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#ReleaseTheOriginalTrilogy - the campaign for an official release of the unaltered theatrical cuts of the three classic Star Wars films.
An Index…
• An Introduction + the enduring goal of the OriginalTrilogy•com - plus the site supporting #ReleaseTheOriginalTrilogy |
• How To Help / What YOU can do… |
• Some helpful resources / templates… |
Some supplemental information for anyone unfamiliar with the OT•com - or the suppression of the unaltered theatrical cuts…
• A Potted History of the OriginalTrilogy•com + its enduring goal… (Yup. That’s us. You’re probably wondering how we got here!) |
• Credits, kudos, thanks & acknowledgements |
• A space for comments / updates / news / additional categories etc - by the OriginalTrilogy•com site staff |
• A space for comments / updates / news / additional articles etc - by doubleofive; curator of Star Wars Visual Comparisons |
A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…
Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
‘How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com
A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)
… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.
An introduction…
25+ years have passed - a generation - since the last dedicated release of the unaltered theatrical cut of the Original Trilogy.
15 years have passed since the release of the ‘GOUT’ DVDs of the classic version of the OT films as ‘bonus disks’ - which was considered a lazy & substandard effort even back in 2006; its source being a laserdisc master for a previous 1993 release.
This thread serves as a reminder as to what the OriginalTrilogy•com is about, why it was created, a little of the site’s history, its evolution into fan preservations & fan edits, and also the site’s enduring goal - the same now in 2021 as it was back in 2003…
"While many of us appreciate and enjoy George Lucas’ creative evolution of the classic Star Wars films via the various releases of the ever-changing ‘Special Editions’, we respectfully state that there is tremendous importance in the original theatrical prints of the Star Wars Trilogy.
Above and beyond the nostalgic value that they hold for millions of fans the world over, Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi are landmark films that represent watershed moments in motion picture history. To preserve the original, award-winning work of the many artisans, sound technicians, craftsmen, and special effects artists is to do justice to their priceless contributions.
Undeniably, these movies are also cultural placeholders for millions of film fans. The impact that the original Star Wars Trilogy made on countless numbers of children, young people, and grownups everywhere is indisputable. Preserving the unaltered theatrical release forms of these movies and making them available to the public is of utmost importance.
An entire generation grew up with these movies and still love them dearly. We have created treasured memories and will always hold a place in our lives. We have bought the cinema tickets, video tapes, Laserdiscs, VCDs, DVDs, Blu Rays, artwork, posters, comics, books, soundtracks, games, figures, toys, lunchboxes, the various Special Editions, spin-offs, the Prequels, the Sequels, Standalone movies, Holiday Special, the Ewok movies, the many animated tv series - and literally bought the t-shirt…
…we just ask for the option to buy & watch the unaltered original Star Wars Trilogy - on a high quality, modern digital format."
^ by doubleofive - OT•com member and curator of the comprehensive ‘Star Wars Visual Comparisons’ twitter page & website.
In 2020, shortly after the 2019 ‘Maclunkey’ Special Edition version of the Original Trilogy films were made available on their newly operational Disney+ streaming service, doubleofive wrote a compelling article for the Wired website, and later a follow-up piece on the Star Wars Visual Comparisons website… highlighting the numerous alterations made to the films over the years and the differing Special Edition releases. Within these articles is an appeal to both Disney & Lucasfilm…
…To make available all the differing incarnations of the Original Trilogy over the years - to #ReleaseTheOriginalTrilogy
The two insightful articles written by doubleofive are linked to below - they also chronicle and highlight how many fans feel about not having the option to buy and experience an official release of the unaltered theatrical version of the Original Trilogy:-
#ReleaseTheOriginalTrilogy merch is available at SWVC - with 50% of any profit going to GiveWell.org’s Maximum Impact Fund.
This is obviously something the OriginalTrilogy•com site staff and the overwhelming number of members here fully endorse.
Hence the creation of this thread in supporting doubleofive’s #ReleaseTheOriginalTrilogy campaign - with some additional information below on how us, the fans, can all help contribute and hopefully realise such a release for these three iconic films…
A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…
Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
‘How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com
A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)
… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.
How To Help / What YOU can do…
Simply contact Lucasfilm and Disney to ask the following two-part question:-
Should Lucasfilm or Disney not be interested in undertaking such a release…
^ A release for the version of the Original Trilogy that Lucasfilm has admitted to there being an ‘overwhelming demand’ for, and that Lucasfilm employees are asked repeatedly about even today. The version that people who worked on the three original classic films wish to have available. Not forgetting the countless number of fans who would still love to have the choice of buying and experiencing these fondly remembered and much cherished original cuts once again - to sit down and enjoy with their children, childrens’ children, friends & loved ones, and also for a new audience to savour - the world over…
Hopefully these honest, open, transparent questions and requests to Lucasfilm & Disney will not remain unanswered - as there is no big secret or complex reason as to why such a release for the classic version of the Original Trilogy cannot be achieved.
There is nothing detrimental in the owners and creators of the franchise answering this simple request for such information. Why not issue a reply, statement or long-awaited update highlighting the reasons why the countless fans of Star Wars across the globe still cannot have the option to buy & own such an official release for the original award-winning and iconic films?
