears that if he trains anyone else, the same thing will happen again. And Snoke and the Knights of Ren make a force that he does not have the power to combat. He would not kill his father in ROTJ so I’m sure he would not kill his nephew.

So the situations are vastly different in terms of what is at stake personally. Also remember, that Ben and Yoda were fully trained Jedi masters. They had learned to put their emotions behind them. When did Luke learn that lesson. We see in ROTJ that he is still prone to letting his emotions take control. He uses that to defeat Vader. As Johnson writes the lines for Luke to speak, he is also addressing fans who have idolized Luke and made him into something that the movies don’t show. The movies never show him attaining true Jedi mastery of his emotions and feelings. And the events that led to his self imposed exile in the ST are ones that, given the character traits shown and mentioned in the OT, would lead him to do exactly what he did. Luke was never perfect, only very determined. He used the Jedi training he had been taught and it failed his padawans. The same way it failed Kenobi in training Anakin. Luke sees that failing but does not know how to correct it. I saw it quite clearly in the PT that Lucas was showing that it wasn’t Kenobi or Yoda who failed, but the Jedi teachings. We are back to that. The Old Republic Jedi order had a major flaw - they didn’t teach their padawan how to avoid the temptation of the dark side. They just said don’t start down that path. They had gotten to a point where they denied attachments because it might lead that way instead of teaching how to avoid and resist the temptation. It is like teaching abstinence instead contraception to avoid teen pregnancies. It doesn’t work. Both Ben Solo and Anakin needed teachings that the Jedi didn’t have and that Luke doesn’t have.

Luke had three choices after Kylo turned. He could go after Kylo Ren and defeat him and the other dark ones. He could build a new order of Jedi to combat them - but the conflict would come eventually and there was no certainty that the new students wouldn’t be cut down or turned like the previous batch. Or he could decide not to kill and go into hiding. Staying and helping Leia really wasn’t an option because Snoke was already there and he would be expected to train new Jedi. And that is what he now fears. Luke rightly sees the Jedi order as flawed. He has given up instead of finding a way to fix it. And if you go back and watch the original, what he did is exactly in keeping with his character traits as established in the OT.


Warbler said:

joefavs said:

This is the first time in my 28 years that I’ve even seen it suggested that Luke could’ve been doing anything other than choking the guards. I had no idea there was any disagreement at all about that.

This is the first time in the 34 years since the movie came out that I have heard he was force choking the guards. I must have watched ROTJ millions of times and never got that idea.

Yup. If you watch it carefully, Luke is doing exactly what Vader did. Except that Luke has different motives. Luke just uses it to harmlessly and temporarily disable them so he didn’t have to fight them. Vader used it to intimidate or kill.


Mrebo said:

TV’s Frink said:

Mrebo said:

Warbler said:

joefavs said:

This is the first time in my 28 years that I’ve even seen it suggested that Luke could’ve been doing anything other than choking the guards. I had no idea there was any disagreement at all about that.

This is the first time in the 34 years since the movie came out that I have heard he was force choking the guards. I must have watched ROTJ millions of times and never got that idea.

Warbler wins 😃

No it’s just the Rule of Two. :p

Honestly I can’t believe this is even a debate.

I prefer to think of it as 12 Angry Men.

Frink, you’re going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view 😉

Yeah but the point of view that they turned in for a nap is something I’ve never heard before and makes no sense.


TV’s Frink said:

Mrebo said:

TV’s Frink said:

Mrebo said:

Warbler said:

joefavs said:

This is the first time in my 28 years that I’ve even seen it suggested that Luke could’ve been doing anything other than choking the guards. I had no idea there was any disagreement at all about that.

This is the first time in the 34 years since the movie came out that I have heard he was force choking the guards. I must have watched ROTJ millions of times and never got that idea.

Warbler wins 😃

No it’s just the Rule of Two. :p

Honestly I can’t believe this is even a debate.

I prefer to think of it as 12 Angry Men.

Frink, you’re going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view 😉

Yeah but the point of view that they turned in for a nap is something I’ve never heard before and makes no sense.

So you don’t think they’re sleeping?

The blue elephant in the room.


yotsuya said:

DrDre said:

Warbler said:

Possessed said:

You do make a good point.

I disagree.

