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StarWars.com Archive?


starwars.com has a tendency to dump their old content with each redesign, making a lot of fantastic old articles unavailable (like The Last Correllian Shipyard). Not that I should be surprised at this disregard for archiving great content (hardy har), but I was wondering if anyone has been archiving these things? I have a couple of articles stashed away, but it breaks my heart to see the few good things to appear on starwars.com simply vanish into a void because the people running the thing either don't care, or are technically incompetent.

Essays, videos and thoughts on the inspiration behind Star Wars.


Some of the old sites are cross referenced between wookiepedia and archive.org.  For example the Last Corellian Shipyards can be found in some wookiepedia posts and in the footnote they note that it's offline but link to the waybackmachine's archive.


Problem is sometimes if an article was several links deep or within a frame or separate window, that might not have been archived.  Also have come across articles without important/relevant pics.  But fans have done pic dumps of some hyperspace kind of stuff.  The ArchiveTeam has focused on publicly generated content.

Would need to bring this topic up in other forums, there are people in other places into archiving online info, and they may have a more complete picture.

If you consider this information as entertainment then it's easy to dismiss it when it goes offline.  but even entertainment is eventually historical and we live in a time when these kind of resources don't require much attention to remain in public consumption.


What bothers me so much about this in particular, is that it would take next to nothing to keep an old blog alive. So it's not an official part of starwars.com anymore; that doesn't mean that permalinks and their content need to disappear.

Essays, videos and thoughts on the inspiration behind Star Wars.


This is a huge worldwide problem.  Someone needs to write a digital Fahrenheit 451 and even after that it'll still be an issue.

Heilemann wrote: What bothers me so much about this in particular, is that it would take next to nothing to keep an old blog alive. So it's not an official part of starwars.com anymore; that doesn't mean that permalinks and their content need to disappear.

Yeah problem is the net is a bunch of links, there needs to be a transition time or a service which converts links.  If everything moved one day all the existing links are null and void.  My mirror of blogs.starwars.com is 2.61gb, trying to learn now to condencse it to just the text info which would make it maybe hundreds of mb.  Keeping that part of the public net would be less difficult.

Getting involved with the ArchiveTeam.org is a way to help.  Here's an interview with Jason Scott:


check out the comments, one by Brewster Kahle of archive.org.

But when it comes to starwars.com articles there's copyright which permits LFL to make information erasure legal for the rest of our lifetimes.  But helping the waybackmachine become more comprehensive is a way around that for the time being.


But in this case, there's no reason it couldn't have kept working. Doing 301 redirects would be an easy solution. 

Essays, videos and thoughts on the inspiration behind Star Wars.