Or they could simply persevere in staying silent on the issue - ignoring the fans - while also asking those same fans to continue to buy, support and watch the other ever-growing catalog of Star Wars content available (with the vast array of merchandise)… all whilst the classic version of the three original films that underpin all of the Galaxy Far Far Away… remains unavailable.
(There are some ‘Helpful Resources / Templates etc’ available in the post below - should you wish to use them for when contacting Lucasfilm & Disney.)
You, and anyone else you know who may be interested… friends, family, loved ones, colleagues, acquaintances, mortal enemies, immortal enemies, your YouTube or other social media followers, and anyone else interested… can contact Lucasfilm and / or Disney to ask the above two-part question - to inform them of your wish to be able to buy and experience the unaltered theatrical version of the Original Trilogy on a high quality, modern digital format… (please be civil & polite) here:-
…and simply use the ‘hashtag’ of #ReleaseTheOriginalTrilogy - with optional links to the OriginalTrilogy•com and Star Wars Visual Comparisons twitter pages; @OriginalTrilogy & @StarWarsVisComp - in highlighting your wish to have the unaltered theatrical version of the Original Trilogy released.
When on Twitter, you can also include a link to the following:-
https://twitter.com/starwars - @StarWars
https://twitter.com/Disney - @Disney
https://twitter.com/ILMVFX - @ILMVFX (Lucasfilm’s largest presence on twitter)
Lucafilm, Star Wars, and Disney also all have official Facebook pages where they can also be contacted / sent a message:-
📧 E-mail LucasFilm at publicrelations@lucasfilm.com
📫 Via snail mail, here:-
P.O. Box 29901
San Francisco, CA 94129-0901
Attn: Kathleen Kennedy
📞 Via telephoning Lucasfilm at (415) 623-1000, and ask for the PR department.
You can also contact Disney to ask them the above questions - and also let them know of your wish to be able to buy and experience the classic version of the Original Trilogy on a high quality, modern digital format… (please be civil & polite) here:-
📧 E-mail Bob Chapek at Robert.Chapek@disney.com
📫 Via snail mail, here:-
Walt Disney Studios
500 South Buena Vista Street
Burbank, CA 91521
Attn: Bob Chapek
📞 Via telephoning Disney’s main switchboard at (818) 560-1000.
A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…
Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
‘How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com
A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)
… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.
Some helpful resources / templates…
If you are on Twitter and would like to ask for the unaltered Original Trilogy films to be released - or promote awareness of this - then simply also use the ‘hashtag’ of… #ReleaseTheOriginalTrilogy - along with links to @OriginalTrilogy & @StarWarsVisComp
And also let anyone else know - friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances, mortal enemies, immortal enemies, and others - who may be interested in asking for a release of the unaltered theatrical cuts of the Original Trilogy too…
I hope you’ll join us in our quest to have @Disney #ReleaseTheOriginalTrilogy. We’ve waited so long to have the unaltered theatrical version of the Original Trilogy available again. To buy & experience the classic OT in FHD/4K @StarWars @ILMVFX @OriginalTrilogy @StarWarsVisComp
Please @Disney #ReleaseTheOriginalTrilogy. Fans have waited long enough for the unaltered theatrical version of the Original Trilogy to be available again. Give fans the choice to view the iconic OT version once more - in FHD/4K @StarWars @ILMVFX @OriginalTrilogy @StarWarsVisComp
Please @Disney #ReleaseTheOriginalTrilogy. Dedicated fans have lovingly restored the unaltered theatrical version of the Original Trilogy to 4K. Give us the choice to buy & experience an official release of the classic cuts too. @StarWars @ILMVFX @OriginalTrilogy @StarWarsVisComp
Please @Disney #ReleaseTheOriginalTrilogy. Give fans the choice to buy and experience all of the differing versions of the Original Trilogy - whether that is the unaltered theatrical version, & 1997 Special Edition releases too. @StarWars @ILMVFX @OriginalTrilogy @StarWarsVisComp
Again, if you so wish, also include the hashtag of #ReleaseTheOriginalTrilogy… in any civil and polite post you make asking for a release of the unaltered theatrical version of the Original Trilogy… or in any general correspondence with the following:-
https://twitter.com/starwars - @StarWars
https://twitter.com/Disney - @Disney
https://twitter.com/ILMVFX - @ILMVFX
https://twitter.com/starwarsviscomp - @StarWarsVisComp
https://twitter.com/originaltrilogy - @OriginalTrilogy (this site)
Any of the templates suggested for use via Twitter above… can also be used to make a post, or send a message - using the hashtag of #ReleaseTheOriginalTrilogy - on the official Facebook pages for Star Wars, Lucasfilm, and Disney:-
Please be both polite and civil, thank you.
Three letter templates for anyone who would like to use them for contacting Lucasfilm or Disney and asking them to release the unaltered theatrical version of the Original Trilogy…
Also, massive kudos to SilverWook for providing the basis of these template letters - taken from his Dear Disney open letter.
(Feel free to re-word or edit these to your own style - to include your reasons why you want to see such a release of the Original Trilogy - or write your own letter to Lucasfilm or Disney. But remember… please be both polite and civil, thank you.)