What happened to Obi-Wan and Yoda:

  • Jedi purge aided by Obi-Wan’s former apprentice now Darth Vader
  • Galactic Empire takes over the galaxy
  • Yoda and Obi-Wan face off against Sidious and Vader despite terrible odds
  • Yoda fights Sidious to a stalemate and is forced to flee, as troops arrive
  • Obi-Wan defeats Vader, leaving him for dead
  • Obi-Wan and Yoda are now hunted by the Empire, branded traitors with the approval of the Senate, and are forced into hiding
  • Obi-Wan and Yoda hide Luke and Leia
  • It takes twenty years for the Rebel Alliance to become a significant threat to the Empire’s powerbase
  • Leia asks Obi-Wan for help in their most desparate hour, Obi-Wan answers their call

What happened to Luke:

  • Luke’s Jedi Academy is destroyed by his former apprentice partly caused by Luke’s unfortunate mistake
  • New Republic controls most of the galaxy
  • FO is growing in power, but at this point still a fringe government
  • Despite the fact that there’s still plenty of opportunity to stop the FO with the help of the Resistance and the Republic fleet, Luke doesn’t even try, and goes into exile, leaving everything behind
  • In Luke’s absence the FO grows in power to the point, that it is able to destroy the Republic capital and take over the galaxy
  • Luke refuses to help even after his sister Leia through Rey informs him of their situation, and his best friend has been murdered

Except let’s look at what is going on in each instance. In the PT (or even the OT backstory prior to the PT), the Empire has taken over, the Jedi have been hunted down. Ben and Yoda are in hiding. Waiting for something. They have hope that something will change.

Luke has just had his entire new order of Jedi wiped out (either killed or turned to the dark side). We don’t really know how many, but it wasn’t a lot. The facility is wiped out and the leader is none other than his own nephew. He fears that if he trains anyone else, the same thing will happen again. And Snoke and the Knights of Ren make a force that he does not have the power to combat. He would not kill his father in ROTJ so I’m sure he would not kill his nephew.

So the situations are vastly different in terms of what is at stake personally. Also remember, that Ben and Yoda were fully trained Jedi masters. They had learned to put their emotions behind them. When did Luke learn that lesson. We see in ROTJ that he is still prone to letting his emotions take control. He uses that to defeat Vader. As Johnson writes the lines for Luke to speak, he is also addressing fans who have idolized Luke and made him into something that the movies don’t show. The movies never show him attaining true Jedi mastery of his emotions and feelings. And the events that led to his self imposed exile in the ST are ones that, given the character traits shown and mentioned in the OT, would lead him to do exactly what he did. Luke was never perfect, only very determined. He used the Jedi training he had been taught and it failed his padawans. The same way it failed Kenobi in training Anakin. Luke sees that failing but does not know how to correct it. I saw it quite clearly in the PT that Lucas was showing that it wasn’t Kenobi or Yoda who failed, but the Jedi teachings. We are back to that. The Old Republic Jedi order had a major flaw - they didn’t teach their padawan how to avoid the temptation of the dark side. They just said don’t start down that path. They had gotten to a point where they denied attachments because it might lead that way instead of teaching how to avoid and resist the temptation. It is like teaching abstinence instead contraception to avoid teen pregnancies. It doesn’t work. Both Ben Solo and Anakin needed teachings that the Jedi didn’t have and that Luke doesn’t have.

Luke had three choices after Kylo turned. He could go after Kylo Ren and defeat him and the other dark ones. He could build a new order of Jedi to combat them - but the conflict would come eventually and there was no certainty that the new students wouldn’t be cut down or turned like the previous batch. Or he could decide not to kill and go into hiding. Staying and helping Leia really wasn’t an option because Snoke was already there and he would be expected to train new Jedi. And that is what he now fears. Luke rightly sees the Jedi order as flawed. He has given up instead of finding a way to fix it. And if you go back and watch the original, what he did is exactly in keeping with his character traits as established in the OT.

Sorry this really makes no sense to me. Luke refuses to train more Jedi, because he might fail. In stead he allows Snoke to take Ben Solo and to create any number of dark Force users. So, rather than take a risk, which may lead to a victory for the good guys, he opts for certain doom by doing nothing.

If Luke does nothing, the galaxy will be plunged into a second darkness, as there’s nobody to stand in Snoke’s way, or to prevent any number of dark side users from rising under Snoke’s tutelage. If Luke tries to stop Snoke and Kylo, he might prevail, and then retire the Jedi Order, if he still feels the Jedi should end with him. The alternative is, that he might be killed in his attempt to stop Snoke, Kylo, and the FO, resulting in the end of the Jedi, the same result if he does nothing. Doing nothing obviously is the worst choice, as it guarentees the worst outcome. Luke is just stupid for not being able to deduce this.

