Jay said:
Please note that we keep this thread alive to serve as a mechanism for announcing or explaining the reasons certain bans occur.
It is NOT an outlet for you to express your approval of (or joy at) users being banned, regardless of the reason.
Users are banned temporarily because their infractions aren’t serious enough to be removed permanently; negative comments about them while they’re gone aren’t conducive to a friendly atmosphere when they return.
It is also not an outlet for members to express their judgment as to whether someone has been ‘rightfully’ or ‘unfairly’ banned etc.
There is often a lot more going on behind the scenes than you are aware of - or privy to - when a member is banned (temporarily or permanently) - and any decision is not taken lightly.
That a member states with some assurance as to why someone else is banned is beyond me - and is also often incorrect. Yet that incorrect assumption then seemingly becomes taken as ‘fact’ by others, and spreads across the site.
Some decisions taken may appear to be somewhat unfair or unjust - however please trust the mods & Jay to do the best we can to ensure the smooth-running of the site - and to unfortunately take appropriate action when also required.
We do have work, families, friends and loved ones, other interests - and a life outside of here (I think). We all put considerable time, effort and energy in to try and keep this place a decent, somewhat different, corner of Star Wars geekdom - much of which you may not ever be aware of - or see.
In my short time as a mod here I have been taken aback by the dedication of Jay & the mods as to just how much work goes into keeping this site what it is.
And thank you for the tips on responsible modding.