Dear Lucasfilm & Disney,
Over 25 years have passed - a generation - since the last dedicated release of the unaltered theatrical version of the Original Trilogy. The version many of us grew up with. The films that changed our lives forever.
Saying that isn’t hyperbole. Those of who were there on the start of that incredible journey in the summer of '77 has never seen anything like it. It was a major event in our lives. Some of us came away wanting to know how it was made. It prompted a desire in some of us to make movies or tell stories of our own. No matter the path we chose, George Lucas, the talented cast, and innovative and dedicated crew around him lit a spark that remains with us today.
One thing we all share are the memories of where and with whom we saw Star Wars, and even of shooting down imaginary TIE Fighters out the back window of the car on the way home. For others, it was a bright shining light in the middle of a turbulent childhood in troubling times. If Luke and friends could triumph over their trials, maybe we could too…
We saw the movie over and over again, probably more than any other movie before or since. We know the lines by heart, we love the characters, yet also appreciate and admire the efforts of the many skilled artisans, sound technicians, craftsmen (and women), and special & visual effects with their priceless contributions to making film history.
All these years later, we would love to revisit the Original Trilogy we remember, to recapture those memories of a long time ago, in a movie theater far far away. Those of us with families want to be able to show our kids, and grand-kids, exactly what we saw when we were their age and relive it with them. It should be such a simple thing to do…
Only it isn’t.
We’re limited in our choices to outdated video formats that are increasingly difficult to obtains and inch close to extinction each passing year. And the now out-of-print bonus DVDs from 2006, which utilize ancient video transfers from 1993, are hardly better, if one can find them at all.
None of us ever imagined that these historic versions might fade from memory, ultimately disappearing from collective consciousness altogether. To the point where CGI insertions in later Special Editions changes are now mistaken for innovative FX technology of the 1970’s and early 1980’s. Film history is being obscured, if not rewritten.
We don’t bemoan the various Special Edition versions or their availability either. Yet they simply aren’t the version of the Trilogy we fell i love with. The iconic, pioneering and award-winning unaltered theatrical version of the Original Trilogy deserves to be seen and experienced in the absolute best quality afforded by modern cinema and 21st century home video format, so that it can be loved again by all.
There is room for all version of Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return Of The Jedi to be experienced. And want to give you our money for the classic version too; we really do! Please give us that opportunity. At least give us hope that we will be able to do so soon. Some of us aren’t getting any younger.
That is all we ask, and we look forward to your reply.
NB. Years ago Lucasfilm stated “we could not put the extraordinary time and resources into this project (the ‘2006 GOUT DVD’ bonus disc release) as we did with the Special Editions”. If this is still so… then please consider providing a respected and experienced company such as Criterion with copies of the elements required to produce an official release of the unaltered theatrical version of the Original Trilogy - in the highest possible quality home video digital format.
Sincerely yours,
insert your name here
Dear Lucasfilm & Disney,
It has been more than 25 years - an entire generation - since the unaltered theatrical version of the Original Trilogy films had a dedicated release. The classic version so many of us grew up with, underpinning the entire Galaxy Far Far Away.
While many of us appreciate and enjoy George Lucas’ creative evolution of the classic Star Wars films via the various releases of the ever-changing ‘Special Editions’, we respectfully state there is tremendous importance in the original prints of the Star Wars Trilogy…
Above and beyond the nostalgic value they hold for millions of fans the world over, Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi are landmark films that represent watershed moments in motion picture history. To preserve the original, award-winning work of the many artisans, craftsmen (and women), and special effects artists is to do justice to their priceless contributions.
Undeniably, these movies are also cultural placeholders for millions of film fans. The impact that the original Star Wars Trilogy made on countless numbers of children, young people and grownups everywhere is indisputable. Preserving the unaltered theatrical release forms of these movies and making them available again to the public is of utmost importance.
An entire generation grew up with these movies and still love them dearly. We have treasure memories which will always hold a place in our lives. We have bought the cinema tickets, video tapes, CEDs, laserdiscs, VCDs, DVDs, blu rays, 4K releases, artwork, posters, comics, soundtracks, games, figures, toys, lunchboxes, the various Special Editions, the Prequels, the Sequels, Standalone movies, The Mandalorian series, subscriptions to Disney+, visiting the theme parks and Star Wars attractions - and literally bought the t-shirt…
… we just ask for the option to buy and experience the unaltered theatrical version of the Original Trilogy once more - on a high quality, modern digital format.
That is all we ask for, and we look forward to your reply.
NB. Years ago Lucasfilm stated “we could not put the extraordinary time and resources into this project (the ‘2006 GOUT DVD’ bonus disc release) as we did with the Special Editions”. If this is still so… then please consider providing a respected and experienced company such as Criterion with copies of the elements required to produce an official release of the unaltered theatrical version of the Original Trilogy - in the highest possible quality home video digital format.
Sincerely yours,
insert your name here
Dear Lucasfilm & Disney,
It has been more than 25 years - an entire generation - since the unaltered theatrical version of the Original Trilogy films had a dedicated release. The classic version so many of us grew up with, underpinning the entire Galaxy Far Far Away.
