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Skeleton Crew (live action series) - a general discussion thread


“Star Wars: Skeleton Crew, an original series starring Jude Law, from executive producers Jon Watts, Christopher Ford, Jon Favreau & Dave Filoni, is streaming in 2023 only on DisneyPlus”: https://twitter.com/starwars/status/1529901534573568000

Deadline are reporting the first season of this has recently finished filming, which is good news as I thought this was going to be another one of of those announced Star Wars shows that never makes it to screen. Also from the Deadline article:

‘Directed by Jon Watts with Christopher Ford as a writer, Star Wars: Skeleton Crew is set to take place in the same timeline as The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett. Watts said the new series is about “a group of kids who are about ten years old who get lost in the Star Wars universe.” The director also noted that although the show will have four kids as its stars, “it’s not a kids show.”’

The first piece of concept art from Skeleton Crew shown to the audience at Celebration 2022:

I think this was the show some fans were claiming (or hoping?) had a ‘Stranger Things in Space’ vibe? I hope we get to see a teaser or trailer soon. Maybe at Celebration 2023 in April.

The Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear.


The trailer for this was just shown at Celebration 2023, but has not been officially released for everyone else to watch it.

Disney are doing its usual thing and taking down any videos online put up by fans on their phones at Celebration, but if you are quick you can still find some of them. It is almost as if Disney do not want any interested fans to watch the trailer for their own series.

'The show is set in the New Republic era, and will follow a group of kids lost in the galaxy trying to find their way home. It is described as a “Star Wars” version of some of Amblin’s coming-of-age films from the 1980s like “E.T.” and “The Goonies.”

Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy said director Jon Watts “really got the tone,” which is in the vein of the Amblin movies Kennedy produced for Steven Spielberg.’

^ from www.thewrap.com/star-wars-skeleton-crew-footage-trailer-jude-law

“Skeleton Crew Trailer Description” article: https://screenrant.com/skeleton-crew-star-wars-footage-description-details

Skeleton Crew is still set to air sometime in 2023 on Disney+: https://twitter.com/starwars/status/1644299339441790977

The Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear.


An actor in the show says it will be coming out in November/December:

https://twitter.com/fifalasvegas17/status/1656518372601765889? (a 25 second video clip of the actor)

from https://www.comingsoon.net/tv/news/1287675-star-wars-skeleton-crew-cast-adds-jaleel-white:

“I’m actually going to be in a new series on Disney+ starring Jude Law called Skeleton Crew,” White revealed. “Yeah, it’s coming out in … November/December, and it’s part of the Star Wars universe. So that’s a big change for me, man. I had to do two hours of makeup every day. I get to play a pirate.”


‘As Star Wars next Disney+ series, The Acolyte, inches closer to release, another upcoming show set in a Galaxy Far, Far Away just got an exciting new update. Director Jon Watts revealed during an interview at CCXP that Skeleton Crew will be released on Disney+ around Christmas.’


Going on the post above it may not be this Christmas!

If there is season 2 of this will it become a teen drama, as all the kids will have grown up by then? 😉

“In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be “replaced” by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten.” - George Lucas


When I first heard about this I had the impressed that this might be kind of a fringer story, not say akin to the Goonies. But I mean I love the goonies, so mixing that with Star Wars could be great. Keeping an open mind.


Jon Watts said:

I got to use all the cool stuff on my most recent Star Wars show. We had pre-viz, MOCAP, we shot on the volume, we did everything. But the most fun part was we also used all the old school techniques as well. We got Phil Tippett to do stop-motion. We did matte paintings, like real old-fashioned matte paintings. We got an ILM painter out of retirement to come out and do that. So to me, all that stuff is fun, but it’s just another tool, and it depends on how you use it.

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This is the poster, but this particular unreleased poster was found in a thrift store. It’s not really a poster, it’s printed on a cloth material with a small piece of wood on top and bottom sewn into it.


This might be released next weekend at San Diego Comic Con as they push this new show on Disney plus. I heard it might not release until early 2025.