This is absolutely not in keeping with Luke’s character, who went on a suicide mission to destroy the Death Star even without significant knowledge of the Force. This is the same character, who could not be broken, even when everything he believed in turned out to be based on a lie. The same character who opted to sacrifice himself by letting himself fall into oblivion, rather than join his father. The same character who redeemed his father, even when his mentors told him, it could not be done.


Mrebo said:

TV’s Frink said:

Mrebo said:

TV’s Frink said:

Mrebo said:

Warbler said:

joefavs said:

This is the first time in my 28 years that I’ve even seen it suggested that Luke could’ve been doing anything other than choking the guards. I had no idea there was any disagreement at all about that.

This is the first time in the 34 years since the movie came out that I have heard he was force choking the guards. I must have watched ROTJ millions of times and never got that idea.

Warbler wins 😃

No it’s just the Rule of Two. :p

Honestly I can’t believe this is even a debate.

I prefer to think of it as 12 Angry Men.

Frink, you’re going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view 😉

Yeah but the point of view that they turned in for a nap is something I’ve never heard before and makes no sense.

So you don’t think they’re sleeping?

This has all been covered already. Just wanted to agree with the other people who don’t understand how you could see the scene the way you do.


Mrebo said:

TV’s Frink said:

Mrebo said:

TV’s Frink said:

Mrebo said:

Warbler said:

joefavs said:

This is the first time in my 28 years that I’ve even seen it suggested that Luke could’ve been doing anything other than choking the guards. I had no idea there was any disagreement at all about that.

This is the first time in the 34 years since the movie came out that I have heard he was force choking the guards. I must have watched ROTJ millions of times and never got that idea.

Warbler wins 😃

No it’s just the Rule of Two. :p

Honestly I can’t believe this is even a debate.

I prefer to think of it as 12 Angry Men.

Frink, you’re going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view 😉

Yeah but the point of view that they turned in for a nap is something I’ve never heard before and makes no sense.

So you don’t think they’re sleeping?

I always make gurgling choking sounds and fall against a wall while grasping at my throat when falling asleep.
Otherwise I just can’t get any good rest. 😉

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


DrDre said:

yotsuya said:

DrDre said:

Warbler said:

Possessed said:

You do make a good point.

I disagree.

What happened to Obi-Wan and Yoda:

  • Jedi purge aided by Obi-Wan’s former apprentice now Darth Vader
  • Galactic Empire takes over the galaxy
  • Yoda and Obi-Wan face off against Sidious and Vader despite terrible odds
  • Yoda fights Sidious to a stalemate and is forced to flee, as troops arrive
  • Obi-Wan defeats Vader, leaving him for dead
  • Obi-Wan and Yoda are now hunted by the Empire, branded traitors with the approval of the Senate, and are forced into hiding
  • Obi-Wan and Yoda hide Luke and Leia
  • It takes twenty years for the Rebel Alliance to become a significant threat to the Empire’s powerbase
  • Leia asks Obi-Wan for help in their most desparate hour, Obi-Wan answers their call

What happened to Luke:

  • Luke’s Jedi Academy is destroyed by his former apprentice partly caused by Luke’s unfortunate mistake
  • New Republic controls most of the galaxy
  • FO is growing in power, but at this point still a fringe government
  • Despite the fact that there’s still plenty of opportunity to stop the FO with the help of the Resistance and the Republic fleet, Luke doesn’t even try, and goes into exile, leaving everything behind
  • In Luke’s absence the FO grows in power to the point, that it is able to destroy the Republic capital and take over the galaxy
  • Luke refuses to help even after his sister Leia through Rey informs him of their situation, and his best friend has been murdered

Except let’s look at what is going on in each instance. In the PT (or even the OT backstory prior to the PT), the Empire has taken over, the Jedi have been hunted down. Ben and Yoda are in hiding. Waiting for something. They have hope that something will change.

Luke has just had his entire new order of Jedi wiped out (either killed or turned to the dark side). We don’t really know how many, but it wasn’t a lot. The facility is wiped out and the leader is none other than his own nephew. He fears that if he trains anyone else, the same thing will happen again. And Snoke and the Knights of Ren make a force that he does not have the power to combat. He would not kill his father in ROTJ so I’m sure he would not kill his nephew.