While many of us appreciate and enjoy George Lucas’ creative evolution of the classic Star Wars films via the various releases of the ever-changing ‘Special Editions’, we respectfully state there is tremendous importance in the original prints of the Star Wars Trilogy… to experience the original, award-winning work of the many artisans, craftsmen (and women), and special effects artists is to do justice to their priceless contributions - an important and cultural part of American film history.
All these years later, we would love to revisit the iconic Original Trilogy that we remember, to recapture those memories of a long time ago, in a movie theater far far away. Those of us with families want to be able to show our kids exactly what we saw when we were their age and relive it with them. It should be such a simple thing to do.
Only it isn’t.
Yet we believe there is indeed room for all versions of Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of The Jedi to exist. And we want to give you our money for them; we really do! Please give us that opportunity, or at least give us hope that we will be able to do so soon. That is all we ask for, and we look forward to your reply.
NB. Years ago Lucasfilm stated “we could not put the extraordinary time and resources into this project (the ‘2006 GOUT DVD’ bonus disc release) as we did with the Special Editions”. If this is still so… then please consider providing a respected and experienced company such as Criterion with copies of the elements required to produce an official release of the unaltered theatrical version of the Original Trilogy - in the highest possible quality home video digital format.
Sincerely yours,
insert your name here
A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…
Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
‘How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com
A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)
… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.
Yup. That’s us. You’re probably wondering how we got here…
(For those of us already familiar with the site’s history and the suppression of the original classic cuts… feel free to skip to the end!) 👍
Some supplemental background material for anyone unfamiliar with the history of the site, plus the various conflicting & disingenuous claims made by George & Lucasfilm as to why the unaltered theatrical cuts remain unavailable (on a quality modern digital format).
10th March 2003… The OT•com officially comes online (skynet style 😉) - the site petition gains traction and will eventually reach 72,000+ signatures; spearheading fan pressure campaigns at the time… culminating in a 2006 release of the theatrical versions of the Original Trilogy on DVD - albeit as bonus discs - on a repackaged release of the ‘2004 Special Edition’ DVD set.
Jay’s original petition calling for George Lucas to release the theatrical versions of the Original Trilogy on DVD was hosted at the now defunct petitiononline•com website - though unfortunately frequent garbage and insulting comments were appearing on there amongst the many genuine signatures. These comments, coupled with the site’s restrictive controls in not being able to remove them - which could have damaged the integrity and cogency of the petition - led Jay to start afresh on an environment with it’s own petition ‘control system’; hence this place was swiftly created and then unleashed upon an unsuspecting world…
Originally, the forum on here was quite a basic and concise affair - mainly for ideas & suggestions from fellow fans who wished to contribute in someway to the cause of the petition’s goals, and for also recruiting other sites & publications who were sympathetic or keen to join and further strengthen the fan pressure on Lucasfilm. There was also an ‘Announcements’ section for site/petition news, a ‘Theatrical Cuts vs. Special Editions’ section for fans to learn about the many changes made to the OT films, a ‘General Star Wars Discussion’ section, and an ‘Off Topic’ section for anything else not covered by the other categories.
In little over a year, the OT•com forum had become a hive of
scum and villainydedicated members who had grown into a community interested in putting together and viewing our own fan-made preservation projects based on previous Original Trilogy releases - in the form of various laserdisc-to-dvd transfers - in a new and dedicated ‘Original Trilogy Preservation’ section of the forum. Skills, techniques, information, advice, stories, successes & failures, as well as answers to many questions & unknowns - all shared and experienced through the community on here, which had naturally evolved alongside the forum’s original premise - something which still remains true over 15 years later, on this, the most resolute and adaptable of places.Well in, Jay. And also to every petition signee & every OT•com member who has contributed anything, something, on here too.
The actual above post can be viewed here - via the Internet Archive’s WayBack Machine
The actual above post can be viewed here - via the Internet Archive’s WayBack Machine
February 10th 2004 saw an announcement that many Star Wars fans long awaited - that the Original Trilogy films would finally be released on DVD…
The actual post on the official Star Wars website can be found here - via the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine
That first release of the Original Trilogy on DVD in 2004 unfortunately did not carry the unaltered theatrical version of the films - but instead contained new and further changes made in addition to those previous alterations made for the 1997 Special Editions (aka ‘The Final Cut’ - according to George Lucas himself).
Fan reception at the time to these changes and the release itself (which became known as the ‘2004 Special Edition’ version) was one of bemusement and frustration; not only with the changes but also with quality control issues with the release. Members of OriginalTrilogy•com and Star Wars fans from all over the globe came together to strengthen support for the site’s petition and to continue to press Lucasfilm for a release of the much-loved unaltered theatrical versions of the three classic films…
The fans continue to campaign for a release of the original theatrical cuts… and then, two years later, in 2006…
StarWars•com announced on the 3rd May 2006 that the unaltered Original Trilogy would be released on DVD for the first time:-
StarWars•com’s actual post on the announcement can be found here - also via the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine
On the 5th May appeared this article on the Baltimore Sun website featured quotes from Lucasfilm spokesman John Singh about the OriginalTrilogy•com - the passion of the fans here - as well as acknowledging that the unaltered theatrical version of the Original Trilogy are “…the movies that some fans have always wanted own, because they’re the ones they first saw in theaters.”…
Jay’s response on the 8th May 2006 - to the news of the StarWars•com announcement re the classic version of the Original Trilogy being released on DVD:-
The fan pressure campaign spearheaded by the OriginalTrilogy•com, their members, the petition, and fans’ campaigning… had successfully resulted in Lucasfilm relenting… and finally agreeing to release the unaltered theatrical versions of the Original Trilogy films on DVD.
