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Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * NON SPOILER * THREAD — Page 13


I planned on seeing it tonight, but somethinh cane up that may make me have to wait until tomorrow. I haven’t rewatched TFA in a while anyway, so it’s okay I guess.



I’ve been spoiled, not by my own choice. I was reading an article that had nothing to do with Star Wars, and someone in the comments section blurted out a major spoiler.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

I’ve been spoiled, not by my own choice. I was reading an article that had nothing to do with Star Wars, and someone in the comments section blurted out a major spoiler.

yeah, some people suck. it only takes one, and there are hundreds of people who can potentially blurt things out. either without thinking, or because they want to earn cred for being one of the first to know, or else they are just mean.


Hal 9000 said:

someone in the comments section

You should have learned long before this incident that you should never, ever, go there, under any circumstance.


NeverarGreat said:

Yep, I think I might have read a major spoiler in the comments of a comedy video about avoiding TLJ spoilers.

People suck.

People have been putting up spoilers for TLJ that aren’t even real mate.

I hope this is the case for many of you that have been spoiled.

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So, they got married via arranged marriage?

Oh gee thanks for the spoiler dude.


the time has come… off to find some dinner, make sure the kid is being watched by her grandma, and then off to the theater for my wife and I. Quite excited. (and then i get to venture into the spoiler thread again!)


Sitting in the theater! 25 minutes to go. See you guys on the other side!


Hal 9000 said:

I’ve been spoiled, not by my own choice. I was reading an article that had nothing to do with Star Wars, and someone in the comments section blurted out a major spoiler.

You have my sympathies. That’s what happened to me in a chatroom watching a live stream two years ago. Nothing to do with Star Wars at all. People who do that should be forced to watch the Holiday Special A Clockwork Orange style. 😉

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


So I’m seeing the film in a little over an hour from now (still trying to get over the fact that living on the West coast now means I see everything 3 hours late) and honestly it’s pretty crazy. Like it’s still hard for me to wrap my brain around the fact that new Star Wars movies are even a thing, and now we have Episode VIII when I’m just getting used to the fact that TFA exists!

I always thought VIII would be my favorite, even before I saw TFA, for a number of reasons, obviously in part because I find Rian Johnson an incredibly smart filmmaker (and I genuinely nice guy, met him twice now!), but mostly because the first part of the trilogy has the burden of setting things up (and the third part the burden of concluding things), while the second part has the luxury of being the real meat of it, of getting to dig deeper into the characters and the story.

I’m really excited that I don’t know much about the film and, while I have predictions, for the most part I don’t have much of an idea, which is awesome. I’ve tried to stay away from reactions so that I don’t get overhyped or that my expectations are raised too high, but it’s hard not to have high hopes. Either way, I’m trying to stay open minded to the story they have to tell (as my expectations harsher a bit my thought on TFA the first time I saw it, before I was able to take it for what it is).

Anyways, that’s my ramble, let’s fucking go guys new Star Wars tonight! May the force be with us all.


I’m seeing it tomorrow mid-day, right after my half-day of work is over. Hurry up tomorrow!


Leaving for the theater in a bit. See you guys on the other side of Spoiler River Canyon! 😉

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


TV’s Frink said:

I’m seeing it tomorrow mid-day, right after my half-day of work is over. Hurry up tomorrow!

It’s tomorrow and I’m not at a theater yet. 😦


TV’s Frink said:

TV’s Frink said:

I’m seeing it tomorrow mid-day, right after my half-day of work is over. Hurry up tomorrow!

It’s tomorrow and I’m not at a theater yet. 😦

i feel your pain. man i wish i could go again today, instead of these damn meetings! 😃


I’m gonna see it in about six hours. I can hardly wait.


Staring at a dark screen. In about 35 minutes there’ll be car commercials, then trailers, then in about 1 hour it’ll start. Should have brought headphones or something.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

Staring at a dark screen. In about 35 minutes there’ll be car commercials, then trailers, then in about 1 hour it’ll start. Should have brought headphones or something.

just don’t be like the a$$hole a row in front of me last night, who kept getting out their phone during the movie, and shining the screen light on everyone behind them. 😃


Actually I was told last week from Rian himself that it’s specifically your fault.


dahmage said:

Hal 9000 said:

Staring at a dark screen. In about 35 minutes there’ll be car commercials, then trailers, then in about 1 hour it’ll start. Should have brought headphones or something.

just don’t be like the a$$hole a row in front of me last night, who kept getting out their phone during the movie, and shining the screen light on everyone behind them. 😃

I think I’ll bring a sledge hammer with me to smash anybody’s phone that does that. I won’t be seeing it until sometime after Christmas.