So the situations are vastly different in terms of what is at stake personally. Also remember, that Ben and Yoda were fully trained Jedi masters. They had learned to put their emotions behind them. When did Luke learn that lesson. We see in ROTJ that he is still prone to letting his emotions take control. He uses that to defeat Vader. As Johnson writes the lines for Luke to speak, he is also addressing fans who have idolized Luke and made him into something that the movies don’t show. The movies never show him attaining true Jedi mastery of his emotions and feelings. And the events that led to his self imposed exile in the ST are ones that, given the character traits shown and mentioned in the OT, would lead him to do exactly what he did. Luke was never perfect, only very determined. He used the Jedi training he had been taught and it failed his padawans. The same way it failed Kenobi in training Anakin. Luke sees that failing but does not know how to correct it. I saw it quite clearly in the PT that Lucas was showing that it wasn’t Kenobi or Yoda who failed, but the Jedi teachings. We are back to that. The Old Republic Jedi order had a major flaw - they didn’t teach their padawan how to avoid the temptation of the dark side. They just said don’t start down that path. They had gotten to a point where they denied attachments because it might lead that way instead of teaching how to avoid and resist the temptation. It is like teaching abstinence instead contraception to avoid teen pregnancies. It doesn’t work. Both Ben Solo and Anakin needed teachings that the Jedi didn’t have and that Luke doesn’t have.

Luke had three choices after Kylo turned. He could go after Kylo Ren and defeat him and the other dark ones. He could build a new order of Jedi to combat them - but the conflict would come eventually and there was no certainty that the new students wouldn’t be cut down or turned like the previous batch. Or he could decide not to kill and go into hiding. Staying and helping Leia really wasn’t an option because Snoke was already there and he would be expected to train new Jedi. And that is what he now fears. Luke rightly sees the Jedi order as flawed. He has given up instead of finding a way to fix it. And if you go back and watch the original, what he did is exactly in keeping with his character traits as established in the OT.

Sorry this really makes no sense to me. Luke refuses to train more Jedi, because he might fail. In stead he allows Snoke to take Ben Solo and to create any number of dark Force users. So, rather than take a risk, which may lead to a victory for the good guys, he opts for certain doom by doing nothing.

If Luke does nothing, the galaxy will be plunged into a second darkness, as there’s nobody to stand in Snoke’s way. If Luke tries to stop Snoke and Kylo, he might prevail, and then retire the Jedi Order, or he might be killed resulting in the end of the Jedi. Doing nothing obvioysly is the worst choice. Luke would be stupid for not being able to deduce this.

This is absolutely not in keeping with Luke’s character, who went on a suicide mission to destroy the Death Star even without significant knowledge of the Force.

Really? Remember in TESB, “I can’t, its too big” of trying to lift his X-wing out of the swamp? And Luke didn’t lead a suicide mission on the death Star. He was one of 30 pilots. And Luke’s failure was huge. He failed Han and Leia, not just Ben and the other students. And with retreat after failure already in him, such a huge setback could easily bring that out again. It is very in keeping with is personality as the OT presented it, though not as the Expended Universe built him up or as many fans have come to see him. This movie really restored humanity to Luke.


I never knew so many people thought Luke was perfect by the final scene of ROTJ and he’d be the exact same person 30-some years later.


ray_afraid said:

Mrebo said:

TV’s Frink said:

Mrebo said:

TV’s Frink said:

Mrebo said:

Warbler said:

joefavs said:

This is the first time in my 28 years that I’ve even seen it suggested that Luke could’ve been doing anything other than choking the guards. I had no idea there was any disagreement at all about that.

This is the first time in the 34 years since the movie came out that I have heard he was force choking the guards. I must have watched ROTJ millions of times and never got that idea.

Warbler wins 😃

No it’s just the Rule of Two. :p

Honestly I can’t believe this is even a debate.

I prefer to think of it as 12 Angry Men.

Frink, you’re going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view 😉

Yeah but the point of view that they turned in for a nap is something I’ve never heard before and makes no sense.

So you don’t think they’re sleeping?

I always make gurgling choking sounds and fall against a wall while grasping at my throat when falling asleep.
Otherwise I just can’t get any good rest. 😉

Ah well I guess there’s now three of you, you plus two pigmen!