Jay’s actual post can be found here - via the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine (read from the bottom of the page to the top)
Balance had been restored to The Force… (or something like that)
And then, just days later in May 2006, came a great disturbance in the The Force…
The news that the recently announced unaltered theatrical version release on DVD would be in letterbox format - and not in anamorphic widescreen…Shortly followed by the further reveal that the transfer to be used for the release would be from what was used for the 1993 Definitive Edition Laserdiscs - a 13 year old project and, even back then (in 2006)… be of substandard quality - using compressed sound and adding DVNR to reduce the picture quality and detail further.
Fans here and elsewhere then immediately contacted Lucasfilm via email, phonecalls, faxes, and letters… informing them of our dissatisfaction with their decision to use this substandard transfer as a means to release the theatrical versions of the Original Trilogy on DVD…
An abridged screenshot image of Jay’s post on the OriginalTrilogy•com at the time:-
^ Jay’s actual post can be found here - via the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine (read from the bottom of the page to the top)
Within days, after already receiving a mountain of criticism for their choice to use such a 13 year old substandard and limited quality laserdisc transfer for the coming 2006 DVD release, Lucasfilm then released this somewhat factually disingenuous statement, in reply…
The actual post can be viewed here - via the Internet Archive’s WayBack Machine
‘Disingenuous? How so?’ - we hear you say…
This topic, with multiple sources of information, is covered in the following section of the…
‘George Lucas: Star Wars Creator, Unreliable Narrator & Time Travelling Revisionist…’ - OT•com thread, in ‘Category 20’:-
20. The Lucasfilm claim that… ‘The negatives of the movies were permanently altered for the creation of the Special Editions’.
^ Needless to say, the claims made in the above 2006 Lucasfilm PR release were quickly debunked - disproving their notion that an unaltered theatrical cut release could not be physically done, or that the elements or negatives don’t exist anymore, or that the ‘permanently altered’ negatives cannot be copied and then be reconfigured. Along with claims that it would cost ‘millions of dollars’ to do, or that the classic cuts of the OT do not represent ‘George’s vision’ - when there have five separate official releases of ‘George’s visions’ to date. That other quality prints of the original cuts did in fact exist (especially interpositives, IB tecnicolor prints, three-color separation masters, and many quality 3rd or 4th generation prints) - does contradict the claim by Lucasfilm that…
“existing prints of the first versions (the unaltered theatrical version) are in poor condition”….
To say nothing of the somewhat mendacious Lucasfilm statement that the…
“1993 laserdisc masters represented the best source for providing the original versions as DVD bonus material”.
The above 2006 PR statement from Lucasfilm is, to date, the last time they have publicly commented on a release of the unaltered theatrical version of the Original Trilogy films.
“Over the years, a truly countless number of fans have told us that they would love to see and own the original version of that they remember seeing in theaters”.
“This is something that we’re very excited to be able to give to fans in response to their continuing enthusiasm for Star Wars.”
…has become forgotten, sidestepped and ignored… whilst Lucasfilm have not officially commented on the status or possibility of a dedicated release for the original version of the ground-breaking and much-loved three classic movies for years now.
As mentioned previously in this thread, the 2006 ‘GOUT’ DVD release suffered many quality issues…
More detailed information on the substandard 2006 ‘GOUT’ DVD release can be found at the SaveStarWars•com website, in the following article…‘Got GOUT? The 2006 Original Version DVD Bonus Feature Fiasco’
and also on here in the ‘Archival / Historical discussions’ section of An Index Thread for Original Trilogy Discussion….
…Yet, to date, this is the only official digital format release of the Original Trilogy - in its unaltered theatrical version.
‘George’s artistic vision’ (as per the 2006 Lucasfilm PR release - and the later further changes of that ‘vision(s)’)…
Lucasfilm later made further alterations to the Original Trilogy films - for the 2011 blu ray release, and even more changes for the 2019 release on the Disney+ streaming service (later released on 4K physical media - aka the ‘2019 Special Edition’).So, to date, there have been four ‘Special Edition’ version releases of the Original Trilogy - in 1997, 2004, 2011 and 2019.
Lucasfilm chose to not even issue ‘Change Lists’ for the 2011 and 2019 Special Edition releases of the Original Trilogy films - which would have chronicled the numerous and continuing changes made in each respective version - as they had previously done for both the 1997 and 2004 Special Edition releases.
The 2019 Special Edition version also appeared on the Disney+ streaming service with no official announcement that further alterations had even been made to these three iconic films (these changes were made by George Lucas back in 2012 for a later-cancelled ‘3D release’ - before selling Lucasfilm to Disney later on in the year).
