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The Drunk Thread (was: The Durnk Thread) — Page 15


These past eight months have left me distressed and angry — so much so that I want to get and stay blitzed for the next eight months. But noooooooo, I’m forced to take the high road.


Everytime I’ve gone down on Mary Jane, I’ve had panic attacks, so …


… so smoke Indica instead of Sativa. Or try an edible. Or just stop being Canadian.

Don’t do drugs, unless you’re with me.


Neglify said:

… so smoke Indica instead of Sativa. Or try an edible. Or just stop being Canadian.

You do realize pot’s legal in Canada now, right? 😛


Zippity do dah.

Don’t do drugs, unless you’re with me.


Drank more than half a 375ml bottle of Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey. Feelin’ tipsy.


Sounds like a very brief (and inexpensive) ride to me!


Already home. Bad vibes at the watering hole. Nothing distinct, but oppression and persecution seemed to be everywhere.

ChainsawAsh said:

Sounds like a very brief (and inexpensive) ride to me!

Seemed to take forever and I dunno how much it cost. But I got a feeling that your post went over my head and even my pompadour wasn’t quite high enough to catch it. The blame is certainly my own. Shame, is the name.

DuracellEnergizer said:

I’m forced to take the high road.

Every fiber of my being doubts this.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


Can’t visit my mom in the hospital.
Can’t go to my favourite book/comic book store.
Can’t go to any thrift store.
Can’t even go for a coffee.
Can’t do jack but Jack.
COVID-19’s a c***.


I’m durnk again. But unlike my sister, I know then enough’s enough.

Depending on how long this COVID bullshit goes on, you can expect me to report in this time next month or four months from now. I can go quite a long time without a drunk provided I have something other to relieve stress with.


It’s been Sailor Jerry shots & Red Diamond sweet tea this evening. That’s my usual.
Also had a couple Kona Brewing “Big Wave” golden ales. My favorite beer. Or one of em.

Been listening to the Specials, Devo, White Zombie, Weird Al & Reverend Horton Heat. More to come.

I wish I could pour you a couple drinks here at my personal tiki bar. I think most of us would have a good chat!
Cheers, you sons of guns!

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


ray_afraid said:

Also had a couple Kona Brewing “Big Wave” golden ales. My favorite beer. Or one of em.

Been listening to the Specials

Exquisite taste as ever, good sir 😃

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