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It went from early 2020 to October 2020, and now it’s Spring 2021. This is sure to be one of my favorite games ever. That trailer is awesome. The wait is excruciating.
It went from early 2020 to October 2020, and now it’s Spring 2021. This is sure to be one of my favorite games ever. That trailer is awesome. The wait is excruciating.
Really excited for it too. Had a lot of great memories with the old games and that trailer is fantastic. Can’t wait!
My YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnq2soRMB-8vqvL-6NHIOg
I hope there’s an option to disable QTEs. Those drive me nuts and they use them constantly in modern Lego games.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Deluxe Edition
The Deluxe Edition features some novelty box art based around cover star Darth Vader and an exclusive Luke Skywalker with blue milk minifigure. In addition, this version of the game will include six DLC character packs, for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, The Mandalorian, upcoming Star Wars: The Bad Batch and more.
Sure wish they’d announce a release date.
A communications disruption can only mean one thing… delayed (again).
‘Thanks to all our fans for your continued patience.’
A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…
Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
‘How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com
A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)
… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.
I want them to delay it as long as it takes to deliver a finished, enjoyable game.
I wish we’d at least get new footage or screenshots or something.
Some new screenshots via Amazon.
“Heroes come in all sizes, and you don’t have to be a giant hero. You can be a very small hero. It’s just as important to understand that accepting self-responsibility for the things you do, having good manners, caring about other people - these are heroic acts. Everybody has the choice of being a hero or not being a hero every day of their lives.” - George Lucas
Are those really new? I think I might’ve seen them before.
Are those really new? I think I might’ve seen them before.
They’re new to me but might be old. Haha
“Heroes come in all sizes, and you don’t have to be a giant hero. You can be a very small hero. It’s just as important to understand that accepting self-responsibility for the things you do, having good manners, caring about other people - these are heroic acts. Everybody has the choice of being a hero or not being a hero every day of their lives.” - George Lucas
New trailer:
Every new trailer gets me so giddy!
The locked planets appear to be Ilum, Jakku, Coruscant, Mustafar, and Exegol.
I’ll feel more excited when there’s an actual release date and not a season.
They’ve missed so many released dates by now they’ve decided against giving us any more.
April 5 !!!
New trailer with 6 minutes of gameplay:
This looks absolutely incredible.
The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.
Awesome trailer! This looks so good 😃
I love playing through scenes from the movies. This is likely going to be my favorite game. I hope they add DLC levels for Rogue One, Solo, and The Mandalorian.
So hyped! I’m really conflicted though about if I should get it on Switch or PS4. Does anyone know how big of an upscale the Switch version will be on TV play? I don’t know if I want to miss out on the best graphics possible with how stunning it looks. Yet I also love the potential of playing handheld when I’m not home.
“Heroes come in all sizes, and you don’t have to be a giant hero. You can be a very small hero. It’s just as important to understand that accepting self-responsibility for the things you do, having good manners, caring about other people - these are heroic acts. Everybody has the choice of being a hero or not being a hero every day of their lives.” - George Lucas
Apparently, TT Games has been doing extreme crunch culture since the mid-'00s, only getting worse with time. I’ll wait until it’s on discount and most/all of the DLC is out, as I really don’t like supporting games produced under such circumstances. It’s not as horrendous as some studios, but it’s still an abysmal working environment.
Apparently, TT Games has been doing extreme crunch culture since the mid-'00s, only getting worse with time. I’ll wait until it’s on discount and most/all of the DLC is out, as I really don’t like supporting games produced under such circumstances. It’s not as horrendous as some studios, but it’s still an abysmal working environment.
Yeah this was horrible to read about. Management chose a less efficient engine than Unreal Engine to cut costs and made things way harder for their workers; they’ve been working on this thing five years. Luckily there are promising signs of improvement at TT now by anyone who went through stress to make this game has all my sympathy.
I’ve never played a lot of games/engaged with news about the industry until recently and with this coming just after Lucasfilm partnered with Quantic Dream, who are even WORSE, I’m realising just how terrible pretty much every game studio is. The whole industry is a disgrace and has a long way to go in terms of decent working conditions.
“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”
Tbf, a lot of that is from long ago. Jon Burton left the company ages ago and they’ve stopped the annual releases to focus on The Skywalker Saga, and making it as good as it can be. I have to assume they haven’t been in constant crush developing the same game for 5 years or so. They’ve already pushed the deadline back so many times there’s no way they’re rushing it.
But enough of that downer, let’s talk about the fun stuff we came for: the new trailer!
The character class upgrades system sounds really cool! I would’ve liked a few more classes, and Hero and Villain are a bit strange and arbitrary as classes, but I like the system nonetheless. Another thing I really like is the little animated displays for each Episode. I also got unreasonably excited by seeing that lizard running by on Dagobah. I really loving all the brick-built environments. Unfortunately they appear to limited to ships.
In terms of freely explorable planets, the only ones of any importance missing are Dagobah, the two Death Stars, and Starkiller Base. Most of those make sense given they only exist for one film before being blown up, but Dagobah is a little strange. Regardless, they’ll all playable as levels so it’s not that big a deal.
The mumble mode obviously just gonna be audio replacement, but they’ve already shown several visual gags across the various trailers that seem eerily similar to the old style, so I think they’re definitely trying to capture that feeling.
I’m really curious about the new combat system. I already was, but this brief but intriguing explanation made me more so. Being able to aim your blaster is really nice! The cover fire mechanics seem a lot more subtle and well integrate that the version in TFA which was pretty bad. Probably the result of having years to fine-tune it instead of having to rush it out the door in a single year.
That drumroll at the end of the trailer does culminate to any big blast of horns. Very strange.