If George’s ‘vision(s)’ for the films results in numerous alterations and various Special Edition versions of the films, then as all of these differing versions were released to public as the ‘latest version of Star Wars’ at the time of release, the option should exist to still be able to view and experience all of them. Yet to suppress the original theatrical cuts - including both the original work and vision of the two directors who made Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi - is not something that George Lucas should be able to do - as George himself* admits, when stating they are not his films to change…
“A director should be able to change his film - but nobody else.”
^ At the time of above quote, George Lucas had already made changes to directors Irvin Kershner’s ‘Empire Strikes Back’, and Richard Marquand’s ‘Return Of The Jedi’, and would also make go on to make further additional changes to both films.
Neither the Empire Strikes Back or Return Of The Jedi are available as their respective directors intended, or indeed made, on a modern & quality digital format.
*: more information on this can be found in ‘Category 39: Who made the Original Trilogy films…? Whose are they to alter…?’ of the following OT•com thread:-
George Lucas: Star Wars Creator, Unreliable Narrator & Time Travelling Revisionist…
Whilst Lucasfilm have remained silent since its 2006 PR release, George Lucas himself did briefly talk about the issue of restoring the unaltered theatrical version of the films - when announcing the ‘2011 Special Edition’ version of the Original Trilogy for blu ray - back in 2010…
^ a screenshot image of the NY Times’ 2010 article re the ‘2011 Special Edition’ release on blu ray. The full article can be read below:-
Again, like the Lucasfilm PR release in 2006… George’s words in the above article are somewhat disingenuous…
“go through and do a whole restoration on it, and you have to do that digitally”
…when if fact you only need to restore & digitise the original theatrical scenes not used for the 1997 Special Edition, and then re-edit those scenes back into the film - not the whole process as stated by George - after all, the rest of the digitised restoration has already been completed.
The same applies to George’s claim that…
“It’s a very, very expensive process to do it. So when we did the transfer to digital, we only transferred really the upgraded version.”
…again, you only need to restore & digitise the original theatrical scenes not used for the 1997 Special Edition, and then re-edit those scenes back into the film - not the whole process as stated by George - afterall, the rest of the digitised restoration has already been completed.
SaveStarWars•com’s article on George Lucas’ 2011 blu ray announcement and restoration claims - ‘The Star Wars Blu-Ray Blues’ - goes into further detail on this…
In 2017 it was also confirmed that the footage from the unaltered theatrical version of the Original Trilogy, that was replaced for the 1997 Special Editions (and later SE releases) still exists - by 20th Century Fox’s Senior Vice President of ‘Library and Technical Services’ at the time, Shawn Belston:-
Another alternative approach to restoring the theatrical cuts of the OT films…
All of the above, of course, ignores the possibility of using any of the numerous film prints of the unaltered theatrical version of Original Trilogy films as an alternative source for provide a quality preservation or reconstructed release - interpositives, the three-color separation master, and IB Technicolor prints, or any superior 2nd generation copies struck from the original negative, 3rd and 4th generations copies, and so on… that are in Lucasfilm’s possession - or available to them…
^ The above image, and more information, can be found in the link below…
The Frequently Asked Questions section of the Save Star Wars website.
Working links contained in the above image can be found here:-
From Interpositives to Separation Masters: How Film Preservation Works - at the Save Star Wars website.
Saving Star Wars: The Special Edition Restoration Process and its Changing Physicality - at the SHoSW website (re-hosted by ‘none’).
‘What We Want And How To Make It’ - an article by doubleofive at the Star Wars Visual Comparisons website, also highlights that such a high quality preservation of the unaltered theatrical cuts of the Original Trilogy is indeed possible - by simply using the existing separation masters that have previously been utilised by Lucasfilm over the years.
We also know with certainty that other quality prints of the unaltered theatrical version of the Original Trilogy are still in existence… given Lucas’ showing of a 70mm print of Star Wars in 2019, and other various screenings - both private and public - over the years. Not to mention Lucas’ own theatrical Technicolor prints of the trilogy, other IB Technicolor prints known to exist and some have been shown, the interpositives and fine-grain prints, let alone numerous other prints in existence - and even theatrical prints out there which form the basis for fan preservations…
Even in 2006, Robert Harris - the man who had hand-restored ‘Vertigo’, ‘Lawrence of Arabia’, and ‘The Godfather’ - is on record saying he knows there are pristine 35mm elements available for use, and offered his services to restore the film - Lucasfilm did not respond to his offer.
In 2017, Lucasfilm employee and Lucasfilm Story Group member Pablo Hildago tweeted…
^ So, it is not that such a release of the unaltered theatrical cuts cannot physically be done - or that the elements, negatives, prints, and masters don’t exist anymore - or that the negatives could not be copied and then be reconfigured. Nor is it claims that it would cost ‘millions of dollars’ to do, or that the classic cuts of the OT do not represent ‘George’s vision’ - when there have five separate official releases of ‘George’s visions’ to date - including the 1997 Special Edition (‘The Final Cut’). Nor is it the disproved claim by Lucasfilm that “existing prints of the first versions (the unaltered theatrical version) are in poor condition”…
… it appears it is simply that one man doesn’t want the unaltered theatrical version of the Original Trilogy to be released.