TV’s Frink said:

I never knew so many people thought Luke was perfect by the final scene of ROTJ and he’d be the exact same person 30-some years later.

We agree on this piont


Collipso said:

DominicCobb said:

The scene at the end of TFA is from Rey’s perspective. So it’s epic and momentous - here’s me offering this legendary lightsaber to this legendary person to ask him to save the galaxy. Whatever happens after that doesn’t change the emotion of that moment.

In TLJ, we get a twist on it by seeing how Luke really feels about the “legendary” label. And Luke talks about his feelings about being a legend later in the film - the label is a burden, it caused him great pressure and great shame - it is the reason he has brought himself into exile. In that moment, he’s thinking that that lightsaber brought him terrible emotional and physical pain (remember the last time he saw it?). He doesn’t respect the saber in the way Rey does, he rejects it. Tossing the saber instantly establishes Luke’s feelings about the Jedi and his legendary status (i.e. no thanks).

But that’s okay. That’s just where Luke is at the start of the film. It’s part of his journey here, to coming back around to understanding that he needs to pick up the saber and act once again, to be the legend the galaxy needs. This, by the way, is why he uses that blue saber at the end.

You do realize that if he simply tossed it to the side gently it would be much easier for people to accept it right? The problem is how he comically tossed the lightsaber over his shoulder. The execution was terrible for being the payoff of such a powerful scene in TFA. I, for example, waited 2 years to specifically watch that scene and BAM SNL material right there.

Also the face Luke makes at the end of TFA makes no sense anymore.

He’s been living alone (mostly) on an island for years. It can be interpreted as a simple human reaction to seeing another human being after so long.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


TV’s Frink said:

ray_afraid said:

Mrebo said:

TV’s Frink said:

Mrebo said:

TV’s Frink said:

Mrebo said:

Warbler said:

joefavs said:

This is the first time in my 28 years that I’ve even seen it suggested that Luke could’ve been doing anything other than choking the guards. I had no idea there was any disagreement at all about that.

This is the first time in the 34 years since the movie came out that I have heard he was force choking the guards. I must have watched ROTJ millions of times and never got that idea.

Warbler wins 😃

No it’s just the Rule of Two. :p

Honestly I can’t believe this is even a debate.

I prefer to think of it as 12 Angry Men.

Frink, you’re going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view 😉

Yeah but the point of view that they turned in for a nap is something I’ve never heard before and makes no sense.

So you don’t think they’re sleeping?

I always make gurgling choking sounds and fall against a wall while grasping at my throat when falling asleep.
Otherwise I just can’t get any good rest. 😉

Ah well I guess there’s now three of you, you plus two pigmen!

But, the truth is, Luke was just too handsome for them to handle, so they strangled themselves to death. How anybody could read the scene differently is a mystery to me.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


Imagine if it was Ric Olie instead of Luke…


yotsuya said:

DrDre said:

yotsuya said:

DrDre said:

Warbler said:

Possessed said:

You do make a good point.

I disagree.

What happened to Obi-Wan and Yoda:

  • Jedi purge aided by Obi-Wan’s former apprentice now Darth Vader
  • Galactic Empire takes over the galaxy
  • Yoda and Obi-Wan face off against Sidious and Vader despite terrible odds
  • Yoda fights Sidious to a stalemate and is forced to flee, as troops arrive
  • Obi-Wan defeats Vader, leaving him for dead
  • Obi-Wan and Yoda are now hunted by the Empire, branded traitors with the approval of the Senate, and are forced into hiding
  • Obi-Wan and Yoda hide Luke and Leia
  • It takes twenty years for the Rebel Alliance to become a significant threat to the Empire’s powerbase
  • Leia asks Obi-Wan for help in their most desparate hour, Obi-Wan answers their call

What happened to Luke:

  • Luke’s Jedi Academy is destroyed by his former apprentice partly caused by Luke’s unfortunate mistake
  • New Republic controls most of the galaxy
  • FO is growing in power, but at this point still a fringe government
  • Despite the fact that there’s still plenty of opportunity to stop the FO with the help of the Resistance and the Republic fleet, Luke doesn’t even try, and goes into exile, leaving everything behind
  • In Luke’s absence the FO grows in power to the point, that it is able to destroy the Republic capital and take over the galaxy
  • Luke refuses to help even after his sister Leia through Rey informs him of their situation, and his best friend has been murdered

Except let’s look at what is going on in each instance. In the PT (or even the OT backstory prior to the PT), the Empire has taken over, the Jedi have been hunted down. Ben and Yoda are in hiding. Waiting for something. They have hope that something will change.

Luke has just had his entire new order of Jedi wiped out (either killed or turned to the dark side). We don’t really know how many, but it wasn’t a lot. The facility is wiped out and the leader is none other than his own nephew. He fears that if he trains anyone else, the same thing will happen again. And Snoke and the Knights of Ren make a force that he does not have the power to combat. He would not kill his father in ROTJ so I’m sure he would not kill his nephew.

So the situations are vastly different in terms of what is at stake personally. Also remember, that Ben and Yoda were fully trained Jedi masters. They had learned to put their emotions behind them. When did Luke learn that lesson. We see in ROTJ that he is still prone to letting his emotions take control. He uses that to defeat Vader. As Johnson writes the lines for Luke to speak, he is also addressing fans who have idolized Luke and made him into something that the movies don’t show. The movies never show him attaining true Jedi mastery of his emotions and feelings. And the events that led to his self imposed exile in the ST are ones that, given the character traits shown and mentioned in the OT, would lead him to do exactly what he did. Luke was never perfect, only very determined. He used the Jedi training he had been taught and it failed his padawans. The same way it failed Kenobi in training Anakin. Luke sees that failing but does not know how to correct it. I saw it quite clearly in the PT that Lucas was showing that it wasn’t Kenobi or Yoda who failed, but the Jedi teachings. We are back to that. The Old Republic Jedi order had a major flaw - they didn’t teach their padawan how to avoid the temptation of the dark side. They just said don’t start down that path. They had gotten to a point where they denied attachments because it might lead that way instead of teaching how to avoid and resist the temptation. It is like teaching abstinence instead contraception to avoid teen pregnancies. It doesn’t work. Both Ben Solo and Anakin needed teachings that the Jedi didn’t have and that Luke doesn’t have.

Luke had three choices after Kylo turned. He could go after Kylo Ren and defeat him and the other dark ones. He could build a new order of Jedi to combat them - but the conflict would come eventually and there was no certainty that the new students wouldn’t be cut down or turned like the previous batch. Or he could decide not to kill and go into hiding. Staying and helping Leia really wasn’t an option because Snoke was already there and he would be expected to train new Jedi. And that is what he now fears. Luke rightly sees the Jedi order as flawed. He has given up instead of finding a way to fix it. And if you go back and watch the original, what he did is exactly in keeping with his character traits as established in the OT.

Sorry this really makes no sense to me. Luke refuses to train more Jedi, because he might fail. In stead he allows Snoke to take Ben Solo and to create any number of dark Force users. So, rather than take a risk, which may lead to a victory for the good guys, he opts for certain doom by doing nothing.

If Luke does nothing, the galaxy will be plunged into a second darkness, as there’s nobody to stand in Snoke’s way. If Luke tries to stop Snoke and Kylo, he might prevail, and then retire the Jedi Order, or he might be killed resulting in the end of the Jedi. Doing nothing obvioysly is the worst choice. Luke would be stupid for not being able to deduce this.

This is absolutely not in keeping with Luke’s character, who went on a suicide mission to destroy the Death Star even without significant knowledge of the Force.

Really? Remember in TESB, “I can’t, its too big” of trying to lift his X-wing out of the swamp? And Luke didn’t lead a suicide mission on the death Star. He was one of 30 pilots. And Luke’s failure was huge. He failed Han and Leia, not just Ben and the other students. And with retreat after failure already in him, such a huge setback could easily bring that out again. It is very in keeping with is personality as the OT presented it, though not as the Expended Universe built him up or as many fans have come to see him. This movie really restored humanity to Luke.

Only if you deny Luke’s character development from the moment he failed to lift the X-wing. Discovering Darth Vader is his father, shattered everything Luke believed in. Yet, he overcame it, and ultimately became a Jedi, and redeemed his father.

Additionally the fact that he even for a moment thought about killing his nephew to the point that he activated his lightsaber, when his nephew had done nothing, but be tempted by the dark side, is just not credible. Luke refused to even fight is father, a man who was everything Luke feared his nephew might become and worse. The Luke of ROTJ would have attempted to redeem his nephew, not murder him in his sleep.