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Darth Plagueis: The Canon Edit - A novel fanedit (Released) — Page 2


Links sent to everyone. Sorry for the delay. Had taken a break due to personal commitments.


Could someone Pm me this novel please


I love this Idea are there any other fan edit books or comics to make old stuff fit cannon?


That is awesome. I am looking forward to diving back into your edit. I will try to give feedback this time.


Could I please get a link? This sounds fascinating.

I like you, let us burn things together.


Let me know when you are done with the edits so you can PM me a copy, take your time but I would love to read it as it sounds like such a cool idea! Thank you!


tangelo1023 said:

As a last reminder, make sure to support authors by purchasing the original works. This edit now includes the following original books.

Darth Plagueis by James Luceno
Cloak of Deception by James Luceno
Shadow Hunter by Michael Reeves
The Phantom Menace by Terry Brooks

Quick question, any plan to include the short stories Darth Maul: Saboteur ( it is a prequel to shadow hunter but ties in with cloak of deception) and End Game ( it is point of vue elements from Maul when he was sent to Naboo and ties in with the plagueis novel) both from James Luceno ?


Links sent. Just as a note, the end of Plagueis and the timing of Dooku’s departure needs to be edited somewhat to fit the post TOTJ Dooku timeline. It’s not huge though.


Do you by any chance still send the link? Just read the legends version and I’m really interested in what you did! 😃


tangelo1023 said:


References to Darth Maul’s mother (Kycina) are taken out. Maul’s origin is presented as compliant to the Canon explanation (Sidious took Maul from Mother Talzin who is actually the mother). Dooku leaves the order in 42 BBY instead of at the end of the novel. Dooku scenes in the 34-32 BBY era are rewritten to reflect. Palpatine’s final words to Plagueis are changed slightly to reflect Rise of Skywalker.

The version I’m working in right now will remove some out of place EU references (such as the Bando Gora and Xanatos) and slightly extend the references to essence transfer already in the novel. In canon, Plagueis attempted essence transfer as he died. Sidious also survived post ROTJ with this technique. Surprisingly, there is already a allusion in the existing novel that Plagueis is attempting something when he dies.

I actually like the idea that Kycina is Talzin. Either way, i forget if Sidious took Maul or if he was a gift, but the fun thing is that Tal & Sid are implied to have made Maul in the Son of Dathomir comic. She refers to the mixing of the magics to make Maul and it almost seems like she’s implying that Palps fathered him.

I also prefer keeping the EU references intact, even if Canon won’t ever reference Xanatos, there’s no point in removing him imo.

Edit: Similarly, if you do a RotS edit I wouldn’t remove the EU lore and references unless it constitutes a major contradiction, like there being no Ahsoka or Maul being dead. I wouldn’t remove Mace having Yuuzhan Vong visions for example.

I sent you a message about potentially splitting this into three volumes and adding End Game, whether you do that or not changing Yaddle’s dialogue to match how she speaks in TotJ and The Living Force seems like a good idea.

My Edits:
Revenge of the Sith: Refocused Available

The Clone Wars Refocused: The Chosen One (Mortis Episode)


Links have been sent. Noted on the xanatos point.

I had been working on a new one last year to reconcile the new Tales of the Jedi lore of Dooku’s departure, add in the Phantom Menace novelization, and fix syntax errors on the last chapter. However, I’d put a pin in it after seeing the Acolyte trailer, suspecting that the series could necessitate major changes in this project or even make it irrelevant.

Now we’re nearing the end of that show, so I’ll be restarting on the next version after. How soon depends on how the ending plays out.


Here is one example of what I’m doing and how seamlessly Plagueis works with the TPM novelization. For reference, the first portion is from the novelization. The second is from Plagueis. Splicing them together makes it feel like The Phantom Menace with extended scenes.

“You see, Your Majesty, the tide is with us,” Anakin heard Palpatine announce quietly to the Queen. The boy’s eyes dropped to the viewscreen. “Valorum will be voted out, I assure you, and they will elect a new chancellor, a strong chancellor, one who will not let our tragedy be ignored …”

Mas Amedda was back at the podium, addressing the chamber. “The supreme chancellor requests a recess.”

Shouts rose from the delegates, echoing across the chamber in waves as Valorum stared at Senator Palpatine and Queen Amidala, and even from where he stood watching now at the entry doors to the Naboo box, Anakin Skywalker could discern the look of betrayal registered on the supreme chancellor’s anguished face.


Magister Damask was still unnerved when he arrived at the Senate Building and hurried through its maze of corridors and turbolifts to reach Naboo’s station on time for the event.

During the recess that ensued after the call for a vote of no-confidence, Queen Amidala and the pair of retainers she had arrived with had decided to return to 500 Republica. But Panaka was there, in his brown leather cap and jerkin, along with Sate Pestage and Kinman Doriana. With scarcely a word of acknowledgment, Plagueis edged past the three men to join Palpatine on the hover platform.

“Did you speak with him?” Palpatine asked, while the voice of the Senator from Kuat boomed through the Rotunda’s speakers.