It has been these efforts and dedication from fans and communities on sites such as the OriginalTrilogy•com - and others similarly aligned - savestarwars•com, secrethistoryofstarwars•com, fanedits•com, thestarwarstrilogy•com, fanres•com, fanedit•org, plus many other countless websites and fan alliances highlighting the lack of an OOT release (as well as changes made to the various official releases since)… who came together, pooled their resources, skills, experiences, patience, dedication and determination to come up with preservations of the unaltered theatrical version of the Original Trilogy ourselves…
Projects that have surpassed the quality of previous official releases of the Original Trilogy from Lucasfilm - whether that be in the form of tape or laserdisc transfers to dvd some years ago, Harmy’s Despecialized Editions circa 2015 on blu ray and other digital formats, adywan’s Revisited OT fan edits as an alternative to the ‘Special Editions’ (from a certain point of view), to recent 4K digital preservation projects for the unaltered theatrical version of the Original Trilogy - from 35mm film sources.
In unison with these continuing and evolutionary fan-made projects, as well as many other countless efforts and beautiful endeavours along the way, all proving that quality releases of the unaltered cuts can be achieved, the enduring aim of this site remains the same; not to mention the legions of fans the world over - to be able to buy and experience an official release of the unaltered theatrical version of the Original Trilogy - the three classic films that underpin the entire Galaxy Far Far Away…
Even in 2017, for the much-heralded and publicised 40th Anniversary of Star Wars, Lucasfilm refused to answer the question as to whether they will release an official unaltered classic version of the Original Trilogy:-
the question asked by this very site in the form of an open letter
^ It also being the same question that is still continued to be asked of Lucasfilm - by numerous fans from all around the world…
…that Lucasfilm themselves have also previously acknowledged:-
“the biggest question we’ve ever gotten from Star Wars fans is, ‘When are you going to release the originals?’”
the “overwhelming demand” for the unaltered theatrical version.
the "long awaited release of original theatrical incarnations of the classic Star Wars trilogy.”
“over the years a truly countless number of fans have told us they would love to see and own the original version that they remember experiencing in the theatres.”
doubleofive is also curator of the insightful & comprehensive ‘Star Wars Visual Comparisons’ twitter page and website.
#ReleaseTheOriginalTrilogy merch is available at SWVC - with 50% of any profit going to GiveWell.org’s Maximum Impact Fund.
An OT•com thread with many sources of information chronicling the changes made to the films over time can be found here:-
Complete Comparison of Special Edition Visual Changes - by doubleofive.
Some further information on the history of this site, and other related discussion topics, can also be found in these threads:-
A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…
Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
‘How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com
A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)
… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.
doubleofive for accepting our backing of his #ReleaseTheOriginalTrilogy (at his Star Wars Visual Comparisons twitter & website).
Chase Adams for an awesome #ReleaseTheOriginalTrilogy gif (moving image) coming soon for the opening post of this thread.
zombie84 for his superb and comprehensive ‘Save Star Wars’ website and also ‘A Secret History Of Star Wars’ book.
To ‘none’ for generously preserving and re-hosting both the informative & insightful web sites by zombie84 linked above.
ADigitalMan for spearheading the old letter writing campaign - back in the day.
Jay for all the tireless work, effort & energy over the years - including the original petition - and still ‘admin-ing’ away.
To all the members and site staff on here - both past and present - in helping to make this resolute site what it is… ✊
Finally… to George Lucas, the cast, crew, & amazing unsung talents who worked on all the Original Trilogy films - thank you all.
A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…
Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
‘How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com
A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)
… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.
A space for comments / new categories / updates etc - by the OT site staff…
An OriginalTrilogy•com thread that may be of some interest and relevance…
^ ‘The unaltered theatrical version of the Original Trilogy’ - the few words that can send certain Star Wars fans into an angry tizz… often triggering some quite uninformed, somewhat unaware, and factually incorrect claims & statements over the years. Especially when there is talk about wanting to have the option to buy a high quality, official release, on a modern digital format.
In the above thread are just some of the comments often seen when the topic of the classic cuts of the Original Trilogy is mentioned online… along with these claims & statements are some hopefully concise, informative, and reasoned replies.
A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…
Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
‘How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com
A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)
… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.
A space for doubleofive’s comments / updates / news / new articles etc:-
I really appreciate the support, I worked really hard on the Wired article and would love to see traction on our efforts to get the original released. Below are some highlights of my work:
Star Wars Visual Comparisons v2.0
I have started my project to recreate the entire archive in full 1080p using the retail discs and 4Kxx. Return of the Jedi is already complete.
List of Academy Awards for The Original Trilogy
A handy list of the Oscars the OT won/was nominated for, marked with my opinion of if they still count towards the existing version.
The Lost Art of Star Wars
A compilation of every effects shot that was replaced in the Special Editions. Some artist worked hard to make those shots, and their work is simply gone.
I’ll post more interesting things as they come up!
Star Wars Revisited Wordpress
Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress
I sent to every link you provided.
Yeah I would like for them to release the theatrical cuts. Hopefully during the 45th or 50th anniversary something happens. Hopefully.
It is definitely worth a try.
Personally, my idea for definitive releases of all nine Star Wars Skywalker Saga films (and the two A Star Wars Story films) would be (generally):
Prequel Trilogy:
Original Trilogy:
Sequel Trilogy/Anthology Films:
That’s actually from the Disney wiki for the fan made definitive box set
I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.
Star Wars has 3 eras: The eras are 1977-1983(pre Expanded Universe), (1983-2014) expanded universe, or (2014- now) Disney-bought version. Each are valid.
Important voice tool:
For all the assholes who keep giving me shit for my reviews, here’s your fuckin proof: https://youtube.com/shorts/7ytqBdVYoWw?si=-AIkldGZmOY-1LVP
That’s actually from the Disney wiki for the fan made definitive box set
It was inspired by that, but it’s my own take.
Why not release both the original version of the OT and a special edition of the prequels?
Because they don’t want to, and because they don’t need to.
If they can Release The Snyder Cut, then what about a campaign for #Release_the_Marcia_Lucas_Cut_OTSW?
Just watching video clips from the documentary Icons Unearthed, it looks like to me that George Lucas will not release the original OT because he is always going to be reminded that his wife helped him out the most in editing that version of the movie and won the Oscar for editing. That was a messy divorce. I don’t know if George will ever forgive his wife even though it looked like he neglected her in building up his media empire for the sake of his family. I might be just making up a story in my head though.
My feeling after years of study is that Lucas doesn’t want to be reminded of work he wasn’t happy with at the time and only reminds him of what he lost. Every movie he swore it was the last and that he and Marcia could settle down after, but by the time RotJ was done, she was gone.
Doesn’t change the fact that it’s film history and should be preserved, but I get his hesitation now.
It’s not spite, it’s regret.
Star Wars Revisited Wordpress
Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress
If regret is what George is dealing with, then his personal feelings are the exact opposite of his stance to film preservation. Who could convince or help him to let go of his regret other than himself and accept his past that built to his many great achievements? It’s a stumper. I’m glad that we have original trilogy fans, but that’s sad business for George for all the fun stuff he created with his team.
This looks almost like David Lynch’s regret for his movie ‘Dune’ regretting to insist on a final edit and he hasn’t quite gotten over that either.
I’ll do a google search, but it might just lead to self-compassion / mental health therapy.
Meta AI seems to give out okay answers if I keep the questions not too complex.
"Living with regrets can be challenging, but there are ways to cope and find peace. Here are some tips:
Forgive Yourself: Regret often stems from self-criticism. Practice self-compassion and remind yourself that you’re still worthy of love and growth, even if you’ve made mistakes.
Mental Contrasting: Imagine how things could have been if you made different choices. Then focus on the positive paths ahead of you.
Make Amends: If your regretful behaviour hurt someone, consider offering a genuine apology or writing a letter expressing regret.
Don’t Avoid Feelings: Allow yourself to experience emotions rather than distracting from them. It’s okay to feel regret; it’s part of being human 123.
Remember, you’re not alone, and growth often arises from learning and accepting our regrets."
by Meta Answer
Seems to be good advice, but Meta just needs to speak in the style of Yoda and good to go!
Maybe, not. I guess George would have to make the choice to give up his regrets even though every thing he did including all his mistakes have led up to some amazing stuff: ILM, THX, affordable home video editing, etc.
Anyways, thanks for your meticulous Star Wars research! Take care.
My feeling after years of study is that Lucas doesn’t want to be reminded of work he wasn’t happy with at the time and only reminds him of what he lost. Every movie he swore it was the last and that he and Marcia could settle down after, but by the time RotJ was done, she was gone.
Doesn’t change the fact that it’s film history and should be preserved, but I get his hesitation now.
It’s not spite, it’s regret.
If he feels regret then he should show it and have some respect for the talent he collaborated with during those years. Instead it’s always him vs the studios, a rhetoric he continued during Red Tails period. Nobody gets me, nobody wants to take a risk, nobody understands my true artistic vision, etc. He spent a lot of energy and time and money on the work in the early days but jeez the tortured auteur thing and one standing alone is a sham and everybody knows it. He’s not David Lynch for crying out loud (someone who also had plenty of support from people close to him for a breakthrough 1977 movie).
I concur.
My feeling after years of study is that Lucas doesn’t want to be reminded of work he wasn’t happy with at the time and only reminds him of what he lost. Every movie he swore it was the last and that he and Marcia could settle down after, but by the time RotJ was done, she was gone.
Doesn’t change the fact that it’s film history and should be preserved, but I get his hesitation now.
It’s not spite, it’s regret.
If he feels regret then he should show it and have some respect for the talent he collaborated with during those years. Instead it’s always him vs the studios, a rhetoric he continued during Red Tails period. Nobody gets me, nobody wants to take a risk, nobody understands my true artistic vision, etc. He spent a lot of energy and time and money on the work in the early days but jeez the tortured auteur thing and one standing alone is a sham and everybody knows it. He’s not David Lynch for crying out loud (someone who also had plenty of support from people close to him for a breakthrough 1977 movie).
The point of the thread is to establish a hashtag. It’s in the title.
Star Wars Revisited Wordpress
Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress